StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
378 lines
11 KiB
378 lines
11 KiB
var Uni = require('./unicode')
// Fix Function#name on browsers that do not support it (IE)
if (!(function f(){}).name) {
Object.defineProperty((function(){}).constructor.prototype, 'name', {
get: function() {
var name = this.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1]
// For better performance only parse once, and then cache the
// result through a new accessor for repeated access.
Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: name })
return name
var special_chars = {
0: '\\0', // this is not an octal literal
8: '\\b',
9: '\\t',
10: '\\n',
11: '\\v',
12: '\\f',
13: '\\r',
92: '\\\\',
// for oddballs
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
// some people escape those, so I'd copy this to be safe
var escapable = /[\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/
function _stringify(object, options, recursiveLvl, currentKey) {
var json5 = (options.mode === 'json5' || !options.mode)
* Opinionated decision warning:
* Objects are serialized in the following form:
* { type: 'Class', data: DATA }
* Class is supposed to be a function, and new Class(DATA) is
* supposed to be equivalent to the original value
/*function custom_type() {
return stringify({
data: object.toString()
// if add, it's an internal indentation, so we add 1 level and a eol
// if !add, it's an ending indentation, so we just indent
function indent(str, add) {
var prefix = options._prefix ? options._prefix : ''
if (!options.indent) return prefix + str
var result = ''
var count = recursiveLvl + (add || 0)
for (var i=0; i<count; i++) result += options.indent
return prefix + result + str + (add ? '\n' : '')
function _stringify_key(key) {
if (options.quote_keys) return _stringify_str(key)
if (String(Number(key)) == key && key[0] != '-') return key
if (key == '') return _stringify_str(key)
var result = ''
for (var i=0; i<key.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (!Uni.isIdentifierPart(key[i]))
return _stringify_str(key)
} else {
if (!Uni.isIdentifierStart(key[i]))
return _stringify_str(key)
var chr = key.charCodeAt(i)
if (options.ascii) {
if (chr < 0x80) {
result += key[i]
} else {
result += '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.toString(16)).slice(-4)
} else {
if (escapable.exec(key[i])) {
result += '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.toString(16)).slice(-4)
} else {
result += key[i]
return result
function _stringify_str(key) {
var quote = options.quote
var quoteChr = quote.charCodeAt(0)
var result = ''
for (var i=0; i<key.length; i++) {
var chr = key.charCodeAt(i)
if (chr < 0x10) {
if (chr === 0 && json5) {
result += '\\0'
} else if (chr >= 8 && chr <= 13 && (json5 || chr !== 11)) {
result += special_chars[chr]
} else if (json5) {
result += '\\x0' + chr.toString(16)
} else {
result += '\\u000' + chr.toString(16)
} else if (chr < 0x20) {
if (json5) {
result += '\\x' + chr.toString(16)
} else {
result += '\\u00' + chr.toString(16)
} else if (chr >= 0x20 && chr < 0x80) {
// ascii range
if (chr === 47 && i && key[i-1] === '<') {
// escaping slashes in </script>
result += '\\' + key[i]
} else if (chr === 92) {
result += '\\\\'
} else if (chr === quoteChr) {
result += '\\' + quote
} else {
result += key[i]
} else if (options.ascii || Uni.isLineTerminator(key[i]) || escapable.exec(key[i])) {
if (chr < 0x100) {
if (json5) {
result += '\\x' + chr.toString(16)
} else {
result += '\\u00' + chr.toString(16)
} else if (chr < 0x1000) {
result += '\\u0' + chr.toString(16)
} else if (chr < 0x10000) {
result += '\\u' + chr.toString(16)
} else {
throw Error('weird codepoint')
} else {
result += key[i]
return quote + result + quote
function _stringify_object() {
if (object === null) return 'null'
var result = []
, len = 0
, braces
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
braces = '[]'
for (var i=0; i<object.length; i++) {
var s = _stringify(object[i], options, recursiveLvl+1, String(i))
if (s === undefined) s = 'null'
len += s.length + 2
result.push(s + ',')
} else {
braces = '{}'
var fn = function(key) {
var t = _stringify(object[key], options, recursiveLvl+1, key)
if (t !== undefined) {
t = _stringify_key(key) + ':' + (options.indent ? ' ' : '') + t + ','
len += t.length + 1
if (Array.isArray(options.replacer)) {
for (var i=0; i<options.replacer.length; i++)
if (, options.replacer[i]))
} else {
var keys = Object.keys(object)
