StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('vega-scale'), require('vega-time'), require('vega-util'), require('d3-format'), require('vega-dataflow'), require('d3-array'), require('d3-interpolate')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'vega-scale', 'vega-time', 'vega-util', 'd3-format', 'vega-dataflow', 'd3-array', 'd3-interpolate'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory((global.vega = global.vega || {}, global.vega.transforms = {}), global.vega, global.vega, global.vega, global.d3, global.vega, global.d3, global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports, vegaScale, vegaTime, vegaUtil, d3Format, vegaDataflow, d3Array, d3Interpolate) { 'use strict';
* Determine the tick count or interval function.
* @param {Scale} scale - The scale for which to generate tick values.
* @param {*} count - The desired tick count or interval specifier.
* @param {number} minStep - The desired minimum step between tick values.
* @return {*} - The tick count or interval function.
function tickCount(scale, count, minStep) {
var step;
if (vegaUtil.isNumber(count)) {
if (scale.bins) {
count = Math.max(count, scale.bins.length);
if (minStep != null) {
count = Math.min(count, ~~(vegaUtil.span(scale.domain()) / minStep) || 1);
if (vegaUtil.isObject(count)) {
step = count.step;
count = count.interval;
if (vegaUtil.isString(count)) {
count = scale.type === vegaScale.Time ? vegaTime.timeInterval(count)
: scale.type == vegaScale.UTC ? vegaTime.utcInterval(count)
: vegaUtil.error('Only time and utc scales accept interval strings.');
if (step) count = count.every(step);
return count;
* Filter a set of candidate tick values, ensuring that only tick values
* that lie within the scale range are included.
* @param {Scale} scale - The scale for which to generate tick values.
* @param {Array<*>} ticks - The candidate tick values.
* @param {*} count - The tick count or interval function.
* @return {Array<*>} - The filtered tick values.
function validTicks(scale, ticks, count) {
var range = scale.range(),
lo = Math.floor(range[0]),
hi = Math.ceil(vegaUtil.peek(range));
if (lo > hi) {
range = hi;
hi = lo;
lo = range;
ticks = ticks.filter(function(v) {
v = scale(v);
return lo <= v && v <= hi;
if (count > 0 && ticks.length > 1) {
var endpoints = [ticks[0], vegaUtil.peek(ticks)];
while (ticks.length > count && ticks.length >= 3) {
ticks = ticks.filter(function(_, i) { return !(i % 2); });
if (ticks.length < 3) {
ticks = endpoints;
return ticks;
* Generate tick values for the given scale and approximate tick count or
* interval value. If the scale has a 'ticks' method, it will be used to
* generate the ticks, with the count argument passed as a parameter. If the
* scale lacks a 'ticks' method, the full scale domain will be returned.
* @param {Scale} scale - The scale for which to generate tick values.
* @param {*} [count] - The approximate number of desired ticks.
* @return {Array<*>} - The generated tick values.
function tickValues(scale, count) {
return scale.bins ? validTicks(scale, scale.bins)
: scale.ticks ? scale.ticks(count)
: scale.domain();
* Generate a label format function for a scale. If the scale has a
* 'tickFormat' method, it will be used to generate the formatter, with the
* count and specifier arguments passed as parameters. If the scale lacks a
* 'tickFormat' method, the returned formatter performs simple string coercion.
* If the input scale is a logarithmic scale and the format specifier does not
* indicate a desired decimal precision, a special variable precision formatter
* that automatically trims trailing zeroes will be generated.
* @param {Scale} scale - The scale for which to generate the label formatter.
* @param {*} [count] - The approximate number of desired ticks.
* @param {string} [specifier] - The format specifier. Must be a legal d3
* specifier string (see or
* time multi-format specifier object.
* @return {function(*):string} - The generated label formatter.
function tickFormat(scale, count, specifier, formatType, noSkip) {
var type = scale.type,
format = (type === vegaScale.Time || formatType === vegaScale.Time) ? vegaTime.timeFormat(specifier)
: (type === vegaScale.UTC || formatType === vegaScale.UTC) ? vegaTime.utcFormat(specifier)
: scale.tickFormat ? scale.tickFormat(count, specifier)
: specifier ? d3Format.format(specifier)
: String;
if (vegaScale.isLogarithmic(type)) {
var logfmt = variablePrecision(specifier);
format = noSkip || scale.bins ? logfmt : filter(format, logfmt);
return format;
function filter(sourceFormat, targetFormat) {
return _ => sourceFormat(_) ? targetFormat(_) : '';
function variablePrecision(specifier) {
var s = d3Format.formatSpecifier(specifier || ',');
if (s.precision == null) {
s.precision = 12;
switch (s.type) {
case '%': s.precision -= 2; break;
case 'e': s.precision -= 1; break;
return trimZeroes(
d3Format.format(s), // number format
d3Format.format('.1f')(1)[1] // decimal point character
} else {
return d3Format.format(s);
function trimZeroes(format, decimalChar) {
return function(x) {
var str = format(x),
dec = str.indexOf(decimalChar),
idx, end;
if (dec < 0) return str;
idx = rightmostDigit(str, dec);
end = idx < str.length ? str.slice(idx) : '';
while (--idx > dec) if (str[idx] !== '0') { ++idx; break; }
return str.slice(0, idx) + end;
function rightmostDigit(str, dec) {
var i = str.lastIndexOf('e'), c;
if (i > 0) return i;
for (i=str.length; --i > dec;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) return i + 1; // is digit
* Generates axis ticks for visualizing a spatial scale.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {Scale} params.scale - The scale to generate ticks for.
