StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
676 lines
20 KiB
676 lines
20 KiB
var shortenHex = require('./shorten-hex');
var shortenHsl = require('./shorten-hsl');
var shortenRgb = require('./shorten-rgb');
var sortSelectors = require('./sort-selectors');
var tidyRules = require('./tidy-rules');
var tidyBlock = require('./tidy-block');
var tidyAtRule = require('./tidy-at-rule');
var Hack = require('../hack');
var removeUnused = require('../remove-unused');
var restoreFromOptimizing = require('../restore-from-optimizing');
var wrapForOptimizing = require('../wrap-for-optimizing').all;
var OptimizationLevel = require('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel;
var Token = require('../../tokenizer/token');
var Marker = require('../../tokenizer/marker');
var formatPosition = require('../../utils/format-position');
var split = require('../../utils/split');
var serializeRules = require('../../writer/one-time').rules;
var IgnoreProperty = 'ignore-property';
var CHARSET_TOKEN = '@charset';
var CHARSET_REGEXP = new RegExp('^' + CHARSET_TOKEN, 'i');
var DEFAULT_ROUNDING_PRECISION = require('../../options/rounding-precision').DEFAULT;
var WHOLE_PIXEL_VALUE = /(?:^|\s|\()(-?\d+)px/;
var TIME_VALUE = /^(\-?[\d\.]+)(m?s)$/;
var HEX_VALUE_PATTERN = /[0-9a-f]/i;
var PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN = /^(?:\-chrome\-|\-[\w\-]+\w|\w[\w\-]+\w|\-\-\S+)$/;
var IMPORT_PREFIX_PATTERN = /^@import/i;
var QUOTED_PATTERN = /^('.*'|".*")$/;
var QUOTED_BUT_SAFE_PATTERN = /^['"][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+['"]$/;
var URL_PREFIX_PATTERN = /^url\(/i;
function isNegative(value) {
return value && value[1][0] == '-' && parseFloat(value[1]) < 0;
function isQuoted(value) {
return QUOTED_PATTERN.test(value);
function isUrl(value) {
return URL_PREFIX_PATTERN.test(value);
function normalizeUrl(value) {
return value
.replace(URL_PREFIX_PATTERN, 'url(')
.replace(/\\?\n|\\?\r\n/g, '');
function optimizeBackground(property) {
var values = property.value;
if (values.length == 1 && values[0][1] == 'none') {
values[0][1] = '0 0';
if (values.length == 1 && values[0][1] == 'transparent') {
values[0][1] = '0 0';
function optimizeBorderRadius(property) {
var values = property.value;
var spliceAt;
if (values.length == 3 && values[1][1] == '/' && values[0][1] == values[2][1]) {
spliceAt = 1;
} else if (values.length == 5 && values[2][1] == '/' && values[0][1] == values[3][1] && values[1][1] == values[4][1]) {
spliceAt = 2;
} else if (values.length == 7 && values[3][1] == '/' && values[0][1] == values[4][1] && values[1][1] == values[5][1] && values[2][1] == values[6][1]) {
spliceAt = 3;
} else if (values.length == 9 && values[4][1] == '/' && values[0][1] == values[5][1] && values[1][1] == values[6][1] && values[2][1] == values[7][1] && values[3][1] == values[8][1]) {
spliceAt = 4;
if (spliceAt) {
property.dirty = true;
function optimizeColors(name, value, compatibility) {
if (value.indexOf('#') === -1 && value.indexOf('rgb') == -1 && value.indexOf('hsl') == -1) {
return shortenHex(value);
value = value
.replace(/rgb\((\-?\d+),(\-?\d+),(\-?\d+)\)/g, function (match, red, green, blue) {
