StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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* @module point-cluster/quad
* Bucket based quad tree clustering
'use strict'
const search = require('binary-search-bounds')
const clamp = require('clamp')
const rect = require('parse-rect')
const getBounds = require('array-bounds')
const pick = require('pick-by-alias')
const defined = require('defined')
const flatten = require('flatten-vertex-data')
const isObj = require('is-obj')
const dtype = require('dtype')
const log2 = require('math-log2')
const MAX_GROUP_ID = 1073741824
module.exports = function cluster (srcPoints, options) {
if (!options) options = {}
srcPoints = flatten(srcPoints, 'float64')
options = pick(options, {
bounds: 'range bounds dataBox databox',
maxDepth: 'depth maxDepth maxdepth level maxLevel maxlevel levels',
dtype: 'type dtype format out dst output destination'
// sort: 'sortBy sortby sort',
// pick: 'pick levelPoint',
// nodeSize: 'node nodeSize minNodeSize minSize size'
// let nodeSize = defined(options.nodeSize, 1)
let maxDepth = defined(options.maxDepth, 255)
let bounds = defined(options.bounds, getBounds(srcPoints, 2))
if (bounds[0] === bounds[2]) bounds[2]++
if (bounds[1] === bounds[3]) bounds[3]++
let points = normalize(srcPoints, bounds)
// init variables
let n = srcPoints.length >>> 1
let ids
if (!options.dtype) options.dtype = 'array'
if (typeof options.dtype === 'string') {
ids = new (dtype(options.dtype))(n)
else if (options.dtype) {
ids = options.dtype
if (Array.isArray(ids)) ids.length = n
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ids[i] = i
// representative point indexes for levels
let levels = []
// starting indexes of subranges in sub levels, levels.length * 4
let sublevels = []
// unique group ids, sorted in z-curve fashion within levels by shifting bits
let groups = []
// level offsets in `ids`
let offsets = []
// sort points
sort(0, 0, 1, ids, 0, 1)
// return reordered ids with provided methods
// save level offsets in output buffer
let offset = 0
for (let level = 0; level < levels.length; level++) {
let levelItems = levels[level]
if (ids.set) ids.set(levelItems, offset)
else {
for (let i = 0, l = levelItems.length; i < l; i++) {
ids[i + offset] = levelItems[i]
let nextOffset = offset + levels[level].length
offsets[level] = [offset, nextOffset]
offset = nextOffset
ids.range = range
return ids
// FIXME: it is possible to create one typed array heap and reuse that to avoid memory blow
function sort (x, y, diam, ids, level, group) {
if (!ids.length) return null
// save first point as level representative
let levelItems = levels[level] || (levels[level] = [])
let levelGroups = groups[level] || (groups[level] = [])
let sublevel = sublevels[level] || (sublevels[level] = [])
let offset = levelItems.length
// max depth reached - put all items into a first group
// alternatively - if group id overflow - avoid proceeding
if (level > maxDepth || group > MAX_GROUP_ID) {
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
sublevel.push(null, null, null, null)
return offset
if (ids.length <= 1) {
sublevel.push(null, null, null, null)
return offset
let d2 = diam * .5
let cx = x + d2, cy = y + d2
// distribute points by 4 buckets
let lolo = [], lohi = [], hilo = [], hihi = []
for (let i = 1, l = ids.length; i < l; i++) {
let idx = ids[i],
x = points[idx * 2],
y = points[idx * 2 + 1]
x < cx ? (y < cy ? lolo.push(idx) : lohi.push(idx)) : (y < cy ? hilo.push(idx) : hihi.push(idx))
group <<= 2
sort(x, y, d2, lolo, level, group),
sort(x, cy, d2, lohi, level, group + 1),
sort(cx, y, d2, hilo, level, group + 2),
sort(cx, cy, d2, hihi, level, group + 3)
return offset
// get all points within the passed range
function range ( ...args ) {
let options
if (isObj(args[args.length - 1])) {
let arg = args.pop()
// detect if that was a rect object
if (!args.length && (arg.x != null || arg.l != null || arg.left != null)) {