* @param {*} [params.count=10] - The approximate number of ticks, or
* desired tick interval, to use.
* @param {Array<*>} [params.values] - The exact tick values to use.
* These must be legal domain values for the provided scale.
* If provided, the count argument is ignored.
* @param {function(*):string} [params.formatSpecifier] - A format specifier
* to use in conjunction with scale.tickFormat. Legal values are
* any valid d3 4.0 format specifier.
* @param {function(*):string} [params.format] - The format function to use.
* If provided, the formatSpecifier argument is ignored.
function AxisTicks(params) {, null, params);
var prototype = vegaUtil.inherits(AxisTicks, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype.transform = function(_, pulse) {
if (this.value && !_.modified()) {
return pulse.StopPropagation;
var out = pulse.fork(pulse.NO_SOURCE | pulse.NO_FIELDS),
ticks = this.value,
scale = _.scale,
tally = _.count == null ? (_.values ? _.values.length : 10) : _.count,
count = tickCount(scale, tally, _.minstep),
format = _.format || tickFormat(scale, count, _.formatSpecifier, _.formatType, !!_.values),
values = _.values ? validTicks(scale, _.values, count) : tickValues(scale, count);
if (ticks) out.rem = ticks;
ticks =, i) {
return vegaDataflow.ingest({
index: i / (values.length - 1 || 1),
value: value,
label: format(value)
if (_.extra && ticks.length) {
// add an extra tick pegged to the initial domain value
// this is used to generate axes with 'binned' domains
index: -1,
extra: {value: ticks[0].value},
label: ''
out.source = ticks;
out.add = ticks;
this.value = ticks;
return out;
* Joins a set of data elements against a set of visual items.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {function(object): object} [params.item] - An item generator function.
* @param {function(object): *} [params.key] - The key field associating data and visual items.
function DataJoin(params) {, null, params);
var prototype$1 = vegaUtil.inherits(DataJoin, vegaDataflow.Transform);
function defaultItemCreate() {
return vegaDataflow.ingest({});
function isExit(t) {
return t.exit;
prototype$1.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var df = pulse.dataflow,
out = pulse.fork(pulse.NO_SOURCE | pulse.NO_FIELDS),
item = _.item || defaultItemCreate,
key = _.key || vegaDataflow.tupleid,
map = this.value;
// prevent transient (e.g., hover) requests from
// cascading across marks derived from marks
if (vegaUtil.isArray(out.encode)) {
out.encode = null;
if (map && (_.modified('key') || pulse.modified(key))) {
vegaUtil.error('DataJoin does not support modified key function or fields.');
if (!map) {
pulse = pulse.addAll();
this.value = map = vegaUtil.fastmap().test(isExit);
map.lookup = function(t) { return map.get(key(t)); };
pulse.visit(pulse.ADD, function(t) {
var k = key(t),
x = map.get(k);
if (x) {
if (x.exit) {
} else {
} else {
map.set(k, (x = item(t)));
x.datum = t;
x.exit = false;
pulse.visit(pulse.MOD, function(t) {
var k = key(t),
x = map.get(k);
if (x) {
x.datum = t;
pulse.visit(pulse.REM, function(t) {
var k = key(t),
x = map.get(k);
if (t === x.datum && !x.exit) {
x.exit = true;
if (pulse.changed(pulse.ADD_MOD)) out.modifies('datum');
if (_.clean && map.empty > df.cleanThreshold) df.runAfter(map.clean);
return out;
* Invokes encoding functions for visual items.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters to the encoding functions. This
* parameter object will be passed through to all invoked encoding functions.
* @param {object} [params.mod=false] - Flag indicating if tuples in the input
* mod set that are unmodified by encoders should be included in the output.
