StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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870 lines
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'use strict'
var isAllBlank = require('is-string-blank')
var createBuffer = require('gl-buffer')
var createVAO = require('gl-vao')
var pool = require('typedarray-pool')
var mat4mult = require('gl-mat4/multiply')
var shaders = require('./lib/shaders')
var getGlyph = require('./lib/glyphs')
var getSimpleString = require('./lib/get-simple-string')
var IDENTITY = [1,0,0,0,
module.exports = createPointCloud
function transformMat4(x, m) {
var x0 = x[0]
var x1 = x[1]
var x2 = x[2]
var x3 = x[3]
x[0] = m[0] * x0 + m[4] * x1 + m[8] * x2 + m[12] * x3
x[1] = m[1] * x0 + m[5] * x1 + m[9] * x2 + m[13] * x3
x[2] = m[2] * x0 + m[6] * x1 + m[10] * x2 + m[14] * x3
x[3] = m[3] * x0 + m[7] * x1 + m[11] * x2 + m[15] * x3
return x
function project(p, v, m, x) {
transformMat4(x, x, m)
transformMat4(x, x, v)
return transformMat4(x, x, p)
function ScatterPlotPickResult(index, position) {
this.index = index
this.dataCoordinate = this.position = position
function fixOpacity(a) {
if(a === true) return 1
if(a > 1) return 1
return a
function PointCloud(
pickProjectShader) {
| = gl
this.pixelRatio = 1
this.shader = shader
this.orthoShader = orthoShader
this.projectShader = projectShader
this.pointBuffer = pointBuffer
this.colorBuffer = colorBuffer
this.glyphBuffer = glyphBuffer
this.idBuffer = idBuffer
this.vao = vao
this.vertexCount = 0
this.lineVertexCount = 0
this.opacity = 1
this.hasAlpha = false
this.lineWidth = 0
this.projectScale = [2.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0]
this.projectOpacity = [1, 1, 1]
this.projectHasAlpha = false
this.pickId = 0
this.pickPerspectiveShader = pickPerspectiveShader
this.pickOrthoShader = pickOrthoShader
this.pickProjectShader = pickProjectShader
this.points = []
this._selectResult = new ScatterPlotPickResult(0, [0,0,0])
this.useOrtho = true
this.bounds = [[ Infinity,Infinity,Infinity],
//Axes projections
this.axesProject = [ true, true, true ]
this.axesBounds = [[-Infinity,-Infinity,-Infinity],
[ Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]]
this.highlightId = [1,1,1,1]
this.highlightScale = 2
this.clipBounds = [[-Infinity,-Infinity,-Infinity],
[ Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]]
this.dirty = true
var proto = PointCloud.prototype
proto.pickSlots = 1
proto.setPickBase = function(pickBase) {
this.pickId = pickBase
proto.isTransparent = function() {
if(this.hasAlpha) {
return true
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if(this.axesProject[i] && this.projectHasAlpha) {
return true
return false
proto.isOpaque = function() {
if(!this.hasAlpha) {
return true
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if(this.axesProject[i] && !this.projectHasAlpha) {
return true
return false
var VIEW_SHAPE = [0,0]
var U_VEC = [0,0,0]
var V_VEC = [0,0,0]
var MU_VEC = [0,0,0,1]
var MV_VEC = [0,0,0,1]
var SCRATCH_VEC = [0,0,0]
var CLIP_BOUNDS = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
function zeroVec(a) {
a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 0
return a
function augment(hg, af) {
hg[0] = af[0]
hg[1] = af[1]
hg[2] = af[2]
hg[3] = 1
return hg
function setComponent(out, v, i, x) {
out[0] = v[0]
out[1] = v[1]
out[2] = v[2]
out[i] = x
return out
