StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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* @copyright 2016 Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
* @license MIT
* @preserve Project Home:
var BuildLog = require('./lib/build-log');
var Epsilon = require('./lib/epsilon');
var Intersecter = require('./lib/intersecter');
var SegmentChainer = require('./lib/segment-chainer');
var SegmentSelector = require('./lib/segment-selector');
var GeoJSON = require('./lib/geojson');
var buildLog = false;
var epsilon = Epsilon();
var PolyBool;
PolyBool = {
// getter/setter for buildLog
buildLog: function(bl){
if (bl === true)
buildLog = BuildLog();
else if (bl === false)
buildLog = false;
return buildLog === false ? false : buildLog.list;
// getter/setter for epsilon
epsilon: function(v){
return epsilon.epsilon(v);
// core API
segments: function(poly){
var i = Intersecter(true, epsilon, buildLog);
return {
segments: i.calculate(poly.inverted),
inverted: poly.inverted
combine: function(segments1, segments2){
var i3 = Intersecter(false, epsilon, buildLog);
return {
combined: i3.calculate(
segments1.segments, segments1.inverted,
segments2.segments, segments2.inverted
inverted1: segments1.inverted,
inverted2: segments2.inverted
selectUnion: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.union(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 || combined.inverted2
selectIntersect: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.intersect(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 && combined.inverted2
selectDifference: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.difference(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 && !combined.inverted2
selectDifferenceRev: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.differenceRev(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: !combined.inverted1 && combined.inverted2
selectXor: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.xor(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 !== combined.inverted2
polygon: function(segments){
return {
regions: SegmentChainer(segments.segments, epsilon, buildLog),
inverted: segments.inverted
// GeoJSON converters
polygonFromGeoJSON: function(geojson){
return GeoJSON.toPolygon(PolyBool, geojson);
polygonToGeoJSON: function(poly){
return GeoJSON.fromPolygon(PolyBool, epsilon, poly);
// helper functions for common operations
union: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectUnion);
intersect: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectIntersect);
difference: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectDifference);
differenceRev: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectDifferenceRev);
xor: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectXor);
function operate(poly1, poly2, selector){
var seg1 = PolyBool.segments(poly1);
var seg2 = PolyBool.segments(poly2);
var comb = PolyBool.combine(seg1, seg2);
var seg3 = selector(comb);
return PolyBool.polygon(seg3);
if (typeof window === 'object')
window.PolyBool = PolyBool;
module.exports = PolyBool;