* @param {object} param.encoders - The encoding functions
* @param {function(object, object): boolean} [param.encoders.update] - Update encoding set
* @param {function(object, object): boolean} [param.encoders.enter] - Enter encoding set
* @param {function(object, object): boolean} [param.encoders.exit] - Exit encoding set
function Encode(params) {, null, params);
var prototype$2 = vegaUtil.inherits(Encode, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$2.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var out = pulse.fork(pulse.ADD_REM),
fmod = _.mod || false,
encoders = _.encoders,
encode = pulse.encode;
// if an array, the encode directive includes additional sets
// that must be defined in order for the primary set to be invoked
// e.g., only run the update set if the hover set is defined
if (vegaUtil.isArray(encode)) {
if (out.changed() || encode.every(function(e) { return encoders[e]; })) {
encode = encode[0];
out.encode = null; // consume targeted encode directive
} else {
return pulse.StopPropagation;
// marshall encoder functions
var reenter = encode === 'enter',
update = encoders.update || vegaUtil.falsy,
enter = encoders.enter || vegaUtil.falsy,
exit = encoders.exit || vegaUtil.falsy,
set = (encode && !reenter ? encoders[encode] : update) || vegaUtil.falsy;
if (pulse.changed(pulse.ADD)) {
pulse.visit(pulse.ADD, function(t) { enter(t, _); update(t, _); });
if (set !== vegaUtil.falsy && set !== update) {
pulse.visit(pulse.ADD, function(t) { set(t, _); });
if (pulse.changed(pulse.REM) && exit !== vegaUtil.falsy) {
pulse.visit(pulse.REM, function(t) { exit(t, _); });
if (reenter || set !== vegaUtil.falsy) {
var flag = pulse.MOD | (_.modified() ? pulse.REFLOW : 0);
if (reenter) {
pulse.visit(flag, function(t) {
var mod = enter(t, _) || fmod;
if (set(t, _) || mod) out.mod.push(t);
if (out.mod.length) out.modifies(enter.output);
} else {
pulse.visit(flag, function(t) {
if (set(t, _) || fmod) out.mod.push(t);
if (out.mod.length) out.modifies(set.output);
return out.changed() ? out : pulse.StopPropagation;
var Symbols = 'symbol';
var Discrete = 'discrete';
var Gradient = 'gradient';
const symbols = {
[vegaScale.Quantile]: 'quantiles',
[vegaScale.Quantize]: 'thresholds',
[vegaScale.Threshold]: 'domain'
const formats = {
[vegaScale.Quantile]: 'quantiles',
[vegaScale.Quantize]: 'domain'
function labelValues(scale, count) {
return scale.bins ? binValues(scale.bins)
: scale.type === vegaScale.Log ? logValues(scale, count)
: symbols[scale.type] ? thresholdValues(scale[symbols[scale.type]]())
: tickValues(scale, count);
function logValues(scale, count) {
var ticks = tickValues(scale, count),
base = scale.base(),
logb = Math.log(base),
k = Math.max(1, base * count / ticks.length);
// apply d3-scale's log format filter criteria
return ticks.filter(d => {
var i = d / Math.pow(base, Math.round(Math.log(d) / logb));
if (i * base < base - 0.5) i *= base;
return i <= k;
function thresholdFormat(scale, specifier) {
var _ = scale[formats[scale.type]](),
n = _.length,
d = n > 1 ? _[1] - _[0] : _[0], i;
for (i=1; i<n; ++i) {
d = Math.min(d, _[i] - _[i-1]);
// 3 ticks times 10 for increased resolution
return vegaScale.tickFormat(0, d, 3 * 10, specifier);
function thresholdValues(thresholds) {
const values = [-Infinity].concat(thresholds);
values.max = +Infinity;
return values;
function binValues(bins) {
const values = bins.slice(0, -1);
values.max = vegaUtil.peek(bins);
return values;
function isDiscreteRange(scale) {
return symbols[scale.type] || scale.bins;
function labelFormat(scale, count, type, specifier, formatType, noSkip) {
const format = formats[scale.type] && formatType !== vegaScale.Time && formatType !== vegaScale.UTC
? thresholdFormat(scale, specifier)
: tickFormat(scale, count, specifier, formatType, noSkip);
return type === Symbols && isDiscreteRange(scale) ? formatRange(format)
: type === Discrete ? formatDiscrete(format)
: formatPoint(format);
function formatRange(format) {
return function(value, index, array) {
var limit = get(array[index + 1], get(array.max, +Infinity)),
lo = formatValue(value, format),
hi = formatValue(limit, format);
return lo && hi ? lo + ' \u2013 ' + hi : hi ? '< ' + hi : '\u2265 ' + lo;
function get(value, dflt) {
return value != null ? value : dflt;
function formatDiscrete(format) {
return function(value, index) {
return index ? format(value) : null;
function formatPoint(format) {
return function(value) {
return format(value);
function formatValue(value, format) {
return Number.isFinite(value) ? format(value) : null;
function labelFraction(scale) {
var domain = scale.domain(),
count = domain.length - 1,
lo = +domain[0],
hi = +vegaUtil.peek(domain),
span = hi - lo;
if (scale.type === vegaScale.Threshold) {
var adjust = count ? span / count : 0.1;
lo -= adjust;
hi += adjust;
span = hi - lo;
return function(value) {
return (value - lo) / span;
* Generates legend entries for visualizing a scale.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {Scale} params.scale - The scale to generate items for.
