StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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detect-kerning unstable Build Status

Calculate kerning pairs for a font.

npm install detect-kerning

const kerning = require('detect-kerning')

let pairs = kerning('Roboto')

	'A”': -10,
	'W.': -5,
	'P,': -3,

// get px kerning for 16px font-size
let px = 16 * pairs['AV'] / 1000

pairs = kerning(family|familyList, pairs|range|options?)

Detect kerning pairs for the font family or stack of families and return their kerning in 1000 units/em. Optionally pass specific kerning pairs to check, or a unicode range, by default all printable ASCII character pairs are detected from the [32, 126] range. Alternatively, an options object can define:

  • options.pairs - specific pairs to check;
  • options.range - unicode range to detect pairs from;
  • options.fontSize - base font size to use for check. Can affect performance, by default 16.
  • options.threshold - font size (em) ratio to detect kerning, by default 0.05. Values below that number can bloat kerning table size.
  • css-font for parsing font-family from css font string.


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