t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections
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{"duration": 0.016041994094848633, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[0. , 0.53851648, 0.50990195, ..., 4.45982062, 4.65080638,\n 4.14004831],\n [0.53851648, 0. , 0.3 , ..., 4.49888875, 4.71805044,\n 4.15331193],\n [0.50990195, 0.3 , 0. , ..., 4.66154481, 4.84871117,\n 4.29883705],\n ...,\n [4.27668096, 4.24970587, 4.43057558, ..., 0.58309519, 1.06770783,\n 0.65574385],\n [4.45982062, 4.49888875, 4.66154481, ..., 0. , 0.6164414 ,\n 0.64031242],\n [4.65080638, 4.71805044, 4.84871117, ..., 0.6164414 , 0. ,\n 0.76811457]])", "D_low": "array([[ 0. , 6.06089443, 5.60834615, ..., 44.79531503,\n 47.40790549, 36.03453651],\n [ 6.06089443, 0. , 2.03573343, ..., 41.70454924,\n 44.44170097, 38.22495909],\n [ 5.60834615, 2.03573343, 0. , ..., 40.41476164,\n 43.1170431 , 36.19223997],\n ...,\n [37.7221175 , 39.93615955, 37.90352558, ..., 36.2556566 ,\n 36.86955835, 1.71149134],\n [44.79531503, 41.70454924, 40.41476164, ..., 0. ,\n 2.88040243, 35.56988981],\n [47.40790549, 44.44170097, 43.1170431 , ..., 2.88040243,\n 0. , 36.30687937]])", "k": "5"}} |