* @param {*} [params.count=5] - The approximate number of items, or
* desired tick interval, to use.
* @param {*} [params.limit] - The maximum number of entries to
* include in a symbol legend.
* @param {Array<*>} [params.values] - The exact tick values to use.
* These must be legal domain values for the provided scale.
* If provided, the count argument is ignored.
* @param {string} [params.formatSpecifier] - A format specifier
* to use in conjunction with scale.tickFormat. Legal values are
* any valid D3 format specifier string.
* @param {function(*):string} [params.format] - The format function to use.
* If provided, the formatSpecifier argument is ignored.
function LegendEntries(params) {, [], params);
var prototype$3 = vegaUtil.inherits(LegendEntries, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$3.transform = function(_, pulse) {
if (this.value != null && !_.modified()) {
return pulse.StopPropagation;
var out = pulse.fork(pulse.NO_SOURCE | pulse.NO_FIELDS),
items = this.value,
type = _.type || Symbols,
scale = _.scale,
limit = +_.limit,
count = tickCount(scale, _.count == null ? 5 : _.count, _.minstep),
lskip = !!_.values || type === Symbols,
format = _.format || labelFormat(scale, count, type, _.formatSpecifier, _.formatType, lskip),
values = _.values || labelValues(scale, count),
domain, fraction, size, offset, ellipsis;
if (items) out.rem = items;
if (type === Symbols) {
if (limit && values.length > limit) {
pulse.dataflow.warn('Symbol legend count exceeds limit, filtering items.');
items = values.slice(0, limit - 1);
ellipsis = true;
} else {
items = values;
if (vegaUtil.isFunction(size = _.size)) {
// if first value maps to size zero, remove from list (vega#717)
if (!_.values && scale(items[0]) === 0) {
items = items.slice(1);
// compute size offset for legend entries
offset = items.reduce(function(max, value) {
return Math.max(max, size(value, _));
}, 0);
} else {
size = vegaUtil.constant(offset = size || 8);
items =, index) {
return vegaDataflow.ingest({
index: index,
label: format(value, index, items),
value: value,
offset: offset,
size: size(value, _)
if (ellipsis) {
ellipsis = values[items.length];
index: items.length,
label: `\u2026${values.length-items.length} entries`,
value: ellipsis,
offset: offset,
size: size(ellipsis, _)
else if (type === Gradient) {
domain = scale.domain(),
fraction = vegaScale.scaleFraction(scale, domain[0], vegaUtil.peek(domain));
// if automatic label generation produces 2 or fewer values,
// use the domain end points instead (fixes vega/vega#1364)
if (values.length < 3 && !_.values && domain[0] !== vegaUtil.peek(domain)) {
values = [domain[0], vegaUtil.peek(domain)];
items =, index) {
return vegaDataflow.ingest({
index: index,
label: format(value, index, values),
value: value,
perc: fraction(value)
else {
size = values.length - 1;
fraction = labelFraction(scale);
items =, index) {
return vegaDataflow.ingest({
index: index,
label: format(value, index, values),
value: value,
perc: index ? fraction(value) : 0,
perc2: index === size ? 1 : fraction(values[index+1])
out.source = items;
out.add = items;
this.value = items;
return out;
var Paths = vegaUtil.fastmap({
'line': line,
'line-radial': lineR,
'arc': arc,
'arc-radial': arcR,
'curve': curve,
'curve-radial': curveR,
'orthogonal-horizontal': orthoX,
'orthogonal-vertical': orthoY,
'orthogonal-radial': orthoR,
'diagonal-horizontal': diagonalX,
'diagonal-vertical': diagonalY,
'diagonal-radial': diagonalR
function sourceX(t) { return t.source.x; }
function sourceY(t) { return t.source.y; }
function targetX(t) { return; }
function targetY(t) { return; }
* Layout paths linking source and target elements.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
function LinkPath(params) {, {}, params);
LinkPath.Definition = {
"type": "LinkPath",
"metadata": {"modifies": true},
"params": [
