t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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5 years ago
{"duration": 0.011678934097290039, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[0.3 , 0.76157731, 0.7 , ..., 4.32434966, 4.4855323 ,\n 4.00624512],\n [0.31622777, 0.5 , 0.50990195, ..., 4.23438307, 4.41474801,\n 3.89615195],\n [0.53851648, 0.24494897, 0.33166248, ..., 4.37035468, 4.57165178,\n 4.00374824],\n ...,\n [4.51995575, 4.52106182, 4.69361268, ..., 0.34641016, 0.83666003,\n 0.6244998 ],\n [4.85386444, 4.90204039, 5.06951674, ..., 0.43588989, 0.75498344,\n 1.02956301],\n [4.41701257, 4.40227214, 4.54422711, ..., 0.83666003, 0.78740079,\n 0.64031242]])", "D_low": "array([[ 0.64222741, 0.94964173, 0.56737426, ..., 5.36780279,\n 5.59268127, 5.20027155],\n [ 0.50768744, 0.53451164, 0.43576618, ..., 4.88781762,\n 5.06733339, 4.63703438],\n [10.2754346 , 10.13817138, 10.75205194, ..., 7.48756602,\n 7.694173 , 8.0562487 ],\n ...,\n [ 4.2313568 , 3.9605186 , 4.68476289, ..., 0.81921824,\n 1.1712736 , 1.14458511],\n [ 4.21643362, 3.94366826, 4.66766592, ..., 0.78886399,\n 1.13740906, 1.09550492],\n [ 4.8639703 , 4.57048284, 5.28060926, ..., 0.21630786,\n 0.16212421, 0.43065442]])", "k": "40"}}