# d3-legend
Full documentation: [http://d3-legend.susielu.com ](http://d3-legend.susielu.com )
## Looking for compatibility with d3 v3?
- You can see the code for the d3 legend that works with d3 v3 in the [v3 branch ](https://github.com/susielu/d3-legend/tree/v3 )
- [Documentation ](http://d3-legend-v3.susielu.com ) for the v3 version of the legend
## d3-legend v4 updates (npm version 2.0.0 and higher)
- Flattened naming for accessing functions
- d3.legend.color => d3.legendColor
- d3.legend.size => d3.legendSize
- d3.legend.symbol => d3.legendSymbol
- NPM package no longer binds to global d3, is now just an object with the three legend functions
## Usage
### Using just the minified file
You must include the [d3 library ](http://d3js.org/ ) before including the legend file. Then you can simply add the compiled js file to your website:
- d3-legend.min.js
- d3-legend.js (Human readable version)
### Using CDN
You can also add the latest version of [d3-legend hosted on cdnjs ](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/d3-legend ).
### Using npm
You can add the d3 legend as a node module by running:
`npm i d3-svg-legend -S`
To use the version compatible with d3v3 run:
`npm i d3-svg-legend@1.x -S`
Using the import syntax `import legend from 'd3-svg-legend'` gives access to the three legend types as an object. You can also import them independently for example `import { legendColor } from 'd3-svg-legend'`
var svg = d3.select("#svg-color-quant");
var quantize = d3.scaleQuantize()
.domain([ 0, 0.15 ])
.range(d3.range(9).map(function(i) { return "q" + i + "-9"; }));
.attr("class", "legendQuant")
.attr("transform", "translate(20,20)");
var colorLegend = d3.legendColor()
## Feedback
I would love to hear from you about any additional features that would be useful, please say hi on twitter [@DataToViz ](https://www.twitter.com/DataToViz ).