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// Type definitions for regl 1.3.1
// Project: regl
// Definitions by: Stepan Stolyarov <>, David Schneider <>
/*~ Note that ES6 modules cannot directly export callable functions.
*~ This file should be imported using the CommonJS-style:
*~ ```typescript
*~ import REGL = require('regl');
*~ ```
*~ Refer to the documentation to understand common
*~ workarounds for this limitation of ES6 modules.
/*~ This module is a UMD module that exposes a global function `createREGL`. */
export as namespace createREGL;
export = REGL;
* Creates a full screen canvas element and a WebGL rendering context.
declare function REGL(): REGL.Regl;
* Creates a WebGL rendering context using an element selected by `selector`.
* This may be:
* 1) an existing HTMLCanvasElement
* 2) an element that contains a canvas
* 3) an element in which you'd like `regl` to create a canvas
* @param selector an argument to `document.querySelector`
declare function REGL(selector: string): REGL.Regl;
* Creates a canvas element and a WebGL rendering context in a given container element.
* @param container an HTML element
declare function REGL(container: HTMLElement): REGL.Regl;
* Creates a WebGL rendering context using a `<canvas>` element.
* @param canvas HTML canvas element
declare function REGL(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement): REGL.Regl;
* Wraps an existing WebGL rendering context.
* @param gl WebGL rendering context
declare function REGL(gl: WebGLRenderingContext): REGL.Regl;
* Creates a WebGL according to specified `options`
declare function REGL(options: REGL.InitializationOptions): REGL.Regl;
declare namespace REGL {
* `Regl` represents the object/function returned from the `REGL` constructor. It exposes the
* entire public interface of the `regl` library.
export interface Regl {
* The context creation attributes passed to the WebGL context constructor.
readonly attributes: WebGLContextAttributes;
* `regl` is designed in such a way that you should never have to directly access the underlying
* WebGL context. However, if you really absolutely need to do this for some reason (for example
* to interface with an external library), you can still get a reference to the WebGL context
* via the property `_gl`.
readonly _gl: WebGLRenderingContext;
* `regl` exposes info about the WebGL context limits and capabilities via the `limits` object.
readonly limits: REGL.Limits;
* `regl` tracks several metrics for performance monitoring. These can be read using the `stats` object.
readonly stats: REGL.Stats;
* Creates a new REGL command. The resulting command, when executed,
* will set a WebGL state machine to a specified `state`.
Uniforms extends {} = {},
Attributes extends {} = {},
Props extends {} = {},
OwnContext extends {} = {},
ParentContext extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext
drawConfig: REGL.DrawConfig<Uniforms, Attributes, Props, OwnContext, ParentContext>,
): REGL.DrawCommand<ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Clears selected buffers to specified values.
* If an option is not present, then the corresponding buffer is not cleared.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.clear`
clear(options: REGL.ClearOptions): void;
/* Reading pixels */
* Read entire screen.
* NB: Reading into a Float32Array requires OES_texture_float.
read<T extends Uint8Array | Float32Array = Uint8Array>(): T;
* Read entire screen into an existing TypedArray.
* NB: Reading into a Float32Array requires OES_texture_float.
read<T extends Uint8Array | Float32Array>(data: T): T;
* Read a selected region of screen or framebuffer.
* NB: Reading into a Float32Array requires OES_texture_float.
read<T extends Uint8Array | Float32Array = Uint8Array>(options: REGL.ReadOptions<T>): T;
* Dynamic variable binding
* `prop`, `context`, and `this` generate DynamicVariables, which can be used as values in a
* REGL.DrawConfig object. A DynamicVariable is an abstraction that will render a value only
* when the DrawCommand with which it's associated is invoked.
/* Retrieve the property `name` passed when the draw command is executed. */
prop<Props extends {}, Key extends keyof Props>(name: Key): DynamicVariable<Props[Key]>;
/* Retrieve the context property `name` when the draw command is executed. */
context<Context extends REGL.DefaultContext, K extends keyof Context>(name: K): DynamicVariable<Context[K]>;
/* Retrieve the property `name` of the object in whose context the draw command is executing. */
this<This extends {}, Key extends keyof This>(name: Key): DynamicVariable<This[Key]>;
/* Drawing */
/** Executes an empty draw command. */
draw(): void;
/* Resource creation */
/** Creates an empty buffer of length `length`. */
buffer(length: number): REGL.Buffer;
/** Creates a buffer with the provided `data`. */
buffer(data: REGL.BufferData): REGL.Buffer;
/** Creates a buffer using creation `options`. */
buffer(options: REGL.BufferOptions): REGL.Buffer;
/* Creates an Elements object with the provided `data`. */
elements(data: REGL.ElementsData): REGL.Elements;
/* Creates an Elements object using creation `options`. */
elements(options: REGL.ElementsOptions): REGL.Elements;
/* Creates a 2D Texture of dimensions 1 x 1. */
texture(): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Creates a 2D Texture of dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
texture(radius: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Creates a 2D Texture of dimensions `width` x `height`. */
texture(width: number, height: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Creates a 2D Texture using the provided `data`. */
texture(data: REGL.TextureImageData): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Creates a 2D Texture using creation `options`. */
texture(options: REGL.Texture2DOptions): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Creates a cube-map texture with faces of dimensions 1 x 1. */
cube(): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Creates a cube-map texture with faces of dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
cube(radius: number): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Creates a cube-map texture using the provided image data for the six faces. */
posXData: REGL.TextureImageData, negXData: REGL.TextureImageData,
posYData: REGL.TextureImageData, negYData: REGL.TextureImageData,
posZData: REGL.TextureImageData, negZData: REGL.TextureImageData
): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Creates a cube-map texture using the provided creation options for the six faces. */
posXOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negXOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
posYOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negYOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
posZOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negZOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Creates a cube-map texture using creation `options`. */
cube(options: REGL.TextureCubeOptions): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Creates a Renderbuffer of dimensions 1 x 1. */
renderbuffer(): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Creates a Renderbuffer of dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
renderbuffer(radius: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Creates a Renderbuffer of dimensions `width` x `height`. */
renderbuffer(width: number, height: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Creates a Renderbuffer using creation `options`. */
renderbuffer(options: REGL.RenderbufferOptions): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Creates a Framebuffer of dimensions 1 x 1. */
framebuffer(): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Creates a Framebuffer of dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
framebuffer(radius: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Creates a Framebuffer of dimensions `width` x `height`. */
framebuffer(width: number, height: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Creates a Framebuffer using creation `options`. */
framebuffer(options: REGL.FramebufferOptions): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Creates a FramebufferCube whose faces have dimensions 1 x 1. */
framebufferCube(): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Creates a FramebufferCube whose faces have dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
framebufferCube(radius: number): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Creates a FramebufferCube using creation `options`. */
framebufferCube(options: REGL.FramebufferCubeOptions): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Events and listeners */
* Registers a `callback` to be called on each animation frame.
