StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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390 lines
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390 lines
12 KiB
'use strict';
module.exports = compile;
var version = require('./package.json').version;
function compile(proto) {
var code = 'var exports = {};\n';
code += compileRaw(proto) + '\n';
code += 'return exports;\n';
return new Function(code)();
compile.raw = compileRaw;
function compileRaw(proto, options) {
var pre = '\'use strict\'; // code generated by pbf v' + version + '\n';
var context = buildDefaults(buildContext(proto, null), proto.syntax);
return pre + writeContext(context, options || {});
function writeContext(ctx, options) {
var code = '';
if (ctx._proto.fields) code += writeMessage(ctx, options);
if (ctx._proto.values) code += writeEnum(ctx, options);
for (var i = 0; i < ctx._children.length; i++) {
code += writeContext(ctx._children[i], options);
return code;
function writeMessage(ctx, options) {
var name = ctx._name;
var fields = ctx._proto.fields;
var numRepeated = 0;
var code = '\n// ' + name + ' ========================================\n\n';
if (!options.noRead || !options.noWrite) {
code += compileExport(ctx, options) + ' {};\n\n';
if (!options.noRead) {
code += name + '.read = function (pbf, end) {\n';
code += ' return pbf.readFields(' + name + '._readField, ' + compileDest(ctx) + ', end);\n';
code += '};\n';
code += name + '._readField = function (tag, obj, pbf) {\n';
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
var readCode = compileFieldRead(ctx, field);
var packed = willSupportPacked(ctx, field);
code += ' ' + (i ? 'else if' : 'if') +
' (tag === ' + field.tag + ') ' +
(field.type === 'map' ? ' { ' : '') +
field.type === 'map' ? compileMapRead(readCode,, numRepeated++) :
field.repeated && !packed ? 'obj.' + + '.push(' + readCode + ')' :
field.repeated && packed ? readCode : 'obj.' + + ' = ' + readCode
if (field.oneof) {
code += ', obj.' + field.oneof + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(;
code += ';' + (field.type === 'map' ? ' }' : '') + '\n';
code += '};\n';
if (!options.noWrite) {
code += name + '.write = function (obj, pbf) {\n';
numRepeated = 0;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
field = fields[i];
var writeCode = field.repeated && !isPacked(field) ?
compileRepeatedWrite(ctx, field, numRepeated++) :
field.type === 'map' ? compileMapWrite(ctx, field, numRepeated++) :
compileFieldWrite(ctx, field, 'obj.' +;
code += getDefaultWriteTest(ctx, field);
code += writeCode + ';\n';
code += '};\n';
return code;
function writeEnum(ctx, options) {
return '\n' + compileExport(ctx, options) + ' ' +
JSON.stringify(ctx._proto.values, null, 4) + ';\n';
function compileExport(ctx, options) {
var exportsVar = options.exports || 'exports';
return (ctx._root ? 'var ' + ctx._name + ' = ' + exportsVar + '.' : '') + ctx._name + ' =';
function compileDest(ctx) {
var props = {};
for (var i = 0; i < ctx._proto.fields.length; i++) {
var field = ctx._proto.fields[i];
props[ + ': ' + JSON.stringify(ctx._defaults[])] = true;
if (field.oneof) props[field.oneof + ': null'] = true;
return '{' + Object.keys(props).join(', ') + '}';
function isEnum(type) {
return type && type._proto.values;
function getType(ctx, field) {
if (field.type === 'map') {
return ctx[getMapMessageName(field.tag)];
var path = field.type.split('.');
return path.reduce(function(ctx, name) { return ctx && ctx[name]; }, ctx);
function compileFieldRead(ctx, field) {
var type = getType(ctx, field);
if (type) {
if (type._proto.fields) return type._name + '.read(pbf, pbf.readVarint() + pbf.pos)';
if (!isEnum(type)) throw new Error('Unexpected type: ' + type._name);
var fieldType = isEnum(type) ? 'enum' : field.type;
var prefix = '';
var signed = fieldType === 'int32' || fieldType === 'int64' ? 'true' : '';
var suffix = '(' + signed + ')';
if (willSupportPacked(ctx, field)) {
prefix += 'Packed';
suffix = '(obj.' + + (signed ? ', ' + signed : '') + ')';
switch (fieldType) {
case 'string': return prefix + 'String' + suffix;
case 'float': return prefix + 'Float' + suffix;
case 'double': return prefix + 'Double' + suffix;
case 'bool': return prefix + 'Boolean' + suffix;
case 'enum':
case 'uint32':
case 'uint64':
case 'int32':
case 'int64': return prefix + 'Varint' + suffix;
case 'sint32':
case 'sint64': return prefix + 'SVarint' + suffix;
case 'fixed32': return prefix + 'Fixed32' + suffix;
case 'fixed64': return prefix + 'Fixed64' + suffix;
case 'sfixed32': return prefix + 'SFixed32' + suffix;
case 'sfixed64': return prefix + 'SFixed64' + suffix;
case 'bytes': return prefix + 'Bytes' + suffix;
default: throw new Error('Unexpected type: ' + field.type);
function compileFieldWrite(ctx, field, name) {
var prefix = 'pbf.write';
if (isPacked(field)) prefix += 'Packed';
var postfix = (isPacked(field) ? '' : 'Field') + '(' + field.tag + ', ' + name + ')';
var type = getType(ctx, field);
if (type) {
