StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var stardust_core_1 = require("stardust-core");
var glsl_1 = require("../glsl/glsl");
var GenerateMode;
(function (GenerateMode) {
GenerateMode[GenerateMode["NORMAL"] = 0] = "NORMAL";
GenerateMode[GenerateMode["PICK"] = 1] = "PICK";
GenerateMode[GenerateMode["FRAGMENT"] = 2] = "FRAGMENT";
})(GenerateMode = exports.GenerateMode || (exports.GenerateMode = {}));
var ViewType;
(function (ViewType) {
ViewType[ViewType["VIEW_2D"] = 0] = "VIEW_2D";
ViewType[ViewType["VIEW_3D"] = 1] = "VIEW_3D";
ViewType[ViewType["VIEW_MATRIX"] = 2] = "VIEW_MATRIX"; // Matrix mode.
})(ViewType = exports.ViewType || (exports.ViewType = {}));
var GLSLVertexShaderGenerator = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(GLSLVertexShaderGenerator, _super);
function GLSLVertexShaderGenerator(parent) {
var _this = || this;
_this._parent = parent;
return _this;
GLSLVertexShaderGenerator.prototype.addEmitStatement = function (sEmit) {
for (var name_1 in sEmit.attributes) {
this.addLine(this._parent._voutMapping.get(name_1) + " = " + this.generateExpression(sEmit.attributes[name_1]) + ";");
if (this._parent._mode == GenerateMode.PICK) {
this.addLine("out_pick_index = vec4(s3_pick_index.rgb, s3_pick_index_alpha);");
var position = this._parent._voutMapping.get("position");
switch (this._parent._spec.output.position.type) {
case "Vector2":
this.addLine("gl_Position = s3_render_vertex(vec3(" + position + ", 0.0));");
case "Vector3":
this.addLine("gl_Position = s3_render_vertex(" + position + ");");
case "Vector4":
this.addLine("gl_Position = s3_render_vertex(" + position + ".xyz);");
return GLSLVertexShaderGenerator;
exports.GLSLVertexShaderGenerator = GLSLVertexShaderGenerator;
var GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator, _super);
function GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator(parent) {
var _this = || this;
_this._parent = parent;
return _this;
GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator.prototype.addEmitStatement = function (sEmit) {
this.addLine("gl_FragColor = " + this.generateExpression(sEmit.attributes.color) + ";");
return GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator;
exports.GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator = GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator;
var Generator = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Generator, _super);
function Generator(spec, shader, asUniform, viewType, mode) {
if (mode === void 0) { mode = GenerateMode.NORMAL; }
var _this =, spec, shader, asUniform) || this;
_this._mode = mode;
_this._viewType = viewType;
_this._vertex = new GLSLVertexShaderGenerator(_this);
_this._fragment = new GLSLFragmentShaderGenerator(_this);
return _this;
Generator.prototype.compile = function () {
var _this = this;
var spec = this._spec;
var shader = this._shader;
var asUniform = this._asUniform;
this._voutMapping = new stardust_core_1.Dictionary();
this._foutMapping = new stardust_core_1.Dictionary();
this._vertex.addLine("precision highp float;");
this._fragment.addLine("precision highp float;");
if (this._mode == GenerateMode.PICK) {
this._vertex.addAttribute("s3_pick_index", "Vector4");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_pick_index_alpha", "float");
switch (this._viewType) {
case ViewType.VIEW_2D:
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_params", "Vector4");
this._vertex.addAdditionalCode("\n vec4 s3_render_vertex(vec3 p) {\n return vec4(p.xy * s3_view_params.xy +, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n ");
case ViewType.VIEW_3D:
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_params", "Vector4");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_position", "Vector3");
this._fragment.addUniform("s3_view_position", "Vector3");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_rotation", "Vector4");
this._vertex.addAdditionalCode("\n vec4 s3_render_vertex(vec3 p) {\n // Get position in view coordinates:\n vec3 v = p - s3_view_position;\n float d = dot(, v);\n vec3 c = cross(, v);\n v = s3_view_rotation.w * s3_view_rotation.w * v - (s3_view_rotation.w + s3_view_rotation.w) * c + d * - cross(c,;\n // Compute projection.\n vec4 r;\n r.xy = v.xy * s3_view_params.xy;\n r.z = v.z * s3_view_params.z + s3_view_params.w;\n r.w = -v.z;\n return r;\n }\n ");
case ViewType.VIEW_MATRIX:
// Use the MVP matrix provided by it.