* This method integrates with `requestAnimationFrame` and context loss
* events. It also calls `gl.flush` and drains several internal buffers,
* so you should try to do all your rendering to the drawing buffer within
* the frame callback.
frame(callback: REGL.FrameCallback): REGL.Cancellable;
* Registers a handler function to be called when the associated `regl` event is fired.
on(type: 'frame', callback: REGL.FrameCallback): REGL.Cancellable
on(type: 'lost' | 'restore' | 'destroy', callback: () => void): REGL.Cancellable;
* Test if an extension is present. Argument is case insensitive.
* For more information on WebGL extensions, see the WebGL extension registry.
* Relevant WebGL APIs
* - [WebGL Extension Registry](
* - gl.getExtension
* - gl.getSupportedExtensions
* @param name case-insensitive name of WebGL extension
hasExtension(name: string): boolean;
* Updates the values of internal times and recalculates the size of viewports.
poll(): void;
* Returns Total time elapsed since regl was initialized in seconds.
now(): number;
* Destroys the gl context and releases all associated resources.
destroy(): void;
* `regl` is designed in such a way that you should never have to directly access the underlying
* WebGL context. However, if you really absolutely need to do this for some reason (for example
* to interface with an external library), you can still get a reference to the WebGL context
* via the property `REGL._gl`. Note, though, that if you have changed the WebGL state, you must
* call `_refresh` to restore the `regl` state in order to prevent rendering errors.
_refresh(): void;
interface InitializationOptions {
/** A reference to a WebGL rendering context. (Default created from canvas) */
gl?: WebGLRenderingContext;
/** An HTML canvas element or a selector string to find this element. (Default created and appended to container)*/
canvas?: string | HTMLCanvasElement;
/** A container element into which regl inserts a canvas or a selector string to find this element. (Default document.body) */
container?: string | HTMLElement;
/** The context creation attributes passed to the WebGL context constructor. */
attributes?: WebGLContextAttributes;
/** A multiplier which is used to scale the canvas size relative to the container. (Default window.devicePixelRatio) */
pixelRatio?: number;
/** A list of extensions that must be supported by WebGL context. Default [] */
extensions?: string | string[];
/** A list of extensions which are loaded opportunistically. Default [] */
optionalExtensions?: string | string[];
/** If set, turns on profiling for all commands by default. (Default false) */
profile?: boolean;
/** An optional callback which accepts a pair of arguments, (err, regl) that is called after the application loads. If not specified, context creation errors throw */
onDone?: (err: Error | null, regl?: Regl) => void;
interface DefaultContext {
/** The number of frames rendered */
readonly tick: number;
/** Total time elapsed since regl was initialized in seconds */
readonly time: number;
/** Width of the current viewport in pixels */
readonly viewportWidth: number;
/** Height of the current viewport in pixels */
readonly viewportHeight: number;
/** Width of the WebGL context drawing buffer */
readonly drawingBufferWidth: number;
/** Height of the WebGL context drawing buffer */
readonly drawingBufferHeight: number;
/** The pixel ratio of the drawing buffer */
readonly pixelRatio: number;
type UserContext<
ParentContext extends REGL.DefaultContext,
OwnContext extends {},
Props extends {}
> = {
[Key in keyof OwnContext]: MaybeDynamic<OwnContext[Key], ParentContext, Props>;
interface Cancellable {
cancel(): void;
* A handler function invoked when `regl` fires the "frame" event. It is passed the default Context.
type FrameCallback = (context: REGL.DefaultContext) => void;
interface DynamicVariable<Return> {
* This type is supposed to be opaque. Properties are listed only because TS casts _anything_ to `DynamicVariable`.
* The type parameter `Return`, though unused in the body of the interface, is useful as a
* marker to ensure the correct type is rendered when the associated `DrawCommand` is invoked.
readonly id: number;
readonly type: number;
readonly data: string;
type DynamicVariableFn<
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {} = {}
> =
(context: Context, props: Props, batchId: number) => Return;
type MaybeDynamic<Type, Context extends REGL.DefaultContext, Props extends {}> =
Type |
DynamicVariable<Type> |
DynamicVariableFn<Type, Context, Props>;
type MaybeNestedDynamic<Type, Context extends REGL.DefaultContext, Props extends {}> =
{ [K in keyof Type]: MaybeDynamic<Type[K], Context, Props> };
interface ClearOptions {
* RGBA values (range 0-1) to use when the color buffer is cleared. Initial value: [0, 0, 0, 0].
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.clearColor`
color?: REGL.Vec4;
* Depth value (range 0-1) to use when the depth buffer is cleared. Initial value: 1.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.clearDepth`
depth?: number;
* The index used when the stencil buffer is cleared. Initial value: 0.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.clearStencil`
stencil?: number;
* Sets the target framebuffer to clear (if unspecified, uses the current framebuffer object).
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.bindFrameBuffer`
framebuffer?: REGL.Framebuffer | null;
interface ReadOptions<T = Uint8Array> {
/** An optional TypedArray which gets the result of reading the pixels. (Default: `null`, i.e. return a new TypedArray) */
data?: T | null;
/** The x-offset of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in pixels. (Default: `0`) */
x?: number;
/** The y-offset of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in pixels. (Default: `0`) */
y?: number;
/** The width of the rectangle in pixels. (Default: current framebuffer width) */
width?: number;
/** The height of the rectangle in pixels (Default: current framebuffer height) */
height?: number;
/** Sets the framebuffer to read pixels from. (Default: currently bound framebuffer) */
framebuffer?: REGL.Framebuffer;
* Commands can be nested using scoping. If a `DrawCommand` is passed a `CommandBodyFn`, then the
* `DrawCommand` is evaluated and its state variables are saved as the defaults for all
* `DrawCommand`s invoked within the `CommandBodyFn`.
