StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

351 lines
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import Vue from '../../utils/vue';
import getScopId from '../../utils/get-scope-id';
import { isArray, arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';
import { getComponentConfig } from '../../utils/config';
import { isString, isUndefinedOrNull } from '../../utils/inspect';
import { HTMLElement, SVGElement } from '../../utils/safe-types';
import { BVTooltip } from './helpers/bv-tooltip';
var NAME = 'BTooltip'; // @vue/component
export var BTooltip =
name: NAME,
props: {
title: {
type: String // default: undefined
// Added in by BPopover
// content: {
// type: String,
// default: undefined
// },
target: {
// String ID of element, or element/component reference
// Or function that returns one of the above
type: [String, HTMLElement, SVGElement, Function, Object],
// default: undefined,
required: true
triggers: {
type: [String, Array],
default: 'hover focus'
placement: {
type: String,
default: 'top'
fallbackPlacement: {
type: [String, Array],
default: 'flip',
validator: function validator(value) {
return isArray(value) && value.every(function (v) {
return isString(v);
}) || arrayIncludes(['flip', 'clockwise', 'counterclockwise'], value);
variant: {
type: String,
default: function _default() {
return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'variant');
customClass: {
type: String,
default: function _default() {
return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'customClass');
delay: {
type: [Number, Object, String],
default: function _default() {
return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'delay');
boundary: {
// String: scrollParent, window, or viewport
// Element: element reference
// Object: Vue component
type: [String, HTMLElement, Object],
default: function _default() {
return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'boundary');
boundaryPadding: {
type: [Number, String],
default: function _default() {
return getComponentConfig(NAME, 'boundaryPadding');
offset: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
noFade: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
container: {
// String: HTML ID of container, if null body is used (default)
// HTMLElement: element reference reference
// Object: Vue Component
type: [String, HTMLElement, Object] // default: undefined
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
noninteractive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
id: {
// ID to use for tooltip element
// If not provided on will automatically be generated
type: String,
default: null
data: function data() {
return {
localTitle: '',
localContent: ''
computed: {
templateData: function templateData() {
// Data that will be passed to the template and popper
return {
// We use massaged versions of the title and content props/slots
title: this.localTitle,
content: this.localContent,
// Pass these props as is
triggers: this.triggers,
placement: this.placement,
fallbackPlacement: this.fallbackPlacement,
variant: this.variant,
customClass: this.customClass,
container: this.container,
boundary: this.boundary,
boundaryPadding: this.boundaryPadding,
delay: this.delay,
offset: this.offset,
noFade: this.noFade,
interactive: !this.noninteractive,
disabled: this.disabled,
templateTitleContent: function templateTitleContent() {
// Used to watch for changes to the title and content props
return {
title: this.title,
content: this.content
watch: {
show: function show(_show, oldVal) {
if (_show !== oldVal && _show !== this.localShow && this.$_bv_toolpop) {
if (_show) {
} else {
// We use `forceHide()` to override any active triggers
disabled: function disabled(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
} else {
localShow: function localShow(newVal) {
// TODO: May need to be done in a `$nextTick()`
this.$emit('update:show', newVal);
templateData: function templateData() {
var _this = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (_this.$_bv_toolpop) {
// Watchers for title/content props (prop changes do not trigger the `updated()` hook)
templateTitleContent: function templateTitleContent() {
created: function created() {
// Non reactive properties
this.$_bv_toolpop = null;
updated: function updated() {
// Update the `propData` object
// Done in a `$nextTick()` to ensure slot(s) have updated
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {
// Shutdown our local event listeners
this.$off('open', this.doOpen);
this.$off('close', this.doClose);
this.$off('disable', this.doDisable);
this.$off('enable', this.doEnable); // Destroy the tip instance
this.$_bv_toolpop && this.$_bv_toolpop.$destroy();
this.$_bv_toolpop = null;
mounted: function mounted() {
var _this2 = this;
// Instantiate a new BVTooltip instance
// Done in a `$nextTick()` to ensure DOM has completed rendering
// so that target can be found
this.$nextTick(function () {
// Load the on demand child instance
var Component = _this2.getComponent(); // Ensure we have initial content
_this2.updateContent(); // Pass down the scoped style attribute if available
var scopeId = getScopId(_this2) || getScopId(_this2.$parent); // Create the instance
var $toolpop = _this2.$_bv_toolpop = new Component({
parent: _this2,
// Pass down the scoped style ID
_scopeId: scopeId || undefined
}); // Set the initial data
$toolpop.updateData(_this2.templateData); // Set listeners
$toolpop.$on('show', _this2.onShow);
$toolpop.$on('shown', _this2.onShown);
$toolpop.$on('hide', _this2.onHide);
$toolpop.$on('hidden', _this2.onHidden);
$toolpop.$on('disabled', _this2.onDisabled);
$toolpop.$on('enabled', _this2.onEnabled); // Initially disabled?
