StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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var locale={moduleType:"locale",name:"fr",dictionary:{Autoscale:"\xc9chelle automatique","Box Select":"S\xe9lection rectangulaire","Click to enter Colorscale title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 l'\xe9chelle de couleurs","Click to enter Component A title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 la composante A","Click to enter Component B title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 la composante B","Click to enter Component C title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 la composante C","Click to enter Plot title":"Ajouter un titre au graphique","Click to enter X axis title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 l'axe des x","Click to enter Y axis title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 l'axe des y","Click to enter radial axis title":"Ajouter un titre \xe0 l'axe radial","Compare data on hover":"Comparaison entre donn\xe9es en survol","Double-click on legend to isolate one trace":"Double-cliquer sur la l\xe9gende pour isoler une s\xe9rie","Double-click to zoom back out":"Double-cliquer pour d\xe9zoomer","Download plot as a png":"T\xe9l\xe9charger le graphique en fichier PNG","Download plot":"T\xe9l\xe9charger le graphique","Edit in Chart Studio":"\xc9diter le graphique sur","IE only supports svg. Changing format to svg.":"IE ne permet que les conversions en SVG. Conversion en SVG en cours.","Lasso Select":"S\xe9lection lasso","Orbital rotation":"Rotation orbitale",Pan:"Translation","Produced with Plotly":"G\xe9n\xe9r\xe9 avec Plotly",Reset:"R\xe9initialiser","Reset axes":"R\xe9initialiser les axes","Reset camera to default":"R\xe9gler la cam\xe9ra \xe0 sa valeur d\xe9faut","Reset camera to last save":"R\xe9gler la cam\xe9ra \xe0 sa valeur sauvegard\xe9e","Reset view":"R\xe9initialiser","Reset views":"R\xe9initialiser","Show closest data on hover":"Donn\xe9es les plus proches en survol","Snapshot succeeded":"Conversion r\xe9ussie","Sorry, there was a problem downloading your snapshot!":"D\xe9sol\xe9, un probl\xe8me est survenu lors du t\xe9l\xe9chargement de votre graphique","Taking snapshot - this may take a few seconds":"Conversion en cours, ceci peut prendre quelques secondes",Zoom:"Zoom","Zoom in":"Zoom int\xe9rieur","Zoom out":"Zoom ext\xe9rieur","close:":"fermeture :",trace:"s\xe9rie","lat:":"lat. :","lon:":"lon. :","q1:":"q1 :","q3:":"q3 :","source:":"source :","target:":"embouchure :","lower fence:":"cl\xf4ture sup\xe9rieure :","upper fence:":"cl\xf4ture inf\xe9rieure :","max:":"max. :","mean \xb1 \u03c3:":"moyenne \xb1 \u03c3 :","mean:":"moyenne :","median:":"m\xe9diane :","min:":"min. :","new text":"nouveau texte","Turntable rotation":"Rotation planaire","Toggle Spike Lines":"Activer/d\xe9sactiver les pics","open:":"ouverture :","high:":"haut :","low:":"bas :","Toggle show closest data on hover":"Activer/d\xe9sactiver le survol","incoming flow count:":"flux entrant :","outgoing flow count:":"flux sortant :","kde:":"est. par noyau :"},format:{days:["Dimanche","Lundi","Mardi","Mercredi","Jeudi","Vendredi","Samedi"],shortDays:["Dim","Lun","Mar","Mer","Jeu","Ven","Sam"],months:["Janvier","F\xe9vrier","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Ao\xfbt","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","D\xe9cembre"],shortMonths:["Jan","F\xe9v","Mar","Avr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Ao\xfb","Sep","Oct","Nov","D\xe9c"],date:"%d/%m/%Y",decimal:",",thousands:" ",year:"%Y",month:"%b %Y",dayMonth:"%-d %b",dayMonthYear:"%-d %b %Y"}};"undefined"==typeof Plotly?(window.PlotlyLocales=window.PlotlyLocales||[],window.PlotlyLocales.push(locale)):Plotly.register(locale); |