StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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52 lines
1.1 KiB
52 lines
1.1 KiB
/* eslint-env node, mocha */
var path = require('path')
module.exports = config => {
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
frameworks: ['mocha', 'sinon-chai'],
reporters: ['spec', 'coverage'],
files: ['specs/*.spec.js'],
preprocessors: {
'./specs/*.spec.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap']
webpack: {
devtool: '#inline-source-map',
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],
alias: {
'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',
'@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src')
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader',
options: {
esModule: false
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/
webpackMiddleware: {
noInfo: true
coverageReporter: {
dir: './coverage',
reporters: [
{ type: 'lcov', subdir: '.' },
{ type: 'text-summary' }
singleRun: true