StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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314 lines
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<div id="LinePlot" style="min-height: 307px;"></div>
import * as Plotly from 'plotly.js'
import { EventBus } from '../main.js'
export default {
name: 'FinalResultsLinePlot',
data () {
return {
FinalResultsforLinePlot: 0,
NumberofExecutions: 0,
scoresMean: [],
scoresSTD: [],
scoresPositive: [],
scoresNegative: [],
scoresMean2: [],
scoresSTD2: [],
scoresPositive2: [],
scoresNegative2: [],
scoresMean3: [],
scoresSTD3: [],
scoresPositive3: [],
scoresNegative3: [],
Stack_scoresMean: [],
Stack_scoresSTD: [],
Stack_scoresPositive: [],
Stack_scoresNegative: [],
Stack_scoresMean2: [],
Stack_scoresSTD2: [],
Stack_scoresPositive2: [],
Stack_scoresNegative2: [],
Stack_scoresMean3: [],
Stack_scoresSTD3: [],
Stack_scoresPositive3: [],
Stack_scoresNegative3: [],
xaxis: [],
WH: []
methods: {
reset () {
LinePlotView () {
this.NumberofExecutions ++
// Under Exploration = Current
this.scoresPositive.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean[this.scoresMean.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.scoresSTD[this.scoresSTD.length - 1]))
this.scoresNegative.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean[this.scoresMean.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.scoresSTD[this.scoresSTD.length - 1]))
this.scoresPositive2.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean2[this.scoresMean2.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.scoresSTD2[this.scoresSTD2.length - 1]))
this.scoresNegative2.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean2[this.scoresMean2.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.scoresSTD2[this.scoresSTD2.length - 1]))
this.scoresPositive3.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean3[this.scoresMean3.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.scoresSTD3[this.scoresSTD3.length - 1]))
this.scoresNegative3.push(parseFloat(this.scoresMean3[this.scoresMean3.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.scoresSTD3[this.scoresSTD3.length - 1]))
// Stack
this.Stack_scoresPositive.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean[this.Stack_scoresMean.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD[this.Stack_scoresSTD.length - 1]))
this.Stack_scoresNegative.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean[this.Stack_scoresMean.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD[this.Stack_scoresSTD.length - 1]))
this.Stack_scoresPositive2.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean2[this.Stack_scoresMean2.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD2[this.Stack_scoresSTD2.length - 1]))
this.Stack_scoresNegative2.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean2[this.Stack_scoresMean2.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD2[this.Stack_scoresSTD2.length - 1]))
this.Stack_scoresPositive3.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean3[this.Stack_scoresMean3.length - 1]) + parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD3[this.Stack_scoresSTD3.length - 1]))
this.Stack_scoresNegative3.push(parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresMean3[this.Stack_scoresMean3.length - 1]) - parseFloat(this.Stack_scoresSTD3[this.Stack_scoresSTD3.length - 1]))
var xaxisReversed = []
xaxisReversed = this.xaxis.slice().reverse()
xaxisReversed = this.xaxis.concat(xaxisReversed)
// fill in 'text' array for hover
var text = (function(value, i) {
return `STD: +/-${value}`
// Current
var trace1 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.scoresMean,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(55,126,184)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'pentagon' },
name: "Active Accuracy",
type: "scatter"
var trace2 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.scoresPositive.concat(this.scoresNegative),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(55,126,184,0)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Active Accuracy",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
var trace3 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.scoresMean2,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(55,126,184)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'x' },
name: "Active Precision",
type: "scatter"
var trace4 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.scoresPositive2.concat(this.scoresNegative2),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(55,126,184)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Active Precision",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
var trace5 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.scoresMean3,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(55,126,184)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'diamond' },
name: "Active Recall",
type: "scatter"
var trace6 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.scoresPositive3.concat(this.scoresNegative3),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(55,126,184,0)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Active Recall",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
// Stack
var trace7 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.Stack_scoresMean,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(228,26,28)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'circle' },
name: "Stack Accuracy",
type: "scatter"
var trace8 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.Stack_scoresPositive.concat(this.Stack_scoresNegative),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(228,26,28,0)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Stack Accuracy",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
var trace9 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.Stack_scoresMean2,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(228,26,28)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'square' },
name: "Stack Precision",
type: "scatter"
var trace10 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.Stack_scoresPositive2.concat(this.Stack_scoresNegative2),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(228,26,28,0)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Stack Precision",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
var trace11 = {
x: this.xaxis,
y: this.Stack_scoresMean3,
text: text,
line: {color: "rgb(228,26,28)"},
mode: "lines+markers",
marker : {
symbol: 'star-triangle-up' },
name: "Stack Recall",
type: "scatter"
var trace12 = {
x: xaxisReversed,
y: this.Stack_scoresPositive3.concat(this.Stack_scoresNegative3),
text: '',
hoverinfo: 'text',
fill: "tozerox",
fillcolor: "rgba(228,26,28,0)",
line: {color: "transparent"},
name: "Stack Recall",
showlegend: false,
type: "scatter"
const DataforLinePlot = [trace1, trace2, trace7, trace8, trace3, trace4, trace9, trace10, trace5, trace6, trace11, trace12]
var width = this.WH[0]*3 // interactive visualization
var height = this.WH[1]*0.6 // interactive visualization
var layout = {
paper_bgcolor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
plot_bgcolor: "rgb(229,229,229)",
xaxis: {
gridcolor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
title: 'Step of Execution',
tickformat: '.0f',
range: [0, this.scoresMean.length + 2],
showgrid: true,
showline: false,
showticklabels: true,
tickcolor: "rgb(127,127,127)",
ticks: "outside",
zeroline: false
yaxis: {
gridcolor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
title: 'Performance (%)',
showgrid: true,
showline: false,
showticklabels: true,
tickcolor: "rgb(127,127,127)",
ticks: "outside",
zeroline: false
autosize: false,
width: width,
height: height,
margin: {
l: 60,
r: 40,
b: 40,
t: 40,
pad: 0
Plotly.newPlot('LinePlot', DataforLinePlot, layout, {showSendToCloud: true, responsive: true})
mounted() {
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingLinePlot', data => {
this.FinalResultsforLinePlot = data})
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingLinePlot', this.LinePlotView)
EventBus.$on('Responsive', data => {
this.WH = data})
EventBus.$on('ResponsiveandChange', data => {
this.WH = data})
// reset the views
EventBus.$on('resetViews', this.reset)