StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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250 lines
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4 years ago
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('vega-util'), require('vega-expression')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'vega-util', 'vega-expression'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.vega = {}, global.vega, global.vega));
}(this, (function (exports, vegaUtil, vegaExpression) { 'use strict';
const Intersect = 'intersect';
const Union = 'union';
const VlMulti = 'vlMulti';
const Or = 'or';
const And = 'and';
var TYPE_ENUM = 'E',
UNIT_INDEX = 'index:unit';
// TODO: revisit date coercion?
function testPoint(datum, entry) {
var fields = entry.fields,
values = entry.values,
n = fields.length,
i = 0, dval, f;
for (; i<n; ++i) {
f = fields[i];
f.getter = vegaUtil.field.getter || vegaUtil.field(f.field);
dval = f.getter(datum);
if (vegaUtil.isDate(dval)) dval = vegaUtil.toNumber(dval);
if (vegaUtil.isDate(values[i])) values[i] = vegaUtil.toNumber(values[i]);
if (vegaUtil.isDate(values[i][0])) values[i] = values[i].map(vegaUtil.toNumber);
if (f.type === TYPE_ENUM) {
// Enumerated fields can either specify individual values (single/multi selections)
// or an array of values (interval selections).
if(vegaUtil.isArray(values[i]) ? values[i].indexOf(dval) < 0 : dval !== values[i]) {
return false;
} else {
if (f.type === TYPE_RANGE_INC) {
if (!vegaUtil.inrange(dval, values[i])) return false;
} else if (f.type === TYPE_RANGE_RE) {
// Discrete selection of bins test within the range [bin_start, bin_end).
if (!vegaUtil.inrange(dval, values[i], true, false)) return false;
} else if (f.type === TYPE_RANGE_EXC) { // 'R-E'/'R-LE' included for completeness.
if (!vegaUtil.inrange(dval, values[i], false, false)) return false;
} else if (f.type === TYPE_RANGE_LE) {
if (!vegaUtil.inrange(dval, values[i], false, true)) return false;
return true;
* Tests if a tuple is contained within an interactive selection.
* @param {string} name - The name of the data set representing the selection.
* Tuples in the dataset are of the form
* {unit: string, fields: array<fielddef>, values: array<*>}.
* Fielddef is of the form
* {field: string, channel: string, type: 'E' | 'R'} where
* 'type' identifies whether tuples in the dataset enumerate
* values for the field, or specify a continuous range.
* @param {object} datum - The tuple to test for inclusion.
* @param {string} op - The set operation for combining selections.
* One of 'intersect' or 'union' (default).
* @return {boolean} - True if the datum is in the selection, false otherwise.
function selectionTest(name, datum, op) {
var data =[name],
entries = data ? data.values.value : [],
unitIdx = data ? data[UNIT_INDEX] && data[UNIT_INDEX].value : undefined,
intersect = op === Intersect,
n = entries.length,
i = 0,
entry, miss, count, unit, b;
for (; i<n; ++i) {
entry = entries[i];
if (unitIdx && intersect) {
// multi selections union within the same unit and intersect across units.
miss = miss || {};
count = miss[unit=entry.unit] || 0;
// if we've already matched this unit, skip.
if (count === -1) continue;
b = testPoint(datum, entry);
miss[unit] = b ? -1 : ++count;
// if we match and there are no other units return true
// if we've missed against all tuples in this unit return false
if (b && unitIdx.size === 1) return true;
if (!b && count === unitIdx.get(unit).count) return false;
} else {
b = testPoint(datum, entry);
// if we find a miss and we do require intersection return false
// if we find a match and we don't require intersection return true
if (intersect ^ b) return b;
// if intersecting and we made it here, then we saw no misses
// if not intersecting, then we saw no matches
// if no active selections, return false
return n && intersect;
* Resolves selection for use as a scale domain or reads via the API.
* @param {string} name - The name of the dataset representing the selection
* @param {string} [op='union'] - The set operation for combining selections.
