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export-files NPM version Build Status

node.js utility for exporting a directory of files as modules.

(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)


Install with npm:

$ npm i export-files --save


Specify the directory with files to export:

module.exports = require('export-files')(__dirname);
//=> {a: [function], b: [function], c: [function]}


v0.2.0 - breaking changes

  • Non-javascript files are no longer handled. That functionality was moved to to-exports. This decision was made to keep this lib as fast as possible.
  • This library no longer takes any arguments besides the directory to read.

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Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm i -d && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2016 Jon Schlinkert Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb on January 29, 2016.