{ "name": "sourceX", "type": "field", "default": "source.x" },
{ "name": "sourceY", "type": "field", "default": "source.y" },
{ "name": "targetX", "type": "field", "default": "target.x" },
{ "name": "targetY", "type": "field", "default": "target.y" },
{ "name": "orient", "type": "enum", "default": "vertical",
"values": ["horizontal", "vertical", "radial"] },
{ "name": "shape", "type": "enum", "default": "line",
"values": ["line", "arc", "curve", "diagonal", "orthogonal"] },
{ "name": "require", "type": "signal" },
{ "name": "as", "type": "string", "default": "path" }
var prototype$4 = vegaUtil.inherits(LinkPath, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$4.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var sx = _.sourceX || sourceX,
sy = _.sourceY || sourceY,
tx = _.targetX || targetX,
ty = _.targetY || targetY,
as = || 'path',
orient = _.orient || 'vertical',
shape = _.shape || 'line',
path = Paths.get(shape + '-' + orient) || Paths.get(shape);
if (!path) {
vegaUtil.error('LinkPath unsupported type: ' + _.shape
+ (_.orient ? '-' + _.orient : ''));
pulse.visit(pulse.SOURCE, function(t) {
t[as] = path(sx(t), sy(t), tx(t), ty(t));
return pulse.reflow(_.modified()).modifies(as);
// -- Link Path Generation Methods -----
function line(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'L' + tx + ',' + ty;
function lineR(sa, sr, ta, tr) {
return line(
sr * Math.cos(sa), sr * Math.sin(sa),
tr * Math.cos(ta), tr * Math.sin(ta)
function arc(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
var dx = tx - sx,
dy = ty - sy,
rr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 2,
ra = 180 * Math.atan2(dy, dx) / Math.PI;
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'A' + rr + ',' + rr +
' ' + ra + ' 0 1' +
' ' + tx + ',' + ty;
function arcR(sa, sr, ta, tr) {
return arc(
sr * Math.cos(sa), sr * Math.sin(sa),
tr * Math.cos(ta), tr * Math.sin(ta)
function curve(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
var dx = tx - sx,
dy = ty - sy,
ix = 0.2 * (dx + dy),
iy = 0.2 * (dy - dx);
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'C' + (sx+ix) + ',' + (sy+iy) +
' ' + (tx+iy) + ',' + (ty-ix) +
' ' + tx + ',' + ty;
function curveR(sa, sr, ta, tr) {
return curve(
sr * Math.cos(sa), sr * Math.sin(sa),
tr * Math.cos(ta), tr * Math.sin(ta)
function orthoX(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'V' + ty + 'H' + tx;
function orthoY(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'H' + tx + 'V' + ty;
function orthoR(sa, sr, ta, tr) {
var sc = Math.cos(sa),
ss = Math.sin(sa),
tc = Math.cos(ta),
ts = Math.sin(ta),
sf = Math.abs(ta - sa) > Math.PI ? ta <= sa : ta > sa;
return 'M' + (sr*sc) + ',' + (sr*ss) +
'A' + sr + ',' + sr + ' 0 0,' + (sf?1:0) +
' ' + (sr*tc) + ',' + (sr*ts) +
'L' + (tr*tc) + ',' + (tr*ts);
function diagonalX(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
var m = (sx + tx) / 2;
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'C' + m + ',' + sy +
' ' + m + ',' + ty +
' ' + tx + ',' + ty;
function diagonalY(sx, sy, tx, ty) {
var m = (sy + ty) / 2;
return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy +
'C' + sx + ',' + m +
' ' + tx + ',' + m +
' ' + tx + ',' + ty;
function diagonalR(sa, sr, ta, tr) {
var sc = Math.cos(sa),
ss = Math.sin(sa),
tc = Math.cos(ta),
ts = Math.sin(ta),
mr = (sr + tr) / 2;
return 'M' + (sr*sc) + ',' + (sr*ss) +
'C' + (mr*sc) + ',' + (mr*ss) +
' ' + (mr*tc) + ',' + (mr*ts) +
' ' + (tr*tc) + ',' + (tr*ts);
* Pie and donut chart layout.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {function(object): *} params.field - The value field to size pie segments.
* @param {number} [params.startAngle=0] - The start angle (in radians) of the layout.
* @param {number} [params.endAngle=2π] - The end angle (in radians) of the layout.
* @param {boolean} [params.sort] - Boolean flag for sorting sectors by value.