* One of 'intersect' or 'union' (default).
* @returns {object} An object of selected fields and values.
function selectionResolve(name, op, isMulti) {
var data =[name],
entries = data ? data.values.value : [],
resolved = {}, multiRes = {}, types = {},
entry, fields, values, unit, field, res, resUnit, type, union,
n = entries.length, i = 0, j, m;
// First union all entries within the same unit.
for (; i < n; ++i) {
entry = entries[i];
unit = entry.unit;
fields = entry.fields;
values = entry.values;
for (j = 0, m = fields.length; j < m; ++j) {
field = fields[j];
res = resolved[field.field] || (resolved[field.field] = {});
resUnit = res[unit] || (res[unit] = []);
types[field.field] = type = field.type.charAt(0);
union = ops[type + '_union'];
res[unit] = union(resUnit, vegaUtil.array(values[j]));
// If the same multi-selection is repeated over views and projected over
// an encoding, it may operate over different fields making it especially
// tricky to reliably resolve it. At best, we can de-dupe identical entries
// but doing so may be more computationally expensive than it is worth.
// Instead, for now, we simply transform our store representation into
// a more human-friendly one.
if (isMulti) {
resUnit = multiRes[unit] || (multiRes[unit] = []);
resUnit.push(vegaUtil.array(values).reduce((obj, curr, j) => (obj[fields[j].field] = curr, obj), {}));
// Then resolve fields across units as per the op.
op = op || Union;
Object.keys(resolved).forEach(function (field) {
resolved[field] = Object.keys(resolved[field])
.map(unit => resolved[field][unit])
.reduce((acc, curr) => acc === undefined ? curr : ops[types[field] + '_' + op](acc, curr));
entries = Object.keys(multiRes);
if (isMulti && entries.length) {
resolved[VlMulti] = op === Union
? {[Or]: entries.reduce((acc, k) => (acc.push.apply(acc, multiRes[k]), acc), [])}
: {[And]: => ({[Or]: multiRes[k]}))};
return resolved;
var ops = {
E_union: function(base, value) {
if (!base.length) return value;
var i = 0, n = value.length;
for (; i<n; ++i) if (base.indexOf(value[i]) < 0) base.push(value[i]);
return base;
E_intersect: function(base, value) {
return !base.length ? value :
base.filter(function (v) { return value.indexOf(v) >= 0; });
R_union: function(base, value) {
var lo = vegaUtil.toNumber(value[0]), hi = vegaUtil.toNumber(value[1]);
if (lo > hi) {
lo = value[1];
hi = value[0];
if (!base.length) return [lo, hi];
if (base[0] > lo) base[0] = lo;
if (base[1] < hi) base[1] = hi;
return base;
R_intersect: function(base, value) {
var lo = vegaUtil.toNumber(value[0]), hi = vegaUtil.toNumber(value[1]);
if (lo > hi) {
lo = value[1];
hi = value[0];
if (!base.length) return [lo, hi];
if (hi < base[0] || base[1] < lo) {
return [];
} else {
if (base[0] < lo) base[0] = lo;
if (base[1] > hi) base[1] = hi;
return base;
const DataPrefix = ':',
IndexPrefix = '@';
function selectionVisitor(name, args, scope, params) {
if (args[0].type !== vegaExpression.Literal) vegaUtil.error('First argument to selection functions must be a string literal.');
const data = args[0].value,
op = args.length >= 2 && vegaUtil.peek(args).value,
field = 'unit',
indexName = IndexPrefix + field,
dataName = DataPrefix + data;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (op === Intersect && !vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(params, indexName)) {
params[indexName] = scope.getData(data).indataRef(scope, field);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(params, dataName)) {
params[dataName] = scope.getData(data).tuplesRef();
exports.selectionResolve = selectionResolve;
exports.selectionTest = selectionTest;
exports.selectionVisitor = selectionVisitor;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });