@ -2287,7 +2287,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var findNearestTable = [ ] ;
var howManyPoints = 0 ;
for ( let m = 0 ; m < points . length ; m ++ ) {
if ( points [ m ] . selected == true ) {
if ( points [ m ] . id == 257 ) {
//if (points[m].selected == true){
howManyPoints = howManyPoints + 1 ;
selectedPoints . push ( points [ m ] ) ; // Add the selected points in to a new variable
@ -2304,8 +2305,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var vw = viewport [ 0 ] * 0.5 ;
var vh = viewport [ 1 ] * 0.042 ;
var maxKNN = Math . round ( document . getElementById ( "param-perplexity-value" ) . value * 1.25 ) ; // Specify the amount of k neighborhoods that we are going to calculate. According to "perplexity."
//var maxKNN = 3;
//var maxKNN = Math.round(document.getElementById("param-perplexity-value").value*1.25); // Specify the amount of k neighborhoods that we are going to calculate. According to "perplexity."
var maxKNN = 1 ;
selectedPoints . sort ( function ( a , b ) { // Sort the points according to ID.
return parseFloat ( a . id ) - parseFloat ( b . id ) ;
} ) ;
@ -2355,6 +2356,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
return 0 ;
} ) ;
indexOrder2d [ i ] = indices2d [ i ] . map ( function ( value ) { return value [ 0 ] ; } ) ;
indexOrderSliced [ i ] = indexOrder [ i ] . slice ( 0 , k ) ;
@ -2698,6 +2700,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var max = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
var min = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
// colors
var colorbrewer = [ "#ffffcc" , "#ffeda0" , "#fed976" , "#feb24c" , "#fd8d3c" , "#fc4e2a" , "#e31a1c" , "#bd0026" , "#800026" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max ) / 8 ;
@ -2705,13 +2709,25 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
. domain ( d3 . range ( 0 , max + calcStep , calcStep ) )
. range ( colorbrewer ) ;
var costLimiter = document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value ;
var maxSize1 = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
var minSize1 = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
points = points . sort ( function ( a , b ) { // Sort them according to importance (darker color!)
return a . cost - b . cost ;
} )
var temp = parseInt ( ( 1 - costLimiter ) * points . length ) ;
var minSize1 = points [ temp ] . cost ;
for ( var i = temp + 1 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( minSize1 > points [ i ] . cost ) {
minSize1 = points [ i ] . cost ;
var rscale1 = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( [ minSize1 , maxSize1 ] )
. range ( [ 5 , parseInt ( 12 - ( 1 - document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value ) * 7 ) ] ) ;
var calcStepSize1 = ( maxSize1 - minSize1 ) ;
var limitdist = document . getElementById ( "param-lim-value" ) . value ;
@ -2784,8 +2800,20 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
} else { // If we have cost into color then calculate the color scales
var costLimiter = document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value ;
points = points . sort ( function ( a , b ) { // Sort them according to importance (darker color!)
return a . cost - b . cost ;
} )
var temp = parseInt ( ( 1 - costLimiter ) * points . length ) ;
var min = points [ temp ] . cost ;
for ( var i = temp + 1 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( min > points [ i ] . cost ) {
min = points [ i ] . cost ;
var max = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
var min = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
var maxSize2 = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
var minSize2 = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
@ -2796,37 +2824,12 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
d3 . selectAll ( "#legend1 > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value * max < max ) {
var ordinal = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( )
. domain ( [ "0.00000" ] )
. range ( [ "rgb(217,240,163)" ] ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
svg . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "legendOrdinal" )
. attr ( "transform" , "translate(10,15)" ) ;
var legendOrdinal = d3 . legendColor ( )
. title ( "KLD(P||Q)" )
. cells ( 1 )
. scale ( ordinal ) ;
svg . select ( ".legendOrdinal" )
. call ( legendOrdinal ) ;
} else {
var colorbrewer = [ '#d9f0a3' , '#addd8e' , '#78c679' , '#41ab5d' , '#238443' , '#006837' , '#004529' ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 6 ;
var calcStep = ( ( max - min ) / 6 ) ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( d3 . range ( min , max + calcStep , calcStep ) )
. range ( colorbrewer ) ;
points = points . sort ( function ( a , b ) { // Sort them according to importance (darker color!)
return a . cost - b . cost ;
} )
var labels _cost = [ ] ;
var abbr _labels _cost = [ ] ;
labels _cost = d3 . range ( min , max + calcStep , calcStep ) ;
@ -2851,8 +2854,6 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
svg . select ( ".legendLinear" )
. call ( legend ) ;
var calcStepSize2 = parseInt ( maxSize2 / 2 ) ;
var limitdist = document . getElementById ( "param-lim-value" ) . value ;
@ -2995,15 +2996,18 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScale ( points [ i ] . beta ) ) ;
else {
if ( document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value * max < max ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(217,240,163)" ) ;
else {
if ( points [ i ] . cost < min ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(240,240,240)" ) ;
} else {
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScale ( points [ i ] . cost ) ) ;
if ( ColSizeSelector == "color" ) {
let sizePoint = rscale1 ( points [ i ] . cost ) ;
if ( points [ i ] . cost < minSize1 ) {
var sizePoint = 1 ;
} else {
var sizePoint = rscale1 ( points [ i ] . cost ) ;
factorPlusSize = limitdist * sizePoint ;
pointsGeometry . colors . push ( color ) ;
pointsMaterial = new THREE . PointsMaterial ( {
@ -3083,32 +3087,24 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
break ;
} else {
var max = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
var min = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . cost ; } ) ) ;
var maxSize2 = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
var minSize2 = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#legend1 > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value * max < max ) {
var costLimiter = document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value ;
var ordinal = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( )
. domain ( [ "0.00000" ] )
. range ( [ "rgb(217,240,163)" ] ) ;
points = points . sort ( function ( a , b ) { // Sort them according to importance (darker color!)
return a . cost - b . cost ;
} )
var temp = parseInt ( ( 1 - costLimiter ) * points . length ) ;
var min = points [ temp ] . cost ;
for ( var i = temp + 1 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( min > points [ i ] . cost ) {
min = points [ i ] . cost ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
svg . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "legendOrdinal" )
. attr ( "transform" , "translate(10,15)" ) ;
var maxSize2 = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
var legendOrdinal = d3 . legendColor ( )
. title ( "KLD(P||Q)" )
. scale ( ordinal ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#legend1 > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
svg . select ( ".legendOrdinal" )
. call ( legendOrdinal ) ;
} else {
var colorbrewer = [ "#d9f0a3" , "#addd8e" , "#78c679" , "#41ab5d" , "#238443" , "#006837" , "#004529" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 6 ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
@ -3144,7 +3140,6 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
function zoomHandler ( d3 _transform ) {
let scale = d3 _transform . k ;
@ -3330,8 +3325,16 @@ view.on("mouseleave", () => {
if ( all _labels [ 0 ] == undefined ) {
tooltip _state [ Category ] = "Point ID: " + datum . id ;
tooltip _state . color = datum . id ;
} else {
if ( format [ 0 ] == "diabetes" ) {
if ( datum [ Category ] == "1" ) {
tooltip _state [ Category ] = "Positive" + "(Point ID: " + datum . id + ")" ;
} else {
tooltip _state [ Category ] = "Negative" + " (Point ID: " + datum . id + ")" ;
} else {
tooltip _state [ Category ] = datum [ Category ] + " (Point ID: " + datum . id + ")" ;
tooltip _state . color = datum [ Category ] ;
tooltip _dimensions = [ ] ;