StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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4 years ago
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('vega-util'), require('vega-loader')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'vega-util', 'vega-loader'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.vega = {}, global.vega, global.vega));
}(this, (function (exports, vegaUtil, vegaLoader) { 'use strict';
function UniqueList(idFunc) {
var $ = idFunc || vegaUtil.identity,
list = [],
ids = {};
list.add = function(_) {
var id = $(_);
if (!ids[id]) {
ids[id] = 1;
return list;
list.remove = function(_) {
var id = $(_), idx;
if (ids[id]) {
ids[id] = 0;
if ((idx = list.indexOf(_)) >= 0) {
list.splice(idx, 1);
return list;
return list;
* Invoke and await a potentially async callback function. If
* an error occurs, trap it and route to Dataflow.error.
* @param {Dataflow} df - The dataflow instance
* @param {function} callback - A callback function to invoke
* and then await. The dataflow will be passed as the single
* argument to the function.
async function asyncCallback(df, callback) {
try { await callback(df); } catch (err) { df.error(err); }
var TUPLE_ID_KEY = Symbol('vega_id'),
* Checks if an input value is a registered tuple.
* @param {*} t - The value to check.
* @return {boolean} True if the input is a tuple, false otherwise.
function isTuple(t) {
return !!(t && tupleid(t));
* Returns the id of a tuple.
* @param {object} t - The input tuple.
* @return {*} the tuple id.
function tupleid(t) {
return t[TUPLE_ID_KEY];
* Sets the id of a tuple.
* @param {object} t - The input tuple.
* @param {*} id - The id value to set.
* @return {object} the input tuple.
function setid(t, id) {
t[TUPLE_ID_KEY] = id;
return t;
* Ingest an object or value as a data tuple.
* If the input value is an object, an id field will be added to it. For
* efficiency, the input object is modified directly. A copy is not made.
* If the input value is a literal, it will be wrapped in a new object
* instance, with the value accessible as the 'data' property.
* @param datum - The value to ingest.
* @return {object} The ingested data tuple.
function ingest(datum) {
var t = (datum === Object(datum)) ? datum : {data: datum};
return tupleid(t) ? t : setid(t, TUPLE_ID++);
* Given a source tuple, return a derived copy.
* @param {object} t - The source tuple.
* @return {object} The derived tuple.
function derive(t) {
return rederive(t, ingest({}));
* Rederive a derived tuple by copying values from the source tuple.
* @param {object} t - The source tuple.
* @param {object} d - The derived tuple.
* @return {object} The derived tuple.
function rederive(t, d) {
for (var k in t) d[k] = t[k];
return d;
* Replace an existing tuple with a new tuple.
* @param {object} t - The existing data tuple.
* @param {object} d - The new tuple that replaces the old.
* @return {object} The new tuple.
function replace(t, d) {
return setid(d, tupleid(t));
* Generate an augmented comparator function that provides stable
* sorting by tuple id when the given comparator produces ties.
* @param {function} cmp - The comparator to augment.
* @param {function} [f] - Optional tuple accessor function.
* @return {function} An augmented comparator function.
function stableCompare(cmp, f) {
return !cmp ? null
: f ? (a, b) => cmp(a, b) || (tupleid(f(a)) - tupleid(f(b)))
: (a, b) => cmp(a, b) || (tupleid(a) - tupleid(b));
function isChangeSet(v) {
return v && v.constructor === changeset;
function changeset() {
var add = [], // insert tuples
rem = [], // remove tuples
mod = [], // modify tuples
remp = [], // remove by predicate
modp = [], // modify by predicate
reflow = false;
return {
constructor: changeset,
insert: function(t) {
var d = vegaUtil.array(t), i = 0, n = d.length;
for (; i<n; ++i) add.push(d[i]);
return this;
remove: function(t) {
var a = vegaUtil.isFunction(t) ? remp : rem,
d = vegaUtil.array(t), i = 0, n = d.length;
for (; i<n; ++i) a.push(d[i]);
return this;
modify: function(t, field, value) {
var m = {field: field, value: vegaUtil.constant(value)};
if (vegaUtil.isFunction(t)) {
m.filter = t;
} else {
m.tuple = t;
return this;
encode: function(t, set) {
if (vegaUtil.isFunction(t)) modp.push({filter: t, field: set});
else mod.push({tuple: t, field: set});
return this;
reflow: function() {
reflow = true;
return this;
pulse: function(pulse, tuples) {
var cur = {}, out = {}, i, n, m, f, t, id;
// build lookup table of current tuples
for (i=0, n=tuples.length; i<n; ++i) {
cur[tupleid(tuples[i])] = 1;
// process individual tuples to remove
for (i=0, n=rem.length; i<n; ++i) {
t = rem[i];
cur[tupleid(t)] = -1;
// process predicate-based removals
for (i=0, n=remp.length; i<n; ++i) {
f = remp[i];
tuples.forEach(function(t) {
if (f(t)) cur[tupleid(t)] = -1;
// process all add tuples
for (i=0, n=add.length; i<n; ++i) {
t = add[i];
id = tupleid(t);
if (cur[id]) {
// tuple already resides in dataset
// if flagged for both add and remove, cancel
cur[id] = 1;
} else {
// tuple does not reside in dataset, add
// populate pulse rem list
for (i=0, n=tuples.length; i<n; ++i) {
t = tuples[i];
if (cur[tupleid(t)] < 0) pulse.rem.push(t);
// modify helper method
function modify(t, f, v) {
if (v) {
t[f] = v(t);
} else {
pulse.encode = f;
if (!reflow) out[tupleid(t)] = t;
// process individual tuples to modify
for (i=0, n=mod.length; i<n; ++i) {
m = mod[i];
t = m.tuple;
f = m.field;
id = cur[tupleid(t)];
if (id > 0) {
modify(t, f, m.value);
// process predicate-based modifications
for (i=0, n=modp.length; i<n; ++i) {
m = modp[i];
f = m.filter;
tuples.forEach(function(t) {
if (f(t) && cur[tupleid(t)] > 0) {
modify(t, m.field, m.value);
// upon reflow request, populate mod with all non-removed tuples
// otherwise, populate mod with modified tuples only
if (reflow) {
pulse.mod = rem.length || remp.length
? tuples.filter(function(t) { return cur[tupleid(t)] > 0; })
: tuples.slice();
} else {
for (id in out) pulse.mod.push(out[id]);
return pulse;
var CACHE = '_:mod:_';
* Hash that tracks modifications to assigned values.
