@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared = []; var ArrayContainsDataFeaturesClearedw
var dists ; var dists2d ; var all _labels ; var dist _list = [ ] ; var dist _list2d = [ ] ; var InitialFormDists = [ ] ; var InitialFormDists2D = [ ] ;
// These are the dimensions for the Overview view and the Main view
var dim = document . getElementById ( 'tSNEcanvas ' ) . offsetWidth ; var dimensions = document . getElementById ( 'modtSNEcanvas' ) . offsetWidth ;
var dim = document . getElementById ( 'overviewRect ' ) . offsetWidth - 2 ; var dimensions = document . getElementById ( 'modtSNEcanvas' ) . offsetWidth ;
// Category = the name of the category if it exists. The user has to add an asterisk ("*") mark in order to let the program identify this feature as a label/category name.
// ColorsCategorical = the categorical colors (maximum value = 10).
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ var returnVal = false;
var ArrayWithCosts = [ ] ; var Iterations = [ ] ;
var VisiblePoints = [ ] ;
// This variable is for the kNN Bar Chart in order to store the first execution.
var inside = 0 ;
@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ function setContinue(){ // This function allows the continuation of the analysis
function setReset ( ) { // Reset only the filters which were applied into the data points.
emptyPCP ( ) ;
// Clear d3 SVGs
d3 . selectAll ( "#correlation > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#modtSNEcanvas_svg > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
@ -356,6 +359,12 @@ function lassoEnable(){ // The main Layer becomes the correlation (barchart)
function deleteAnnotations ( ) {
AnnotationsAll = [ ] ;
ringNotes = [ ] ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#SvgAnnotator > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
function setAnnotator ( ) { // Set a new annotation on top of the main visualization.
vw2 = dimensions ;
@ -472,13 +481,17 @@ function MainVisual(){
// data variable is all the columns except strings, undefined values, or "Version" plus beta and cost values."
// fields variable is all the features (columns) plus beta and cost strings.
function init ( data , results _all , fields ) {
ArrayWithCosts = [ ] ;
Iterations = [ ] ;
VisiblePoints = [ ] ;
points = [ ] ;
// Remove all previously drawn SVGs
d3 . selectAll ( "#correlation > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#modtSNEcanvas_svg > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#modtSNEcanvas_svg_Schema > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#SvgAnnotator > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#sheparheat > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#overviewRect > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#knnBarChart > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . selectAll ( "#costHist > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
d3 . select ( "#starPlot" ) . selectAll ( 'g' ) . remove ( ) ;
@ -488,10 +501,13 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
d3 . select ( "#hider" ) . style ( "z-index" , 2 ) ;
d3 . select ( "#knnBarChart" ) . style ( "z-index" , 1 ) ;
d3 . select ( "#hider2" ) . style ( "z-index" , 2 ) ;
d3 . select ( "#PlotCost" ) . style ( "z-index" , 1 ) ;
// Clear the previous t-SNE overview canvas.
var oldcanvOver = document . getElementById ( 'tSNEcanvas' ) ;
/ * v a r o l d c a n v O v e r = d o c u m e n t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( ' t S N E c a n v a s ' ) ;
var contxOver = oldcanvOver . getContext ( 'experimental-webgl' ) ;
contxOver . clear ( contxOver . COLOR _BUFFER _BIT ) ;
contxOver . clear ( contxOver . COLOR _BUFFER _BIT ) ; * /
// Clear the previously drawn main visualization canvas.
scene = new THREE . Scene ( ) ;
@ -504,6 +520,7 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
// Enable again the lasso interaction.
lassoEnable ( ) ;
emptyPCP ( ) ;
// Empty all the Schema Investigation arrays.
