t-viSNE: Interactive Assessment and Interpretation of t-SNE Projections https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2986996
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5 years ago
{"duration": 0.13349318504333496, "input_args": {"D_high": "array([[ 0. , 66.90348403, 54.29633528, ..., 117.7833007 ,\n 43.58127217, 61.71982942],\n [ 66.90348403, 0. , 102.51825711, ..., 118.02190998,\n 53.16248681, 12.74524602],\n [ 54.29633528, 102.51825711, 0. , ..., 130.39398885,\n 59.87774486, 96.3199743 ],\n ...,\n [117.7833007 , 118.02190998, 130.39398885, ..., 0. ,\n 116.45694834, 116.0975663 ],\n [ 43.58127217, 53.16248681, 59.87774486, ..., 116.45694834,\n 0. , 52.21198288],\n [ 61.71982942, 12.74524602, 96.3199743 , ..., 116.0975663 ,\n 52.21198288, 0. ]])", "D_low": "array([[ 0. , 13.4212615 , 10.34615651, ..., 17.88913065,\n 14.20746226, 10.84739848],\n [13.4212615 , 0. , 18.02393847, ..., 17.67905784,\n 12.08502803, 2.58746162],\n [10.34615651, 18.02393847, 0. , ..., 28.00511028,\n 10.23435461, 16.12592472],\n ...,\n [17.88913065, 17.67905784, 28.00511028, ..., 0. ,\n 27.68823001, 16.68098067],\n [14.20746226, 12.08502803, 10.23435461, ..., 27.68823001,\n 0. , 11.58415985],\n [10.84739848, 2.58746162, 16.12592472, ..., 16.68098067,\n 11.58415985, 0. ]])", "k": "15"}}