# vue2-perfect-scrollbar
Vue.js minimalistic but powerful wrapper for perfect scrollbar
# Why I Created it ?
Because I ❤️ to use [perfect-scrollbar](https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar) in my projects (🙌 [utatti](https://github.com/utatti)). But also because the current solutions on github are outdated or overcomplicated.
# Why would you use it ?
Because you want to load [perfect-scrollbar](https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar#) to your Vue project in an easy way. But also because this plugin is updated, tested and build by rollup. So you will not find any unnecessary 💩 code in this repo. I hope 🙏.
If you have any reasonable PR you are welcome 🤘
# Install
## npm
npm install vue2-perfect-scrollbar
## yarn
yarn add vue2-perfect-scrollbar
# How to use
## Global Registration
import PerfectScrollbar from 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar'
import 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar/dist/vue2-perfect-scrollbar.css'
So then you can use this plugin in each component as
<p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p>
### Global options
Install method takes additional parameters:
#### `name {String}`
Name of your global component.
**Default**: `PerfectScrollbar`
#### `tag {String}`
Tag which will be render as perfect scrollbar container
**Default**: `div`
#### `watchOptions {Boolean}`
Set true if you want to update perfect-scrollbar on options change
**Default**: `false`
#### `options {Object}`: [Options](https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar#options)
perfect-scrollbar options.
**Default**: `{}`
## Local Registration
<p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p>
import { PerfectScrollbar } from 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar'
export default {
components: {
<style src="vue2-perfect-scrollbar/dist/vue2-perfect-scrollbar.css"/>
# Props
#### `tag {String}`
Tag which will be render as perfect scrollbar container
**Default**: `div`
#### `watchOptions {Boolean}`
Set true if you want to update perfect-scrollbar on options change
**Default**: `false`
#### `options {Object}`: [Options](https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar#options)
perfect-scrollbar options.
# Events
You can listen on every event which offer you perfect-scrollbar. [Read more](https://github.com/utatti/perfect-scrollbar#events)
[https://mercs600.github.io/vue2-perfect-scrollbar/](https://mercs600.github.io/vue2-perfect-scrollbar/). You can also fork example from [codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/embed/32o7m59xzm)
# Cookbook