args = [arg]
options = {}
options = pick(arg, {
level: 'level maxLevel',
d: 'd diam diameter r radius px pxSize pixel pixelSize maxD size minSize',
lod: 'lod details ranges offsets'
else {
options = {}
if (!args.length) args = bounds
let box = rect( ...args )
let [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] = [
Math.min(box.x, box.x + box.width),
Math.min(box.y, box.y + box.height),
Math.max(box.x, box.x + box.width),
Math.max(box.y, box.y + box.height)
let [nminX, nminY, nmaxX, nmaxY] = normalize([minX, minY, maxX, maxY], bounds )
let maxLevel = defined(options.level, levels.length)
// limit maxLevel by px size
if (options.d != null) {
let d
if (typeof options.d === 'number') d = [options.d, options.d]
else if (options.d.length) d = options.d
maxLevel = Math.min(
Math.ceil(-log2(Math.abs(d[0]) / (bounds[2] - bounds[0]))),
Math.ceil(-log2(Math.abs(d[1]) / (bounds[3] - bounds[1])))
maxLevel = Math.min(maxLevel, levels.length)
// return levels of details
if (options.lod) {
return lod(nminX, nminY, nmaxX, nmaxY, maxLevel)
// do selection ids
let selection = []
// FIXME: probably we can do LOD here beforehead
select( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)
function select ( lox, loy, d, level, from, to ) {
if (from === null || to === null) return
let hix = lox + d
let hiy = loy + d
// if box does not intersect level - ignore
if ( nminX > hix || nminY > hiy || nmaxX < lox || nmaxY < loy ) return
if ( level >= maxLevel ) return
if ( from === to ) return
// if points fall into box range - take it
let levelItems = levels[level]
if (to === undefined) to = levelItems.length
for (let i = from; i < to; i++) {
let id = levelItems[i]
let px = srcPoints[ id * 2 ]
let py = srcPoints[ id * 2 + 1 ]
if ( px >= minX && px <= maxX && py >= minY && py <= maxY ) {selection.push(id)
// for every subsection do select
let offsets = sublevels[ level ]
let off0 = offsets[ from * 4 + 0 ]
let off1 = offsets[ from * 4 + 1 ]
let off2 = offsets[ from * 4 + 2 ]
let off3 = offsets[ from * 4 + 3 ]
let end = nextOffset(offsets, from + 1)
let d2 = d * .5
let nextLevel = level + 1
select( lox, loy, d2, nextLevel, off0, off1 || off2 || off3 || end)
select( lox, loy + d2, d2, nextLevel, off1, off2 || off3 || end)
select( lox + d2, loy, d2, nextLevel, off2, off3 || end)
select( lox + d2, loy + d2, d2, nextLevel, off3, end)
function nextOffset(offsets, from) {
let offset = null, i = 0
while(offset === null) {
offset = offsets[ from * 4 + i ]
if (i > offsets.length) return null
return offset
return selection
// get range offsets within levels to render lods appropriate for zoom level
// TODO: it is possible to store minSize of a point to optimize neede level calc
function lod (lox, loy, hix, hiy, maxLevel) {
let ranges = []
for (let level = 0; level < maxLevel; level++) {
let levelGroups = groups[level]
let from = offsets[level][0]
let levelGroupStart = group(lox, loy, level)
let levelGroupEnd = group(hix, hiy, level)
// FIXME: utilize sublevels to speed up search range here
let startOffset =, levelGroupStart)
let endOffset =, levelGroupEnd, startOffset, levelGroups.length - 1)
ranges[level] = [startOffset + from, endOffset + from]
return ranges
// get group id closest to the x,y coordinate, corresponding to a level
function group (x, y, level) {
let group = 1
let cx = .5, cy = .5
let diam = .5
for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
group <<= 2
group += x < cx ? (y < cy ? 0 : 1) : (y < cy ? 2 : 3)
diam *= .5
cx += x < cx ? -diam : diam
cy += y < cy ? -diam : diam
return group
// normalize points by bounds
function normalize (pts, bounds) {
let [lox, loy, hix, hiy] = bounds
let scaleX = 1.0 / (hix - lox)
let scaleY = 1.0 / (hiy - loy)
let result = new Array(pts.length)
for (let i = 0, n = pts.length / 2; i < n; i++) {
result[2*i] = clamp((pts[2*i] - lox) * scaleX, 0, 1)
result[2*i+1] = clamp((pts[2*i+1] - loy) * scaleY, 0, 1)
return result