StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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precision highp float;
attribute vec2 aCoord, bCoord, nextCoord, prevCoord;
attribute vec4 aColor, bColor;
attribute float lineEnd, lineTop;
uniform vec2 scale, translate;
uniform float thickness, pixelRatio, id, depth;
uniform vec4 viewport;
uniform float miterLimit, miterMode;
varying vec4 fragColor;
varying vec4 startCutoff, endCutoff;
varying vec2 tangent;
varying vec2 startCoord, endCoord;
varying float enableStartMiter, enableEndMiter;
const float REVERSE_THRESHOLD = -.875;
const float MIN_DIFF = 1e-6;
// TODO: possible optimizations: avoid overcalculating all for vertices and calc just one instead
// TODO: precalculate dot products, normalize things beforehead etc.
// TODO: refactor to rectangular algorithm
float distToLine(vec2 p, vec2 a, vec2 b) {
vec2 diff = b - a;
vec2 perp = normalize(vec2(-diff.y, diff.x));
return dot(p - a, perp);
bool isNaN( float val ){
return ( val < 0.0 || 0.0 < val || val == 0.0 ) ? false : true;
void main() {
vec2 aCoord = aCoord, bCoord = bCoord, prevCoord = prevCoord, nextCoord = nextCoord;
vec2 adjustedScale;
adjustedScale.x = (abs(scale.x) < MIN_DIFF) ? MIN_DIFF : scale.x;
adjustedScale.y = (abs(scale.y) < MIN_DIFF) ? MIN_DIFF : scale.y;
vec2 scaleRatio = adjustedScale *;
vec2 normalWidth = thickness / scaleRatio;
float lineStart = 1. - lineEnd;
float lineBot = 1. - lineTop;
fragColor = (lineStart * aColor + lineEnd * bColor) / 255.;
if (isNaN(aCoord.x) || isNaN(aCoord.y) || isNaN(bCoord.x) || isNaN(bCoord.y)) return;
if (aCoord == prevCoord) prevCoord = aCoord + normalize(bCoord - aCoord);
if (bCoord == nextCoord) nextCoord = bCoord - normalize(bCoord - aCoord);
vec2 prevDiff = aCoord - prevCoord;
vec2 currDiff = bCoord - aCoord;
vec2 nextDiff = nextCoord - bCoord;
vec2 prevTangent = normalize(prevDiff * scaleRatio);
vec2 currTangent = normalize(currDiff * scaleRatio);
vec2 nextTangent = normalize(nextDiff * scaleRatio);
vec2 prevNormal = vec2(-prevTangent.y, prevTangent.x);
vec2 currNormal = vec2(-currTangent.y, currTangent.x);
vec2 nextNormal = vec2(-nextTangent.y, nextTangent.x);
vec2 startJoinDirection = normalize(prevTangent - currTangent);
vec2 endJoinDirection = normalize(currTangent - nextTangent);
// collapsed/unidirectional segment cases
// FIXME: there should be more elegant solution
vec2 prevTanDiff = abs(prevTangent - currTangent);
vec2 nextTanDiff = abs(nextTangent - currTangent);
if (max(prevTanDiff.x, prevTanDiff.y) < MIN_DIFF) {
startJoinDirection = currNormal;
if (max(nextTanDiff.x, nextTanDiff.y) < MIN_DIFF) {
endJoinDirection = currNormal;
if (aCoord == bCoord) {
endJoinDirection = startJoinDirection;
currNormal = prevNormal;
currTangent = prevTangent;
tangent = currTangent;
//calculate join shifts relative to normals
float startJoinShift = dot(currNormal, startJoinDirection);
float endJoinShift = dot(currNormal, endJoinDirection);
float startMiterRatio = abs(1. / startJoinShift);
float endMiterRatio = abs(1. / endJoinShift);
vec2 startJoin = startJoinDirection * startMiterRatio;
vec2 endJoin = endJoinDirection * endMiterRatio;
vec2 startTopJoin, startBotJoin, endTopJoin, endBotJoin;
startTopJoin = sign(startJoinShift) * startJoin * .5;
startBotJoin = -startTopJoin;
endTopJoin = sign(endJoinShift) * endJoin * .5;
endBotJoin = -endTopJoin;
vec2 aTopCoord = aCoord + normalWidth * startTopJoin;
vec2 bTopCoord = bCoord + normalWidth * endTopJoin;
vec2 aBotCoord = aCoord + normalWidth * startBotJoin;
vec2 bBotCoord = bCoord + normalWidth * endBotJoin;
//miter anti-clipping
float baClipping = distToLine(bCoord, aCoord, aBotCoord) / dot(normalize(normalWidth * endBotJoin), normalize(normalWidth.yx * vec2(-startBotJoin.y, startBotJoin.x)));
float abClipping = distToLine(aCoord, bCoord, bTopCoord) / dot(normalize(normalWidth * startBotJoin), normalize(normalWidth.yx * vec2(-endBotJoin.y, endBotJoin.x)));