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_projection_matrix", "Matrix4");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_matrix", "Matrix4");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_position", "Vector3");
this._vertex.addUniform("s3_view_rotation", "Vector4");
this._vertex.addAdditionalCode("\n vec4 s3_render_vertex(vec3 p) {\n vec3 v = p - s3_view_position;\n float d = dot(, v);\n vec3 c = cross(, v);\n v = s3_view_rotation.w * s3_view_rotation.w * v - (s3_view_rotation.w + s3_view_rotation.w) * c + d * - cross(c,;\n return s3_projection_matrix * s3_view_matrix * vec4(v, 1);\n }\n ");
if (this._viewType == ViewType.VIEW_2D) {
[this._vertex, this._fragment].forEach(function (x) {
return x.addAdditionalCode("\n vec3 s3_get_camera_position() {\n return vec3(0, 0, 1);\n }\n vec3 s3_get_camera_direction(vec3 p) {\n return vec3(0, 0, 1);\n }\n ");
else {
[this._vertex, this._fragment].forEach(function (x) {
x.addUniform("s3_camera_position", "Vector3");
x.addAdditionalCode("\n vec3 s3_get_camera_position() {\n return s3_camera_position;\n }\n vec3 s3_get_camera_direction(vec3 p) {\n return normalize(s3_camera_position - p);\n }\n ");
// Input attributes.
for (var name_2 in spec.input) {
if (spec.input.hasOwnProperty(name_2)) {
if (asUniform(name_2)) {
this._vertex.addUniform(name_2, spec.input[name_2].type);
else {
this._vertex.addAttribute(name_2, spec.input[name_2].type);
// Output attributes.
for (var name_3 in spec.output) {
if (spec.output.hasOwnProperty(name_3)) {
var oname = this.getUnusedName(name_3);
this._voutMapping.set(name_3, oname);
this._vertex.addVarying(oname, spec.output[name_3].type);
// Fragment shader inputs
var fragment_passthrus = []; // gname, input_name
for (var name_4 in shader.input) {
if (shader.input.hasOwnProperty(name_4)) {
if (this.fragmentPassthru(name_4)) {
if (this._asUniform(name_4)) {
this._fragment.addUniform(name_4, shader.input[name_4].type);
else {
var gname = this.getUnusedName(name_4);
fragment_passthrus.push([gname, name_4]);
this._vertex.addVarying(gname, shader.input[name_4].type);
this._fragment.addVarying(gname, shader.input[name_4].type);
else {
var gname = this._voutMapping.get(name_4);
if (gname) {
this._fragment.addVarying(gname, shader.input[name_4].type);
else {
this._fragment.addUniform(name_4, shader.input[name_4].type);
if (this._mode == GenerateMode.PICK) {
this._vertex.addVarying("out_pick_index", "Vector4");
// The main function.
this._vertex.addLine("void main() {");
// Define arguments.
for (var name_5 in spec.variables) {
if (spec.variables.hasOwnProperty(name_5)) {
var type = spec.variables[name_5];
this._vertex.addDeclaration(name_5, type);
this._vertexCode = this._vertex.getCode();
if (this._mode == GenerateMode.PICK) {
this._fragmentCode = "\n precision highp float;\n varying vec4 out_pick_index;\n void main() {\n gl_FragColor = out_pick_index;\n }\n ";
else {
// Input attributes.
// Output attributes.
for (var name_6 in shader.output) {
if (shader.output.hasOwnProperty(name_6)) {
var oname = this.getUnusedName(name_6);
this._foutMapping.set(name_6, oname);
this._fragment.addDeclaration(oname, shader.output[name_6].type);
// The main function.
this._fragment.addLine("void main() {");
// Define arguments.
for (var name_7 in shader.variables) {
if (shader.variables.hasOwnProperty(name_7)) {
var type = shader.variables[name_7];
this._fragment.addDeclaration(name_7, type);
var _loop_1 = function (name_8) {
if (shader.input.hasOwnProperty(name_8)) {
if (this_1.fragmentPassthru(name_8)) {
fragment_passthrus.forEach(function (_a) {
var gname = _a[0], vname = _a[1];
if (vname == name_8) {
_this._fragment.addLine(name_8 + " = " + gname + ";");
else {
if (this_1._voutMapping.get(name_8)) {
this_1._fragment.addDeclaration(name_8, shader.input[name_8].type);
this_1._fragment.addLine(name_8 + " = " + this_1._voutMapping.get(name_8) + ";");
var this_1 = this;
for (var name_8 in shader.input) {
this._fragmentCode = this._fragment.getCode();
Generator.prototype.getVertexCode = function () {
return this._vertexCode;
Generator.prototype.getFragmentCode = function () {
return this._fragmentCode;
return Generator;
exports.Generator = Generator;