StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
357 lines
8.5 KiB
357 lines
8.5 KiB
/** @license React v16.12.0
* react-dom-unstable-flight-client.development.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
(function() {
'use strict';
var supportsBinaryStreams = true;
function createStringDecoder() {
return new TextDecoder();
var decoderOptions = {
stream: true
function readPartialStringChunk(decoder, buffer) {
return decoder.decode(buffer, decoderOptions);
function readFinalStringChunk(decoder, buffer) {
return decoder.decode(buffer);
var PENDING = 0;
var RESOLVED = 1;
var ERRORED = 2;
function createResponse(source) {
var modelRoot = {};
var rootChunk = createPendingChunk();
definePendingProperty(modelRoot, 'model', rootChunk);
var chunks = new Map();
chunks.set(0, rootChunk);
var response = {
source: source,
partialRow: '',
modelRoot: modelRoot,
chunks: chunks,
fromJSON: function (key, value) {
return parseFromJSON(response, this, key, value);
if (supportsBinaryStreams) {
response.stringDecoder = createStringDecoder();
return response;
function createPendingChunk() {
var resolve = null;
var promise = new Promise(function (r) {
return resolve = r;
return {
status: PENDING,
value: promise,
resolve: resolve
function createErrorChunk(error) {
return {
status: ERRORED,
value: error,
resolve: null
function triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error) {
if (chunk.status !== PENDING) {
// We already resolved. We didn't expect to see this.
var resolve = chunk.resolve;
var erroredChunk = chunk;
erroredChunk.status = ERRORED;
erroredChunk.value = error;
erroredChunk.resolve = null;
function createResolvedChunk(value) {
return {
status: RESOLVED,
value: value,
resolve: null
function resolveChunk(chunk, value) {
if (chunk.status !== PENDING) {
// We already resolved. We didn't expect to see this.
var resolve = chunk.resolve;
var resolvedChunk = chunk;
resolvedChunk.status = RESOLVED;
resolvedChunk.value = value;
resolvedChunk.resolve = null;
} // Report that any missing chunks in the model is now going to throw this
// error upon read. Also notify any pending promises.
function reportGlobalError(response, error) {
response.chunks.forEach(function (chunk) {
// If this chunk was already resolved or errored, it won't
// trigger an error but if it wasn't then we need to
// because we won't be getting any new data to resolve it.
triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error);
function definePendingProperty(object, key, chunk) {
Object.defineProperty(object, key, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
if (chunk.status === RESOLVED) {
return chunk.value;
} else {
throw chunk.value;
function parseFromJSON(response, targetObj, key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && value[0] === '$') {
if (value[1] === '$') {
// This was an escaped string value.
return value.substring(1);
} else {
var id = parseInt(value.substring(1), 16);
var chunks = response.chunks;
var chunk = chunks.get(id);
if (!chunk) {
chunk = createPendingChunk();
chunks.set(id, chunk);
} else if (chunk.status === RESOLVED) {
return chunk.value;
definePendingProperty(targetObj, key, chunk);
return undefined;
return value;
function resolveJSONRow(response, id, json) {
var model = JSON.parse(json, response.fromJSON);
var chunks = response.chunks;
var chunk = chunks.get(id);
if (!chunk) {
chunks.set(id, createResolvedChunk(model));
} else {
resolveChunk(chunk, model);
function processFullRow(response, row) {
if (row === '') {
var tag = row[0];
switch (tag) {
case 'J':
var colon = row.indexOf(':', 1);
var id = parseInt(row.substring(1, colon), 16);
var json = row.substring(colon + 1);
resolveJSONRow(response, id, json);
case 'E':
var _colon = row.indexOf(':', 1);
var _id = parseInt(row.substring(1, _colon), 16);
var _json = row.substring(_colon + 1);
var errorInfo = JSON.parse(_json);
var error = new Error(errorInfo.message);
error.stack = errorInfo.stack;
var chunks = response.chunks;
var chunk = chunks.get(_id);
if (!chunk) {
chunks.set(_id, createErrorChunk(error));
} else {
triggerErrorOnChunk(chunk, error);
// Assume this is the root model.
resolveJSONRow(response, 0, row);
function processStringChunk(response, chunk, offset) {
var linebreak = chunk.indexOf('\n', offset);
while (linebreak > -1) {
var fullrow = response.partialRow + chunk.substring(offset, linebreak);
processFullRow(response, fullrow);
response.partialRow = '';
offset = linebreak + 1;
linebreak = chunk.indexOf('\n', offset);
response.partialRow += chunk.substring(offset);
function processBinaryChunk(response, chunk) {
if (!supportsBinaryStreams) {
throw new Error("This environment don't support binary chunks.");
var stringDecoder = response.stringDecoder;
var linebreak = chunk.indexOf(10); // newline
while (linebreak > -1) {
var fullrow = response.partialRow + readFinalStringChunk(stringDecoder, chunk.subarray(0, linebreak));
processFullRow(response, fullrow);
response.partialRow = '';
chunk = chunk.subarray(linebreak + 1);
linebreak = chunk.indexOf(10); // newline
response.partialRow += readPartialStringChunk(stringDecoder, chunk);
function complete(response) {
// In case there are any remaining unresolved chunks, they won't
// be resolved now. So we need to issue an error to those.
// Ideally we should be able to early bail out if we kept a
// ref count of pending chunks.
reportGlobalError(response, new Error('Connection closed.'));
function getModelRoot(response) {
return response.modelRoot;
// This file intentionally does *not* have the Flow annotation.
// Don't add it. See `./inline-typed.js` for an explanation.
function startReadingFromStream(response, stream) {
var reader = stream.getReader();
function progress(_ref) {
var done = _ref.done,
value = _ref.value;
if (done) {
var buffer = value;
processBinaryChunk(response, buffer);
return, error);
function error(e) {
reportGlobalError(response, e);
|, error);
function readFromReadableStream(stream) {
var response = createResponse(stream);
startReadingFromStream(response, stream);
return getModelRoot(response);
function readFromFetch(promiseForResponse) {
var response = createResponse(promiseForResponse);
promiseForResponse.then(function (r) {
startReadingFromStream(response, r.body);
}, function (e) {
reportGlobalError(response, e);
return getModelRoot(response);
function readFromXHR(request) {
var response = createResponse(request);
var processedLength = 0;
function progress(e) {
var chunk = request.responseText;
processStringChunk(response, chunk, processedLength);
processedLength = chunk.length;
function load(e) {
function error(e) {
reportGlobalError(response, new TypeError('Network error'));
request.addEventListener('progress', progress);
request.addEventListener('load', load);
request.addEventListener('error', error);
request.addEventListener('abort', error);
request.addEventListener('timeout', error);
return getModelRoot(response);
var ReactFlightDOMClient = {
readFromXHR: readFromXHR,
readFromFetch: readFromFetch,
readFromReadableStream: readFromReadableStream
var ReactFlightDOMClient$1 = Object.freeze({
default: ReactFlightDOMClient
var ReactFlightDOMClient$2 = ( ReactFlightDOMClient$1 && ReactFlightDOMClient ) || ReactFlightDOMClient$1;
// TODO: decide on the top-level export form.
// This is hacky but makes it work with both Rollup and Jest
var unstableFlightClient = ReactFlightDOMClient$2.default || ReactFlightDOMClient$2;
module.exports = unstableFlightClient;