function Pie(params) {, null, params);
Pie.Definition = {
"type": "Pie",
"metadata": {"modifies": true},
"params": [
{ "name": "field", "type": "field" },
{ "name": "startAngle", "type": "number", "default": 0 },
{ "name": "endAngle", "type": "number", "default": 6.283185307179586 },
{ "name": "sort", "type": "boolean", "default": false },
{ "name": "as", "type": "string", "array": true, "length": 2, "default": ["startAngle", "endAngle"] }
var prototype$5 = vegaUtil.inherits(Pie, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$5.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var as = || ['startAngle', 'endAngle'],
startAngle = as[0],
endAngle = as[1],
field = _.field ||,
start = _.startAngle || 0,
stop = _.endAngle != null ? _.endAngle : 2 * Math.PI,
data = pulse.source,
values =,
n = values.length,
a = start,
k = (stop - start) / d3Array.sum(values),
index = d3Array.range(n),
i, t, v;
if (_.sort) {
index.sort(function(a, b) {
return values[a] - values[b];
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
v = values[index[i]];
t = data[index[i]];
t[startAngle] = a;
t[endAngle] = (a += v * k);
this.value = values;
return pulse.reflow(_.modified()).modifies(as);
function includeZero(scale) {
const type = scale.type;
return !scale.bins && (
type === vegaScale.Linear || type === vegaScale.Pow || type === vegaScale.Sqrt
function includePad(type) {
return vegaScale.isContinuous(type) && type !== vegaScale.Sequential;
var SKIP = vegaUtil.toSet([
'set', 'modified', 'clear', 'type', 'scheme', 'schemeExtent', 'schemeCount',
'domain', 'domainMin', 'domainMid', 'domainMax',
'domainRaw', 'domainImplicit', 'nice', 'zero', 'bins',
'range', 'rangeStep', 'round', 'reverse', 'interpolate', 'interpolateGamma'
* Maintains a scale function mapping data values to visual channels.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
function Scale(params) {, null, params);
this.modified(true); // always treat as modified
var prototype$6 = vegaUtil.inherits(Scale, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$6.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var df = pulse.dataflow,
scale = this.value,
key = scaleKey(_);
if (!scale || key !== scale.type) {
this.value = scale = vegaScale.scale(key)();
for (key in _) if (!SKIP[key]) {
// padding is a scale property for band/point but not others
if (key === 'padding' && includePad(scale.type)) continue;
// invoke scale property setter, raise warning if not found
? scale[key](_[key])
: df.warn('Unsupported scale property: ' + key);
configureRange(scale, _,
configureBins(scale, _, configureDomain(scale, _, df))
return pulse.fork(pulse.NO_SOURCE | pulse.NO_FIELDS);
function scaleKey(_) {
var t = _.type, d = '', n;
// backwards compatibility pre Vega 5.
if (t === vegaScale.Sequential) return vegaScale.Sequential + '-' + vegaScale.Linear;
if (isContinuousColor(_)) {
n = _.rawDomain ? _.rawDomain.length
: _.domain ? _.domain.length + +(_.domainMid != null)
: 0;
d = n === 2 ? vegaScale.Sequential + '-'
: n === 3 ? vegaScale.Diverging + '-'
: '';
return ((d + t) || vegaScale.Linear).toLowerCase();
function isContinuousColor(_) {
const t = _.type;
return vegaScale.isContinuous(t) && t !== vegaScale.Time && t !== vegaScale.UTC && (
_.scheme || _.range && _.range.length && _.range.every(vegaUtil.isString)
function configureDomain(scale, _, df) {
// check raw domain, if provided use that and exit early
var raw = rawDomain(scale, _.domainRaw, df);
if (raw > -1) return raw;
var domain = _.domain,
type = scale.type,
zero = || ( === undefined && includeZero(scale)),
n, mid;
if (!domain) return 0;
// adjust continuous domain for minimum pixel padding
if (includePad(type) && _.padding && domain[0] !== vegaUtil.peek(domain)) {
domain = padDomain(type, domain, _.range, _.padding, _.exponent, _.constant);
// adjust domain based on zero, min, max settings
if (zero || _.domainMin != null || _.domainMax != null || _.domainMid != null) {
n = ((domain = domain.slice()).length - 1) || 1;
if (zero) {
if (domain[0] > 0) domain[0] = 0;
if (domain[n] < 0) domain[n] = 0;
if (_.domainMin != null) domain[0] = _.domainMin;
if (_.domainMax != null) domain[n] = _.domainMax;
if (_.domainMid != null) {
mid = _.domainMid;
if (mid < domain[0] || mid > domain[n]) {
df.warn('Scale domainMid exceeds domain min or max.', mid);
domain.splice(n, 0, mid);
// set the scale domain
scale.domain(domainCheck(type, domain, df));
// if ordinal scale domain is defined, prevent implicit
// domain construction as side-effect of scale lookup
if (type === vegaScale.Ordinal) {
scale.unknown(_.domainImplicit ? vegaScale.scaleImplicit : undefined);
// perform 'nice' adjustment as requested
if (_.nice && scale.nice) {
scale.nice((_.nice !== true && tickCount(scale, _.nice)) || null);
// return the cardinality of the domain
return domain.length;
function rawDomain(scale, raw, df) {
if (raw) {
scale.domain(domainCheck(scale.type, raw, df));
return raw.length;
} else {
return -1;