Arrayx = [ ] ;
Arrayy = [ ] ;
@ -617,7 +634,6 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
updateEmbedding ( AnalysisResults ) ;
} ) ;
// Initialize distance matrix
@ -753,33 +769,11 @@ function computeDistances(data, distFunc, transFunc) {
// Function that updates embedding
function updateEmbedding ( AnalysisResults ) {
function OverallCostLineChart ( ) {
inside = 0 ;
points = [ ] ;
points2d = [ ] ;
if ( AnalysisResults == "" ) { // Check if the embedding does not need to load because we had a previous analysis uploaded.
var Y = tsne . getSolution ( ) ; // We receive the solution from the t-SNE
var xExt = d3 . extent ( Y , d => d [ 0 ] ) ;
var yExt = d3 . extent ( Y , d => d [ 1 ] ) ;
var maxExt = [ Math . min ( xExt [ 0 ] , yExt [ 0 ] ) , Math . max ( xExt [ 1 ] , yExt [ 1 ] ) ] ;
d3 . select ( "#hider2" ) . style ( "z-index" , - 1 ) ;
d3 . select ( "#PlotCost" ) . style ( "z-index" , 2 ) ;
var x = d3 . scaleLinear ( ) // Scale the x points into the canvas width/height
. domain ( maxExt )
. range ( [ 10 , + dimensions - 10 ] ) ;
var y = d3 . scaleLinear ( ) // Scale the y points into the canvas width/height
. domain ( maxExt )
. range ( [ 10 , + dimensions - 10 ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < final _dataset . length ; i ++ ) {
x _position [ i ] = x ( Y [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ; // x points position
y _position [ i ] = y ( Y [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ; // y points position
points [ i ] = { id : i , x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] , beta : final _dataset [ i ] . beta , cost : final _dataset [ i ] . cost , selected : true , schemaInv : false , DimON : null , starplot : false } ; // Create the points and points2D (2 dimensions)
points2d [ i ] = { x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] } ; // and add everything that we know about the points (e.g., selected = true, starplot = false in the beginning and so on)
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared [ i ] ) ;
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , dataFeatures [ i ] ) ;
var trace1 = {
x : Iterations ,
y : ArrayWithCosts ,
@ -789,7 +783,7 @@ function updateEmbedding(AnalysisResults) {
color : "rgb(0,128,0)" ,
line : {
color : "rgb(0, 0, 0)" ,
width : 1
width : 0.5
@ -819,6 +813,36 @@ function updateEmbedding(AnalysisResults) {
} ;
Plotly . newPlot ( 'PlotCost' , data , layout , { displayModeBar : false } , { staticPlot : true } ) ;
// Function that updates embedding
function updateEmbedding ( AnalysisResults ) {
inside = 0 ;
points = [ ] ;
points2d = [ ] ;
if ( AnalysisResults == "" ) { // Check if the embedding does not need to load because we had a previous analysis uploaded.
var Y = tsne . getSolution ( ) ; // We receive the solution from the t-SNE
var xExt = d3 . extent ( Y , d => d [ 0 ] ) ;
var yExt = d3 . extent ( Y , d => d [ 1 ] ) ;
var maxExt = [ Math . min ( xExt [ 0 ] , yExt [ 0 ] ) , Math . max ( xExt [ 1 ] , yExt [ 1 ] ) ] ;
var x = d3 . scaleLinear ( ) // Scale the x points into the canvas width/height
. domain ( maxExt )
. range ( [ 10 , + dimensions - 10 ] ) ;
var y = d3 . scaleLinear ( ) // Scale the y points into the canvas width/height
. domain ( maxExt )
. range ( [ 10 , + dimensions - 10 ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < final _dataset . length ; i ++ ) {
x _position [ i ] = x ( Y [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ; // x points position
y _position [ i ] = y ( Y [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ; // y points position
points [ i ] = { id : i , x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] , beta : final _dataset [ i ] . beta , cost : final _dataset [ i ] . cost , selected : true , schemaInv : false , DimON : null , starplot : false } ; // Create the points and points2D (2 dimensions)
points2d [ i ] = { x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] } ; // and add everything that we know about the points (e.g., selected = true, starplot = false in the beginning and so on)
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared [ i ] ) ;
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , dataFeatures [ i ] ) ;
OverallCostLineChart ( ) ;
} else {
if ( flagAnalysis ) {
var length = ( AnalysisResults . length - dataFeatures . length * 2 - 7 - 2 ) ;
@ -1051,7 +1075,7 @@ function ShepardHeatMap () {
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( ) // Legend color and title!