* @param context REGL context
* @param props additional parameters of a draw call
* @param batchId index of a command in a batch call
type CommandBodyFn<
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {} = {}
> = (context: Context, props: Props, batchId: number) => void;
* Draw commands are the fundamental abstraction in regl. A draw command wraps up all of the WebGL
* state associated with a draw call (either drawArrays or drawElements) and packages it into a
* single reusable function.
interface DrawCommand<
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {} = {}
> {
readonly stats: REGL.CommandStats;
/** Run a command once. */
(body?: REGL.CommandBodyFn<Context, Props>): void;
/** Run a command `count` times. */
(count: number, body?: REGL.CommandBodyFn<Context, Props>): void;
/** Run a command with props. */
(props: Partial<Props>, body?: REGL.CommandBodyFn<Context, Props>): void;
/** Run a command batch. */
(props: Array<Partial<Props>>, body?: REGL.CommandBodyFn<Context, Props>): void;
interface DrawConfig<
Uniforms extends {} = {},
Attributes extends {} = {},
Props extends {} = {},
OwnContext extends {} = {},
ParentContext extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext
> {
/* Shaders */
/** Source code of vertex shader */
vert?: MaybeDynamic<string, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/** Source code of fragment shader */
frag?: MaybeDynamic<string, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Object mapping user-defined keys to user-defined values to be accessed via `DynamicVariable`s
* or `DynamicVariableFn`s elsewhere in the `DrawConfig` or in scoped `DrawCommand`s.
* Context variables in `regl` are computed before any other parameters and can also be passed
* from a scoped command to any sub-commands.
* Both `DynamicVariable`s and `DynamicVariableFn`s can be used as values in the context object,
* making it possible to define new context properties derived from existing context properties
* or from `props`.
context?: REGL.UserContext<ParentContext, OwnContext, Props>,
* Object mapping names of uniform variables to their values.
* To specify uniforms in GLSL structs use the fully qualified path with dot notation.
* example: `'nested.value': 5.3`
* To specify uniforms in GLSL arrays use the fully qualified path with bracket notation.
* example: `'colors[0]': [0, 1, 0, 1]`
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.getUniformLocation
* - gl.uniform
uniforms?: REGL.MaybeDynamicUniforms<Uniforms, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>,
* Object mapping names of attribute variables to their values.
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.vertexAttribPointer
* - gl.vertexAttrib
* - gl.getAttribLocation
* - gl.vertexAttibDivisor
* - gl.enableVertexAttribArray, gl.disableVertexAttribArray
attributes?: REGL.MaybeDynamicAttributes<Attributes, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>,
/* Drawing */
* Sets the primitive type. (Default: 'triangles', or inferred from `elements`)
primitive?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.PrimitiveType, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Number of vertices to draw. (Default: 0, or inferred from `elements`)
count?: MaybeDynamic<number, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Offset of primitives to draw. (Default: 0, or inferred from `elements`)
offset?: MaybeDynamic<number, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Number of instances to draw. (Default: 0)
* Only applicable if the `ANGLE_instanced_arrays` extension is present.
instances?: MaybeDynamic<number, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
* Element array buffer. (Default: `null`)
* Elements must be either an instance of REGL.Elements or else the arguments to REGL.Elements.
* If `elements` is specified while `primitive`, `count` and `offset` are not,
* then these values may be inferred from the state of the element array buffer.
elements?: MaybeDynamic<
REGL.Elements | ElementsData | ElementsOptions | null,
ParentContext & OwnContext,
/* Render target */
* A framebuffer to be used as a target for drawing. (Default: `null`)
* Passing null sets the framebuffer to the drawing buffer.
* Updating the render target will modify the viewport.
* Related WebGL APIs
* - [gl.bindFramebuffer](
framebuffer?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.Framebuffer | null, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Profiling */
* If set, turns on profiling for this command. (Default: `false`)
* Profiling stats can be accessed via the `stats` property of the `DrawCommand`.
profile?: MaybeDynamic<boolean, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Depth buffer */
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.depthFunc
* - gl.depthMask
* - gl.depthRange
depth?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.DepthTestOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Blending */
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.blendEquationSeparate
* - gl.blendFuncSeparate
* - gl.blendColor
blend?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.BlendingOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Stencil */
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.stencilFunc
* - gl.stencilMask
* - gl.stencilOpSeparate
stencil?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.StencilOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Polygon offset */
* Related WebGL APIs
* - gl.polygonOffset
polygonOffset?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.PolygonOffsetOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Culling */
cull?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.CullingOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Front face */
/* Sets gl.frontFace. Default: 'ccw' */
frontFace?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.FaceWindingType, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Dithering */
/* Toggles `gl.DITHER`. Default: false */
dither?: MaybeDynamic<boolean, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Line width */
/* Sets `gl.lineWidth`. Default: 1 */
lineWidth?: MaybeDynamic<number, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Color mask */
/* Sets `gl.colorMask`. Default: [true, true, true, true] */
colorMask?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.BVec4, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Sample coverage */
sample?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.SamplingOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Scissor */
scissor?: MaybeNestedDynamic<REGL.ScissorOptions, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
/* Viewport */
* Sets `gl.viewport`. Default: {}
* Updating `viewport` will modify the context variables `viewportWidth` and `viewportHeight`.