return shortenRgb(red, green, blue);
.replace(/hsl\((-?\d+),(-?\d+)%?,(-?\d+)%?\)/g, function (match, hue, saturation, lightness) {
return shortenHsl(hue, saturation, lightness);
.replace(/(^|[^='"])#([0-9a-f]{6})/gi, function (match, prefix, color, at, inputValue) {
var suffix = inputValue[at + match.length];
if (suffix && HEX_VALUE_PATTERN.test(suffix)) {
return match;
} else if (color[0] == color[1] && color[2] == color[3] && color[4] == color[5]) {
return (prefix + '#' + color[0] + color[2] + color[4]).toLowerCase();
} else {
return (prefix + '#' + color).toLowerCase();
.replace(/(^|[^='"])#([0-9a-f]{3})/gi, function (match, prefix, color) {
return prefix + '#' + color.toLowerCase();
.replace(/(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\(([^\)]+)\)/g, function (match, colorFunction, colorDef) {
var tokens = colorDef.split(',');
var applies = (colorFunction == 'hsl' && tokens.length == 3) ||
(colorFunction == 'hsla' && tokens.length == 4) ||
(colorFunction == 'rgb' && tokens.length == 3 && colorDef.indexOf('%') > 0) ||
(colorFunction == 'rgba' && tokens.length == 4 && colorDef.indexOf('%') > 0);
if (!applies) {
return match;
if (tokens[1].indexOf('%') == -1) {
tokens[1] += '%';
if (tokens[2].indexOf('%') == -1) {
tokens[2] += '%';
return colorFunction + '(' + tokens.join(',') + ')';
if (compatibility.colors.opacity && name.indexOf('background') == -1) {
value = value.replace(/(?:rgba|hsla)\(0,0%?,0%?,0\)/g, function (match) {
if (split(value, ',').pop().indexOf('gradient(') > -1) {
return match;
return 'transparent';
return shortenHex(value);
function optimizeFilter(property) {
if (property.value.length == 1) {
property.value[0][1] = property.value[0][1].replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.(Alpha|Chroma)(\W)/, function (match, filter, suffix) {
return filter.toLowerCase() + suffix;
property.value[0][1] = property.value[0][1]
.replace(/,(\S)/g, ', $1')
.replace(/ ?= ?/g, '=');
function optimizeFontWeight(property, atIndex) {
var value = property.value[atIndex][1];
if (value == 'normal') {
value = '400';
} else if (value == 'bold') {
value = '700';
property.value[atIndex][1] = value;
function optimizeMultipleZeros(property) {
var values = property.value;
var spliceAt;
if (values.length == 4 && values[0][1] === '0' && values[1][1] === '0' && values[2][1] === '0' && values[3][1] === '0') {
if ('box-shadow') > -1) {
spliceAt = 2;
} else {
spliceAt = 1;
if (spliceAt) {
property.dirty = true;
function optimizeOutline(property) {
var values = property.value;
if (values.length == 1 && values[0][1] == 'none') {
values[0][1] = '0';
function optimizePixelLengths(_, value, compatibility) {
if (!WHOLE_PIXEL_VALUE.test(value)) {
return value;
return value.replace(WHOLE_PIXEL_VALUE, function (match, val) {
var newValue;
var intVal = parseInt(val);
if (intVal === 0) {
return match;
if ( && && intVal * 3 % 4 === 0) {
newValue = intVal * 3 / 4 + 'pt';
if ( && compatibility.units.pc && intVal % 16 === 0) {
newValue = intVal / 16 + 'pc';
if ( && && intVal % 96 === 0) {
newValue = intVal / 96 + 'in';
if (newValue) {
newValue = match.substring(0, match.indexOf(val)) + newValue;
