t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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{"duration": 0.006180763244628906, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[ 0. , 11.87434209, 2.23606798, ..., 17.3781472 ,\n 12.9614814 , 13.89244399],\n [11.87434209, 0. , 11.3137085 , ..., 14.6628783 ,\n 11.78982612, 10.95445115],\n [ 2.23606798, 11.3137085 , 0. , ..., 17.40689519,\n 12.76714533, 13.6381817 ],\n ...,\n [ 2.82842712, 12.20655562, 2.23606798, ..., 18.16590212,\n 14.14213562, 15. ],\n [16.91153453, 10.34408043, 16.88194302, ..., 8.60232527,\n 8.83176087, 8.30662386],\n [ 4.47213595, 12.68857754, 3. , ..., 18.49324201,\n 14.4222051 , 15.26433752]])", "D_low": "array([[ 0. , 4.81909803, 4.35878888, ..., 6.43563826,\n 6.19726451, 6.40170564],\n [ 4.81909803, 0. , 9.05398392, ..., 2.73741182,\n 2.08915772, 2.03479701],\n [ 4.35878888, 9.05398392, 0. , ..., 10.78807849,\n 10.55389004, 10.74787979],\n ...,\n [ 4.76599709, 8.59969855, 5.32798737, ..., 8.9275827 ,\n 9.07480284, 9.4268733 ],\n [ 6.3946388 , 3.58915418, 10.66595829, ..., 1.21830757,\n 1.89870512, 2.28239003],\n [ 9.23327867, 13.52048265, 7.41353838, ..., 13.88196705,\n 14.04998485, 14.40424636]])"}}