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# d3-sankey-circular
A fork of the d3-sankey library ( to allow circular links (ie cyclic graphs, like in [this example](
The library contains a portion of code from Colin Fergus' bl.ock to detect circular links.
## Install
If you use NPM, `npm install d3-sankey-circular`.
Else, use the d3-sankey-circular.js file from the <a href="">compiled</a> folder.
## Usage
var sankey = d3.sankeyCircular();
## API Reference
<b>*The API follows the original d3-sankey library, with additional options to allow the circular links to be laid out and drawn.*</b>
<a href="#sankey" name="sankey">#</a> d3.<b>sankeyCircular</b>() [<>]( "Source")
Constructs a new Sankey generator with the default settings.
<a href="#_sankey" name="_sankey">#</a> <i>sankey</i>(<i>arguments</i>…) [<>]( "Source")
Computes the node and link positions for the given *arguments*, returning a *graph* representing the Sankey layout. The returned *graph* has the following properties:
* *graph*.nodes - the array of [nodes](#sankey_nodes)
* *graph*.links - the array of [links](#sankey_links)
<a href="#sankey_update" name="sankey_update">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>update</b>(<i>graph</i>)
Recomputes the specified *graph*’s links’ positions, updating the following properties of each *link*:
* *link*.y0 - the link’s vertical starting position (at source node)
* *link*.y1 - the link’s vertical end position (at target node)
* *link*.circularLinkType - the link's circularLinkType either *top* or *bottom*, depending on whether the center of the connected nodes is above or below the vertical midpoint of the figure.
This method is intended to be called after computing the initial [Sankey layout](#_sankey), for example when the diagram is repositioned interactively.
<a name="sankey_nodes" href="#sankey_nodes">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodes</b>([<i>nodes</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *nodes* is specified, sets the Sankey generator’s nodes accessor to the specified function or array and returns this Sankey generator. If *nodes* is not specified, returns the current nodes accessor, which defaults to:
function nodes(graph) {
return graph.nodes;
If *nodes* is specified as a function, the function is invoked when the Sankey layout is [generated](#_sankey), being passed any arguments passed to the Sankey generator. This function must return an array of nodes. If *nodes* is not a function, it must be a constant array of *nodes*.
Each *node* must be an object. The following properties are assigned by the [Sankey generator](#_sankey):
* *node*.sourceLinks - the array of outgoing [links](#sankey_links) which have this node as their source
* *node*.targetLinks - the array of incoming [links](#sankey_links) which have this node as their target
* *node*.value - the node’s value; the sum of *link*.value for the node’s incoming [links](#sankey_links)
* *node*.index - the node’s zero-based index within the array of nodes
* *node*.depth - the node’s zero-based graph depth, derived from the graph topology
* *node*.column - the node’s zero-based depth, as drawn, going from left to right. Column is derived from *node*.depth and the [*sankey*.nodeAlign](#sankey_nodeAlign) setting.
* *node*.height - the node’s zero-based graph height, derived from the graph topology
* *node*.x0 - the node’s minimum horizontal position, derived from *node*.column
* *node*.x1 - the node’s maximum horizontal position (*node*.x0 + [*sankey*.nodeWidth](#sankey_nodeWidth))
* *node*.y0 - the node’s minimum vertical position
* *node*.y1 - the node’s maximum vertical position (*node*.y1 - *node*.y0 is proportional to *node*.value)
* *node*.partOfCycle - set to *true* if the node has incoming or outgoing links that are circular
* *node*.circularLinkType - set to either *top* or *bottom*, if *node.partOfCycle* is *true*, which relates to whether circular links are drawn above or below the main part of the graph
See also [*sankey*.links](#sankey_links).
<a name="sankey_links" href="#sankey_links">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>links</b>([<i>links</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *links* is specified, sets the Sankey generator’s links accessor to the specified function or array and returns this Sankey generator. If *links* is not specified, returns the current links accessor, which defaults to:
function links(graph) {
return graph.links;
If *links* is specified as a function, the function is invoked when the Sankey layout is [generated](#_sankey), being passed any arguments passed to the Sankey generator. This function must return an array of links. If *links* is not a function, it must be a constant array of *links*.
Each *link* must be an object with the following properties:
* *link*.source - the link’s source [node](#sankey_nodes)
* *link*.target - the link’s target [node](#sankey_nodes)
* *link*.value - the link’s numeric value
For convenience, a link’s source and target may be initialized using numeric or string identifiers rather than object references; ; see [*sankey*.nodeId](#sankey_nodeId). The following properties are assigned to each link by the [Sankey generator](#_sankey):
* *link*.y0 - the link’s vertical starting position (at source node)
* *link*.y1 - the link’s vertical end position (at target node)
* *link*.width - the link’s width (proportional to *link*.value)
* *link*.index - the zero-based index of *link* within the array of links
* *link*.circular - set to *true* if the link is circular
For any links that circular (*link*.circular = *true*), the following properties are assigned
* *link*.circularLinkID - the zero-based index of *link* within the array of circular links
* *link*.circularLinkType - set to either *top* or *bottom*, which relates to whether the link is drawn above or below the main part of the graph
* *link*.circularLinkPathData - an object containing the properties used to draw the SVG path, including *link*.circularLinkPathData.path, which is the string used for the *d* property.
