StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
453 lines
12 KiB
453 lines
12 KiB
module.exports = vectorizeText
module.exports.processPixels = processPixels
var surfaceNets = require('surface-nets')
var ndarray = require('ndarray')
var simplify = require('simplify-planar-graph')
var cleanPSLG = require('clean-pslg')
var cdt2d = require('cdt2d')
var toPolygonCrappy = require('planar-graph-to-polyline')
var TAG_bold = "b"
var CHR_bold = 'b|'
var TAG_italic = "i"
var CHR_italic = 'i|'
var TAG_super = "sup"
var CHR_super0 = '+'
var CHR_super = '+1'
var TAG_sub = "sub"
var CHR_sub0 = '-'
var CHR_sub = '-1'
function parseTag(tag, TAG_CHR, str, map) {
var opnTag = "<" + tag + ">"
var clsTag = "</" + tag + ">"
var nOPN = opnTag.length
var nCLS = clsTag.length
var isRecursive = (TAG_CHR[0] === CHR_super0) ||
(TAG_CHR[0] === CHR_sub0);
var a = 0
var b = -nCLS
while (a > -1) {
a = str.indexOf(opnTag, a)
if(a === -1) break
b = str.indexOf(clsTag, a + nOPN)
if(b === -1) break
if(b <= a) break
for(var i = a; i < b + nCLS; ++i){
if((i < a + nOPN) || (i >= b)) {
map[i] = null
str = str.substr(0, i) + " " + str.substr(i + 1)
} else {
if(map[i] !== null) {
var pos = map[i].indexOf(TAG_CHR[0])
if(pos === -1) {
map[i] += TAG_CHR
} else { // i.e. to handle multiple sub/super-scripts
if(isRecursive) {
// i.e to increase the sub/sup number
map[i] = map[i].substr(0, pos + 1) + (1 + parseInt(map[i][pos + 1])) + map[i].substr(pos + 2)
var start = a + nOPN
var remainingStr = str.substr(start, b - start)
var c = remainingStr.indexOf(opnTag)
if(c !== -1) a = c
else a = b + nCLS
return map
function transformPositions(positions, options, size) {
var align = options.textAlign || "start"
var baseline = options.textBaseline || "alphabetic"
var lo = [1<<30, 1<<30]
var hi = [0,0]
var n = positions.length
for(var i=0; i<n; ++i) {
var p = positions[i]
for(var j=0; j<2; ++j) {
lo[j] = Math.min(lo[j], p[j])|0
hi[j] = Math.max(hi[j], p[j])|0
var xShift = 0
switch(align) {
case "center":
xShift = -0.5 * (lo[0] + hi[0])
case "right":
case "end":
xShift = -hi[0]
case "left":
case "start":
xShift = -lo[0]
throw new Error("vectorize-text: Unrecognized textAlign: '" + align + "'")
var yShift = 0
switch(baseline) {
case "hanging":
case "top":
yShift = -lo[1]
case "middle":
yShift = -0.5 * (lo[1] + hi[1])
case "alphabetic":
case "ideographic":
yShift = -3 * size
case "bottom":
yShift = -hi[1]
throw new Error("vectorize-text: Unrecoginized textBaseline: '" + baseline + "'")
var scale = 1.0 / size
if("lineHeight" in options) {
scale *= +options.lineHeight
} else if("width" in options) {
scale = options.width / (hi[0] - lo[0])
} else if("height" in options) {
scale = options.height / (hi[1] - lo[1])
return {
return [ scale * (p[0] + xShift), scale * (p[1] + yShift) ]
function getPixels(canvas, context, rawString, fontSize, lineSpacing, styletags) {
rawString = rawString.replace(/\n/g, '') // don't accept \n in the input
if(styletags.breaklines === true) {
rawString = rawString.replace(/\<br\>/g, '\n') // replace <br> tags with \n in the string
} else {
rawString = rawString.replace(/\<br\>/g, ' ') // don't accept <br> tags in the input and replace with space in this case
var activeStyle = ""
var map = []
for(j = 0; j < rawString.length; ++j) {
map[j] = activeStyle
if(styletags.bolds === true) map = parseTag(TAG_bold, CHR_bold, rawString, map)