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. cells ( 7 )
. title ( "Number of Points" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -1096,16 +1120,9 @@ function resize(canvas) { // This is being used in the WebGL t-SNE for the overv
function OverviewtSNE ( points ) { // The overview t-SNE function
var canvas = document . getElementById ( 'tSNEcanvas' ) ; // WebGL & canvas
gl = canvas . getContext ( 'experimental-webgl' ) ;
// If we don't have a GL context, give up now
if ( ! gl ) {
alert ( 'Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser or machine may not support it.' ) ;
return ;
ColorsCategorical = [ '#a6cee3' , '#fb9a99' , '#b2df8a' , '#33a02c' , '#1f78b4' , '#e31a1c' , '#fdbf6f' , '#ff7f00' , '#cab2d6' , '#6a3d9a' ] ; // Colors for the labels/categories if there are some!
//Make an SVG Container
d3 . selectAll ( "#overviewRect > *" ) . remove ( ) ;
ColorsCategorical = [ '#a6cee3' , '#fb9a99' , '#b2df8a' , '#33a02c' , '#1f78b4' , '#e31a1c' , '#fdbf6f' , '#ff7f00' , '#cab2d6' , '#6a3d9a' ] ; // Colors for the labels/categories if there are some!
if ( all _labels [ 0 ] == undefined ) {
var colorScale = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( ) . domain ( [ "No Category" ] ) . range ( [ "#00000" ] ) ; // If no category then grascale.
@ -1113,6 +1130,7 @@ function OverviewtSNE(points){ // The overview t-SNE function
} else {
var colorScale = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( ) . domain ( all _labels ) . range ( ColorsCategorical ) ; // We use the color scale here!
d3 . select ( "#legend2" ) . select ( "svg" ) . remove ( ) ; // Create the legend2 which is for the overview panel.
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend2" ) . append ( "svg" ) ;
@ -1128,175 +1146,75 @@ function OverviewtSNE(points){ // The overview t-SNE function
svg . select ( ".legendOrdinal" )
. call ( legendOrdinal ) ;
let vertices = [ ] ;
let colors = [ ] ;
var svg = d3 . select ( '#overviewRect' ) . append ( 'svg' )
. attr ( 'width' , dim )
. attr ( 'height' , dim )
. append ( 'g' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
let singleObj = { } ;
// convert the position from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
let zeroToOne = points [ i ] . x / dimensions ;
let zeroToOne2 = points [ i ] . y / dimensions ;
var theGroup = svg . append ( 'g' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'the-group' ) ;
// convert from 0->1 to 0->2
let zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0 ;
let zeroToTwo2 = zeroToOne2 * 2.0 ;
var theRect = theGroup . append ( 'rect' )
. attr ( 'class' , 'bounding-rect' ) ;
// convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
let clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0 ;
let clipSpace2 = zeroToTwo2 - 1.0 ;
singleObj = clipSpace ;
vertices . push ( singleObj ) ;
singleObj = clipSpace2 * - 1 ;
vertices . push ( singleObj ) ;
singleObj = 0.0 ;
vertices . push ( singleObj ) ;
function updateRect ( ) {
var AllSelectedChildNodes = [ ] ;
var allChildNodes = svg . selectAll ( ':not(.bounding-rect)' ) . _groups [ 0 ]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < VisiblePoints . length ; i ++ ) {