function padDomain(type, domain, range, pad, exponent, constant) {
var span = Math.abs(vegaUtil.peek(range) - range[0]),
frac = span / (span - 2 * pad),
d = type === vegaScale.Log ? vegaUtil.zoomLog(domain, null, frac)
: type === vegaScale.Sqrt ? vegaUtil.zoomPow(domain, null, frac, 0.5)
: type === vegaScale.Pow ? vegaUtil.zoomPow(domain, null, frac, exponent || 1)
: type === vegaScale.Symlog ? vegaUtil.zoomSymlog(domain, null, frac, constant || 1)
: vegaUtil.zoomLinear(domain, null, frac);
domain = domain.slice();
domain[0] = d[0];
domain[domain.length-1] = d[1];
return domain;
function domainCheck(type, domain, df) {
if (vegaScale.isLogarithmic(type)) {
// sum signs of domain values
// if all pos or all neg, abs(sum) === domain.length
var s = Math.abs(domain.reduce(function(s, v) {
return s + (v < 0 ? -1 : v > 0 ? 1 : 0);
}, 0));
if (s !== domain.length) {
df.warn('Log scale domain includes zero: ' + vegaUtil.stringValue(domain));
return domain;
function configureBins(scale, _, count) {
let bins = _.bins;
if (bins && !vegaUtil.isArray(bins)) {
// generate bin boundary array
let domain = scale.domain(),
lo = domain[0],
hi = vegaUtil.peek(domain),
start = bins.start == null ? lo : bins.start,
stop = bins.stop == null ? hi : bins.stop,
step = bins.step;
if (!step) vegaUtil.error('Scale bins parameter missing step property.');
if (start < lo) start = step * Math.ceil(lo / step);
if (stop > hi) stop = step * Math.floor(hi / step);
bins = d3Array.range(start, stop + step / 2, step);
if (bins) {
// assign bin boundaries to scale instance
scale.bins = bins;
} else if (scale.bins) {
// no current bins, remove bins if previously set
delete scale.bins;
// special handling for bin-ordinal scales
if (scale.type === vegaScale.BinOrdinal) {
if (!bins) {
// the domain specifies the bins
scale.bins = scale.domain();
} else if (!_.domain && !_.domainRaw) {
// the bins specify the domain
count = bins.length;
// return domain cardinality
return count;
function configureRange(scale, _, count) {
var type = scale.type,
round = _.round || false,
range = _.range;
// if range step specified, calculate full range extent
if (_.rangeStep != null) {
range = configureRangeStep(type, _, count);
// else if a range scheme is defined, use that
else if (_.scheme) {
range = configureScheme(type, _, count);
if (vegaUtil.isFunction(range)) {
if (scale.interpolator) {
return scale.interpolator(range);
} else {
vegaUtil.error(`Scale type ${type} does not support interpolating color schemes.`);
// given a range array for an interpolating scale, convert to interpolator
if (range && vegaScale.isInterpolating(type)) {
return scale.interpolator(
vegaScale.interpolateColors(flip(range, _.reverse), _.interpolate, _.interpolateGamma)
// configure rounding / interpolation
if (range && _.interpolate && scale.interpolate) {
scale.interpolate(vegaScale.interpolate(_.interpolate, _.interpolateGamma));
} else if (vegaUtil.isFunction(scale.round)) {
} else if (vegaUtil.isFunction(scale.rangeRound)) {
scale.interpolate(round ? d3Interpolate.interpolateRound : d3Interpolate.interpolate);
if (range) scale.range(flip(range, _.reverse));
function configureRangeStep(type, _, count) {
if (type !== vegaScale.Band && type !== vegaScale.Point) {
vegaUtil.error('Only band and point scales support rangeStep.');
// calculate full range based on requested step size and padding
var outer = (_.paddingOuter != null ? _.paddingOuter : _.padding) || 0,
inner = type === vegaScale.Point ? 1
: ((_.paddingInner != null ? _.paddingInner : _.padding) || 0);
return [0, _.rangeStep * vegaScale.bandSpace(count, inner, outer)];
function configureScheme(type, _, count) {
var extent = _.schemeExtent,
name, scheme;
if (vegaUtil.isArray(_.scheme)) {
scheme = vegaScale.interpolateColors(_.scheme, _.interpolate, _.interpolateGamma);
} else {
name = _.scheme.toLowerCase();
scheme = vegaScale.scheme(name);
if (!scheme) vegaUtil.error(`Unrecognized scheme name: ${_.scheme}`);
// determine size for potential discrete range
count = (type === vegaScale.Threshold) ? count + 1
: (type === vegaScale.BinOrdinal) ? count - 1
: (type === vegaScale.Quantile || type === vegaScale.Quantize) ? (+_.schemeCount || DEFAULT_COUNT)
: count;
// adjust and/or quantize scheme as appropriate
return vegaScale.isInterpolating(type) ? adjustScheme(scheme, extent, _.reverse)
: vegaUtil.isFunction(scheme) ? vegaScale.quantizeInterpolator(adjustScheme(scheme, extent), count)
: type === vegaScale.Ordinal ? scheme : scheme.slice(0, count);
function adjustScheme(scheme, extent, reverse) {
return (vegaUtil.isFunction(scheme) && (extent || reverse))
? vegaScale.interpolateRange(scheme, flip(extent || [0, 1], reverse))
: scheme;
function flip(array, reverse) {
return reverse ? array.slice().reverse() : array;
* Sorts scenegraph items in the pulse source array.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {function(*,*): number} [params.sort] - A comparator
* function for sorting tuples.
