<div id="PCP" class="parcoords" style="height:200px"></div>
import 'parcoord-es/dist/parcoords.css';
import ParCoords from 'parcoord-es';
import * as d3Base from 'd3'
// attach all d3 plugins to the d3 library
const d3 = Object.assign(d3Base)
import { EventBus } from '../main.js'
export default {
name: 'AlgorithmHyperParam',
data () {
return {
ModelsPerformance: 0,
selAlgorithm: 0,
pc: 0
methods: {
PCPView () {
d3.selectAll("#PCP > *").remove();
if (this.selAlgorithm != '') {
var colors = ['#8dd3c7','#ffffb3','#bebada','#fb8072','#80b1d3','#fdb462','#b3de69','#fccde5','#d9d9d9','#bc80bd','#ccebc5','#ffed6f']
var colorGiv = 0
var Combined = 0
if (this.selAlgorithm == 'KNN') {
Combined = JSON.parse(this.ModelsPerformance[0])
colorGiv = colors[0]
} else {
Combined = JSON.parse(this.ModelsPerformance[1])
colorGiv = colors[1]
var valuesPerf = Object.values(Combined['mean_test_score'])
var ObjectsParams = Combined['params']
var newObjectsParams = []
var ArrayCombined = new Array(valuesPerf.length)
for (let i = 0; i < valuesPerf.length; i++) {
if (this.selAlgorithm == 'KNN') {
newObjectsParams.push({'weights':ObjectsParams[i].weights, 'algorithm':ObjectsParams[i].algorithm,'metric':ObjectsParams[i].metric,'n_neighbors':ObjectsParams[i].n_neighbors})
Object.assign(newObjectsParams[i], {performance: valuesPerf[i]}, {model: i})
ArrayCombined[i] = newObjectsParams[i]
} else {
Object.assign(ObjectsParams[i], {performance: valuesPerf[i]}, {model: i})
ArrayCombined[i] = ObjectsParams[i]
EventBus.$emit('AllAlModels', ArrayCombined.length)
this.pc = ParCoords()("#PCP")
.bundlingStrength(0) // set bundling strength
this.pc.on("brush", function(d) {
EventBus.$emit('AllSelModels', d.length)
EventBus.$emit('UpdateBoxPlot', d)
sliders () {
brushed () {
if (this.pc.brushed()) {
EventBus.$emit('ReturningBrushedPoints', this.pc.brushed())
} else {
EventBus.$emit('ReturningBrushedPoints', this.pc.data())
clear () {
d3.selectAll("#PCP > *").remove();
None () {
Reveal () {
mounted() {
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingModelBrushed', this.brushed)
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingModelSelect', data => { this.selAlgorithm = data })
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingModel', data => { this.ModelsPerformance = data })
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingModel', this.PCPView)
EventBus.$on('ResponsiveandChange', this.PCPView)
EventBus.$on('emittedEventCallingModelClear', this.clear)
EventBus.$on('slidersOn', this.None)
EventBus.$on('PCPCall', this.Reveal)