viewport?: MaybeDynamic<REGL.BoundingBox, ParentContext & OwnContext, Props>;
type PrimitiveType =
/** gl.POINTS */
"points" |
/** gl.LINES */
"lines" |
/** gl.LINE_STRIP */
"line strip" |
/** gl.LINE_LOOP */
"line loop" |
/** gl.TRIANGLES */
"triangles" |
"triangle strip" |
/** gl.TRIANGLE_FAN */
"triangle fan";
type Uniform =
boolean |
number |
boolean[] |
number[] |
Float32Array |
interface Uniforms {
[name: string]: Uniform;
type MaybeDynamicUniforms<
Uniforms extends REGL.Uniforms,
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {}
> = {
[Key in keyof Uniforms]: MaybeDynamic<Uniforms[Key], Context, Props>;
type Attribute =
ConstantAttribute |
AttributeConfig |
REGL.Buffer |
interface Attributes {
[name: string]: Attribute;
type MaybeDynamicAttributes<
Attributes extends REGL.Attributes,
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {}
> = {
[Key in keyof Attributes]: MaybeDynamic<Attributes[Key], Context, Props>;
interface ConstantAttribute {
constant: number | number[];
interface AttributeConfig {
/** A REGLBuffer wrapping the buffer object. (Default: null) */
buffer?: REGL.Buffer;
/** The offset of the vertexAttribPointer in bytes. (Default: 0) */
offset?: number;
/** The stride of the vertexAttribPointer in bytes. (Default: 0) */
stride?: number;
/** Whether the pointer is normalized. (Default: false) */
normalized?: boolean;
/** The size of the vertex attribute. (Default: Inferred from shader) */
size?: number;
/** Sets gl.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE. Only supported if the ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension is available. (Default: 0) */
divisor?: number;
interface DepthTestOptions {
/* Toggles `gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST)`. Default: true */
enable?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.depthMask`. Default: true */
mask?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.depthRange`. Default: [0, 1] */
range?: [number, number];
/* Sets `gl.depthFunc`. Default: 'less' */
func?: REGL.ComparisonOperatorType;
type ComparisonOperatorType =
/* `gl.NEVER` */
"never" |
/* `gl.ALWAYS` */
"always" |
/* `gl.LESS` */
"less" | "<" |
/* `gl.LEQUAL` */
"lequal" | "<=" |
/* `gl.GREATER` */
"greater" | ">" |
/* `gl.GEQUAL` */
"gequal" | ">=" |
/* `gl.EQUAL` */
"equal" | "=" |
/* `gl.NOTEQUAL` */
"notequal" | "!=";
interface BlendingOptions {
/* Toggles `gl.enable(gl.BLEND)`. Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
* `equation` can be either a string or an object with the fields {rgb, alpha}.
* The former corresponds to `gl.blendEquation` and the latter to `gl.blendEquationSeparate`.
* Default: 'add'
equation?: REGL.BlendingEquation | REGL.BlendingEquationSeparate;
* `func` can be an object with the fields {src, dst} or {srcRGB, srcAlpha, dstRGB, dstAlpha},
* with the former corresponding to gl.blendFunc and the latter to gl.blendFuncSeparate.
* Default: { src: 'src alpha', dst: 'one minus src alpha' }
func?: REGL.BlendingFunctionCombined | REGL.BlendingFunctionSeparate;
/* Sets `gl.blendColor` */
color?: REGL.Vec4;
interface BlendingEquationSeparate {
rgb: REGL.BlendingEquation;
alpha: REGL.BlendingEquation;
type BlendingEquation =
/* `gl.FUNC_ADD` */
"add" |
/* `gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT` */
"subtract" |
"reverse subtract" |
/* `gl.MIN_EXT`, requires `EXT_blend_minmax` */
"min" |
/* `gl.MAX_EXT`, requires `EXT_blend_minmax` */
interface BlendingFunctionCombined {
src: REGL.BlendingFunction;
dst: REGL.BlendingFunction;
interface BlendingFunctionSeparate {
srcRGB: REGL.BlendingFunction;
srcAlpha: REGL.BlendingFunction;
dstRGB: REGL.BlendingFunction;
dstAlpha: REGL.BlendingFunction;
type BlendingFunction =
/* `gl.ZERO` */
"zero" | 0 |
/* `gl.ONE` */
"one" | 1 |
/* `gl.SRC_COLOR` */
"src color" |
"one minus src color" |
/* `gl.SRC_ALPHA` */
"src alpha" |
"one minus src alpha" |
/* `gl.DST_COLOR` */
"dst color" |
"one minus dst color" |
/* `gl.DST_ALPHA` */
"dst alpha" |
"one minus dst alpha" |
"constant color" |
"one minus constant color" |
"constant alpha" |
"one minus constant alpha" |
"src alpha saturate";
interface StencilOptions {
/* Toggles `gl.enable(gl.STENCIL_TEST)`. Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.stencilMask`. Default: -1 */
mask?: number;
/* Sets `gl.stencilFunc`. Default: { cmp: 'always', ref: 0, mask: -1 } */
func?: REGL.StencilFunction;
* Sets `gl.stencilOpSeparate` for front face.
* Default: { fail: 'keep', zfail: 'keep', zpass: 'keep' }
opFront?: REGL.StencilOperation;
* Sets `gl.stencilOpSeparate` for back face.
* Default: { fail: 'keep', zfail: 'keep', zpass: 'keep' }
opBack?: REGL.StencilOperation;
/* Sets opFront and opBack simultaneously (`gl.stencilOp`). */
op?: REGL.StencilOperation;
interface StencilFunction {
/* comparison function */
cmp: REGL.ComparisonOperatorType;
/* reference value */
ref: number;
/* comparison mask */
mask: number;
interface StencilOperation {
/* The stencil operation applied when the stencil test fails. */
fail: REGL.StencilOperationType;
/* The stencil operation applied when the stencil test passes and the depth test fails. */
zfail: REGL.StencilOperationType;
/* The stencil operation applied when when both stencil and depth tests pass. */
zpass: REGL.StencilOperationType;
type StencilOperationType =
/* `gl.ZERO` */
"zero" |
/* `gl.KEEP` */
"keep" |
/* `gl.REPLACE` */
"replace" |
/* `gl.INVERT` */
"invert" |
/* `gl.INCR` */
"increment" |
/* `gl.DECR` */
"decrement" |
/* `gl.INCR_WRAP` */
"increment wrap" |
/* `gl.DECR_WRAP` */
"decrement wrap";
interface PolygonOffsetOptions {
/* Toggles `gl.enable(gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL)`. Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.polygonOffset`. Default: { factor: 0, units: 0 } */
offset?: REGL.PolygonOffset;
interface PolygonOffset {
factor: number;
units: number;
interface CullingOptions {
/* Toggles `gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE)`. Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.cullFace`. Default: 'back' */
face?: REGL.FaceOrientationType;
type FaceOrientationType =
/* `gl.FRONT` */
"front" |
/* `gl.BACK` */
type FaceWindingType =
/* `gl.CW` */
"cw" |
/* `gl.CCW` */
interface SamplingOptions {
/** Toggles `gl.enable(gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE)`. Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
/** Toggles `gl.enable(gl.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE)`. Default: false */
alpha?: boolean;
/** Sets `gl.sampleCoverage`. Default: { value: 1, invert: false } */
coverage?: REGL.SampleCoverage;
interface SampleCoverage {
value: number;
invert: boolean;
interface ScissorOptions {
/* Toggles gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR). Default: false */
enable?: boolean;
/* Sets `gl.SCISSOR`. Default: {} */
box?: REGL.BoundingBox;
interface BoundingBox {
/* left coordinate of the box; Default: 0 */
x?: number;
/* top coordiante of the box; Default: 0 */
y?: number;
/* width of the box; Default: framebuffer width - `x` */
width?: number;
/* height of the box; Default: framebuffer height - `y` */
height?: number;
* Resources
* A *resource* is a handle to a GPU resident object, like a texture, FBO or buffer.
