StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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434 lines
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4 years ago
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var vegaUtil = require('vega-util');
var d3Dsv = require('d3-dsv');
var topojsonClient = require('topojson-client');
var d3TimeFormat = require('d3-time-format');
// Matches absolute URLs with optional protocol
// https://... file://... //...
const protocol_re = /^([A-Za-z]+:)?\/\//;
// Matches allowed URIs. From with added file://
const allowed_re = /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp|file):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
const whitespace_re = /[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205f\u3000]/g; // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
// Special treatment in node.js for the file: protocol
const fileProtocol = 'file://';
* Factory for a loader constructor that provides methods for requesting
* files from either the network or disk, and for sanitizing request URIs.
* @param {function} fetch - The Fetch API for HTTP network requests.
* If null or undefined, HTTP loading will be disabled.
* @param {object} fs - The file system interface for file loading.
* If null or undefined, local file loading will be disabled.
* @return {function} A loader constructor with the following signature:
* param {object} [options] - Optional default loading options to use.
* return {object} - A new loader instance.
function loaderFactory(fetch, fs) {
return function(options) {
return {
options: options || {},
sanitize: sanitize,
load: load,
fileAccess: !!fs,
file: fileLoader(fs),
http: httpLoader(fetch)
* Load an external resource, typically either from the web or from the local
* filesystem. This function uses {@link sanitize} to first sanitize the uri,
* then calls either {@link http} (for web requests) or {@link file} (for
* filesystem loading).
* @param {string} uri - The resource indicator (e.g., URL or filename).
* @param {object} [options] - Optional loading options. These options will
* override any existing default options.
* @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves to the loaded content.
async function load(uri, options) {
const opt = await this.sanitize(uri, options),
url = opt.href;
return opt.localFile
? this.file(url)
: this.http(url, options);
* URI sanitizer function.
* @param {string} uri - The uri (url or filename) to sanity check.
* @param {object} options - An options hash.
* @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves to an object containing
* sanitized uri data, or rejects it the input uri is deemed invalid.
* The properties of the resolved object are assumed to be
* valid attributes for an HTML 'a' tag. The sanitized uri *must* be
* provided by the 'href' property of the returned object.
async function sanitize(uri, options) {
options = vegaUtil.extend({}, this.options, options);
const fileAccess = this.fileAccess,
result = {href: null};
let isFile, loadFile, base;
const isAllowed = allowed_re.test(uri.replace(whitespace_re, ''));
if (uri == null || typeof uri !== 'string' || !isAllowed) {
vegaUtil.error('Sanitize failure, invalid URI: ' + vegaUtil.stringValue(uri));
const hasProtocol = protocol_re.test(uri);
// if relative url (no protocol/host), prepend baseURL
if ((base = options.baseURL) && !hasProtocol) {
// Ensure that there is a slash between the baseURL (e.g. hostname) and url
if (!uri.startsWith('/') && base[base.length-1] !== '/') {
uri = '/' + uri;
uri = base + uri;
// should we load from file system?
loadFile = (isFile = uri.startsWith(fileProtocol))
|| options.mode === 'file'
|| options.mode !== 'http' && !hasProtocol && fileAccess;
if (isFile) {
// strip file protocol
uri = uri.slice(fileProtocol.length);
} else if (uri.startsWith('//')) {
if (options.defaultProtocol === 'file') {
// if is file, strip protocol and set loadFile flag
uri = uri.slice(2);
loadFile = true;
} else {
// if relative protocol (starts with '//'), prepend default protocol
uri = (options.defaultProtocol || 'http') + ':' + uri;
// set non-enumerable mode flag to indicate local file load
Object.defineProperty(result, 'localFile', {value: !!loadFile});
// set uri
result.href = uri;
// set default result target, if specified
if ( {
| = + '';
// set default result rel, if specified (#1542)
if (options.rel) {
result.rel = options.rel + '';
// return
return result;
* File system loader factory.
* @param {object} fs - The file system interface.
* @return {function} - A file loader with the following signature:
* param {string} filename - The file system path to load.
* param {string} filename - The file system path to load.
* return {Promise} A promise that resolves to the file contents.
function fileLoader(fs) {
return fs
? function(filename) {
return new Promise(function(accept, reject) {
fs.readFile(filename, function(error, data) {
if (error) reject(error);
else accept(data);
: fileReject;
* Default file system loader that simply rejects.
async function fileReject() {
vegaUtil.error('No file system access.');
* HTTP request handler factory.
* @param {function} fetch - The Fetch API method.
* @return {function} - An http loader with the following signature:
* param {string} url - The url to request.
* param {object} options - An options hash.