if(styletags.italics === true) map = parseTag(TAG_italic, CHR_italic, rawString, map)
if(styletags.superscripts === true) map = parseTag(TAG_super, CHR_super, rawString, map)
if(styletags.subscripts === true) map = parseTag(TAG_sub, CHR_sub, rawString, map)
var allStyles = []
var plainText = ""
for(j = 0; j < rawString.length; ++j) {
if(map[j] !== null) {
plainText += rawString[j]
var allTexts = plainText.split('\n')
var numberOfLines = allTexts.length
var lineHeight = Math.round(lineSpacing * fontSize)
var offsetX = fontSize
var offsetY = fontSize * 2
var maxWidth = 0
var minHeight = numberOfLines * lineHeight + offsetY
if(canvas.height < minHeight) {
canvas.height = minHeight
context.fillStyle = "#000"
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
context.fillStyle = "#fff"
var i, j, xPos, yPos, zPos
var nDone = 0
var buffer = ""
function writeBuffer() {
if(buffer !== "") {
var delta = context.measureText(buffer).width
context.fillText(buffer, offsetX + xPos, offsetY + yPos)
xPos += delta
function getTextFontSize() {
return "" + Math.round(zPos) + "px ";
function changeStyle(oldStyle, newStyle) {
var ctxFont = "" + context.font;
if(styletags.subscripts === true) {
var oldIndex_Sub = oldStyle.indexOf(CHR_sub0);
var newIndex_Sub = newStyle.indexOf(CHR_sub0);
var oldSub = (oldIndex_Sub > -1) ? parseInt(oldStyle[1 + oldIndex_Sub]) : 0;
var newSub = (newIndex_Sub > -1) ? parseInt(newStyle[1 + newIndex_Sub]) : 0;
if(oldSub !== newSub) {
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace(getTextFontSize(), "?px ")
zPos *= Math.pow(0.75, (newSub - oldSub))
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace("?px ", getTextFontSize())
yPos += 0.25 * lineHeight * (newSub - oldSub);
if(styletags.superscripts === true) {
var oldIndex_Super = oldStyle.indexOf(CHR_super0);
var newIndex_Super = newStyle.indexOf(CHR_super0);
var oldSuper = (oldIndex_Super > -1) ? parseInt(oldStyle[1 + oldIndex_Super]) : 0;
var newSuper = (newIndex_Super > -1) ? parseInt(newStyle[1 + newIndex_Super]) : 0;
if(oldSuper !== newSuper) {
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace(getTextFontSize(), "?px ")
zPos *= Math.pow(0.75, (newSuper - oldSuper))
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace("?px ", getTextFontSize())
yPos -= 0.25 * lineHeight * (newSuper - oldSuper);
if(styletags.bolds === true) {
var wasBold = (oldStyle.indexOf(CHR_bold) > -1)
var is_Bold = (newStyle.indexOf(CHR_bold) > -1)
if(!wasBold && is_Bold) {
if(wasItalic) {
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace("italic ", "italic bold ")
} else {
ctxFont = "bold " + ctxFont
if(wasBold && !is_Bold) {
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace("bold ", '')
if(styletags.italics === true) {
var wasItalic = (oldStyle.indexOf(CHR_italic) > -1)
var is_Italic = (newStyle.indexOf(CHR_italic) > -1)
if(!wasItalic && is_Italic) {
ctxFont = "italic " + ctxFont
if(wasItalic && !is_Italic) {
ctxFont = ctxFont.replace("italic ", '')
context.font = ctxFont
for(i = 0; i < numberOfLines; ++i) {
var txt = allTexts[i] + '\n'
xPos = 0
yPos = i * lineHeight
zPos = fontSize
buffer = ""
for(j = 0; j < txt.length; ++j) {
var style = (j + nDone < allStyles.length) ? allStyles[j + nDone] : allStyles[allStyles.length - 1]
if(activeStyle === style) {
buffer += txt[j]
} else {
buffer = txt[j]