for ( var j = 1 ; j < allChildNodes . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( VisiblePoints [ i ] == allChildNodes [ j ] . id ) {
AllSelectedChildNodes . push ( allChildNodes [ j ] )
var x = d3 . min ( AllSelectedChildNodes , function ( d ) { return d . getBBox ( ) . x ; } ) ,
y = d3 . min ( AllSelectedChildNodes , function ( d ) { return d . getBBox ( ) . y ; } ) ,
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
var singleCol = { } ;
if ( points [ i ] . selected == false ) {
var colval2 = d3 . rgb ( 211 , 211 , 211 ) ; // Grayscale for the points that are not selected
singleCol = colval2 . r / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
singleCol = colval2 . g / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
singleCol = colval2 . b / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
width = d3 . max ( AllSelectedChildNodes , function ( d ) {
var bb = d . getBBox ( ) ;
return ( bb . x + bb . width ) - x ;
} ) ,
height = d3 . max ( AllSelectedChildNodes , function ( d ) {
var bb = d . getBBox ( ) ;
return ( bb . y + bb . height ) - y ;
} ) ;
theRect . transition ( ) . duration ( 1000 )
. attr ( 'x' , x )
. attr ( 'y' , y )
. attr ( 'width' , width )
. attr ( 'height' , height ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
svg . selectAll ( "circle" )
. data ( points )
. enter ( ) . append ( "circle" )
. attr ( "fill" , function ( d ) {
if ( ! d . selected ) {
return "#D3D3D3" ;
} else {
if ( all _labels [ 0 ] != undefined ) {
var colval = d3 . rgb ( colorScale ( points [ i ] [ Category ] ) ) ; // Normal color for the points that are selected
return colorScale ( d [ Category ] ) ; // Normal color for the points that are selected
} else {
colval = d3 . rgb ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
return "#00000" ;
singleCol = colval . r / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
singleCol = colval . g / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
singleCol = colval . b / 255 ;
colors . push ( singleCol ) ;
} )
. attr ( "id" , function ( d ) { return d . id ; } )
. attr ( "r" , 2 )
. attr ( "cx" , function ( d ) { return ( ( d . x / dimensions ) * dim ) ; } )
. attr ( "cy" , function ( d ) { return ( ( d . y / dimensions ) * dim ) ; } ) ;
// Create an empty buffer object and store vertex data
var vertex _buffer = gl . createBuffer ( ) ;
gl . bindBuffer ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , vertex _buffer ) ;
gl . bufferData ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , new Float32Array ( vertices ) , gl . STATIC _DRAW ) ;
gl . bindBuffer ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , null ) ;
// Create an empty buffer object and store color data
var color _buffer = gl . createBuffer ( ) ;
gl . bindBuffer ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , color _buffer ) ;
gl . bufferData ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , new Float32Array ( colors ) , gl . STATIC _DRAW ) ;
// vertex shader source code
var vertCode = 'attribute vec3 coordinates;' +
'attribute vec3 color;' +
'varying vec3 vColor;' +
'void main(void) {' +
' gl_Position = vec4(coordinates, 1.0);' +
'vColor = color;' +
'gl_PointSize = 3.5;' + // Set the size of the points for the t-SNE overview.
