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* World Calendars
* Batch-converted from kbwood/calendars
* Many thanks to Keith Wood and all of the contributors to the original project!
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Calendars for jQuery v2.0.2.
Written by Keith Wood (wood.keith{at} August 2009.
Available under the MIT ( license.
Please attribute the author if you use it. */
var assign = require('object-assign');
function Calendars() {
this.regionalOptions = [];
this.regionalOptions[''] = {
invalidCalendar: 'Calendar {0} not found',
invalidDate: 'Invalid {0} date',
invalidMonth: 'Invalid {0} month',
invalidYear: 'Invalid {0} year',
differentCalendars: 'Cannot mix {0} and {1} dates'
this.local = this.regionalOptions[''];
this.calendars = {};
this._localCals = {};
/** Create the calendars plugin.
<p>Provides support for various world calendars in a consistent manner.</p>
@class Calendars
@example _exports.instance('julian').newDate(2014, 12, 25) */
assign(Calendars.prototype, {
/** Obtain a calendar implementation and localisation.
@memberof Calendars
@param [name='gregorian'] {string} The name of the calendar, e.g. 'gregorian', 'persian', 'islamic'.
@param [language=''] {string} The language code to use for localisation (default is English).
@return {Calendar} The calendar and localisation.
@throws Error if calendar not found. */
instance: function(name, language) {
name = (name || 'gregorian').toLowerCase();
language = language || '';
var cal = this._localCals[name + '-' + language];
if (!cal && this.calendars[name]) {
cal = new this.calendars[name](language);
this._localCals[name + '-' + language] = cal;
if (!cal) {
throw (this.local.invalidCalendar || this.regionalOptions[''].invalidCalendar).
replace(/\{0\}/, name);
return cal;
/** Create a new date - for today if no other parameters given.
@memberof Calendars
@param year {CDate|number} The date to copy or the year for the date.
@param [month] {number} The month for the date.
@param [day] {number} The day for the date.
@param [calendar='gregorian'] {BaseCalendar|string} The underlying calendar or the name of the calendar.
@param [language=''] {string} The language to use for localisation (default English).
@return {CDate} The new date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
newDate: function(year, month, day, calendar, language) {
calendar = (year != null && year.year ? year.calendar() : (typeof calendar === 'string' ?
this.instance(calendar, language) : calendar)) || this.instance();
return calendar.newDate(year, month, day);
/** A simple digit substitution function for localising numbers via the Calendar digits option.
@member Calendars
@param digits {string[]} The substitute digits, for 0 through 9.
@return {function} The substitution function. */
substituteDigits: function(digits) {
return function(value) {
return (value + '').replace(/[0-9]/g, function(digit) {
return digits[digit];
/** Digit substitution function for localising Chinese style numbers via the Calendar digits option.
@member Calendars
@param digits {string[]} The substitute digits, for 0 through 9.
@param powers {string[]} The characters denoting powers of 10, i.e. 1, 10, 100, 1000.
@return {function} The substitution function. */
substituteChineseDigits: function(digits, powers) {
return function(value) {
var localNumber = '';
var power = 0;
while (value > 0) {
var units = value % 10;
localNumber = (units === 0 ? '' : digits[units] + powers[power]) + localNumber;
value = Math.floor(value / 10);
if (localNumber.indexOf(digits[1] + powers[1]) === 0) {
localNumber = localNumber.substr(1);
return localNumber || digits[0];
/** Generic date, based on a particular calendar.
@class CDate
@param calendar {BaseCalendar} The underlying calendar implementation.
@param year {number} The year for this date.
@param month {number} The month for this date.
@param day {number} The day for this date.
@return {CDate} The date object.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
function CDate(calendar, year, month, day) {
this._calendar = calendar;
this._year = year;
this._month = month;
this._day = day;
if (this._calendar._validateLevel === 0 &&
!this._calendar.isValid(this._year, this._month, this._day)) {
throw (_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate).
/** Pad a numeric value with leading zeroes.
@param value {number} The number to format.
@param length {number} The minimum length.
