t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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{"duration": 0.0051419734954833984, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[0.46904158, 0.17320508, 0.31622777, ..., 4.45757782, 4.67225855,\n 4.10609303],\n [0.1 , 0.54772256, 0.51961524, ..., 4.42040722, 4.60651712,\n 4.1024383 ],\n [0.54772256, 0.2236068 , 0.46904158, ..., 4.29534632, 4.52216762,\n 3.95221457],\n ...,\n [4.27668096, 4.24970587, 4.43057558, ..., 0.58309519, 1.06770783,\n 0.65574385],\n [4.45982062, 4.49888875, 4.66154481, ..., 0. , 0.6164414 ,\n 0.64031242],\n [4.14004831, 4.15331193, 4.29883705, ..., 0.64031242, 0.76811457,\n 0. ]])", "D_low": "array([[ 3.16906333, 0.13064236, 0.62664161, ..., 6.55826423,\n 6.57970466, 12.94675629],\n [ 0.10920156, 3.06517544, 3.09891796, ..., 8.83419641,\n 8.55985626, 15.30322844],\n [ 3.64949643, 0.71604379, 1.17667102, ..., 6.64629366,\n 6.75163867, 12.95228156],\n ...,\n [14.05565411, 11.97839929, 11.55107799, ..., 5.37186673,\n 5.59621185, 1.33935168],\n [ 8.74987994, 6.6175689 , 6.18014174, ..., 0. ,\n 0.94880192, 6.47644173],\n [15.21697652, 13.01857476, 12.61912264, ..., 6.47644173,\n 6.80196514, 0. ]])", "k": "15"}}