* return {Promise} - A promise that resolves to the file contents.
function httpLoader(fetch) {
return fetch
? async function(url, options) {
const opt = vegaUtil.extend({}, this.options.http, options),
type = options && options.response,
response = await fetch(url, opt);
return !response.ok
? vegaUtil.error(response.status + '' + response.statusText)
: vegaUtil.isFunction(response[type]) ? response[type]()
: response.text();
: httpReject;
* Default http request handler that simply rejects.
async function httpReject() {
vegaUtil.error('No HTTP fetch method available.');
var typeParsers = {
boolean: vegaUtil.toBoolean,
integer: vegaUtil.toNumber,
number: vegaUtil.toNumber,
date: vegaUtil.toDate,
string: vegaUtil.toString,
unknown: vegaUtil.identity
var typeTests = [
var typeList = [
function inferType(values, field) {
if (!values || !values.length) return 'unknown';
var value, i, j, t = 0,
n = values.length,
m = typeTests.length,
a =, i) { return i + 1; });
for (i=0, n=values.length; i<n; ++i) {
value = field ? values[i][field] : values[i];
for (j=0; j<m; ++j) {
if (a[j] && isValid(value) && !typeTests[j](value)) {
a[j] = 0;
if (t === typeTests.length) return 'string';
t = a.reduce(function(u, v) { return u === 0 ? v : u; }, 0) - 1;
return typeList[t];
function inferTypes(data, fields) {
return fields.reduce(function(types, field) {
types[field] = inferType(data, field);
return types;
}, {});
// -- Type Checks ----
function isValid(_) {
return _ != null && _ === _;
function isBoolean(_) {
return _ === 'true' || _ === 'false' || _ === true || _ === false;
function isDate(_) {
return !Number.isNaN(Date.parse(_));
function isNumber(_) {
return !Number.isNaN(+_) && !(_ instanceof Date);
function isInteger(_) {
return isNumber(_) && Number.isInteger(+_);
function delimitedFormat(delimiter) {
const parse = function(data, format) {
const delim = {delimiter: delimiter};
return dsv(data, format ? vegaUtil.extend(format, delim) : delim);
parse.responseType = 'text';
return parse;
function dsv(data, format) {
if (format.header) {
data = format.header
.join(format.delimiter) + '\n' + data;
return d3Dsv.dsvFormat(format.delimiter).parse(data + '');
dsv.responseType = 'text';
function isBuffer(_) {
return (typeof Buffer === 'function' && vegaUtil.isFunction(Buffer.isBuffer))
? Buffer.isBuffer(_) : false;
function json(data, format) {
const prop = (format && ? vegaUtil.field( : vegaUtil.identity;
return vegaUtil.isObject(data) && !isBuffer(data)
? parseJSON(prop(data))
: prop(JSON.parse(data));
json.responseType = 'json';
function parseJSON(data, format) {
return (format && format.copy)
? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
: data;
const filters = {
interior: (a, b) => a !== b,
exterior: (a, b) => a === b
function topojson(data, format) {
let method, object, property, filter;
data = json(data, format);
if (format && format.feature) {
method = topojsonClient.feature;
property = format.feature;
} else if (format && format.mesh) {
method = topojsonClient.mesh;
property = format.mesh;
filter = filters[format.filter];
} else {
vegaUtil.error('Missing TopoJSON feature or mesh parameter.');
object = (object = data.objects[property])
? method(data, object, filter)
: vegaUtil.error('Invalid TopoJSON object: ' + property);
return object && object.features || [object];
topojson.responseType = 'json';
const format = {
dsv: dsv,
csv: delimitedFormat(','),
tsv: delimitedFormat('\t'),
json: json,
topojson: topojson
function formats(name, reader) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
format[name] = reader;
return this;
} else {
return vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(format, name) ? format[name] : null;
function responseType(type) {
const f = formats(type);
return f && f.responseType || 'text';
function read(data, schema, dateParse) {
schema = schema || {};
const reader = formats(schema.type || 'json');
if (!reader) vegaUtil.error('Unknown data format type: ' + schema.type);
data = reader(data, schema);
if (schema.parse) parse(data, schema.parse, dateParse);
if (vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(data, 'columns')) delete data.columns;
return data;
function parse(data, types, dateParse) {
if (!data.length) return; // early exit for empty data
dateParse = dateParse || d3TimeFormat.timeParse;
var fields = data.columns || Object.keys(data[0]),
parsers, datum, field, i, j, n, m;
if (types === 'auto') types = inferTypes(data, fields);
fields = Object.keys(types);
parsers = {
var type = types[field],
parts, pattern;
if (type && (type.indexOf('date:') === 0 || type.indexOf('utc:') === 0)) {
parts = type.split(/:(.+)?/, 2); // split on first :
pattern = parts[1];
if ((pattern[0] === '\'' && pattern[pattern.length-1] === '\'') ||
(pattern[0] === '"' && pattern[pattern.length-1] === '"')) {
pattern = pattern.slice(1, -1);
return parts[0] === 'utc' ? d3TimeFormat.utcParse(pattern) : dateParse(pattern);
if (!typeParsers[type]) {
throw Error('Illegal format pattern: ' + field + ':' + type);
return typeParsers[type];
for (i=0, n=data.length, m=fields.length; i<n; ++i) {
datum = data[i];
for (j=0; j<m; ++j) {
field = fields[j];
datum[field] = parsers[j](datum[field]);
var loader = loaderFactory(
exports.format = format;
exports.formats = formats;
exports.inferType = inferType;
exports.inferTypes = inferTypes;
exports.loader = loader;
| = read;
exports.responseType = responseType;
exports.typeParsers = typeParsers;