function getClipBounds(bounds) {
var result = CLIP_BOUNDS
for(var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
result[i][j] = Math.max(Math.min(bounds[i][j], 1e8), -1e8)
return result
function drawProject(shader, points, camera, pixelRatio) {
var axesProject = points.axesProject
var gl =
var uniforms = shader.uniforms
var model = camera.model || IDENTITY
var view = camera.view || IDENTITY
var projection = camera.projection || IDENTITY
var bounds = points.axesBounds
var clipBounds = getClipBounds(points.clipBounds)
var cubeAxis
if(points.axes && points.axes.lastCubeProps) {
cubeAxis = points.axes.lastCubeProps.axis
} else {
cubeAxis = [1,1,1]
VIEW_SHAPE[0] = 2.0/gl.drawingBufferWidth
VIEW_SHAPE[1] = 2.0/gl.drawingBufferHeight
uniforms.view = view
uniforms.projection = projection
uniforms.screenSize = VIEW_SHAPE
uniforms.highlightId = points.highlightId
uniforms.highlightScale = points.highlightScale
uniforms.clipBounds = clipBounds
uniforms.pickGroup = points.pickId / 255.0
uniforms.pixelRatio = pixelRatio
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
if(!axesProject[i]) {
uniforms.scale = points.projectScale[i]
uniforms.opacity = points.projectOpacity[i]
//Project model matrix
var pmodel = SCRATCH_MATRIX
for(var j=0; j<16; ++j) {
pmodel[j] = 0
for(var j=0; j<4; ++j) {
pmodel[5*j] = 1
pmodel[5*i] = 0
if(cubeAxis[i] < 0) {
pmodel[12+i] = bounds[0][i]
} else {
pmodel[12+i] = bounds[1][i]
mat4mult(pmodel, model, pmodel)
uniforms.model = pmodel
//Compute initial axes
var u = (i+1)%3
var v = (i+2)%3
var du = zeroVec(U_VEC)
var dv = zeroVec(V_VEC)
du[u] = 1
dv[v] = 1
//Align orientation relative to viewer
var mdu = project(projection, view, model, augment(MU_VEC, du))
var mdv = project(projection, view, model, augment(MV_VEC, dv))
if(Math.abs(mdu[1]) > Math.abs(mdv[1])) {
var tmp = mdu
mdu = mdv
mdv = tmp
tmp = du
du = dv
dv = tmp
var t = u
u = v
v = t
if(mdu[0] < 0) {
du[u] = -1
if(mdv[1] > 0) {
dv[v] = -1
var su = 0.0
var sv = 0.0
for(var j=0; j<4; ++j) {
su += Math.pow(model[4*u+j], 2)
sv += Math.pow(model[4*v+j], 2)
du[u] /= Math.sqrt(su)
dv[v] /= Math.sqrt(sv)
uniforms.axes[0] = du
uniforms.axes[1] = dv
//Update fragment clip bounds
uniforms.fragClipBounds[0] = setComponent(SCRATCH_VEC, clipBounds[0], i, -1e8)
uniforms.fragClipBounds[1] = setComponent(SCRATCH_VEC, clipBounds[1], i, 1e8)
//Draw interior
points.vao.draw(gl.TRIANGLES, points.vertexCount)
//Draw edges
if(points.lineWidth > 0) {
gl.lineWidth(points.lineWidth * pixelRatio)
points.vao.draw(gl.LINES, points.lineVertexCount, points.vertexCount)
var NEG_INFINITY3 = [-1e8, -1e8, -1e8]
var POS_INFINITY3 = [1e8, 1e8, 1e8]
function drawFull(shader, pshader, points, camera, pixelRatio, transparent, forceDraw) {
var gl =
if(transparent === points.projectHasAlpha || forceDraw) {
drawProject(pshader, points, camera, pixelRatio)
if(transparent === points.hasAlpha || forceDraw) {
var uniforms = shader.uniforms
uniforms.model = camera.model || IDENTITY
uniforms.view = camera.view || IDENTITY
uniforms.projection = camera.projection || IDENTITY
VIEW_SHAPE[0] = 2.0/gl.drawingBufferWidth
VIEW_SHAPE[1] = 2.0/gl.drawingBufferHeight
uniforms.screenSize = VIEW_SHAPE
uniforms.highlightId = points.highlightId
uniforms.highlightScale = points.highlightScale
uniforms.fragClipBounds = CLIP_GROUP
uniforms.clipBounds = points.axes.bounds
uniforms.opacity = points.opacity