return newValue && newValue.length < match.length ? newValue : match;
function optimizePrecision(_, value, precisionOptions) {
if (!precisionOptions.enabled || value.indexOf('.') === -1) {
return value;
return value
.replace(precisionOptions.decimalPointMatcher, '$1$2$3')
.replace(precisionOptions.zeroMatcher, function (match, integerPart, fractionPart, unit) {
var multiplier = precisionOptions.units[unit].multiplier;
var parsedInteger = parseInt(integerPart);
var integer = isNaN(parsedInteger) ? 0 : parsedInteger;
var fraction = parseFloat(fractionPart);
return Math.round((integer + fraction) * multiplier) / multiplier + unit;
function optimizeTimeUnits(_, value) {
if (!TIME_VALUE.test(value))
return value;
return value.replace(TIME_VALUE, function (match, val, unit) {
var newValue;
if (unit == 'ms') {
newValue = parseInt(val) / 1000 + 's';
} else if (unit == 's') {
newValue = parseFloat(val) * 1000 + 'ms';
return newValue.length < match.length ? newValue : match;
function optimizeUnits(name, value, unitsRegexp) {
if (/^(?:\-moz\-calc|\-webkit\-calc|calc|rgb|hsl|rgba|hsla)\(/.test(value)) {
return value;
if (name == 'flex' || name == '-ms-flex' || name == '-webkit-flex' || name == 'flex-basis' || name == '-webkit-flex-basis') {
return value;
if (value.indexOf('%') > 0 && (name == 'height' || name == 'max-height' || name == 'width' || name == 'max-width')) {
return value;
return value
.replace(unitsRegexp, '$1' + '0' + '$2')
.replace(unitsRegexp, '$1' + '0' + '$2');
function optimizeWhitespace(name, value) {
if (name.indexOf('filter') > -1 || value.indexOf(' ') == -1 || value.indexOf('expression') === 0) {
return value;
if (value.indexOf(Marker.SINGLE_QUOTE) > -1 || value.indexOf(Marker.DOUBLE_QUOTE) > -1) {
return value;
value = value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
if (value.indexOf('calc') > -1) {
value = value.replace(/\) ?\/ ?/g, ')/ ');
return value
.replace(/(\(;?)\s+/g, '$1')
.replace(/\s+(;?\))/g, '$1')
.replace(/, /g, ',');
function optimizeZeroDegUnit(_, value) {
if (value.indexOf('0deg') == -1) {
return value;
return value.replace(/\(0deg\)/g, '(0)');
function optimizeZeroUnits(name, value) {
if (value.indexOf('0') == -1) {
return value;
if (value.indexOf('-') > -1) {
value = value
.replace(/([^\w\d\-]|^)\-0([^\.]|$)/g, '$10$2')
.replace(/([^\w\d\-]|^)\-0([^\.]|$)/g, '$10$2');
return value
.replace(/(^|\s)0+([1-9])/g, '$1$2')
.replace(/(^|\D)\.0+(\D|$)/g, '$10$2')
.replace(/(^|\D)\.0+(\D|$)/g, '$10$2')
.replace(/\.([1-9]*)0+(\D|$)/g, function (match, nonZeroPart, suffix) {
return (nonZeroPart.length > 0 ? '.' : '') + nonZeroPart + suffix;
.replace(/(^|\D)0\.(\d)/g, '$1.$2');
function removeQuotes(name, value) {
if (name == 'content' || name.indexOf('font-variation-settings') > -1 || name.indexOf('font-feature-settings') > -1 || name.indexOf('grid-') > -1) {
return value;
return QUOTED_BUT_SAFE_PATTERN.test(value) ?
value.substring(1, value.length - 1) :
function removeUrlQuotes(value) {
return /^url\(['"].+['"]\)$/.test(value) && !/^url\(['"].*[\*\s\(\)'"].*['"]\)$/.test(value) && !/^url\(['"]data:[^;]+;charset/.test(value) ?
