t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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{"duration": 0.002634286880493164, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[1.1045361 , 1.62788206, 1.58745079, ..., 4.34165867, 4.47995536,\n 4.11339276],\n [0.46904158, 0.55677644, 0.64807407, ..., 4.06816912, 4.26028168,\n 3.73898382],\n [0.46904158, 0.17320508, 0.31622777, ..., 4.45757782, 4.67225855,\n 4.10609303],\n ...,\n [5.05667875, 5.09116882, 5.24690385, ..., 0.63245553, 0.64807407,\n 1.00498756],\n [5.63648827, 5.68682688, 5.86600375, ..., 1.37840488, 1.58745079,\n 1.84661853],\n [4.6260134 , 4.6808119 , 4.82700735, ..., 0.38729833, 0.3 ,\n 0.76157731]])", "D_low": "array([[ 2.93989805, 5.88451325, 5.9733101 , ..., 11.58895729,\n 11.22760123, 18.02072468],\n [ 1.68278989, 3.14139929, 3.45013771, ..., 9.59300358,\n 9.45609335, 16.0543904 ],\n [ 3.06596175, 0.06391432, 0.52970887, ..., 6.5550899 ,\n 6.55792579, 12.95787121],\n ...,\n [ 7.01117622, 5.52260995, 4.97825209, ..., 2.32202998,\n 1.61901623, 8.38404349],\n [ 7.4128822 , 4.5549798 , 4.37442223, ..., 3.40440338,\n 4.03468519, 8.9799099 ],\n [ 8.51614565, 6.40045371, 5.95792579, ..., 0.23492558,\n 0.87208142, 6.70808857]])", "k": "15"}}