StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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374 lines
12 KiB
374 lines
12 KiB
4 years ago
function duplicate(_) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_));
function extend(_) {
for (var x, k, i=1, len=arguments.length; i<len; ++i) {
x = arguments[i];
for (k in x) { _[k] = x[k]; }
return _;
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function svg_path() {
// Based on
var wsp = '[ \t\r\f]*',
csp = '([ \t\r\f]+,?[ \t\r\f]*|,[ \t\r\f]*)?',
sep = csp + '?',
pos = '[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?',
num = '[-+]?' + pos,
nseq = num + '(' + sep + num + ')*',
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p2 = p + sep + p,
p3 = p + '(' + sep + p + '){2}',
pseq = p + '(' + sep + p + ')*',
arc = pos + sep + pos + sep + num + csp + '[01]' + sep + '[01]' + sep + p,
m = '[Mm]' + wsp + pseq,
lt = '[LlTt]' + wsp + pseq,
hv = '[HhVv]' + wsp + nseq,
c = '[Cc]' + wsp + p3 + '(' + sep + p3 + ')*',
qs = '[QqSs]' + wsp + p2 + '(' + sep + p2 + ')*',
a = '[Aa]' + wsp + arc + '(' + sep + arc + ')*',
z = '[Zz]',
draw = '(' + [z, lt, hv, c, qs, a].join('|') + ')',
move = m + wsp + '(' + draw + '(' + sep + draw + ')*' + ')?',
path = wsp + '(' + move + '(' + sep + move + ')*' + ')?' + wsp;
return path;
function css_color_names() {
return COLOR_NAMES.split('|').map(function(name) {
return name.split('').map(function(c) {
return '[' + c.toUpperCase() + c.toLowerCase() + ']';
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