'}' ;
// Create a vertex shader object
var vertShader = gl . createShader ( gl . VERTEX _SHADER ) ;
// Attach vertex shader source code
gl . shaderSource ( vertShader , vertCode ) ;
// Compile the vertex shader
gl . compileShader ( vertShader ) ;
var fragCode = `
# ifdef GL _OES _standard _derivatives
# extension GL _OES _standard _derivatives : enable
# endif
precision mediump float ;
varying vec3 vColor ;
void main ( )
float r = 0.0 , delta = 0.0 , alpha = 1.0 ;
vec2 cxy = 2.0 * gl _PointCoord - 1.0 ;
r = dot ( cxy , cxy ) ;
# ifdef GL _OES _standard _derivatives
delta = fwidth ( r ) ;
alpha = 1.0 - smoothstep ( 1.0 - delta , 1.0 + delta , r ) ;
# endif
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( vColor , alpha ) ;
} ` ; // Make circles
gl . getExtension ( 'OES_standard_derivatives' ) ;
// Create fragment shader object
var fragShader = gl . createShader ( gl . FRAGMENT _SHADER ) ;
// Attach fragment shader source code
gl . shaderSource ( fragShader , fragCode ) ;
// Compile the fragmentt shader
gl . compileShader ( fragShader ) ;
// Create a shader program object to
// Store the combined shader program
var shaderProgram = gl . createProgram ( ) ;
// Attach a vertex shader
gl . attachShader ( shaderProgram , vertShader ) ;
// Attach a fragment shader
gl . attachShader ( shaderProgram , fragShader ) ;
// Link both the programs
gl . linkProgram ( shaderProgram ) ;
// Use the combined shader program object
gl . useProgram ( shaderProgram ) ;
// Bind vertex buffer object
gl . bindBuffer ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , vertex _buffer ) ;
// Get the attribute location
var coord = gl . getAttribLocation ( shaderProgram , "coordinates" ) ;
// point an attribute to the currently bound VBO
gl . vertexAttribPointer ( coord , 3 , gl . FLOAT , false , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Enable the attribute
gl . enableVertexAttribArray ( coord ) ;
// Bind the color buffer
gl . bindBuffer ( gl . ARRAY _BUFFER , color _buffer ) ;
// Get the attribute location
var color = gl . getAttribLocation ( shaderProgram , "color" ) ;
// Point attribute to the volor buffer object
gl . vertexAttribPointer ( color , 3 , gl . FLOAT , false , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Enable the color attribute
gl . enableVertexAttribArray ( color ) ;
// Clear the canvas
gl . clearColor ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
// Enable the depth test
gl . disable ( gl . DEPTH _TEST ) ;
// Clear the color buffer bit
gl . clear ( gl . COLOR _BUFFER _BIT ) ;
resize ( gl . canvas ) ;
gl . viewport ( 0 , 0 , dim , dim ) ;
//Draw the triangle
gl . drawArrays ( gl . POINTS , 0 , points . length ) ;
updateRect ( ) ;
function redraw ( repoints ) { // On redraw manipulate the points of the main and overview visualizations.
@ -1376,20 +1294,21 @@ function CostHistogram(points){
width : 560 ,
height : 250 ,
margin : {
l : 4 0,
l : 5 0,
r : 20 ,
b : 40 ,
t : 0 ,
t : 1 0,
pad : 4
} ,
xaxis : { range : [ 0 , 1 ] , title : 'Normalized Bins from Min to Max Values.' ,
titlefont : {
size : 12 ,
size : 14 ,
color : 'black'
} } ,
yaxis : { title : 'Number of Points' ,
yaxis : { title : 'Number of Points (log)' ,
type : "log" ,
titlefont : {
size : 12 ,
size : 14 ,
color : 'black'
} }
} ;
@ -1430,9 +1349,36 @@ function handleLassoEnd(lassoPolygon) { // This is for the lasso interaction
redraw ( points ) ;
function emptyPCP ( ) {
wrapData = [ ] ;
IDS = [ ] ;
//////////////////// Draw the Chart //////////////////////////
var colors = [ '#a6cee3' , '#1f78b4' , '#b2df8a' , '#33a02c' , '#fb9a99' , '#e31a1c' , '#fdbf6f' , '#ff7f00' , '#cab2d6' , '#6a3d9a' ] ; // Colorscale for the starplot
var colorScl = d3v3 . scale . ordinal ( )
. domain ( IDS )
. range ( colors ) ;
var color = function ( d ) { return colors ( d . group ) ; } ;
var parcoords = d3v3 . parcoords ( ) ( "#starPlot" )
. data ( wrapData )
. alpha ( 0.75 )
. composite ( "darken" )
. margin ( { top : 20 , left : 0 , bottom : 5 , right : 0 } )
. mode ( "queue" )
. color ( function ( d , i ) { return colorScl ( IDS [ i ] ) ; } )
. render ( )
. brushMode ( "1D-axes" ) // enable brushing
. reorderable ( ) ;
parcoords . svg . selectAll ( "text" )
. style ( "font" , "14px" ) ;
function handleLassoStart ( lassoPolygon ) { // Empty we do not need to reset anything.