if(style !== undefined) {
changeStyle(activeStyle, style)
activeStyle = style
nDone += txt.length
var width = Math.round(xPos + 2 * offsetX) | 0
if(maxWidth < width) maxWidth = width
//Cut pixels from image
var xCut = maxWidth
var yCut = offsetY + lineHeight * numberOfLines
var pixels = ndarray(context.getImageData(0, 0, xCut, yCut).data, [yCut, xCut, 4])
return pixels.pick(-1, -1, 0).transpose(1, 0)
function getContour(pixels, doSimplify) {
var contour = surfaceNets(pixels, 128)
if(doSimplify) {
return simplify(contour.cells, contour.positions, 0.25)
return {
edges: contour.cells,
positions: contour.positions
function processPixelsImpl(pixels, options, size, simplify) {
//Extract contour
var contour = getContour(pixels, simplify)
//Apply warp to positions
var positions = transformPositions(contour.positions, options, size)
var edges = contour.edges
var flip = "ccw" === options.orientation
//Clean up the PSLG, resolve self intersections, etc.
cleanPSLG(positions, edges)
//If triangulate flag passed, triangulate the result
if(options.polygons || options.polygon || options.polyline) {
var result = toPolygonCrappy(edges, positions)
var nresult = new Array(result.length)
for(var i=0; i<result.length; ++i) {
var loops = result[i]
var nloops = new Array(loops.length)
for(var j=0; j<loops.length; ++j) {
var loop = loops[j]
var nloop = new Array(loop.length)
for(var k=0; k<loop.length; ++k) {
nloop[k] = positions[loop[k]].slice()
if(flip) {
nloops[j] = nloop
nresult[i] = nloops
return nresult
} else if(options.triangles || options.triangulate || options.triangle) {
return {
cells: cdt2d(positions, edges, {
delaunay: false,
exterior: false,
interior: true
positions: positions
} else {
return {
edges: edges,
positions: positions
function processPixels(pixels, options, size) {
try {
return processPixelsImpl(pixels, options, size, true)
} catch(e) {}
try {
return processPixelsImpl(pixels, options, size, false)
} catch(e) {}
if(options.polygons || options.polyline || options.polygon) {
return []
if(options.triangles || options.triangulate || options.triangle) {
return {
cells: [],
positions: []
return {
edges: [],
positions: []
function vectorizeText(str, canvas, context, options) {
var size = 64
var lineSpacing = 1.25
var styletags = {
breaklines: false,
bolds: false,
italics: false,
subscripts: false,
superscripts: false
if(options) {
if(options.size &&
options.size > 0) size =
if(options.lineSpacing &&
options.lineSpacing > 0) lineSpacing =
if(options.styletags &&
options.styletags.breaklines) styletags.breaklines =
options.styletags.breaklines ? true : false
if(options.styletags &&
options.styletags.bolds) styletags.bolds =
options.styletags.bolds ? true : false
if(options.styletags &&
options.styletags.italics) styletags.italics =
options.styletags.italics ? true : false
if(options.styletags &&
options.styletags.subscripts) styletags.subscripts =
options.styletags.subscripts ? true : false
if(options.styletags &&
options.styletags.superscripts) styletags.superscripts =
options.styletags.superscripts ? true : false
context.font = [
size + "px",
].filter(function(d) {return d}).join(" ")
context.textAlign = "start"
context.textBaseline = "alphabetic"
context.direction = "ltr"
var pixels = getPixels(canvas, context, str, size, lineSpacing, styletags)
return processPixels(pixels, options, size)