interface Resource {
* relevant WebGL APIs:
* - `gl.deleteBuffer`
* - `gl.deleteTexture`
* - `gl.deleteRenderbuffer`
* - `gl.deleteFramebuffer`
destroy(): void;
interface Buffer extends REGL.Resource {
* Wraps a WebGL array buffer object.
readonly stats: {
/** The size of the buffer in bytes. */
size: number;
* Reinitializes the buffer with the new content.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.bufferData`
(data: REGL.BufferData): REGL.Buffer;
(options: REGL.BufferOptions): REGL.Buffer;
* Update a portion of the buffer, optionally starting at byte offset `offset`.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.bufferSubData`
subdata(data: REGL.BufferData, offset?: number): REGL.Buffer;
subdata(options: REGL.BufferOptions, offset?: number): REGL.Buffer;
interface BufferOptions {
/** The data for the vertex buffer. Default: null */
data?: REGL.BufferData | null;
/** If `data` is `null` or not present reserves space for the buffer. Default: 0 */
length?: number;
/** Sets array buffer usage hint. Default: 'static' */
usage?: REGL.BufferUsageHint;
/** Data type for vertex buffer. Default: 'uint8' */
type?: REGL.BufferDataType;
type BufferData =
number[] |
number[][] |
Uint8Array |
Int8Array |
Uint16Array |
Int16Array |
Uint32Array |
Int32Array |
type BufferUsageHint =
/** gl.DRAW_STATIC */
"static" |
/** gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW */
"dynamic" |
/** gl.STREAM_DRAW */
type BufferDataType =
"uint8" |
/** gl.BYTE */
"int8" |
"uint16" |
/** gl.SHORT */
"int16" |
/** gl.UNSIGNED_INT */
"uint32" |
/** gl.INT */
"int32" |
/** gl.FLOAT */
"float32" | "float";
interface Elements extends REGL.Resource {
* Wraps a WebGL element array buffer object.
* Reinitializes the element buffer with the new content.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.bufferData`
(data: REGL.ElementsData): REGL.Elements;
(options: REGL.ElementsOptions): REGL.Elements;
* Update a portion of the element buffer, optionally starting at byte offset `offset`.
* Relevant WebGL API: `gl.bufferSubData`
subdata(data: REGL.ElementsData, offset?: number): REGL.Elements;
subdata(options: REGL.ElementsOptions, offset?: number): REGL.Elements;
interface ElementsOptions {
/** The data of the element buffer. (Default: null) */
data?: REGL.ElementsData | null;
/** Usage hint (see gl.bufferData). (Default: 'static') */
usage?: REGL.BufferUsageHint;
/** Length of the element buffer in bytes. (Default: 0, or inferred from `data`) */
length?: number;
/** Default primitive type for element buffer. (Default: 0, or inferred from `data`) */
primitive?: REGL.PrimitiveType;
/** Data type for element buffer. (Default: 'uint8') */
type?: REGL.ElementsDataType;
/** Vertex count for element buffer. (Default: 0, or inferred from `data`) */
count?: number;
type ElementsData =
number[] |
number[][] |
Uint8Array |
Uint16Array |
type ElementsDataType =
"uint8" |
"uint16" |
interface Texture extends Resource {
readonly stats: {
/** Size of the texture in bytes. */
size: number;
/** Width of texture. */
readonly width: number;
/** Height of texture. */
readonly height: number;
/** Texture format. */
readonly format: REGL.TextureFormatType;
/** Texture data type. */
readonly type: REGL.TextureDataType;
/** Texture magnification filter. */
readonly mag: REGL.TextureMagFilterType;
/** Texture minification filter. */
readonly min: REGL.TextureMinFilterType;
/** Texture wrap mode on S axis. */
readonly wrapS: REGL.TextureWrapModeType;
/** Texture wrap mode on T axis. */
readonly wrapT: REGL.TextureWrapModeType;
type TextureFormatType =
/* `gl.ALPHA`; channels: 1; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"alpha" |
/* `gl.LUMINANCE`; channels: 1; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"luminance" |
/* `gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA`; channels: 2; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"luminance alpha" |
/* `gl.RGB`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"rgb" |
/* `gl.RGBA`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"rgba" |
/* `gl.RGBA4`; channels: 4; types: 'rgba4' */
"rgba4" |
/* `gl.RGB5_A1`; channels: 4; types: 'rgba5 a1' */
"rgb5 a1" |
/* `gl.RGB565`; channels: 3; types: 'rgb565' */
"rgb565" |
/* `ext.SRGB`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"srgb" |
/* `ext.RGBA`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8', 'half float', 'float' */
"srgba" |
/* `gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT`; channels: 1; types: 'uint16', 'uint32' */
"depth" |
/* `gl.DEPTH_STENCIL`; channels: 2; 'depth stencil' */
"depth stencil" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8' */
"rgb s3tc dxt1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba s3tc dxt1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba s3tc dxt3" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba s3tc dxt5" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_ATC_WEBGL`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8' */
"rgb atc" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_WEBGL`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba atc explicit alpha" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_WEBGL`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba atc interpolated alpha" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8' */
"rgb pvrtc 4bppv1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8' */
"rgb pvrtc 2bppv1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba pvrtc 4bppv1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG`; channels: 4; types: 'uint8' */
"rgba pvrtc 2bppv1" |
/* `ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL`; channels: 3; types: 'uint8' */
"rgb etc1";
type TextureDataType =
/* `gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE` */
"uint8" |
"uint16" |
/* `gl.UNSIGNED_INT` */
"uint32" |
/* `gl.FLOAT` */
"float" | "float32" |
/* `ext.HALF_FLOAT_OES` */
"half float" | "float16";
/* Related WebGL API: `gl.MAG_FILTER` */
type TextureMagFilterType =
/* `gl.NEAREST` */
"nearest" |
/* `gl.LINEAR` */
/* Related WebGL API: `gl.MIN_FILTER` */
type TextureMinFilterType =
/* `gl.NEAREST` */
"nearest" |
/* `gl.LINEAR` */
"linear" |
"linear mipmap linear" | "mipmap" |
"nearest mipmap linear" |
"linear mipmap nearest" |
"nearest mipmap nearest";
type TextureWrapModeType =
/* `gl.REPEAT` */
"repeat" |
/* `gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE` */
"clamp" |
interface Texture2D extends Texture {
/* Reinitializes the texture in place with dimensions 1 x 1. */
(): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place with dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
(radius: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place with dimensions `width` x `height`. */
(width: number, height: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place using the provided `data`. */
(data: REGL.TextureImageData): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place using creation `options`. */
(options: REGL.Texture2DOptions): REGL.Texture2D;
* Replaces the part of texture with new data.
