StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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97 lines
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97 lines
3.3 KiB
6 years ago
# first line: 714
def GridSearchForModels(clf, params, eachAlgor, factors):
# scoring parameters
global scoring
# number of scoring parameters
global NumberofscoringMetrics
# crossvalidation number
global crossValidation
# instantiate spark session
spark = (
sc = spark.sparkContext
# this is the grid we use to train the models
grid = DistGridSearchCV(
estimator=clf, param_grid=params,
sc=sc, cv=crossValidation, refit='accuracy', scoring=scoring,
verbose=0, n_jobs=-1)
# fit and extract the probabilities
|, yData)
yPredict = grid.predict(XData)
# process the results
cv_results = []
df_cv_results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cv_results)
# number of models stored
number_of_models = len(df_cv_results.iloc[0][0])
# initialize results per row
df_cv_results_per_row = []
# loop through number of models
for i in range(number_of_models):
# initialize results per item
df_cv_results_per_item = []
for column in df_cv_results.iloc[0]:
# store the results into a pandas dataframe
df_cv_results_classifiers = pd.DataFrame(data = df_cv_results_per_row, columns= df_cv_results.columns)
# copy and filter in order to get only the metrics
metrics = df_cv_results_classifiers.copy()
metrics = metrics.filter(['mean_test_accuracy','mean_test_f1_macro','mean_test_precision','mean_test_recall','mean_test_jaccard'])
# control the factors
sumperModel = []
for row in metrics.iterrows():
rowSum = 0
lengthFactors = NumberofscoringMetrics
for loop,elements in enumerate(row):
lengthFactors = lengthFactors - 1 + factors[loop]
rowSum = elements*factors[loop] + rowSum
if lengthFactors is 0:
sumperModel = 0
# summarize all models metrics
summarizedMetrics = pd.DataFrame(sumperModel)
# retrieve target names (class names)
global target_names
PerClassMetric = []
PerClassMetric.append(classification_report(yData, yPredict, target_names=target_names, digits=2, output_dict=True))
PerClassMetricPandas = pd.DataFrame(PerClassMetric)
del PerClassMetricPandas['accuracy']
del PerClassMetricPandas['macro avg']
del PerClassMetricPandas['weighted avg']
PerClassMetricPandas = PerClassMetricPandas.to_json()
# concat parameters and performance
parameters = pd.DataFrame(df_cv_results_classifiers['params'])
parametersPerformancePerModel = pd.concat([summarizedMetrics, parameters], axis=1)
parametersPerformancePerModel = parametersPerformancePerModel.to_json()
# make global the parameters performance to send it back
global allParametersPerformancePerModel
return 'Everything is okay'