emptyPCP ( ) ;
KNNEnabled = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
@ -2477,7 +2423,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
color : 'black'
} } ,
yaxis : {
title : 'Clu . Purity' ,
title : 'Cl. Purity' ,
titlefont : {
size : 12 ,
color : 'black'
@ -2601,8 +2547,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var max = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
var min = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { return d . beta ; } ) ) ;
// colors
var colorbrewer = [ "#ffffcc" , "#ffeda0" , "#f ed976" , "#feb24c" , "#fd8d3c" , "#fc4e2a" , "#e31a1c" , "#bd0026" , "#800026" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 7 ;
var colorbrewer = [ "#fed976" , "#feb24c" , "#fd8d3c" , "#fc4e2a" , "#e31a1c" , "#bd0026" , "#800026" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 5 ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( d3 . range ( 0 , max + calcStep , calcStep ) )
. range ( colorbrewer ) ;
@ -2622,7 +2568,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var labels _beta = [ ] ;
var abbr _labels _beta = [ ] ;
labels _beta = d3 . range ( 0 , max + calcStep , calcStep ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
labels _beta [ i ] = parseInt ( labels _beta [ i ] ) ;
abbr _labels _beta [ i ] = abbreviateNumber ( labels _beta [ i ] ) ;
@ -2634,8 +2580,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 8 ] ] )
. cells ( 7 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] ] )
. title ( "1/sigma" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -2656,7 +2602,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var ordinal = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( )
. domain ( [ "0.00000" ] )
. range ( [ "rgb(255,255,229 )" ] ) ;
. range ( [ "rgb(217,240,163 )" ] ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
@ -2672,8 +2618,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
svg . select ( ".legendOrdinal" )
. call ( legendOrdinal ) ;
} else {
var colorbrewer = [ "#ffffe5" , "#f7fcb9" , "#d9f0a3" , "#addd8e" , "#78c679" , "#41ab5d" , "#238443" , "#006837" , "#004529" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 9 ;
var colorbrewer = [ '#d9f0a3' , '#addd8e' , '#78c679' , '#41ab5d' , '#238443' , '#006837' , '#004529' ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 7 ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( d3 . range ( min , max , calcStep ) )
. range ( colorbrewer ) ;
@ -2685,7 +2631,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var labels _cost = [ ] ;
var abbr _labels _cost = [ ] ;
labels _cost = d3 . range ( min , max , calcStep ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
labels _cost [ i ] = labels _cost [ i ] . toFixed ( 5 ) ;
abbr _labels _cost [ i ] = abbreviateNumber ( labels _cost [ i ] ) ;
@ -2698,8 +2644,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.5f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _cost [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 8 ] ] )
. cells ( 7 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _cost [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 6 ] ] )
. title ( "KLD(P||Q)" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -2723,12 +2669,34 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
return a [ tempSort ] - b [ tempSort ] ;
} )
var temp = 0 ;
let zoom = d3 . zoom ( )
. scaleExtent ( [ getScaleFromZ ( far ) , getScaleFromZ ( near ) ] )
. on ( 'zoom' , ( ) => {
temp = temp + 1 ;
let d3 _transform = d3 . event . transform ;
zoomHandler ( d3 _transform ) ;
if ( temp > 2 ) {
var frustum = new THREE . Frustum ( ) ;
var cameraViewProjectionMatrix = new THREE . Matrix4 ( ) ;
// every time the camera or objects change position (or every frame)
camera . updateMatrixWorld ( ) ; // make sure the camera matrix is updated
camera . matrixWorldInverse . getInverse ( camera . matrixWorld ) ;
cameraViewProjectionMatrix . multiplyMatrices ( camera . projectionMatrix , camera . matrixWorldInverse ) ;