if (type._proto.fields) return prefix + 'Message(' + field.tag + ', ' + type._name + '.write, ' + name + ')';
if (type._proto.values) return prefix + 'Varint' + postfix;
throw new Error('Unexpected type: ' + type._name);
switch (field.type) {
case 'string': return prefix + 'String' + postfix;
case 'float': return prefix + 'Float' + postfix;
case 'double': return prefix + 'Double' + postfix;
case 'bool': return prefix + 'Boolean' + postfix;
case 'enum':
case 'uint32':
case 'uint64':
case 'int32':
case 'int64': return prefix + 'Varint' + postfix;
case 'sint32':
case 'sint64': return prefix + 'SVarint' + postfix;
case 'fixed32': return prefix + 'Fixed32' + postfix;
case 'fixed64': return prefix + 'Fixed64' + postfix;
case 'sfixed32': return prefix + 'SFixed32' + postfix;
case 'sfixed64': return prefix + 'SFixed64' + postfix;
case 'bytes': return prefix + 'Bytes' + postfix;
default: throw new Error('Unexpected type: ' + field.type);
function compileMapRead(readCode, name, numRepeated) {
return (numRepeated ? '' : 'var ') + 'entry = ' + readCode + '; obj.' + name + '[entry.key] = entry.value';
function compileRepeatedWrite(ctx, field, numRepeated) {
return 'for (' + (numRepeated ? '' : 'var ') +
'i = 0; i < obj.' + + '.length; i++) ' +
compileFieldWrite(ctx, field, 'obj.' + + '[i]');
function compileMapWrite(ctx, field, numRepeated) {
var name = 'obj.' +;
return 'for (' + (numRepeated ? '' : 'var ') +
'i in ' + name + ') if (' + name + ', i)) ' +
compileFieldWrite(ctx, field, '{ key: i, value: ' + name + '[i] }');
function getMapMessageName(tag) {
return '_FieldEntry' + tag;
function getMapField(name, type, tag) {
return {
name: name,
type: type,
tag: tag,
map: null,
oneof: null,
required: false,
repeated: false,
options: {}
function getMapMessage(field) {
return {
name: getMapMessageName(field.tag),
enums: [],
messages: [],
extensions: null,
fields: [
getMapField('key',, 1),
getMapField('value',, 2)
function buildContext(proto, parent) {
var obj = Object.create(parent);
obj._proto = proto;
obj._children = [];
obj._defaults = {};
if (parent) {
parent[] = obj;
if (parent._name) {
obj._root = false;
obj._name = parent._name + '.' +;
} else {
obj._root = true;
obj._name =;
for (var i = 0; proto.enums && i < proto.enums.length; i++) {
obj._children.push(buildContext(proto.enums[i], obj));
for (i = 0; proto.messages && i < proto.messages.length; i++) {
obj._children.push(buildContext(proto.messages[i], obj));
for (i = 0; proto.fields && i < proto.fields.length; i++) {
if (proto.fields[i].type === 'map') {
obj._children.push(buildContext(getMapMessage(proto.fields[i]), obj));
return obj;
function getDefaultValue(field, value) {
// Defaults not supported for repeated fields
if (field.repeated) return [];
switch (field.type) {
case 'float':
case 'double': return value ? parseFloat(value) : 0;
case 'uint32':
case 'uint64':
case 'int32':
case 'int64':
case 'sint32':
case 'sint64':
case 'fixed32':
case 'fixed64':
case 'sfixed32':
case 'sfixed64': return value ? parseInt(value, 10) : 0;
case 'string': return value || '';
case 'bool': return value === 'true';
case 'map': return {};
default: return null;
function willSupportPacked(ctx, field) {
var fieldType = isEnum(getType(ctx, field)) ? 'enum' : field.type;
switch (field.repeated && fieldType) {
case 'float':
case 'double':
case 'uint32':
case 'uint64':
case 'int32':
case 'int64':
case 'sint32':
case 'sint64':
case 'fixed32':
case 'fixed64':
case 'sfixed32':
case 'enum':
case 'bool': return true;
return false;
function setPackedOption(ctx, field, syntax) {
// No default packed in older protobuf versions
if (syntax < 3) return;
// Packed option already set
if (field.options.packed !== undefined) return;
// Not a packed field type
if (!willSupportPacked(ctx, field)) return;
field.options.packed = 'true';
function setDefaultValue(ctx, field, syntax) {
var options = field.options;
var type = getType(ctx, field);
var enumValues = type && type._proto.values;
// Proto3 does not support overriding defaults
var explicitDefault = syntax < 3 ? options.default : undefined;
// Set default for enum values
if (enumValues && !field.repeated) {
ctx._defaults[] = enumValues[explicitDefault] || 0;
} else {
ctx._defaults[] = getDefaultValue(field, explicitDefault);
function buildDefaults(ctx, syntax) {
var proto = ctx._proto;
for (var i = 0; i < ctx._children.length; i++) {
buildDefaults(ctx._children[i], syntax);
if (proto.fields) {
for (i = 0; i < proto.fields.length; i++) {
setPackedOption(ctx, proto.fields[i], syntax);
setDefaultValue(ctx, proto.fields[i], syntax);
return ctx;
function getDefaultWriteTest(ctx, field) {
var def = ctx._defaults[];
var type = getType(ctx, field);
var code = ' if (obj.' +;
if (!field.repeated && (!type || !type._proto.fields)) {
if (def === undefined || def) {
code += ' != undefined';
if (def) {
code += ' && obj.' + + ' !== ' + JSON.stringify(def);
return code + ') ';
function isPacked(field) {
return field.options.packed === 'true';