uniforms.pickGroup = points.pickId / 255.0
uniforms.pixelRatio = pixelRatio
//Draw interior
points.vao.draw(gl.TRIANGLES, points.vertexCount)
//Draw edges
if(points.lineWidth > 0) {
gl.lineWidth(points.lineWidth * pixelRatio)
points.vao.draw(gl.LINES, points.lineVertexCount, points.vertexCount)
proto.draw = function(camera) {
var shader = this.useOrtho ? this.orthoShader : this.shader
drawFull(shader, this.projectShader, this, camera, this.pixelRatio, false, false)
proto.drawTransparent = function(camera) {
var shader = this.useOrtho ? this.orthoShader : this.shader
drawFull(shader, this.projectShader, this, camera, this.pixelRatio, true, false)
proto.drawPick = function(camera) {
var shader = this.useOrtho ? this.pickOrthoShader : this.pickPerspectiveShader
drawFull(shader, this.pickProjectShader, this, camera, 1, true, true)
proto.pick = function(selected) {
if(!selected) {
return null
if( !== this.pickId) {
return null
var x = selected.value[2] + (selected.value[1]<<8) + (selected.value[0]<<16)
if(x >= this.pointCount || x < 0) {
return null
//Unpack result
var coord = this.points[x]
var result = this._selectResult
result.index = x
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
result.position[i] = result.dataCoordinate[i] = coord[i]
return result
proto.highlight = function(selection) {
if(!selection) {
this.highlightId = [1,1,1,1]
} else {
var pointId = selection.index
var a0 = pointId &0xff
var a1 = (pointId>>8) &0xff
var a2 = (pointId>>16)&0xff
this.highlightId = [a0/255.0, a1/255.0, a2/255.0, 0]
function get_glyphData(glyphs, index, font, pixelRatio) {
var str
// use the data if presented in an array
if(Array.isArray(glyphs)) {
if(index < glyphs.length) {
str = glyphs[index]
} else {
str = undefined
} else {
str = glyphs
str = getSimpleString(str) // this would handle undefined cases
var visible = true
if(isAllBlank(str)) {
str = '▼' // Note: this special character may have minimum number of surfaces
visible = false
var glyph = getGlyph(str, font, pixelRatio)
return { mesh:glyph[0],
visible:visible };
proto.update = function(options) {
options = options || {}
if('perspective' in options) {
this.useOrtho = !options.perspective
if('orthographic' in options) {
this.useOrtho = !!options.orthographic
if('lineWidth' in options) {
this.lineWidth = options.lineWidth
if('project' in options) {
if(Array.isArray(options.project)) {
this.axesProject = options.project
} else {
var v = !!options.project
this.axesProject = [v,v,v]
if('projectScale' in options) {
if(Array.isArray(options.projectScale)) {
this.projectScale = options.projectScale.slice()
} else {
var s = +options.projectScale
this.projectScale = [s,s,s]
this.projectHasAlpha = false // default to no transparent draw
if('projectOpacity' in options) {
if(Array.isArray(options.projectOpacity)) {
this.projectOpacity = options.projectOpacity.slice()
} else {
var s = +options.projectOpacity
this.projectOpacity = [s,s,s]
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i) {
this.projectOpacity[i] = fixOpacity(this.projectOpacity[i]);
if(this.projectOpacity[i] < 1) {
this.projectHasAlpha = true;
this.hasAlpha = false // default to no transparent draw
if('opacity' in options) {
this.opacity = fixOpacity(options.opacity)
if(this.opacity < 1) {
this.hasAlpha = true;
//Set dirty flag
this.dirty = true
//Create new buffers
var points = options.position
