t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996

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{"duration": 5.202983856201172, "input_args": {"listofParamsPlusData": "[(array([[ 6. , 148. , 72. , ..., 33.6 , 0.627, 50. ],\n [ 1. , 85. , 66. , ..., 26.6 , 0.351, 31. ],\n [ 8. , 183. , 64. , ..., 23.3 , 0.672, 32. ],\n ...,\n [ 5. , 121. , 72. , ..., 26.2 , 0.245, 30. ],\n [ 1. , 126. , 60. , ..., 30.1 , 0.349, 47. ],\n [ 1. , 93. , 70. , ..., 30.4 , 0.315, 23. ]]), 2, 40, 1, 1137, False, 8, True, 500, True, True, True)]"}}