StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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const Fetcher = require('./fetcher.js')
const FileFetcher = require('./file.js')
const RemoteFetcher = require('./remote.js')
const DirFetcher = require('./dir.js')
const hashre = /^[a-f0-9]{40}$/
const git = require('./util/git/')
const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const url = require('url')
const Minipass = require('minipass')
const cacache = require('cacache')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const readPackageJson = require('read-package-json-fast')
const npm = require('./util/npm.js')
const _resolvedFromRepo = Symbol('_resolvedFromRepo')
const _resolvedFromHosted = Symbol('_resolvedFromHosted')
const _resolvedFromClone = Symbol('_resolvedFromClone')
const _tarballFromResolved = Symbol.for('pacote.Fetcher._tarballFromResolved')
const _addGitSha = Symbol('_addGitSha')
const _clone = Symbol('_clone')
const _cloneHosted = Symbol('_cloneHosted')
const _cloneRepo = Symbol('_cloneRepo')
const _setResolvedWithSha = Symbol('_setResolvedWithSha')
const _prepareDir = Symbol('_prepareDir')
// get the repository url. prefer ssh, fall back to git://
// We have to add the git+ back because npa suppresses it.
const repoUrl = (hosted, opts) =>
hosted.sshurl && addGitPlus(hosted.sshurl(opts)) ||
hosted.https && addGitPlus(hosted.https(opts))
const addGitPlus = url => url && `git+${url}`
class GitFetcher extends Fetcher {
constructor (spec, opts) {
super(spec, opts)
this.resolvedRef = null
if (this.spec.hosted)
this.from = this.spec.hosted.shortcut({ noCommittish: false })
// shortcut: avoid full clone when we can go straight to the tgz
// if we have the full sha and it's a hosted git platform
if (this.spec.gitCommittish && hashre.test(this.spec.gitCommittish)) {
this.resolvedSha = this.spec.gitCommittish
// use hosted.tarball() when we shell to RemoteFetcher later
this.resolved = this.spec.hosted
? repoUrl(this.spec.hosted, { noCommittish: false })
: this.spec.fetchSpec + '#' + this.spec.gitCommittish
} else
this.resolvedSha = ''
get types () {
return ['git']
resolve () {
// likely a hosted git repo with a sha, so get the tarball url
// but in general, no reason to resolve() more than necessary!
if (this.resolved)
return super.resolve()
// fetch the git repo and then look at the current hash
const h = this.spec.hosted
// try to use ssh, fall back to git.
return h ? this[_resolvedFromHosted](h)
: this[_resolvedFromRepo](this.spec.fetchSpec)
// first try https, since that's faster and passphrase-less for
// public repos. Fall back to SSH to support private repos.
// NB: we always store the SSH url in the 'resolved' field.
[_resolvedFromHosted] (hosted) {
return this[_resolvedFromRepo](hosted.https && hosted.https())
.catch(er => {
const ssh = hosted.sshurl && hosted.sshurl()
if (!ssh)
throw er
return this[_resolvedFromRepo](ssh)
[_resolvedFromRepo] (gitRemote) {
// XXX make this a custom error class
if (!gitRemote)
return Promise.reject(new Error(`No git url for ${this.spec}`))
const gitRange = this.spec.gitRange
const name =
return git.revs(gitRemote, this.opts).then(remoteRefs => {
return gitRange ? pickManifest({
versions: remoteRefs.versions,
'dist-tags': remoteRefs['dist-tags'],
}, gitRange, this.opts)
: this.spec.gitCommittish ?
remoteRefs.refs[this.spec.gitCommittish] ||
: remoteRefs.refs.HEAD // no git committish, get default head
}).then(revDoc => {
// the committish provided isn't in the rev list
// things like HEAD~3 or @yesterday can land here.
if (!revDoc || !revDoc.sha)
return this[_resolvedFromClone]()
this.resolvedRef = revDoc
this.resolvedSha = revDoc.sha
return this.resolved
[_setResolvedWithSha] (withSha) {
// we haven't cloned, so a tgz download is still faster
// of course, if it's not a known host, we can't do that.
