StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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95 lines
2.5 KiB
95 lines
2.5 KiB
/*jshint asi:true */
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs')
, path = require('path')
, utl = require('../utl')
, highlighter = require('..')
, colors = require('ansicolors')
, diffFile = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'git-diff.txt')
, diff = fs.readFileSync(diffFile, 'utf-8')
// @@ is not a valid js token, so when we see it, we can be sure that we are dealing with a git or svn diff
var diffRegex = /^@@[^@]+@@$/m;
var diffIndRegex = /^(@@[^@]+@@)(.*)$/;
var addRemRegex = /^[+\-]/;
var lines = diff.split('\n');
function isDiff(lines) {
return !!lines
.filter(function (line) {
return diffRegex.test(line);
var diff = isDiff(lines);
function tryHighlight(code) {
// TODO: need to remove symbols added to get valid code
// this should be done by getting the splits instead of the actual code from the highlighter
// now we can remove first / last one after highlighting completed
function tryAppending(appended, tryNext) {
try {
return highlighter.highlight(code + appended);
} catch (e) {
return tryNext(code);
function tryRemoveLeadingComma(tryNext) {
var success;
try {
success = highlighter.highlight(code.replace(/^( +),(.+)$/, '$1 $2'));
return success;
} catch (e) {
return tryNext(code);
function tryPlain() {
try {
return highlighter.highlight(code);
} catch (e) {
return tryCloseMustache();
function tryCloseMustache() { return tryAppending('}', tryCloseParen); }
function tryCloseParen() { return tryAppending('\\)', tryCloseMustacheParen); }
function tryCloseMustacheParen() { return tryAppending('})', tryRemovingCommas);}
function tryRemovingCommas() { return tryRemoveLeadingComma(giveUp); }
function giveUp() { return code; }
return tryPlain();
function highlightDiffInd(line, matches) {
var highlighted = colors.brightBlue(matches[1])
, code = matches[2];
return code ? highlighted + tryHighlight(code) : highlighted;
function colorsAddRemove(c) {
return addRemRegex.test(c) ? colors.yellow(c) : c;
function highlightDiff(line) {
var diffIndMatches = diffIndRegex.exec(line);
return diffIndMatches
? highlightDiffInd(line, diffIndMatches)
: colorsAddRemove(line[0]) + tryHighlight(line.slice(1));
var highlightFn = diff ? highlightDiff : tryHighlight;
var highlightedLines =;