<a name="sankey_nodeId" href="#sankey_nodeId">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodeId</b>([<i>id</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *id* is specified, sets the node id accessor to the specified function and returns this Sankey generator. If *id* is not specified, returns the current node id accessor, which defaults to the numeric *node*.index:
function id(d) {
return d.index;
The default id accessor allows each link’s source and target to be specified as a zero-based index into the [nodes](#sankey_nodes) array. For example:
var nodes = [
{"id": "Alice"},
{"id": "Bob"},
{"id": "Carol"}
var links = [
{"source": 0, "target": 1}, // Alice → Bob
{"source": 1, "target": 2} // Bob → Carol
Now consider a different id accessor that returns a string:
function id(d) {
With this accessor, you can use named sources and targets:
var nodes = [
{"id": "Alice"},
{"id": "Bob"},
{"id": "Carol"}
var links = [
{"source": "Alice", "target": "Bob"},
{"source": "Bob", "target": "Carol"}
<a name="sankey_nodeAlign" href="#sankey_nodeAlign">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodeAlign</b>([<i>align</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *align* is specified, sets the node [alignment method](#alignments) the specified function and returns this Sankey generator. If *align* is not specified, returns the current node alignment method, which defaults to [d3.sankeyJustify](#sankeyJustify). The specified function is evaluated for each input *node* in order, being passed the current *node* and the total depth *n* of the graph (one plus the maximum *node*.depth), and must return an integer between 0 and *n* - 1 that indicates the desired horizontal position of the node in the generated Sankey diagram.
<a name="sankey_nodeWidth" href="#sankey_nodeWidth">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodeWidth</b>([<i>width</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *width* is specified, sets the node width to the specified number and returns this Sankey generator. If *width* is not specified, returns the current node width, which defaults to 24.
<a name="sankey_nodePadding" href="#sankey_nodePadding">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodePadding</b>([<i>padding</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *padding* is specified, sets the vertical separation between nodes at each column to the specified number and returns this Sankey generator. If *padding* is not specified, returns the current node padding, which defaults to 8.
<a name="sankey_nodePaddingRatio" href="#sankey_nodePaddingRatio">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>nodePaddingRatio</b>([<i>proportion</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *proportion* is specified (from 0 to 1), sets the vertical separation between nodes at each column to the specified number and returns this Sankey generator. The proportion is applied to the most dense column of nodes, and calculates a minimum padding that will be used across the chart.
If a nodePaddingRatio is not specified, then defaults to the *padding* setting in pixels.
<a name="sankey_extent" href="#sankey_extent">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>extent</b>([<i>extent</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *extent* is specified, sets the extent of the Sankey layout to the specified bounds and returns the layout. The *extent* bounds are specified as an array \[\[<i>x0</i>, <i>y0</i>\], \[<i>x1</i>, <i>y1</i>\]\], where *x0* is the left side of the extent, *y0* is the top, *x1* is the right and *y1* is the bottom. If *extent* is not specified, returns the current extent which defaults to [[0, 0], [1, 1]].
<a name="sankey_size" href="#sankey_size">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>size</b>([<i>size</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
An alias for [*sankey*.extent](#sankey_extent) where the minimum *x* and *y* of the extent are ⟨0,0⟩. Equivalent to:
sankey.extent([[0, 0], size]);
<a name="sankey_iterations" href="#sankey_iterations">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>iterations</b>([<i>iterations</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *iterations* is specified, sets the number of relaxation iterations when [generating the layout](#_sankey) and returns this Sankey generator. If *iterations* is not specified, returns the current number of relaxation iterations, which defaults to 32.
<a name="sankey_circularLinkGap" href="#sankey_circularLinkGap">#</a> <i>sankey</i>.<b>circularLinkGap</b>([<i>circularLinkGap</i>]) [<>]( "Source")
If *circularLinkGap* is specified, sets the gap (in pixels) between circular links that travel next to each other. If *circularLinkGap*, it defaults to 2.
### Alignments
See [*sankey*.nodeAlign](#sankey_nodeAlign).
<a name="sankeyLeft" href="#sankeyLeft">#</a> d3.<b>sankeyLeft</b>(<i>node</i>, <i>n</i>)
Returns *node*.depth.
<a name="sankeyRight" href="#sankeyRight">#</a> d3.<b>sankeyRight</b>(<i>node</i>, <i>n</i>)
Returns *n* - 1 - *node*.height.
<a name="sankeyCenter" href="#sankeyCenter">#</a> d3.<b>sankeyCenter</b>(<i>node</i>, <i>n</i>)
Like [d3.sankeyLeft](#sankeyLeft), except that nodes without any incoming links are moved as right as possible.
<a name="sankeyJustify" href="#sankeyJustify">#</a> d3.<b>sankeyJustify</b>(<i>node</i>, <i>n</i>)
Like [d3.sankeyLeft](#sankeyLeft), except that nodes without any outgoing links are moved to the far right.
### Links
<a name="d.path" href="#d.path">#</a> link<b>.path</b>[<>]( "Source")
Each link has a .path property which stores the svg path **d** string, which can be accessed to draw the path, for example
.attr("class", "links")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke-opacity", 0.2)
.attr("d", function(d){
return d.path;
.style("stroke-width", function (link) { link.width; })
.style("stroke", function (link, i) {
return link.circular ? "red" : "black"
For normal paths, the path string is created by the d3-shape linkHorizontal function. For circular paths, the path string is calculated to reduced overlaps with other nodes and paths.