@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ function setReset(){ // Reset only the filters which were applied into the data
for ( var i = 0 ; i < InitialStatePoints . length ; i ++ ) {
InitialStatePoints [ i ] . selected = true ;
InitialStatePoints [ i ] . starplot = false ;
InitialStatePoints [ i ] . schemaInv = false ;
redraw ( InitialStatePoints ) ;
@ -330,12 +331,7 @@ function setLayerComp(){ // The main Layer becomes the comparison (starplot)
lassoEnable ( ) ;
// Reset the points into their initial state
for ( var i = 0 ; i < InitialStatePoints . length ; i ++ ) {
InitialStatePoints [ i ] . selected = true ;
InitialStatePoints [ i ] . starplot = false ;
redraw ( InitialStatePoints ) ;
redraw ( points ) ;
@ -758,7 +754,7 @@ function updateEmbedding(AnalaysisResults) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < final _dataset . length ; i ++ ) {
x _position [ i ] = x ( Y [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ; // x points position
y _position [ i ] = y ( Y [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ; // y points position
points [ i ] = { id : i , x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] , beta : final _dataset [ i ] . beta , cost : final _dataset [ i ] . cost , selected : true , DimON : null , starplot : false } ; // Create the points and points2D (2 dimensions)
points [ i ] = { id : i , x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] , beta : final _dataset [ i ] . beta , cost : final _dataset [ i ] . cost , selected : true , schemaInv : false , DimON : null , starplot : false } ; // Create the points and points2D (2 dimensions)
points2d [ i ] = { id : i , x : x _position [ i ] , y : y _position [ i ] , selected : true } ; // and add everything that we know about the points (e.g., selected = true, starplot = false in the beginning and so on)
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared [ i ] ) ;
points [ i ] = extend ( points [ i ] , dataFeatures [ i ] ) ;
@ -1220,18 +1216,15 @@ function handleLassoEnd(lassoPolygon) { // This is for the lasso interaction
x = points [ i ] . x ;
y = points [ i ] . y ;
if ( d3 . polygonContains ( lassoPolygon , [ x , y ] ) ) { // Check if the points are inside the area of the lasso
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
points2d [ i ] . selected = true ;
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
} else {
countLassoFalse = countLassoFalse + 1 ; // Count the points which are not inside the lasso interaction.
points [ i ] . selected = false ;
points2d [ i ] . selected = false ;
if ( countLassoFalse == points . length ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
points2d [ i ] . selected = true ;
if ( points . length - countLassoFalse <= 10 && points . length - countLassoFalse != 0 ) { // Check the points for the starplot
@ -1250,17 +1243,7 @@ function handleLassoEnd(lassoPolygon) { // This is for the lasso interaction
function handleLassoStart ( lassoPolygon ) {
// Reset selected points when starting a new polygon
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . length ; i ++ ) {
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
points [ i ] . starplot = false ;
points2d [ i ] . selected = true ;
redraw ( points ) ;
function handleLassoStart ( lassoPolygon ) { // Empty we do not need to reset anything.
// Initialize the horizontal (correlations) barchart's variables
@ -1413,6 +1396,7 @@ function CalculateCorrel(){ // Calculate the correlation is a function which has
var temparray = [ ] ;
var count = new Array ( paths . nodes ( ) . length ) . fill ( 0 ) ;
@ -1463,6 +1447,7 @@ function CalculateCorrel(){ // Calculate the correlation is a function which has
for ( var j = 0 ; j < ArrayLimit . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( ArrayLimit [ j ] [ ArrayLimit [ 0 ] . length - 1 ] == points [ i ] . id ) {
points [ i ] . selected = true ;
points [ i ] . schemaInv = true ;
@ -1620,8 +1605,6 @@ function drawBarChart(){ // Draw the horizontal barchart with the correlations.
