t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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{"duration": 0.006628990173339844, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[0. , 0.53851648, 0.50990195, ..., 4.45982062, 4.65080638,\n 4.14004831],\n [0.53851648, 0. , 0.3 , ..., 4.49888875, 4.71805044,\n 4.15331193],\n [0.50990195, 0.3 , 0. , ..., 4.66154481, 4.84871117,\n 4.29883705],\n ...,\n [3.15277655, 3.10322413, 3.26802693, ..., 1.54596248, 1.81383571,\n 1.11355287],\n [4.69041576, 4.70850295, 4.86826458, ..., 0.5 , 0.74161985,\n 0.64807407],\n [5.63914887, 5.74717322, 5.89406481, ..., 1.3820275 , 1.25299641,\n 1.88148877]])", "D_low": "array([[0. , 0.15110963, 0.17949172, ..., 5.01777197, 5.11332161,\n 5.74539338],\n [0.15110963, 0. , 0.32902833, ..., 4.96624863, 5.05562021,\n 5.70296462],\n [0.17949172, 0.32902833, 0. , ..., 5.1150842 , 5.21697703,\n 5.83250979],\n ...,\n [4.76241955, 4.6987912 , 4.87243741, ..., 0.4956591 , 0.41153525,\n 1.26319335],\n [4.80978842, 4.75996052, 4.90551423, ..., 0.21517955, 0.40670002,\n 0.97718008],\n [5.1232608 , 5.07195876, 5.2202517 , ..., 0.10590179, 0.23153879,\n 0.70992302]])", "k": "40"}}