//Text font
var font = options.font || 'normal'
var alignment = options.alignment || [0,0]
var alignmentX;
var alignmentY;
if (alignment.length === 2) {
alignmentX = alignment[0]
alignmentY = alignment[1]
} else {
alignmentX = []
alignmentY = []
for (var i = 0; i < alignment.length; ++i) {
alignmentX[i] = alignment[i][0]
alignmentY[i] = alignment[i][1]
var lowerBound = [ Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]
var upperBound = [-Infinity,-Infinity,-Infinity]
//Unpack options
var glyphs = options.glyph
var colors = options.color
var sizes = options.size
var angles = options.angle
var lineColors = options.lineColor
//Picking geometry
var pickCounter = -1
//First do pass to compute buffer sizes
var triVertexCount = 0
var lineVertexCount = 0
var numPoints = 0;
if(points.length) {
//Count number of points and buffer size
numPoints = points.length
for(var i=0; i<numPoints; ++i) {
var x = points[i]
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
if(isNaN(x[j]) || !isFinite(x[j])) {
continue count_loop
var glyphData = get_glyphData(glyphs, i, font, this.pixelRatio)
var glyphMesh = glyphData.mesh
var glyphLines = glyphData.lines
var glyphBounds = glyphData.bounds
triVertexCount += glyphMesh.cells.length * 3
lineVertexCount += glyphLines.edges.length * 2
var vertexCount = triVertexCount + lineVertexCount
//Preallocate data
var positionArray = pool.mallocFloat(3*vertexCount)
var colorArray = pool.mallocFloat(4*vertexCount)
var glyphArray = pool.mallocFloat(2*vertexCount)
var idArray = pool.mallocUint32(vertexCount)
if(vertexCount > 0) {
var triOffset = 0
var lineOffset = triVertexCount
var color = [0,0,0,1]
var lineColor = [0,0,0,1]
var isColorArray = Array.isArray(colors) && Array.isArray(colors[0])
var isLineColorArray = Array.isArray(lineColors) && Array.isArray(lineColors[0])
for(var i=0; i<numPoints; ++i) {
//Increment pickCounter
pickCounter += 1
var x = points[i]
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
if(isNaN(x[j]) || !isFinite(x[j])) {
continue fill_loop
upperBound[j] = Math.max(upperBound[j], x[j])
lowerBound[j] = Math.min(lowerBound[j], x[j])
var glyphData = get_glyphData(glyphs, i, font, this.pixelRatio)
var glyphMesh = glyphData.mesh
var glyphLines = glyphData.lines
var glyphBounds = glyphData.bounds
var glyphVisible = glyphData.visible
//Get color
if(!glyphVisible) color = [1,1,1,0]
else if(Array.isArray(colors)) {
var c
if(isColorArray) {
if(i < colors.length) {
c = colors[i]
} else {
c = [0,0,0,0]
} else {
c = colors
if(c.length === 3) {
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
color[j] = c[j]
color[3] = 1
} else if(c.length === 4) {
for(var j=0; j<4; ++j) {
color[j] = c[j]
if(!this.hasAlpha && c[3] < 1) this.hasAlpha = true
} else {
color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0
color[3] = 1
//Get lineColor
if(!glyphVisible) lineColor = [1,1,1,0]
else if(Array.isArray(lineColors)) {
var c
if(isLineColorArray) {
if(i < lineColors.length) {
c = lineColors[i]
} else {
c = [0,0,0,0]
} else {
c = lineColors
if(c.length === 3) {
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
lineColor[j] = c[j]
lineColor[j] = 1
} else if(c.length === 4) {
for(var j=0; j<4; ++j) {
lineColor[j] = c[j]
if(!this.hasAlpha && c[3] < 1) this.hasAlpha = true
} else {
lineColor[0] = lineColor[1] = lineColor[2] = 0
lineColor[3] = 1
var size = 0.5