. tickSize ( 0 )
. outerTickSize ( 0 ) ;
//Add group for the y axis
mainGroup . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "y axis" )
@ -1773,7 +1756,7 @@ function updateBarChart() {
} )
. on ( "mousemove" , function ( d ) {
points . forEach ( function ( p ) {
if ( p . selected == true ) {
if ( p . schemaInv == true ) {
p . DimON = d [ 0 ] ;
} )
@ -1818,7 +1801,7 @@ function brushmove() {
//Update the label size
d3v3 . selectAll ( ".y.axis text" )
. style ( "font-size" , textScale ( selected . length ) ) ;
//Update the big bar chart
updateBarChart ( ) ;
@ -1879,7 +1862,7 @@ function brushmove() {
//Create a gradient
function createGradient ( idName , endPerc ) {
var colorsBarChart = [ '#000000 ' ] ;
var colorsBarChart = [ '#919191 ' ] ;
colorsBarChart . reverse ( ) ;
@ -2062,7 +2045,7 @@ var IDS = [];
RadarChart ( "#starPlot" , wrapData , colors , IDS , radarChartOptions ) ;
function BetatSNE ( points ) { // Run the main visualization
if ( points . length ) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
selectedPoints = [ ] ;
@ -2486,24 +2469,23 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
let vertex = new THREE . Vector3 ( ( ( ( points [ i ] . x / dimensions ) * 2 ) - 1 ) * dimensions , ( ( ( points [ i ] . y / dimensions ) * 2 ) - 1 ) * dimensions * - 1 , 0 ) ;
pointsGeometry . vertices . push ( vertex ) ;
geometry . vertices . push ( vertex ) ;
if ( points [ i ] . selected == false ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(211, 211, 211)" ) ;
} else if ( points [ i ] . DimON != null ) {
if ( points [ i ] . DimON != null ) {
let temp = points [ i ] . DimON . match ( /\d+/ ) [ 0 ] ;
var maxDim = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { if ( d . schemaInv == true ) { return d [ temp ] } ; } ) ) ;
var minDim = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { if ( d . schemaInv == true ) { return d [ temp ] } ; } ) ) ;
var maxDim = ( d3 . max ( points , function ( d ) { if ( d . selected == true ) { return d [ temp ] } ; } ) ) ;
var minDim = ( d3 . min ( points , function ( d ) { if ( d . selected == true ) { return d [ temp ] } ; } ) ) ;
let colorsBarChart = [ '#fcfbfd' , '#efedf5' , '#dadaeb' , '#bcbddc' , '#9e9ac8' , '#807dba' , '#6a51a3' , '#54278f' , '#3f007d' ] ;
let colorsBarChart = [ '#efedf5' , '#dadaeb' , '#bcbddc' , '#9e9ac8' , '#807dba' , '#6a51a3' , '#54278f' , '#3f007d' ] ;
var calcStepDim = ( maxDim - minDim ) / 8 ;
var colorScale = d3 . scaleLinear ( )
. domain ( d3 . range ( minDim , maxDim + calcStepDim , calcStepDim ) )
. range ( colorsBarChart ) ;
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScale ( points [ i ] [ temp ] ) ) ;
} else if ( points [ i ] . starplot == true ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScl ( points [ i ] . id ) ) ;
} else if ( points [ i ] . selected == false && points [ i ] . schemaInv == true ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(145, 145, 145)" ) ;
} else if ( points [ i ] . selected == false ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( "rgb(211, 211, 211)" ) ;
} else if ( ColSizeSelector == "color" ) {
var color = new THREE . Color ( colorScale ( points [ i ] . beta ) ) ;
@ -2546,7 +2528,7 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
var labels _dim = [ ] ;
var abbr _labels _dim = [ ] ;
labels _dim = d3 . range ( minDim , maxDim + calcStepDim , calcStepDim ) ;
console . log ( labels _dim ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
labels _dim [ i ] = labels _dim [ i ] . toFixed ( 2 ) ;
abbr _labels _dim [ i ] = abbreviateNumber ( labels _dim [ i ] ) ;
@ -2571,26 +2553,26 @@ if (points.length) { // If points exist (at least 1 point)
for ( var j = 0 ; j < points . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( temporal == 0 && points [ j ] . DimON == null ) {
if ( ColSizeSelector == "color" ) {
d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) . selectAll ( '*' ) . remove ( ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
svg . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "legendLinear" )
. attr ( "transform" , "translate(10,15)" ) ;
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 8 ] ] )
. title ( "1 / sigma" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
svg . select ( ".legendLinear" )
. call ( legend ) ;
break ;
} else {
if ( temporal == 0 && points [ j ] . DimON == null ) {
if ( ColSizeSelector == "color" ) {
d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) . selectAll ( '*' ) . remove ( ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;
svg . append ( "g" )
. attr ( "class" , "legendLinear" )
. attr ( "transform" , "translate(10,15)" ) ;
var legend = d3 . legendColor ( )
. labelFormat ( d3 . format ( ",.0f" ) )
. cells ( 9 )
. labels ( [ abbr _labels _beta [ 0 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 1 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 2 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 3 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 4 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 5 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 6 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 7 ] , abbr _labels _beta [ 8 ] ] )
. title ( "1 / sigma" )
. scale ( colorScale ) ;
svg . select ( ".legendLinear" )
. call ( legend ) ;
break ;
} else {
d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) . selectAll ( '*' ) . remove ( ) ;
var svg = d3 . select ( "#legend1" ) ;