if (options.sort_keys)
keys = keys.sort(typeof(options.sort_keys) === 'function'
? options.sort_keys : undefined)
// objects shorter than 30 characters are always inlined
// objects longer than 60 characters are always splitted to multiple lines
// anything in the middle depends on indentation level
len -= 2
if (options.indent && (len > options._splitMax - recursiveLvl * options.indent.length || len > options._splitMin) ) {
// remove trailing comma in multiline if asked to
if (options.no_trailing_comma && result.length) {
result[result.length-1] = result[result.length-1].substring(0, result[result.length-1].length-1)
var innerStuff = {return indent(x, 1)}).join('')
return braces[0]
+ (options.indent ? '\n' : '')
+ innerStuff
+ indent(braces[1])
} else {
// always remove trailing comma in one-lined arrays
if (result.length) {
result[result.length-1] = result[result.length-1].substring(0, result[result.length-1].length-1)
var innerStuff = result.join(options.indent ? ' ' : '')
return braces[0]
+ innerStuff
+ braces[1]
function _stringify_nonobject(object) {
if (typeof(options.replacer) === 'function') {
object =, currentKey, object)
switch(typeof(object)) {
case 'string':
return _stringify_str(object)
case 'number':
if (object === 0 && 1/object < 0) {
// Opinionated decision warning:
// I want cross-platform negative zero in all js engines
// I know they're equal, but why lose that tiny bit of
// information needlessly?
return '-0'
if (!json5 && !Number.isFinite(object)) {
// json don't support infinity (= sucks)
return 'null'
return object.toString()
case 'boolean':
return object.toString()
case 'undefined':
return undefined
case 'function':
// return custom_type()
// fallback for something weird
return JSON.stringify(object)
if (options._stringify_key) {
return _stringify_key(object)
if (typeof(object) === 'object') {
if (object === null) return 'null'
var str
if (typeof(str = object.toJSON5) === 'function' && options.mode !== 'json') {
object =, currentKey)
} else if (typeof(str = object.toJSON) === 'function') {
object =, currentKey)
if (object === null) return 'null'
if (typeof(object) !== 'object') return _stringify_nonobject(object)
if (object.constructor === Number || object.constructor === Boolean || object.constructor === String) {
object = object.valueOf()
return _stringify_nonobject(object)
} else if (object.constructor === Date) {
// only until we can't do better
return _stringify_nonobject(object.toISOString())
} else {
if (typeof(options.replacer) === 'function') {
object =, currentKey, object)
if (typeof(object) !== 'object') return _stringify_nonobject(object)
return _stringify_object(object)
} else {
return _stringify_nonobject(object)
* stringify(value, options)
* or
* stringify(value, replacer, space)
* where:
* value - anything
* options - object
* replacer - function or array
* space - boolean or number or string
module.exports.stringify = function stringifyJSON(object, options, _space) {
// support legacy syntax
if (typeof(options) === 'function' || Array.isArray(options)) {
options = {
replacer: options
} else if (typeof(options) === 'object' && options !== null) {
// nothing to do
} else {
options = {}
if (_space != null) options.indent = _space
if (options.indent == null) options.indent = '\t'
if (options.quote == null) options.quote = "'"
if (options.ascii == null) options.ascii = false
if (options.mode == null) options.mode = 'json5'
if (options.mode === 'json' || options.mode === 'cjson') {
// json only supports double quotes (= sucks)
options.quote = '"'
// json don't support trailing commas (= sucks)
options.no_trailing_comma = true
// json don't support unquoted property names (= sucks)
options.quote_keys = true
// why would anyone use such objects?
if (typeof(options.indent) === 'object') {
if (options.indent.constructor === Number
|| options.indent.constructor === Boolean
|| options.indent.constructor === String)
options.indent = options.indent.valueOf()
// gap is capped at 10 characters
if (typeof(options.indent) === 'number') {
if (options.indent >= 0) {
options.indent = Array(Math.min(~~options.indent, 10) + 1).join(' ')
} else {
options.indent = false
} else if (typeof(options.indent) === 'string') {
options.indent = options.indent.substr(0, 10)
if (options._splitMin == null) options._splitMin = 50
if (options._splitMax == null) options._splitMax = 70
return _stringify(object, options, 0, '')