//prevent close to reverse direction switch
bool prevReverse = dot(currTangent, prevTangent) <= REVERSE_THRESHOLD && abs(dot(currTangent, prevNormal)) * min(length(prevDiff), length(currDiff)) < length(normalWidth * currNormal);
bool nextReverse = dot(currTangent, nextTangent) <= REVERSE_THRESHOLD && abs(dot(currTangent, nextNormal)) * min(length(nextDiff), length(currDiff)) < length(normalWidth * currNormal);
if (prevReverse) {
//make join rectangular
vec2 miterShift = normalWidth * startJoinDirection * miterLimit * .5;
float normalAdjust = 1. - min(miterLimit / startMiterRatio, 1.);
aBotCoord = aCoord + miterShift - normalAdjust * normalWidth * currNormal * .5;
aTopCoord = aCoord + miterShift + normalAdjust * normalWidth * currNormal * .5;
else if (!nextReverse && baClipping > 0. && baClipping < length(normalWidth * endBotJoin)) {
//handle miter clipping
bTopCoord -= normalWidth * endTopJoin;
bTopCoord += normalize(endTopJoin * normalWidth) * baClipping;
if (nextReverse) {
//make join rectangular
vec2 miterShift = normalWidth * endJoinDirection * miterLimit * .5;
float normalAdjust = 1. - min(miterLimit / endMiterRatio, 1.);
bBotCoord = bCoord + miterShift - normalAdjust * normalWidth * currNormal * .5;
bTopCoord = bCoord + miterShift + normalAdjust * normalWidth * currNormal * .5;
else if (!prevReverse && abClipping > 0. && abClipping < length(normalWidth * startBotJoin)) {
//handle miter clipping
aBotCoord -= normalWidth * startBotJoin;
aBotCoord += normalize(startBotJoin * normalWidth) * abClipping;
vec2 aTopPosition = (aTopCoord) * adjustedScale + translate;
vec2 aBotPosition = (aBotCoord) * adjustedScale + translate;
vec2 bTopPosition = (bTopCoord) * adjustedScale + translate;
vec2 bBotPosition = (bBotCoord) * adjustedScale + translate;
//position is normalized 0..1 coord on the screen
vec2 position = (aTopPosition * lineTop + aBotPosition * lineBot) * lineStart + (bTopPosition * lineTop + bBotPosition * lineBot) * lineEnd;
startCoord = aCoord * scaleRatio + translate * + viewport.xy;
endCoord = bCoord * scaleRatio + translate * + viewport.xy;
gl_Position = vec4(position * 2.0 - 1.0, depth, 1);
enableStartMiter = step(dot(currTangent, prevTangent), .5);
enableEndMiter = step(dot(currTangent, nextTangent), .5);
//bevel miter cutoffs
if (miterMode == 1.) {
if (enableStartMiter == 1.) {
vec2 startMiterWidth = vec2(startJoinDirection) * thickness * miterLimit * .5;
startCutoff = vec4(aCoord, aCoord); += vec2(-startJoinDirection.y, startJoinDirection.x) / scaleRatio;
startCutoff = startCutoff * scaleRatio.xyxy + translate.xyxy * viewport.zwzw;
startCutoff += viewport.xyxy;
startCutoff += startMiterWidth.xyxy;
if (enableEndMiter == 1.) {
vec2 endMiterWidth = vec2(endJoinDirection) * thickness * miterLimit * .5;
endCutoff = vec4(bCoord, bCoord); += vec2(-endJoinDirection.y, endJoinDirection.x) / scaleRatio;
endCutoff = endCutoff * scaleRatio.xyxy + translate.xyxy * viewport.zwzw;
endCutoff += viewport.xyxy;
endCutoff += endMiterWidth.xyxy;
//round miter cutoffs
else if (miterMode == 2.) {
if (enableStartMiter == 1.) {
vec2 startMiterWidth = vec2(startJoinDirection) * thickness * abs(dot(startJoinDirection, currNormal)) * .5;
startCutoff = vec4(aCoord, aCoord); += vec2(-startJoinDirection.y, startJoinDirection.x) / scaleRatio;
startCutoff = startCutoff * scaleRatio.xyxy + translate.xyxy * viewport.zwzw;
startCutoff += viewport.xyxy;
startCutoff += startMiterWidth.xyxy;
if (enableEndMiter == 1.) {
vec2 endMiterWidth = vec2(endJoinDirection) * thickness * abs(dot(endJoinDirection, currNormal)) * .5;
endCutoff = vec4(bCoord, bCoord); += vec2(-endJoinDirection.y, endJoinDirection.x) / scaleRatio;
endCutoff = endCutoff * scaleRatio.xyxy + translate.xyxy * viewport.zwzw;
endCutoff += viewport.xyxy;
endCutoff += endMiterWidth.xyxy;