@return {string} The formatted number. */
function pad(value, length) {
value = '' + value;
return '000000'.substring(0, length - value.length) + value;
assign(CDate.prototype, {
/** Create a new date.
@memberof CDate
@param [year] {CDate|number} The date to copy or the year for the date (default this date).
@param [month] {number} The month for the date.
@param [day] {number} The day for the date.
@return {CDate} The new date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
newDate: function(year, month, day) {
return this._calendar.newDate((year == null ? this : year), month, day);
/** Set or retrieve the year for this date.
@memberof CDate
@param [year] {number} The year for the date.
@return {number|CDate} The date's year (if no parameter) or the updated date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
year: function(year) {
return (arguments.length === 0 ? this._year : this.set(year, 'y'));
/** Set or retrieve the month for this date.
@memberof CDate
@param [month] {number} The month for the date.
@return {number|CDate} The date's month (if no parameter) or the updated date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
month: function(month) {
return (arguments.length === 0 ? this._month : this.set(month, 'm'));
/** Set or retrieve the day for this date.
@memberof CDate
@param [day] {number} The day for the date.
@return {number|CData} The date's day (if no parameter) or the updated date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
day: function(day) {
return (arguments.length === 0 ? this._day : this.set(day, 'd'));
/** Set new values for this date.
@memberof CDate
@param year {number} The year for the date.
@param month {number} The month for the date.
@param day {number} The day for the date.
@return {CDate} The updated date.
@throws Error if an invalid date. */
date: function(year, month, day) {
if (!this._calendar.isValid(year, month, day)) {
throw (_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate).
this._year = year;
this._month = month;
this._day = day;
return this;
/** Determine whether this date is in a leap year.
@memberof CDate
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if this is a leap year, <code>false</code> if not. */
leapYear: function() {
return this._calendar.leapYear(this);
/** Retrieve the epoch designator for this date, e.g. BCE or CE.
@memberof CDate
@return {string} The current epoch. */
epoch: function() {
return this._calendar.epoch(this);
/** Format the year, if not a simple sequential number.
@memberof CDate
@return {string} The formatted year. */
formatYear: function() {
return this._calendar.formatYear(this);
/** Retrieve the month of the year for this date,
i.e. the month's position within a numbered year.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The month of the year: <code>minMonth</code> to months per year. */
monthOfYear: function() {
return this._calendar.monthOfYear(this);
/** Retrieve the week of the year for this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The week of the year: 1 to weeks per year. */
weekOfYear: function() {
return this._calendar.weekOfYear(this);
/** Retrieve the number of days in the year for this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The number of days in this year. */
daysInYear: function() {
return this._calendar.daysInYear(this);
/** Retrieve the day of the year for this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The day of the year: 1 to days per year. */
dayOfYear: function() {
return this._calendar.dayOfYear(this);
/** Retrieve the number of days in the month for this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The number of days. */
daysInMonth: function() {
return this._calendar.daysInMonth(this);
/** Retrieve the day of the week for this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The day of the week: 0 to number of days - 1. */
dayOfWeek: function() {
return this._calendar.dayOfWeek(this);
/** Determine whether this date is a week day.
@memberof CDate
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if a week day, <code>false</code> if not. */
weekDay: function() {
return this._calendar.weekDay(this);
/** Retrieve additional information about this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {object} Additional information - contents depends on calendar. */
extraInfo: function() {
return this._calendar.extraInfo(this);
/** Add period(s) to a date.
@memberof CDate
@param offset {number} The number of periods to adjust by.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date. */
add: function(offset, period) {
return this._calendar.add(this, offset, period);
/** Set a portion of the date.
@memberof CDate
@param value {number} The new value for the period.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date.
@throws Error if not a valid date. */
set: function(value, period) {
return this._calendar.set(this, value, period);
/** Compare this date to another date.
@memberof CDate
@param date {CDate} The other date.