* @param data image data object, similar to arguments for the texture constructor
* @param x horizontal offset of the image within the texture (Default: `0`)
* @param y vertical offset of the image within the texture (Default: `0`)
* @param level mipmap level of the texture to modify (Default: `0`)
/* Replaces the area at offset `x` (default: 0), `y` (default: 0), with `data`. */
subimage(data: REGL.TextureImageData, x?: number, y?: number, level?: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/* Replaces a subset of the image using creation `options`. */
subimage(options: Texture2DOptions, x?: number, y?: number, level?: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/** Resizes the texture to `radius` x `radius`. */
resize(radius: number): REGL.Texture2D;
/** Resizes the texture to dimensions `width` x `height`. */
resize(width: number, height: number): REGL.Texture2D;
interface Texture2DOptions {
/* Sets `width`, `height` and, optionally, `channels`. */
shape?: [number, number] | [number, number, REGL.TextureChannelsType];
/* Sets both width and height to the same value. */
radius?: number;
/* Width of texture. Default: 0 */
width?: number;
/* Height of texture. Default: 0 */
height?: number;
* Sets the number of color channels for the texture format.
* It can be used as an alternative to `format`.
* Default: null
channels?: REGL.TextureChannelsType | null;
* The following properties, `data` and `copy` are mutually exclusive.
/* Image data for the texture. Default: null */
data?: REGL.TextureImageData | null;
/* Create texture by copying the pixels in the current frame buffer. Default: false */
copy?: boolean;
/* Sets magnification filter. Default: 'nearest' */
mag?: REGL.TextureMagFilterType;
/* Sets minification filter. Default: 'nearest' */
min?: REGL.TextureMinFilterType;
/* Sets wrap mode for both axes, either to the same value, or independently, `[wrapS, wrapT]` */
wrap?: REGL.TextureWrapModeType | [REGL.TextureWrapModeType, REGL.TextureWrapModeType];
/* Sets wrap mode on S axis. Default: 'clamp' */
wrapS?: REGL.TextureWrapModeType;
/* Sets wrap mode on T axis. Default: 'clamp' */
wrapT?: REGL.TextureWrapModeType;
/* Sets number of anisotropic samples; requires `EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic`. Default: 0 */
aniso?: number;
/* Determines the format of the texture and possibly also the type. Default: 'rgba' */
format?: REGL.TextureFormatType;
* Texture type.
* In many cases type can be inferred from the format and other information in the texture.
* However, in some situations it may still be necessary to set it manually.
* Default: 'uint8'
type?: REGL.TextureDataType;
* If boolean, then it sets whether or not we should regenerate the mipmaps.
* If a string, it allows you to specify a hint to the mipmap generator.
* If a hint is specified, then also the mipmaps will be regenerated.
* Finally, mipmap can also be an array of arrays. In this case, every subarray will be one of
* the mipmaps, and you can thus use this option to manually specify the mipmaps of the image.
* Default: false
mipmap?: boolean | REGL.TextureMipmapHintType | number[][];
/* Flips textures vertically when uploading. Default: false */
flipY?: boolean;
/* Sets unpack alignment per row. Default: 1 */
alignment?: REGL.TextureUnpackAlignmentType;
/* Premultiply alpha when unpacking. Default: false */
premultiplyAlpha?: boolean;
/* Sets the WebGL color space flag for pixel unpacking. Default: 'none' */
colorSpace?: REGL.TextureColorSpaceType;
type TextureImageData =
number[] |
number[][] |
number[][][] |
ArrayBufferView |
REGL.NDArrayLike |
HTMLImageElement |
HTMLVideoElement |
HTMLCanvasElement |
* An N-dimensional array, as per `scijs/ndarray`.
interface NDArrayLike {
shape: number[];
stride: number[];
offset: number;
data: number[] | ArrayBufferView;
type TextureMipmapHintType =
/* `gl.DONT_CARE` */
"don't care" | "dont care" |
/* `gl.NICEST` */
"nice" |
/* `gl.FASTEST` */
type TextureColorSpaceType =
/* `gl.NONE` */
"none" |
type TextureChannelsType = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
/* Related WebGL API: `gl.pixelStorei` */
type TextureUnpackAlignmentType =
/* byte-alignment */
1 |
/* rows aligned to even-numbered bytes */
2 |
/* word-alignment */
4 |
/* rows start on double-word boundaries */
interface TextureCube extends Texture {
/* Reinitializes the texture in place with faces of dimensions 1 x 1. */
(): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place with faces of dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
(radius: number): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place using the provided image data for the six faces. */
posXData: REGL.TextureImageData, negXData: REGL.TextureImageData,
posYData: REGL.TextureImageData, negYData: REGL.TextureImageData,
posZData: REGL.TextureImageData, negZData: REGL.TextureImageData
): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place using the provided creation options for the six faces. */
posXOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negXOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
posYOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negYOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
posZOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions, negZOptions: REGL.Texture2DOptions,
): REGL.TextureCube;
/* Reinitializes the texture in place using creation `options`. */
(options: REGL.TextureCubeOptions): REGL.TextureCube;
* Replaces the part of texture with new data.