value.replace(/["']/g, '') :
function transformValue(propertyName, propertyValue, rule, transformCallback) {
var selector = serializeRules(rule);
var transformedValue = transformCallback(propertyName, propertyValue, selector);
if (transformedValue === undefined) {
return propertyValue;
} else if (transformedValue === false) {
return IgnoreProperty;
} else {
return transformedValue;
function optimizeBody(rule, properties, context) {
var options = context.options;
var levelOptions = options.level[OptimizationLevel.One];
var property, name, type, value;
var valueIsUrl;
var propertyToken;
var _properties = wrapForOptimizing(properties, true);
for (var i = 0, l = _properties.length; i < l; i++) {
property = _properties[i];
name =;
if (!PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN.test(name)) {
propertyToken = property.all[property.position];
context.warnings.push('Invalid property name \'' + name + '\' at ' + formatPosition(propertyToken[1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.');
property.unused = true;
if (property.value.length === 0) {
propertyToken = property.all[property.position];
context.warnings.push('Empty property \'' + name + '\' at ' + formatPosition(propertyToken[1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.');
property.unused = true;
if (property.hack && (
(property.hack[0] == Hack.ASTERISK || property.hack[0] == Hack.UNDERSCORE) && ! ||
property.hack[0] == Hack.BACKSLASH && ! ||
property.hack[0] == Hack.BANG && ! {
property.unused = true;
if (levelOptions.removeNegativePaddings && name.indexOf('padding') === 0 && (isNegative(property.value[0]) || isNegative(property.value[1]) || isNegative(property.value[2]) || isNegative(property.value[3]))) {
property.unused = true;
if (! && isLegacyFilter(property)) {
property.unused = true;
if (property.unused) {
if (property.block) {
optimizeBody(rule, property.value[0][1], context);
if (VARIABLE_NAME_PATTERN.test(name)) {
for (var j = 0, m = property.value.length; j < m; j++) {
type = property.value[j][0];
value = property.value[j][1];
valueIsUrl = isUrl(value);
if (type == Token.PROPERTY_BLOCK) {
property.unused = true;
context.warnings.push('Invalid value token at ' + formatPosition(value[0][1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.');
if (valueIsUrl && !context.validator.isUrl(value)) {
property.unused = true;
context.warnings.push('Broken URL \'' + value + '\' at ' + formatPosition(property.value[j][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.');
if (valueIsUrl) {
value = levelOptions.normalizeUrls ?
normalizeUrl(value) :
value = ! ?
removeUrlQuotes(value) :
} else if (isQuoted(value)) {
value = levelOptions.removeQuotes ?
removeQuotes(name, value) :
} else {
value = levelOptions.removeWhitespace ?
optimizeWhitespace(name, value) :
value = optimizePrecision(name, value, options.precision);
value = optimizePixelLengths(name, value, options.compatibility);
value = levelOptions.replaceTimeUnits ?
optimizeTimeUnits(name, value) :
value = levelOptions.replaceZeroUnits ?
optimizeZeroUnits(name, value) :
if ( {
value = optimizeZeroDegUnit(name, value);
value = optimizeUnits(name, value, options.unitsRegexp);
if ( {
value = optimizeColors(name, value, options.compatibility);
value = transformValue(name, value, rule, levelOptions.transform);
if (value === IgnoreProperty) {
property.unused = true;
continue propertyLoop;
property.value[j][1] = value;
if (levelOptions.replaceMultipleZeros) {
if (name == 'background' && levelOptions.optimizeBackground) {
} else if (name.indexOf('border') === 0 && name.indexOf('radius') > 0 && levelOptions.optimizeBorderRadius) {
} else if (name == 'filter'&& levelOptions.optimizeFilter && {
} else if (name == 'font-weight' && levelOptions.optimizeFontWeight) {
optimizeFontWeight(property, 0);
} else if (name == 'outline' && levelOptions.optimizeOutline) {
removeComments(properties, options);
function removeComments(tokens, options) {