@return {number} -1 if this date is before the other date,
0 if they are equal, or +1 if this date is after the other date. */
compareTo: function(date) {
if ( !== {
throw (_exports.local.differentCalendars || _exports.regionalOptions[''].differentCalendars).
var c = (this._year !== date._year ? this._year - date._year :
this._month !== date._month ? this.monthOfYear() - date.monthOfYear() :
this._day - date._day);
return (c === 0 ? 0 : (c < 0 ? -1 : +1));
/** Retrieve the calendar backing this date.
@memberof CDate
@return {BaseCalendar} The calendar implementation. */
calendar: function() {
return this._calendar;
/** Retrieve the Julian date equivalent for this date,
i.e. days since January 1, 4713 BCE Greenwich noon.
@memberof CDate
@return {number} The equivalent Julian date. */
toJD: function() {
return this._calendar.toJD(this);
/** Create a new date from a Julian date.
@memberof CDate
@param jd {number} The Julian date to convert.
@return {CDate} The equivalent date. */
fromJD: function(jd) {
return this._calendar.fromJD(jd);
/** Convert this date to a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof CDate
@return {Date} The equivalent JavaScript date. */
toJSDate: function() {
return this._calendar.toJSDate(this);
/** Create a new date from a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof CDate
@param jsd {Date} The JavaScript date to convert.
@return {CDate} The equivalent date. */
fromJSDate: function(jsd) {
return this._calendar.fromJSDate(jsd);
/** Convert to a string for display.
@memberof CDate
@return {string} This date as a string. */
toString: function() {
return (this.year() < 0 ? '-' : '') + pad(Math.abs(this.year()), 4) +
'-' + pad(this.month(), 2) + '-' + pad(, 2);
/** Basic functionality for all calendars.
Other calendars should extend this:
<pre>OtherCalendar.prototype = new BaseCalendar;</pre>
@class BaseCalendar */
function BaseCalendar() {
this.shortYearCutoff = '+10';
assign(BaseCalendar.prototype, {
_validateLevel: 0, // "Stack" to turn validation on/off
/** Create a new date within this calendar - today if no parameters given.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to duplicate or the year for the date.
@param [month] {number} The month for the date.
@param [day] {number} The day for the date.
@return {CDate} The new date.
@throws Error if not a valid date or a different calendar used. */
newDate: function(year, month, day) {
if (year == null) {
if (year.year) {
this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
day =;
month = year.month();
year = year.year();
return new CDate(this, year, month, day);
/** Create a new date for today.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@return {CDate} Today's date. */
today: function() {
return this.fromJSDate(new Date());
/** Retrieve the epoch designator for this date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@return {string} The current epoch.
@throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */
epoch: function(year) {
var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidYear || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidYear);
return (date.year() < 0 ? this.local.epochs[0] : this.local.epochs[1]);
/** Format the year, if not a simple sequential number
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to format or the year to format.
@return {string} The formatted year.
@throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */
formatYear: function(year) {
var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidYear || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidYear);
return (date.year() < 0 ? '-' : '') + pad(Math.abs(date.year()), 4)
/** Retrieve the number of months in a year.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@return {number} The number of months.
@throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */
monthsInYear: function(year) {
this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidYear || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidYear);
return 12;
/** Calculate the month's ordinal position within the year -
for those calendars that don't start at month 1!
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@param month {number} The month to examine.
@return {number} The ordinal position, starting from <code>minMonth</code>.
@throws Error if an invalid year/month or a different calendar used. */
monthOfYear: function(year, month) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidMonth || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidMonth);
return (date.month() + this.monthsInYear(date) - this.firstMonth) %
this.monthsInYear(date) + this.minMonth;
/** Calculate actual month from ordinal position, starting from minMonth.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {number} The year to examine.
@param ord {number} The month's ordinal position.
@return {number} The month's number.
@throws Error if an invalid year/month. */
fromMonthOfYear: function(year, ord) {
var m = (ord + this.firstMonth - 2 * this.minMonth) %
this.monthsInYear(year) + this.minMonth;
this._validate(year, m, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidMonth || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidMonth);
return m;
/** Retrieve the number of days in a year.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@return {number} The number of days.
@throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */
daysInYear: function(year) {
var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidYear || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidYear);
return (this.leapYear(date) ? 366 : 365);
/** Retrieve the day of the year for a date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to convert or the year to convert.
@param [month] {number} The month to convert.
@param [day] {number} The day to convert.
@return {number} The day of the year.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
dayOfYear: function(year, month, day) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
return date.toJD() - this.newDate(date.year(),
this.fromMonthOfYear(date.year(), this.minMonth), this.minDay).toJD() + 1;
/** Retrieve the number of days in a week.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@return {number} The number of days. */
daysInWeek: function() {
return 7;
/** Retrieve the day of the week for a date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@param [month] {number} The month to examine.
@param [day] {number} The day to examine.
@return {number} The day of the week: 0 to number of days - 1.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
dayOfWeek: function(year, month, day) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
return (Math.floor(this.toJD(date)) + 2) % this.daysInWeek();
/** Retrieve additional information about a date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@param [month] {number} The month to examine.
@param [day] {number} The day to examine.
@return {object} Additional information - contents depends on calendar.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
extraInfo: function(year, month, day) {
this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
return {};
/** Add period(s) to a date.
Cater for no year zero.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param date {CDate} The starting date.
@param offset {number} The number of periods to adjust by.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date.
@throws Error if a different calendar used. */
add: function(date, offset, period) {
this._validate(date, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
return this._correctAdd(date, this._add(date, offset, period), offset, period);
/** Add period(s) to a date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param date {CDate} The starting date.
@param offset {number} The number of periods to adjust by.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date. */
_add: function(date, offset, period) {
if (period === 'd' || period === 'w') {
var jd = date.toJD() + offset * (period === 'w' ? this.daysInWeek() : 1);
var d = date.calendar().fromJD(jd);
return [d.year(), d.month(),];
try {
var y = date.year() + (period === 'y' ? offset : 0);
var m = date.monthOfYear() + (period === 'm' ? offset : 0);
var d =;// + (period === 'd' ? offset : 0) +
//(period === 'w' ? offset * this.daysInWeek() : 0);
var resyncYearMonth = function(calendar) {
while (m < calendar.minMonth) {
m += calendar.monthsInYear(y);
var yearMonths = calendar.monthsInYear(y);
while (m > yearMonths - 1 + calendar.minMonth) {
m -= yearMonths;
yearMonths = calendar.monthsInYear(y);
if (period === 'y') {
if (date.month() !== this.fromMonthOfYear(y, m)) { // Hebrew
m = this.newDate(y, date.month(), this.minDay).monthOfYear();
m = Math.min(m, this.monthsInYear(y));
d = Math.min(d, this.daysInMonth(y, this.fromMonthOfYear(y, m)));
else if (period === 'm') {
d = Math.min(d, this.daysInMonth(y, this.fromMonthOfYear(y, m)));
var ymd = [y, this.fromMonthOfYear(y, m), d];
return ymd;
catch (e) {
throw e;
/** Correct a candidate date after adding period(s) to a date.
Handle no year zero if necessary.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param date {CDate} The starting date.
@param ymd {number[]} The added date.
@param offset {number} The number of periods to adjust by.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date. */
_correctAdd: function(date, ymd, offset, period) {
if (!this.hasYearZero && (period === 'y' || period === 'm')) {
if (ymd[0] === 0 || // In year zero
(date.year() > 0) !== (ymd[0] > 0)) { // Crossed year zero
var adj = {y: [1, 1, 'y'], m: [1, this.monthsInYear(-1), 'm'],
w: [this.daysInWeek(), this.daysInYear(-1), 'd'],
d: [1, this.daysInYear(-1), 'd']}[period];
var dir = (offset < 0 ? -1 : +1);
ymd = this._add(date, offset * adj[0] + dir * adj[1], adj[2]);
return[0], ymd[1], ymd[2]);
/** Set a portion of the date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param date {CDate} The starting date.
@param value {number} The new value for the period.
@param period {string} One of 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'd' for day.