frustum . setFromMatrix ( cameraViewProjectionMatrix ) ;
// frustum is now ready to check all the objects you need
VisiblePoints = [ ] ;
for ( var l = 0 ; l < scene . children . length - 1 ; l ++ ) {
if ( frustum . intersectsObject ( scene . children [ l ] ) ) {
VisiblePoints . push ( scene . children [ l ] . geometry . name ) ;
OverviewtSNE ( points ) ;
} ) ;
view = d3 . select ( renderer . domElement ) ;
@ -2760,6 +2728,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
let pointsGeometry = new THREE . Geometry ( ) ;
let vertex = new THREE . Vector3 ( ( ( ( points [ i ] . x / dimensions ) * 2 ) - 1 ) * dimensions , ( ( ( points [ i ] . y / dimensions ) * 2 ) - 1 ) * dimensions * - 1 , 0 ) ;
pointsGeometry . vertices . push ( vertex ) ;
pointsGeometry . name = points [ i ] . id ;
geometry . vertices . push ( vertex ) ;
if ( points [ i ] . starplot == true ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScl ( points [ i ] . id ) ) ;
@ -2783,7 +2752,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
else {
if ( document . getElementById ( "param-costlim" ) . value * max < max ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(255,255,229 )" ) ;
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(217,240,163 )" ) ;
else {
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScale ( points [ i ] . cost ) ) ;
@ -2816,7 +2785,6 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var particles = new THREE . Points ( pointsGeometry , pointsMaterial ) ;
scene . add ( particles ) ;
// This is for the legend
var temporal = 0 ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < points . length ; j ++ ) {
@ -2826,7 +2794,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var abbr _labels _dim = [ ] ;
labels _dim = d3 . range ( minDim , maxDim + calcStepDim , calcStepDim ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
labels _dim [ i ] = labels _dim [ i ] . toFixed ( 2 ) ;
abbr _labels _dim [ i ] = abbreviateNumber ( labels _dim [ i ] ) ;
@ -2839,8 +2807,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _dim [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 8 ] ] )
. cells ( 7 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _dim [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _dim [ 6 ] ] )
. title ( points [ j ] . DimON )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -2861,8 +2829,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 8 ] ] )
. cells ( 7 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] ] )
. title ( "1/sigma" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -2884,7 +2852,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var ordinal = d3 . scaleOrdinal ( )
. domain ( [ "0.00000" ] )
. range ( [ "rgb(255,255,229 )" ] ) ;
. range ( [ "rgb(217,240,163 )" ] ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
@ -2899,8 +2867,8 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
svg . select ( ".legendOrdinal" )
. call ( legendOrdinal ) ;
} else {
var colorbrewer = [ "#ffffe5" , "#f7fcb9" , "# d9f0a3" , "#addd8e" , "#78c679" , "#41ab5d" , "#238443" , "#006837" , "#004529" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 9 ;
var colorbrewer = [ "#d9f0a3" , "#addd8e" , "#78c679" , "#41ab5d" , "#238443" , "#006837" , "#004529" ] ;
var calcStep = ( max - min ) / 7 ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( d3 . range ( min , max , calcStep ) )
. range ( colorbrewer ) ;
@ -2912,7 +2880,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var labels _cost = [ ] ;
var abbr _labels _cost = [ ] ;
labels _cost = d3 . range ( min , max , calcStep ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) {
labels _cost [ i ] = labels _cost [ i ] . toFixed ( 5 ) ;
abbr _labels _cost [ i ] = abbreviateNumber ( labels _cost [ i ] ) ;
