t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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import { BaseType, Selection } from 'd3-selection';
type Orientation = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
type Alignment = 'start' | 'middle' | 'end';
type Shape = 'rect' | 'circle' | 'line' | 'path';
type EventType = 'cellover' | 'cellout' | 'cellclick';
export interface LegendColor {
scale(scale: (any)): (selection: Selection<BaseType, any, any, any>, ...args: any[]) => void;
cells(steps: number): LegendColor;
cells(steps: number[]): LegendColor;
cellFilter(filter: () => boolean): LegendColor;
orient(orientation: Orientation): LegendColor;
ascending(ascending: boolean): LegendColor;
shape(shape: Shape, path?: string): LegendColor;
shapeWidth(width: number): LegendColor;
shapeHeight(height: number): LegendColor;
shapeRadius(radius: number): LegendColor;
shapePadding(padding: number): LegendColor;
useClass(useClass: boolean): LegendColor;
classPrefix(prefix: string): LegendColor;
title(title: string): LegendColor;
titleWidth(width: number): LegendColor;
labels(labels: string[]): LegendColor;
labels(labelGenerator: Function): LegendColor;
labelAlign(alignment: Alignment): LegendColor;
labelFormat(format: (n: number) => string): LegendColor;
labelOffset(offset: number): LegendColor;
labelDelimiter(delimiter: string): LegendColor;
on(eventType: EventType, event: Function): LegendColor;
export interface LegendSize {
scale(scale: (any)): (selection: Selection<BaseType, any, any, any>, ...args: any[]) => void;
cells(steps: number): LegendColor;
cells(steps: number[]): LegendColor;
cellFilter(filter: () => boolean): LegendColor;
orient(orientation: Orientation): LegendColor;
ascending(ascending: boolean): LegendColor;
shape(shape: Shape, path?: string): LegendColor;
shapeWidth(width: number): LegendColor;
shapePadding(padding: number): LegendColor;
classPrefix(prefix: string): LegendColor;
title(title: string): LegendColor;
titleWidth(width: number): LegendColor;
labels(labels: string[]): LegendColor;
labels(labelGenerator: Function): LegendColor;
labelAlign(alignment: Alignment): LegendColor;
labelFormat(format: (n: number) => string): LegendColor;
labelOffset(offset: number): LegendColor;
labelDelimiter(delimiter: string): LegendColor;
on(eventType: EventType, event: Function): LegendColor;
export interface LegendSymbol {
scale(scale: (any)): (selection: Selection<BaseType, any, any, any>, ...args: any[]) => void;
cells(steps: number): LegendColor;
cells(steps: number[]): LegendColor;
cellFilter(filter: () => boolean): LegendColor;
orient(orientation: Orientation): LegendColor;
ascending(ascending: boolean): LegendColor;
shapePadding(padding: number): LegendColor;
classPrefix(prefix: string): LegendColor;
title(title: string): LegendColor;
titleWidth(width: number): LegendColor;
labels(labels: string[]): LegendColor;
labels(labelGenerator: Function): LegendColor;
labelAlign(alignment: Alignment): LegendColor;
labelFormat(format: (n: number) => string): LegendColor;
labelOffset(offset: number): LegendColor;
labelDelimiter(delimiter: string): LegendColor;
on(eventType: EventType, event: Function): LegendColor;
export function legendColor(...args: any[]): LegendColor;
export function legendSize(...args: any[]): LegendSize;
export function legendSymbol(...args: any[]): LegendSymbol;
export namespace legendHelpers {
function thresholdLabels(_ref: any): any;