if(!glyphVisible) size = 0.0
else if(Array.isArray(sizes)) {
if(i < sizes.length) {
size = +sizes[i]
} else {
size = 12
} else if(sizes) {
size = +sizes
} else if(this.useOrtho) {
size = 12
var angle = 0
if(Array.isArray(angles)) {
if(i < angles.length) {
angle = +angles[i]
} else {
angle = 0
} else if(angles) {
angle = +angles
//Loop through markers and append to buffers
var cos = Math.cos(angle)
var sin = Math.sin(angle)
var x = points[i]
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
upperBound[j] = Math.max(upperBound[j], x[j])
lowerBound[j] = Math.min(lowerBound[j], x[j])
//Calculate text offset
var textOffsetX = alignmentX
var textOffsetY = alignmentY
var textOffsetX = 0
if(Array.isArray(alignmentX)) {
if(i < alignmentX.length) {
textOffsetX = alignmentX[i]
} else {
textOffsetX = 0
} else if(alignmentX) {
textOffsetX = alignmentX
var textOffsetY = 0
if(Array.isArray(alignmentY)) {
if(i < alignmentY.length) {
textOffsetY = alignmentY[i]
} else {
textOffsetY = 0
} else if(alignmentY) {
textOffsetY = alignmentY
textOffsetX *= (textOffsetX > 0) ? (1 - glyphBounds[0][0]) :
(textOffsetX < 0) ? (1 + glyphBounds[1][0]) : 1;
textOffsetY *= (textOffsetY > 0) ? (1 - glyphBounds[0][1]) :
(textOffsetY < 0) ? (1 + glyphBounds[1][1]) : 1;
var textOffset = [textOffsetX, textOffsetY]
//Write out inner marker
var cells = glyphMesh.cells || []
var verts = glyphMesh.positions || []
for(var j=0; j<cells.length; ++j) {
var cell = cells[j]
for(var k=0; k<3; ++k) {
for(var l=0; l<3; ++l) {
positionArray[3*triOffset+l] = x[l]
for(var l=0; l<4; ++l) {
colorArray[4*triOffset+l] = color[l]
idArray[triOffset] = pickCounter
var p = verts[cell[k]]
glyphArray[2*triOffset] = size * (cos*p[0] - sin*p[1] + textOffset[0])
glyphArray[2*triOffset+1] = size * (sin*p[0] + cos*p[1] + textOffset[1])
triOffset += 1
var cells = glyphLines.edges
var verts = glyphLines.positions
for(var j=0; j<cells.length; ++j) {
var cell = cells[j]
for(var k=0; k<2; ++k) {
for(var l=0; l<3; ++l) {
positionArray[3*lineOffset+l] = x[l]
for(var l=0; l<4; ++l) {
colorArray[4*lineOffset+l] = lineColor[l]
idArray[lineOffset] = pickCounter
var p = verts[cell[k]]
glyphArray[2*lineOffset] = size * (cos*p[0] - sin*p[1] + textOffset[0])
glyphArray[2*lineOffset+1] = size * (sin*p[0] + cos*p[1] + textOffset[1])
lineOffset += 1
//Update bounds
this.bounds = [lowerBound, upperBound]
//Save points
this.points = points
//Save number of points
this.pointCount = points.length
//Update vertex counts
this.vertexCount = triVertexCount
this.lineVertexCount = lineVertexCount
//this.idBuffer.update(new Uint32Array(idArray))
proto.dispose = function() {
//Vertex array
function createPointCloud(options) {
var gl =
var shader = shaders.createPerspective(gl)
var orthoShader = shaders.createOrtho(gl)
var projectShader = shaders.createProject(gl)
var pickPerspectiveShader = shaders.createPickPerspective(gl)
var pickOrthoShader = shaders.createPickOrtho(gl)
var pickProjectShader = shaders.createPickProject(gl)
var pointBuffer = createBuffer(gl)
var colorBuffer = createBuffer(gl)
var glyphBuffer = createBuffer(gl)
var idBuffer = createBuffer(gl)
var vao = createVAO(gl, [
buffer: pointBuffer,
size: 3,
type: gl.FLOAT
buffer: colorBuffer,
size: 4,
type: gl.FLOAT
buffer: glyphBuffer,
size: 2,
type: gl.FLOAT
buffer: idBuffer,
size: 4,
normalized: true
var pointCloud = new PointCloud(
return pointCloud