@ -2924,7 +2892,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.5f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. cells ( 7 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _cost [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _cost [ 8 ] ] )
. title ( "KLD(P||Q)" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
@ -2936,55 +2904,55 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
function zoomHandler ( d3 _transform ) {
function zoomHandler ( d3 _transform ) {
let scale = d3 _transform . k ;
let x = - ( d3 _transform . x - dimensions / 2 ) / scale ;
let y = ( d3 _transform . y - dimensions / 2 ) / scale ;
let z = getZFromScale ( scale ) ;
camera . position . set ( x , y , z ) ;
function getScaleFromZ ( camera _z _position ) {
function getScaleFromZ ( camera _z _position ) {
let half _fov = fov / 2 ;
let half _fov _radians = toRadians ( half _fov ) ;
let half _fov _height = Math . tan ( half _fov _radians ) * camera _z _position ;
let fov _height = half _fov _height * 2 ;
let scale = dimensions / fov _height ; // Divide visualization height by height derived from field of view
return scale ;
function getZFromScale ( scale ) {
function getZFromScale ( scale ) {
let half _fov = fov / 2 ;
let half _fov _radians = toRadians ( half _fov ) ;
let scale _height = dimensions / scale ;
let camera _z _position = scale _height / ( 2 * Math . tan ( half _fov _radians ) ) ;
return camera _z _position ;
function toRadians ( angle ) {
function toRadians ( angle ) {
return angle * ( Math . PI / 180 ) ;
// Hover and tooltip interaction
// Hover and tooltip interaction
raycaster = new THREE . Raycaster ( ) ;
raycaster . params . Points . threshold = 10 ;
raycaster = new THREE . Raycaster ( ) ;
raycaster . params . Points . threshold = 10 ;
view . on ( "mousemove" , ( ) => {
view . on ( "mousemove" , ( ) => {
let [ mouseX , mouseY ] = d3 . mouse ( view . node ( ) ) ;
let mouse _position = [ mouseX , mouseY ] ;
checkIntersects ( mouse _position ) ;
} ) ;
checkIntersects ( mouse _position ) ;
} ) ;
function mouseToThree ( mouseX , mouseY ) {
function mouseToThree ( mouseX , mouseY ) {
return new THREE . Vector3 (
mouseX / dimensions * 2 - 1 ,
- ( mouseY / dimensions ) * 2 + 1 ,
) ;
function checkIntersects ( mouse _position ) {
function checkIntersects ( mouse _position ) {
let mouse _vector = mouseToThree ( ... mouse _position ) ;
raycaster . setFromCamera ( mouse _vector , camera ) ;
let intersects = raycaster . intersectObject ( particlesDuplic ) ;
@ -3008,16 +2976,16 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
removeHighlights ( ) ;
hideTooltip ( ) ;
function sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay ( intersects ) {
function sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay ( intersects ) {
return _ . sortBy ( intersects , "distanceToRay" ) ;
hoverContainer = new THREE . Object3D ( )
scene . add ( hoverContainer ) ;
hoverContainer = new THREE . Object3D ( )
scene . add ( hoverContainer ) ;
function highlightPoint ( datum ) {
function highlightPoint ( datum ) {
removeHighlights ( ) ;
let geometry = new THREE . Geometry ( ) ;
@ -3040,7 +3008,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
geometry . colors = [ new THREE . Color ( colorScaleCat ( datum [ Category ] ) ) ] ;
let material = new THREE . PointsMaterial ( {
size : 35 ,
size : 26 ,
sizeAttenuation : false ,
vertexColors : THREE . VertexColors ,
map : circle _sprite ,
@ -3049,15 +3017,15 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
let point = new THREE . Points ( geometry , material ) ;
hoverContainer . add ( point ) ;
function removeHighlights ( ) {
function removeHighlights ( ) {
hoverContainer . remove ( ... hoverContainer . children ) ;
view . on ( "mouseleave" , ( ) => {
view . on ( "mouseleave" , ( ) => {
removeHighlights ( )
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Initial tooltip state
let tooltip _state = { display : "none" }
@ -3128,7 +3096,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
tooltip _state . display = "none" ;
updateTooltip ( ) ;