* @param face index of the face to modify
* @param data 2D image data object to use for the replacement
* @param x horizontal offset of the image within the face (Default: `0`)
* @param y vertical offset of the image within the face (Default: `0`)
* @param level mipmap level of the texture to modify (Default: `0`)
face: REGL.TextureCubeFaceIndex,
data: TextureImageData,
x?: number,
y?: number,
level?: number,
): REGL.TextureCube;
/** Resizes the cube-map texture, setting the dimensions of each face to `radius` x `radius`. */
resize(radius: number): REGL.TextureCube;
type TextureCubeFaceIndex =
/* positive X face */
0 |
/* negative X face */
1 |
/* positive Y face */
2 |
/* negative Y face */
3 |
/* positive Z face */
4 |
/* negative Z face */
interface TextureCubeOptions extends Texture2DOptions {
/* Uses the provided texture data for the six faces. */
faces?: [
TextureImageData, TextureImageData,
TextureImageData, TextureImageData,
TextureImageData, TextureImageData
interface Renderbuffer extends REGL.Resource {
readonly stats: {
/** Size of the renderbuffer in bytes. */
size: number;
/** Width of the renderbuffer */
readonly width: number;
/** Height of the renderbuffer */
readonly height: number;
/** Format of the renderbuffer. */
readonly format: number;
/* Reinitializes the Renderbuffer in place using dimensions: 1 x 1. */
(): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Reinitializes the Renderbuffer in place using dimensions: `radius` x `radius`. */
(radius: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Reinitializes the Renderbuffer in place using dimensions: `width` x `height`. */
(width: number, height: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Reinitializes the Renderbuffer in place using creation `options`. */
(options: REGL.RenderbufferOptions): REGL.Renderbuffer;
/* Resizes the Renderbuffer. */
resize(radius: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
resize(width: number, height: number): REGL.Renderbuffer;
interface RenderbufferOptions {
/* NB: `shape`, `radius`, and `width`/`height` are alternative (and mutually exclusive) means for setting the size of the renderbuffer. */
/* Sets the dimensions [width, height] for the renderbuffer. */
shape?: [number, number];
/* Sets the dimensions `radius` x `radius` for the renderbuffer. */
radius?: number;
/* Sets the width of the renderbuffer. Default: `gl.drawingBufferWidth` */
width?: number;
/* Sets the height of the renderbuffer. Default: `gl.drawingBufferHeight` */
height?: number;
/** Sets the internal format of the render buffer. Default 'rgba4' */
format?: REGL.RenderbufferFormat;
type RenderbufferFormat =
REGL.RenderbufferColorFormat |
/* `gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16` */
"depth" |
/* `gl.STENCIL_INDEX8` */
"stencil" |
/* `gl.DEPTH_STENCIL` */
"depth stencil";
type RenderbufferColorFormat =
/* `gl.RGBA4` */
"rgba4" |
/* `gl.RGB565` */
"rgb565" |
/* `gl.RGB5_A1` */
"rgb5 a1" |
/* `gl.RGB16F`, requires EXT_color_buffer_half_float */
"rgb16f" |
/* `gl.RGBA16F`, requires EXT_color_buffer_half_float */
"rgba16f" |
/* `gl.RGBA32F`, requires WEBGL_color_buffer_float */
"rgba32f" |
/* `gl.SRGB8_ALPHA8`, requires EXT_sRGB */
type Framebuffer = REGL.Framebuffer2D | REGL.FramebufferCube;
interface Framebuffer2D extends REGL.Resource {
/* Reinitializes the Framebuffer in place using dimensions: 1 x 1. */
(): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Reinitializes the Framebuffer in place using dimensions: `radius` x `radius`. */
(radius: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Reinitializes the Framebuffer in place using dimensions: `width` x `height`. */
(width: number, height: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Reinitializes the Framebuffer in place using creation `options`. */
(options: REGL.FramebufferOptions): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
/* Framebuffer binding */
/* Binds a framebuffer directly. This is a short cut for creating a command which sets the framebuffer. */
Context extends REGL.DefaultContext = REGL.DefaultContext,
Props extends {} = {}
>(body: REGL.CommandBodyFn<Context, Props>): void;
/* Resizes the Framebuffer and all its attachments. */
resize(radius: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
resize(width: number, height: number): REGL.Framebuffer2D;
interface FramebufferOptions {
/* NB: `shape`, `radius`, and `width`/`height` are alternative (and mutually exclusive) means for setting the size of the framebuffer. */
/* Sets the dimensions [width, height] for the framebuffer. */
shape?: [number, number];
/* Sets the dimensions `radius` x `radius` for the framebuffer. */
radius?: number;
/* Sets the width of the framebuffer. Default: `gl.drawingBufferWidth` */
width?: number;
/* Sets the height of the framebuffer. Default: `gl.drawingBufferHeight` */
height?: number;
/* NB: If neither `color` nor `colors` is specified, color attachments are created automatically. */
/* A texture or renderbuffer for the color attachment. */
color?: REGL.Framebuffer2DAttachment;
/* An array of textures or renderbuffers for the color attachments. */
colors?: REGL.Framebuffer2DAttachment[];
/* Sets the format of the color buffer. Ignored if `color` is specified. Default: 'rgba' */
colorFormat?: REGL.FramebufferTextureColorFormat | REGL.RenderbufferColorFormat;
/* Sets the type of the color buffer if it is a texture. Default: 'uint8' */
colorType?: REGL.FramebufferColorDataType;
/* Sets the number of color buffers. Values > 1 require WEBGL_draw_buffers. Default: 1 */
colorCount?: number;
/* If boolean, toggles the depth attachment. If a renderbuffer or texture, sets the depth attachment. Default: true */
depth?: boolean | REGL.Framebuffer2DAttachment;
/* If boolean, toggles the stencil attachments. If a renderbuffer or texture, sets the stencil attachment. Default: true */
stencil?: boolean | REGL.Framebuffer2DAttachment;
/* If boolean, toggles both the depth and stencil attachments. If a renderbuffer or texture, sets the combined depth/stencil attachment. Default: true */
depthStencil?: boolean | REGL.Framebuffer2DAttachment;
/* Toggles whether depth/stencil attachments should be in texture. Requires WEBGL_depth_texture. Default: false */
depthTexture?: boolean;