if (_this2.disabled) {
// Initially disabled
} // Listen to open signals from others
_this2.$on('open', _this2.doOpen); // Listen to close signals from others
_this2.$on('close', _this2.doClose); // Listen to disable signals from others
_this2.$on('disable', _this2.doDisable); // Listen to enable signals from others
_this2.$on('enable', _this2.doEnable); // Initially show tooltip?
if (_this2.localShow) {
_this2.$_bv_toolpop && _this2.$;
methods: {
getComponent: function getComponent() {
// Overridden by BPopover
return BVTooltip;
updateContent: function updateContent() {
// Overridden by BPopover
// Tooltip: Default slot is `title`
// Popover: Default slot is `content`, `title` slot is title
// We pass a scoped slot function reference by default (Vue v2.6x)
// And pass the title prop as a fallback
this.setTitle(this.$scopedSlots.default || this.title);
// Helper methods for `updateContent()`
setTitle: function setTitle(val) {
val = isUndefinedOrNull(val) ? '' : val; // We only update the value if it has changed
if (this.localTitle !== val) {
this.localTitle = val;
setContent: function setContent(val) {
val = isUndefinedOrNull(val) ? '' : val; // We only update the value if it has changed
if (this.localContent !== val) {
this.localContent = val;
// --- Template event handlers ---
onShow: function onShow(bvEvt) {
// Placeholder
this.$emit('show', bvEvt);
if (bvEvt) {
this.localShow = !bvEvt.defaultPrevented;
onShown: function onShown(bvEvt) {
// Tip is now showing
this.localShow = true;
this.$emit('shown', bvEvt);
onHide: function onHide(bvEvt) {
this.$emit('hide', bvEvt);
onHidden: function onHidden(bvEvt) {
// Tip is no longer showing
this.$emit('hidden', bvEvt);
this.localShow = false;
onDisabled: function onDisabled(bvEvt) {
// Prevent possible endless loop if user mistakenly
// fires `disabled` instead of `disable`
if (bvEvt && bvEvt.type === 'disabled') {
this.$emit('update:disabled', true);
this.$emit('disabled', bvEvt);
onEnabled: function onEnabled(bvEvt) {
// Prevent possible endless loop if user mistakenly
// fires `enabled` instead of `enable`
if (bvEvt && bvEvt.type === 'enabled') {
this.$emit('update:disabled', false);
this.$emit('enabled', bvEvt);
// --- Local event listeners ---
doOpen: function doOpen() {
!this.localShow && this.$_bv_toolpop && this.$;
doClose: function doClose() {
this.localShow && this.$_bv_toolpop && this.$_bv_toolpop.hide();
doDisable: function doDisable() {
this.$_bv_toolpop && this.$_bv_toolpop.disable();
doEnable: function doEnable() {
this.$_bv_toolpop && this.$_bv_toolpop.enable();
render: function render(h) {
// Always renders a comment node
// TODO:
// Future: Possibly render a target slot (single root element)
// which we can apply the listeners to (pass `this.$el` to BVTooltip)
return h();