function SortItems(params) {, null, params);
var prototype$7 = vegaUtil.inherits(SortItems, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$7.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var mod = _.modified('sort')
|| pulse.changed(pulse.ADD)
|| pulse.modified(_.sort.fields)
|| pulse.modified('datum');
if (mod) pulse.source.sort(vegaDataflow.stableCompare(_.sort));
return pulse;
var Zero = 'zero',
Center = 'center',
Normalize = 'normalize',
DefOutput = ['y0', 'y1'];
* Stack layout for visualization elements.
* @constructor
* @param {object} params - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {function(object): *} params.field - The value field to stack.
* @param {Array<function(object): *>} [params.groupby] - An array of accessors to groupby.
* @param {function(object,object): number} [params.sort] - A comparator for stack sorting.
* @param {string} [offset='zero'] - Stack baseline offset. One of 'zero', 'center', 'normalize'.
function Stack(params) {, null, params);
Stack.Definition = {
"type": "Stack",
"metadata": {"modifies": true},
"params": [
{ "name": "field", "type": "field" },
{ "name": "groupby", "type": "field", "array": true },
{ "name": "sort", "type": "compare" },
{ "name": "offset", "type": "enum", "default": Zero, "values": [Zero, Center, Normalize] },
{ "name": "as", "type": "string", "array": true, "length": 2, "default": DefOutput }
var prototype$8 = vegaUtil.inherits(Stack, vegaDataflow.Transform);
prototype$8.transform = function(_, pulse) {
var as = || DefOutput,
y0 = as[0],
y1 = as[1],
sort = vegaDataflow.stableCompare(_.sort),
field = _.field ||,
stack = _.offset === Center ? stackCenter
: _.offset === Normalize ? stackNormalize
: stackZero,
groups, i, n, max;
// partition, sum, and sort the stack groups
groups = partition(pulse.source, _.groupby, sort, field);
// compute stack layouts per group
for (i=0, n=groups.length, max=groups.max; i<n; ++i) {
stack(groups[i], max, field, y0, y1);
return pulse.reflow(_.modified()).modifies(as);
function stackCenter(group, max, field, y0, y1) {
var last = (max - group.sum) / 2,
m = group.length,
j = 0, t;
for (; j<m; ++j) {
t = group[j];
t[y0] = last;
t[y1] = (last += Math.abs(field(t)));
function stackNormalize(group, max, field, y0, y1) {
var scale = 1 / group.sum,
last = 0,
m = group.length,
j = 0, v = 0, t;
for (; j<m; ++j) {
t = group[j];
t[y0] = last;
t[y1] = last = scale * (v += Math.abs(field(t)));
function stackZero(group, max, field, y0, y1) {
var lastPos = 0,
lastNeg = 0,
m = group.length,
j = 0, v, t;
for (; j<m; ++j) {
t = group[j];
v = +field(t);
if (v < 0) {
t[y0] = lastNeg;
t[y1] = (lastNeg += v);
} else {
t[y0] = lastPos;
t[y1] = (lastPos += v);
function partition(data, groupby, sort, field) {
var groups = [],
get = function(f) { return f(t); },
map, i, n, m, t, k, g, s, max;
// partition data points into stack groups
if (groupby == null) {
} else {
for (map={}, i=0, n=data.length; i<n; ++i) {
t = data[i];
k =;
g = map[k];
if (!g) {
map[k] = (g = []);
// compute sums of groups, sort groups as needed
for (k=0, max=0, m=groups.length; k<m; ++k) {
g = groups[k];
for (i=0, s=0, n=g.length; i<n; ++i) {
s += Math.abs(field(g[i]));
g.sum = s;
if (s > max) max = s;
if (sort) g.sort(sort);
groups.max = max;
return groups;
exports.axisticks = AxisTicks;
exports.datajoin = DataJoin;
exports.encode = Encode;
exports.legendentries = LegendEntries;
exports.linkpath = LinkPath;
exports.pie = Pie;
exports.scale = Scale;
exports.sortitems = SortItems;
exports.stack = Stack;
exports.validTicks = validTicks;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });