StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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from hashlib import md5
from io import BytesIO
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from gridfs import GridFS
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
import pytest
from flask_pymongo.tests.util import FlaskPyMongoTest
class GridFSCleanupMixin(object):
def tearDown(self):
gridfs = GridFS(self.mongo.db)
files = list(gridfs.find())
for gridfile in files:
super(GridFSCleanupMixin, self).tearDown()
class TestSaveFile(GridFSCleanupMixin, FlaskPyMongoTest):
def test_it_saves_files(self):
fileobj = BytesIO(b"these are the bytes")
self.mongo.save_file("my-file", fileobj)
gridfs = GridFS(self.mongo.db)
assert gridfs.exists({"filename": "my-file"})
def test_it_guesses_type_from_filename(self):
fileobj = BytesIO(b"these are the bytes")
self.mongo.save_file("my-file.txt", fileobj)
gridfs = GridFS(self.mongo.db)
gridfile = gridfs.find_one({"filename": "my-file.txt"})
assert gridfile.content_type == "text/plain"
def test_it_saves_files_with_props(self):
fileobj = BytesIO(b"these are the bytes")
self.mongo.save_file("my-file", fileobj, foo="bar")
gridfs = GridFS(self.mongo.db)
gridfile = gridfs.find_one({"filename": "my-file"})
assert == "bar"
def test_it_returns_id(self):
fileobj = BytesIO(b"these are the bytes")
_id = self.mongo.save_file("my-file", fileobj, foo="bar")
assert type(_id) is ObjectId
class TestSendFile(GridFSCleanupMixin, FlaskPyMongoTest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestSendFile, self).setUp()
# make it bigger than 1 gridfs chunk
self.myfile = BytesIO(b"a" * 500 * 1024)
self.mongo.save_file("myfile.txt", self.myfile)
def test_it_404s_for_missing_files(self):
with pytest.raises(NotFound):
def test_it_sets_content_type(self):
resp = self.mongo.send_file("myfile.txt")
assert resp.content_type.startswith("text/plain")
def test_it_sets_content_length(self):
resp = self.mongo.send_file("myfile.txt")
assert resp.content_length == len(self.myfile.getvalue())
def test_it_sets_supports_conditional_gets(self):
# a basic conditional GET
environ_args = {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"If-None-Match": md5(self.myfile.getvalue()).hexdigest(),
resp = self.mongo.send_file("myfile.txt")
assert resp.status_code == 304
def test_it_sets_cache_headers(self):
resp = self.mongo.send_file("myfile.txt", cache_for=60)
assert resp.cache_control.max_age == 60
assert resp.cache_control.public is True
def test_it_streams_results(self):
resp = self.mongo.send_file("myfile.txt")
assert resp.is_streamed