type Framebuffer2DAttachment = REGL.Texture2D | REGL.Renderbuffer;
interface FramebufferCube extends REGL.Resource {
/* Reinitializes the FramebufferCube in place using face dimensions 1 x 1. */
(): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Reinitializes the FramebufferCube in place using face dimensions `radius` x `radius`. */
(radius: number): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Reinitializes the FramebufferCube in place using creation `options`. */
(options: FramebufferCubeOptions): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Resizes the FramebufferCube and all its attachments. */
resize(radius: number): REGL.FramebufferCube;
/* Faces of the FramebufferCube */
faces: [
interface FramebufferCubeOptions {
/* NB: `shape`, `radius`, and `width`/`height` are alternative (and mutually exclusive) means for setting the size of the cube. */
/* Sets the dimensions [width, height] for each face of the cube. Width must equal height. */
shape?: [number, number];
/* Sets the dimensions `radius` x `radius` for each face of the cube. */
radius?: number;
/* Sets the width dimension for each face of the cube. Must equal `height`. */
width?: number;
/* Sets the height dimension for each face of the cube. Must equal `width`. */
height?: number;
/* A TextureCube for the color attachment. */
color?: REGL.TextureCube;
/* An array of TextureCubes for the color attachments. */
colors?: REGL.TextureCube[];
/* Sets the format of the color buffer. */
colorFormat?: REGL.FramebufferTextureColorFormat;
/* Sets the type of the color buffer. */
colorType?: REGL.FramebufferColorDataType;
/* Sets the number of color buffers. Values > 1 require WEBGL_draw_buffers. Default: 1 */
colorCount?: number;
/* If boolean, toggles the depth attachment. If texture, sets the depth attachment. Default: true */
depth?: boolean | REGL.TextureCube;
/* If boolean, toggles the stencil attachment. If texture, sets the stencil attachment. Default: true */
stencil?: boolean | REGL.TextureCube;
/* If boolean, toggles both the depth and stencil attachments. If texture, sets the combined depth/stencil attachment. Default: true */
depthStencil?: boolean | REGL.TextureCube;
/* `gl.RGBA` */
type FramebufferTextureColorFormat = "rgba";
type FramebufferColorDataType =
/* `gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE` */
"uint8" |
/* `ext.HALF_FLOAT_OES` (16-bit float), requires OES_texture_half_float */
"half float" |
/* `gl.FLOAT` (32-bit float), requires OES_texture_float */
interface Limits {
/** An array of bits depths for the red, green, blue and alpha channels */
colorBits: [number, number, number, number];
/** Bit depth of drawing buffer */
depthBits: number;
/** Bit depth of stencil buffer */
stencilBits: number;
subpixelBits: number;
/** A list of all supported extensions */
extensions: string[];
/** Maximum number of anisotropic filtering samples */
maxAnisotropic: number;
/** Maximum number of draw buffers */
maxDrawbuffers: number;
/** Maximum number of color attachments */
maxColorAttachments: number;
pointSizeDims: Float32Array;
lineWidthDims: Float32Array;
maxViewportDims: Int32Array;
maxCombinedTextureUnits: number;
maxCubeMapSize: number;
maxRenderbufferSize: number;
maxTextureUnits: number;
maxTextureSize: number;
maxAttributes: number;
maxVertexUniforms: number;
maxVertexTextureUnits: number;
maxVaryingVectors: number;
maxFragmentUniforms: number;
glsl: string;
/** gl.RENDERER */
renderer: string;
/** gl.VENDOR */
vendor: string;
/** gl.VERSION */
version: string;
/** A list of all supported texture formats */
textureFormats: TextureFormatType[];
interface Stats {
/** The number of array buffers currently allocated */
bufferCount: number;
/** The number of element buffers currently allocated */
elementsCount: number;
/** The number of framebuffers currently allocated */
framebufferCount: number;
/** The number of shaders currently allocated */
shaderCount: number;
/** The number of textures currently allocated */
textureCount: number;
/** The number of cube maps currently allocated */
cubeCount: number;
/** The number of renderbuffers currently allocated */
renderbufferCount: number;
/** The maximum number of texture units used */
maxTextureUnits: number;
// The following functions are only available if regl is initialized with option `profile: true`
/** The total amount of memory allocated for textures and cube maps */
getTotalTextureSize?: () => number;
/** The total amount of memory allocated for array buffers and element buffers */
getTotalBufferSize?: () => number;
/** The total amount of memory allocated for renderbuffers */
getTotalRenderbufferSize?: () => number;
/** The maximum number of uniforms in any shader */
getMaxUniformsCount?: () => number;
/** The maximum number of attributes in any shader */
getMaxAttributesCount?: () => number;
interface CommandStats {
/** The number of times the command has been called. */
count: number;
* The cumulative CPU time spent executing the command in milliseconds.
* `cpuTime` uses `` if available. Otherwise it falls back to ``.
cpuTime: number;
* The cumulative GPU time spent executing the command in milliseconds.
* (requires the `EXT_disjoint_timer_query` extension).
* GPU timer queries update asynchronously. If you are not using `regl.frame()` to tick your
* application, then you should periodically call `regl.poll()` each frame to update the timer
* statistics.
gpuTime: number;
* The following types are defined for the convenience of clients of this library. They represent
* the most likely forms in which values being passed to shaders (via uniforms and attributes) are
* defined: flat JS arrays for vectors and either flat or two-dimensional JS arrays for matrices.
type Vec2 = [number, number];
type Vec3 = [number, number, number];
type Vec4 = [number, number, number, number];
type BVec2 = [boolean, boolean];
type BVec3 = [boolean, boolean, boolean];
type BVec4 = [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean];
type Mat2 = [
number, number,
number, number
] | [
type Mat3 = [
number, number, number,
number, number, number,
number, number, number
] | [
type Mat4 = [
number, number, number, number,
number, number, number, number,
number, number, number, number,
number, number, number, number
] | [