this.resolved = !this.spec.hosted ? withSha
: repoUrl(npa(withSha).hosted, { noCommittish: false })
// when we get the git sha, we affix it to our spec to build up
// either a git url with a hash, or a tarball download URL
[_addGitSha] (sha) {
if (this.spec.hosted) {
this.spec.hosted.shortcut({ noCommittish: true }) + '#' + sha
} else {
const u = url.format(new url.URL(`#${sha}`, this.spec.rawSpec))
[_resolvedFromClone] () {
// do a full or shallow clone, then look at the HEAD
// kind of wasteful, but no other option, really
return this[_clone](dir => this.resolved)
[_prepareDir] (dir) {
return readPackageJson(dir + '/package.json').then(mani => {
// no need if we aren't going to do any preparation.
const scripts = mani.scripts
if (!scripts || !(
scripts.postinstall ||
| ||
scripts.preinstall ||
scripts.install ||
// the DirFetcher will do its own preparation to run the prepare scripts
// All we have to do is put the deps in place so that it can succeed.
return npm(
'git dep preparation failed'
[_tarballFromResolved] () {
const stream = new Minipass()
stream.resolved = this.resolved
stream.integrity = this.integrity
stream.from = this.from
// check it out and then shell out to the DirFetcher tarball packer
this[_clone](dir => this[_prepareDir](dir)
.then(() => new Promise((res, rej) => {
const df = new DirFetcher(`file:${dir}`, {
resolved: null,
integrity: null,
const dirStream = df[_tarballFromResolved]()
dirStream.on('error', rej)
dirStream.on('end', res)
/* istanbul ignore next: very unlikely and hard to test */
er => stream.emit('error', er)
return stream
// clone a git repo into a temp folder (or fetch and unpack if possible)
// handler accepts a directory, and returns a promise that resolves
// when we're done with it, at which point, cacache deletes it
// TODO: after cloning, create a tarball of the folder, and add to the cache
// with, using a key that's deterministic based on the
// spec and repo, so that we don't ever clone the same thing multiple times.
[_clone] (handler, tarballOk = true) {
const o = { tmpPrefix: 'git-clone' }
const ref = this.resolvedSha || this.spec.gitCommittish
const h = this.spec.hosted
const resolved = this.resolved
// can be set manually to false to fall back to actual git clone
tarballOk = tarballOk &&
h && resolved === repoUrl(h, { noCommittish: false }) && h.tarball
return cacache.tmp.withTmp(this.cache, o, tmp => {
// if we're resolved, and have a tarball url, shell out to RemoteFetcher
if (tarballOk) {
const nameat = ? `${}@` : ''
return new RemoteFetcher(h.tarball({ noCommittish: false }), {
pkgid: `git:${nameat}${this.resolved}`,
resolved: this.resolved,
integrity: null, // it'll always be different, if we have one
}).extract(tmp).then(() => handler(tmp), er => {
// fall back to ssh download if tarball fails
if (^Http/))
return this[_clone](handler, false)
throw er
return (
h ? this[_cloneHosted](ref, tmp)
: this[_cloneRepo](this.spec.fetchSpec, ref, tmp)
).then(sha => {
this.resolvedSha = sha
if (!this.resolved)
.then(() => handler(tmp))
[_cloneHosted] (ref, tmp) {
const hosted = this.spec.hosted
const https = hosted.https()
return this[_cloneRepo](hosted.https({ noCommittish: true }), ref, tmp)
.catch(er => {
const ssh = hosted.sshurl && hosted.sshurl({ noCommittish: true })
/* istanbul ignore if - should be covered by the resolve() call */
if (!ssh)
throw er
return this[_cloneRepo](ssh, ref, tmp)
[_cloneRepo] (repo, ref, tmp) {
return git.clone(repo, ref, tmp, this.spec, this.opts)
manifest () {
if (this.package)
return Promise.resolve(this.package)
return this.spec.hosted && this.resolved
? FileFetcher.prototype.manifest.apply(this)
: this[_clone](dir =>
readPackageJson(dir + '/package.json')
.then(mani => this.package = {
_integrity: this.integrity && String(this.integrity),
_resolved: this.resolved,
_from: this.from,
packument () {
return FileFetcher.prototype.packument.apply(this)
module.exports = GitFetcher