var token;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
token = tokens[i];
if (token[0] != Token.COMMENT) {
optimizeComment(token, options);
if (token[1].length === 0) {
tokens.splice(i, 1);
function optimizeComment(token, options) {
if (token[1][2] == Marker.EXCLAMATION && (options.level[OptimizationLevel.One].specialComments == 'all' || options.commentsKept < options.level[OptimizationLevel.One].specialComments)) {
token[1] = [];
function cleanupCharsets(tokens) {
var hasCharset = false;
for (var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++) {
var token = tokens[i];
if (token[0] != Token.AT_RULE)
if (!CHARSET_REGEXP.test(token[1]))
if (hasCharset || token[1].indexOf(CHARSET_TOKEN) == -1) {
tokens.splice(i, 1);
} else {
hasCharset = true;
tokens.splice(i, 1);
tokens.unshift([Token.AT_RULE, token[1].replace(CHARSET_REGEXP, CHARSET_TOKEN)]);
function buildUnitRegexp(options) {
var units = ['px', 'em', 'ex', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', '%'];
var otherUnits = ['ch', 'rem', 'vh', 'vm', 'vmax', 'vmin', 'vw'];
otherUnits.forEach(function (unit) {
if (options.compatibility.units[unit]) {
return new RegExp('(^|\\s|\\(|,)0(?:' + units.join('|') + ')(\\W|$)', 'g');
function buildPrecisionOptions(roundingPrecision) {
var precisionOptions = {
matcher: null,
units: {},
var optimizable = [];
var unit;
var value;
for (unit in roundingPrecision) {
value = roundingPrecision[unit];
precisionOptions.units[unit] = {};
precisionOptions.units[unit].value = value;
precisionOptions.units[unit].multiplier = Math.pow(10, value);
if (optimizable.length > 0) {
precisionOptions.enabled = true;
precisionOptions.decimalPointMatcher = new RegExp('(\\d)\\.($|' + optimizable.join('|') + ')($|\W)', 'g');
precisionOptions.zeroMatcher = new RegExp('(\\d*)(\\.\\d+)(' + optimizable.join('|') + ')', 'g');
return precisionOptions;
function isImport(token) {
return IMPORT_PREFIX_PATTERN.test(token[1]);
function isLegacyFilter(property) {
var value;
if ( == 'filter' || == '-ms-filter') {
value = property.value[0][1];
return value.indexOf('progid') > -1 ||
value.indexOf('alpha') === 0 ||
value.indexOf('chroma') === 0;
} else {
return false;
function level1Optimize(tokens, context) {
var options = context.options;
var levelOptions = options.level[OptimizationLevel.One];
var ie7Hack = options.compatibility.selectors.ie7Hack;
var adjacentSpace = options.compatibility.selectors.adjacentSpace;
var spaceAfterClosingBrace =;
var format = options.format;
var mayHaveCharset = false;
var afterRules = false;
options.unitsRegexp = options.unitsRegexp || buildUnitRegexp(options);
options.precision = options.precision || buildPrecisionOptions(levelOptions.roundingPrecision);
options.commentsKept = options.commentsKept || 0;
for (var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++) {
var token = tokens[i];
switch (token[0]) {
case Token.AT_RULE:
token[1] = isImport(token) && afterRules ? '' : token[1];
token[1] = levelOptions.tidyAtRules ? tidyAtRule(token[1]) : token[1];
mayHaveCharset = true;
case Token.AT_RULE_BLOCK:
optimizeBody(token[1], token[2], context);
afterRules = true;
case Token.NESTED_BLOCK:
token[1] = levelOptions.tidyBlockScopes ? tidyBlock(token[1], spaceAfterClosingBrace) : token[1];
level1Optimize(token[2], context);
afterRules = true;
case Token.COMMENT:
optimizeComment(token, options);
case Token.RULE:
token[1] = levelOptions.tidySelectors ? tidyRules(token[1], !ie7Hack, adjacentSpace, format, context.warnings) : token[1];
token[1] = token[1].length > 1 ? sortSelectors(token[1], levelOptions.selectorsSortingMethod) : token[1];
optimizeBody(token[1], token[2], context);
afterRules = true;
if (token[0] == Token.COMMENT && token[1].length === 0 || levelOptions.removeEmpty && (token[1].length === 0 || (token[2] && token[2].length === 0))) {
tokens.splice(i, 1);
if (levelOptions.cleanupCharsets && mayHaveCharset) {
return tokens;
module.exports = level1Optimize;