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Simple FileSystem API in the browser
fs-es6 is a module that emulates in-browser the Node JS file system API using the FileSystem API of HTML5. fs-es6 can create, read, navigate, and write in the local file system nicely.
npm install fs-es6
Here's a using the LocalStorage-backed file system:
The following is an example of simple use that creates a canisLupus
folder in the /tmp
import fs from 'fs-es6'
Override the fs
You can map your project to use this module in place of the standard Node.js fs module by adding a browser object like so into the package.json before running the browserify command. Just make sure fs-es6 is installed as a dependency first.
"browser": {
"fs": "fs-es6"
For more info check out the Browserify Handbook.
fs-es6 has the same interface and many functions like the standard Node.js API.
fs.createWriteStream(path, options)
Returns a new WriteStream object.
fs.writeFile(file, data, callback)
Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. data should be a string.
fs.writeFileSync(file, data)
The synchronous version of fs.writeFile().
fs.appendFile(file, data, callback)
Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not yet exist. data should be a string.
fs.appendFileSync(file, data)
The synchronous version of fs.appendFile().
fs.readFile(file, callback)
Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
Synchronous version of fs.readFile().
fs.unlink(path, callback)
Asynchronous delete a file.
Synchronous version of fs.unlinkSync().
fs.readdir(path, callback)
Asynchronous reads the contents of a directory.
Synchronous version of fs.readdir().
fs.mkdir(path, callback)
Asynchronous create a directory.
Synchronous version of fs.mkdir().
fs.rmdir(path, callback)
Asynchronous delete a directory. It must be empty.
Synchronous version of fs.rmdir().
fs.exists(path, callback) deprecated
Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system. Then call the callback
argument with either true or false.
fs.existsSync(path) deprecated
Synchronous version of fs.exists().
fs.access(path, callback)
Tests a user's permissions for the file or directory specified by path
Synchronous version of fs.access().
fs.stat(path, callback)
Get metadata related to a file or directory.
Synchronous version of fs.stat().