@return {CDate} The updated date.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
set: function(date, value, period) {
this._validate(date, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
var y = (period === 'y' ? value : date.year());
var m = (period === 'm' ? value : date.month());
var d = (period === 'd' ? value :;
if (period === 'y' || period === 'm') {
d = Math.min(d, this.daysInMonth(y, m));
return, m, d);
/** Determine whether a date is valid for this calendar.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {number} The year to examine.
@param month {number} The month to examine.
@param day {number} The day to examine.
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if a valid date, <code>false</code> if not. */
isValid: function(year, month, day) {
var valid = (this.hasYearZero || year !== 0);
if (valid) {
var date = this.newDate(year, month, this.minDay);
valid = (month >= this.minMonth && month - this.minMonth < this.monthsInYear(date)) &&
(day >= this.minDay && day - this.minDay < this.daysInMonth(date));
return valid;
/** Convert the date to a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to convert or the year to convert.
@param [month] {number} The month to convert.
@param [day] {number} The day to convert.
@return {Date} The equivalent JavaScript date.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
toJSDate: function(year, month, day) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
return _exports.instance().fromJD(this.toJD(date)).toJSDate();
/** Convert the date from a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param jsd {Date} The JavaScript date.
@return {CDate} The equivalent calendar date. */
fromJSDate: function(jsd) {
return this.fromJD(_exports.instance().fromJSDate(jsd).toJD());
/** Check that a candidate date is from the same calendar and is valid.
@memberof BaseCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to validate or the year to validate.
@param [month] {number} The month to validate.
@param [day] {number} The day to validate.
@param error {string} Rrror message if invalid.
@throws Error if different calendars used or invalid date. */
_validate: function(year, month, day, error) {
if (year.year) {
if (this._validateLevel === 0 && !== year.calendar().name) {
throw (_exports.local.differentCalendars || _exports.regionalOptions[''].differentCalendars).
replace(/\{0\}/,\{1\}/, year.calendar();
return year;
try {
if (this._validateLevel === 1 && !this.isValid(year, month, day)) {
throw error.replace(/\{0\}/,;
var date = this.newDate(year, month, day);
return date;
catch (e) {
throw e;
/** Implementation of the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar.
See <a href=":"></a>
and <a href=""></a>.
@class GregorianCalendar
@augments BaseCalendar
@param [language=''] {string} The language code (default English) for localisation. */
function GregorianCalendar(language) {
this.local = this.regionalOptions[language] || this.regionalOptions[''];
GregorianCalendar.prototype = new BaseCalendar;
assign(GregorianCalendar.prototype, {
/** The calendar name.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
name: 'Gregorian',
/** Julian date of start of Gregorian epoch: 1 January 0001 CE.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
jdEpoch: 1721425.5,
/** Days per month in a common year.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
daysPerMonth: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
/** <code>true</code> if has a year zero, <code>false</code> if not.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
hasYearZero: false,
/** The minimum month number.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
minMonth: 1,
/** The first month in the year.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
firstMonth: 1,
/** The minimum day number.
@memberof GregorianCalendar */
minDay: 1,
/** Localisations for the plugin.
Entries are objects indexed by the language code ('' being the default US/English).
Each object has the following attributes.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@property name {string} The calendar name.
@property epochs {string[]} The epoch names.
@property monthNames {string[]} The long names of the months of the year.
@property monthNamesShort {string[]} The short names of the months of the year.
@property dayNames {string[]} The long names of the days of the week.
@property dayNamesShort {string[]} The short names of the days of the week.
@property dayNamesMin {string[]} The minimal names of the days of the week.
@property dateFormat {string} The date format for this calendar.
See the options on <a href="BaseCalendar.html#formatDate"><code>formatDate</code></a> for details.
@property firstDay {number} The number of the first day of the week, starting at 0.
@property isRTL {number} <code>true</code> if this localisation reads right-to-left. */
regionalOptions: { // Localisations
'': {
name: 'Gregorian',
epochs: ['BCE', 'CE'],
monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
dayNamesMin: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],
digits: null,
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
firstDay: 0,
isRTL: false
/** Determine whether this date is in a leap year.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if this is a leap year, <code>false</code> if not.
@throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */
leapYear: function(year) {
var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidYear || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidYear);
var year = date.year() + (date.year() < 0 ? 1 : 0); // No year zero
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
/** Determine the week of the year for a date - ISO 8601.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@param [month] {number} The month to examine.
@param [day] {number} The day to examine.
@return {number} The week of the year, starting from 1.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
weekOfYear: function(year, month, day) {
// Find Thursday of this week starting on Monday
var checkDate = this.newDate(year, month, day);
checkDate.add(4 - (checkDate.dayOfWeek() || 7), 'd');
return Math.floor((checkDate.dayOfYear() - 1) / 7) + 1;
/** Retrieve the number of days in a month.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year of the month.
@param [month] {number} The month.
@return {number} The number of days in this month.
@throws Error if an invalid month/year or a different calendar used. */
daysInMonth: function(year, month) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, this.minDay,
_exports.local.invalidMonth || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidMonth);
return this.daysPerMonth[date.month() - 1] +
(date.month() === 2 && this.leapYear(date.year()) ? 1 : 0);
/** Determine whether this date is a week day.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine.
@param [month] {number} The month to examine.
@param [day] {number} The day to examine.
@return {boolean} <code>true</code> if a week day, <code>false</code> if not.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
weekDay: function(year, month, day) {
return (this.dayOfWeek(year, month, day) || 7) < 6;
/** Retrieve the Julian date equivalent for this date,
i.e. days since January 1, 4713 BCE Greenwich noon.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to convert or the year to convert.
@param [month] {number} The month to convert.
@param [day] {number} The day to convert.
@return {number} The equivalent Julian date.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
toJD: function(year, month, day) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
year = date.year();
month = date.month();
day =;
if (year < 0) { year++; } // No year zero
// Jean Meeus algorithm, "Astronomical Algorithms", 1991
if (month < 3) {
month += 12;
var a = Math.floor(year / 100);
var b = 2 - a + Math.floor(a / 4);
return Math.floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) +
Math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b - 1524.5;
/** Create a new date from a Julian date.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param jd {number} The Julian date to convert.
@return {CDate} The equivalent date. */
fromJD: function(jd) {
// Jean Meeus algorithm, "Astronomical Algorithms", 1991
var z = Math.floor(jd + 0.5);
var a = Math.floor((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
a = z + 1 + a - Math.floor(a / 4);
var b = a + 1524;
var c = Math.floor((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
var d = Math.floor(365.25 * c);
var e = Math.floor((b - d) / 30.6001);
var day = b - d - Math.floor(e * 30.6001);
var month = e - (e > 13.5 ? 13 : 1);
var year = c - (month > 2.5 ? 4716 : 4715);
if (year <= 0) { year--; } // No year zero
return this.newDate(year, month, day);
/** Convert this date to a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param year {CDate|number} The date to convert or the year to convert.
@param [month] {number} The month to convert.
@param [day] {number} The day to convert.
@return {Date} The equivalent JavaScript date.
@throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */
toJSDate: function(year, month, day) {
var date = this._validate(year, month, day,
_exports.local.invalidDate || _exports.regionalOptions[''].invalidDate);
var jsd = new Date(date.year(), date.month() - 1,;
// Hours may be non-zero on daylight saving cut-over:
// > 12 when midnight changeover, but then cannot generate
// midnight datetime, so jump to 1AM, otherwise reset.
jsd.setHours(jsd.getHours() > 12 ? jsd.getHours() + 2 : 0);
return jsd;
/** Create a new date from a standard (Gregorian) JavaScript Date.
@memberof GregorianCalendar
@param jsd {Date} The JavaScript date to convert.
@return {CDate} The equivalent date. */
fromJSDate: function(jsd) {
return this.newDate(jsd.getFullYear(), jsd.getMonth() + 1, jsd.getDate());
// Singleton manager
var _exports = module.exports = new Calendars();
// Date template
_exports.cdate = CDate;
// Base calendar template
_exports.baseCalendar = BaseCalendar;
// Gregorian calendar implementation
_exports.calendars.gregorian = GregorianCalendar;