* Callers *must* use the set method to update values.
function Parameters() {
Object.defineProperty(this, CACHE, {writable: true, value: {}});
var prototype = Parameters.prototype;
* Set a parameter value. If the parameter value changes, the parameter
* will be recorded as modified.
* @param {string} name - The parameter name.
* @param {number} index - The index into an array-value parameter. Ignored if
* the argument is undefined, null or less than zero.
* @param {*} value - The parameter value to set.
* @param {boolean} [force=false] - If true, records the parameter as modified
* even if the value is unchanged.
* @return {Parameters} - This parameter object.
prototype.set = function(name, index, value, force) {
var o = this,
v = o[name],
mod = o[CACHE];
if (index != null && index >= 0) {
if (v[index] !== value || force) {
v[index] = value;
mod[index + ':' + name] = -1;
mod[name] = -1;
} else if (v !== value || force) {
o[name] = value;
mod[name] = vegaUtil.isArray(value) ? 1 + value.length : -1;
return o;
* Tests if one or more parameters has been modified. If invoked with no
* arguments, returns true if any parameter value has changed. If the first
* argument is array, returns trues if any parameter name in the array has
* changed. Otherwise, tests if the given name and optional array index has
* changed.
* @param {string} name - The parameter name to test.
* @param {number} [index=undefined] - The parameter array index to test.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if a queried parameter was modified.
prototype.modified = function(name, index) {
var mod = this[CACHE], k;
if (!arguments.length) {
for (k in mod) { if (mod[k]) return true; }
return false;
} else if (vegaUtil.isArray(name)) {
for (k=0; k<name.length; ++k) {
if (mod[name[k]]) return true;
return false;
return (index != null && index >= 0)
? (index + 1 < mod[name] || !!mod[index + ':' + name])
: !!mod[name];
* Clears the modification records. After calling this method,
* all parameters are considered unmodified.
prototype.clear = function() {
this[CACHE] = {};
return this;
var OP_ID = 0;
var PULSE = 'pulse';
var NO_PARAMS = new Parameters();
// Boolean Flags
var SKIP = 1,
* An Operator is a processing node in a dataflow graph.
* Each operator stores a value and an optional value update function.
* Operators can accept a hash of named parameters. Parameter values can
* either be direct (JavaScript literals, arrays, objects) or indirect
* (other operators whose values will be pulled dynamically). Operators
* included as parameters will have this operator added as a dependency.
* @constructor
* @param {*} [init] - The initial value for this operator.
* @param {function(object, Pulse)} [update] - An update function. Upon
* evaluation of this operator, the update function will be invoked and the
* return value will be used as the new value of this operator.
* @param {object} [params] - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {boolean} [react=true] - Flag indicating if this operator should
* listen for changes to upstream operators included as parameters.
* @see parameters
function Operator(init, update, params, react) { = ++OP_ID;
this.value = init;
this.stamp = -1;
this.rank = -1;
this.qrank = -1;
this.flags = 0;
if (update) {
this._update = update;
if (params) this.parameters(params, react);
var prototype$1 = Operator.prototype;
* Returns a list of target operators dependent on this operator.
* If this list does not exist, it is created and then returned.
* @return {UniqueList}
prototype$1.targets = function() {
return this._targets || (this._targets = UniqueList(;
* Sets the value of this operator.
* @param {*} value - the value to set.
* @return {Number} Returns 1 if the operator value has changed
* according to strict equality, returns 0 otherwise.
prototype$1.set = function(value) {
if (this.value !== value) {
this.value = value;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function flag(bit) {
return function(state) {
var f = this.flags;
if (arguments.length === 0) return !!(f & bit);
this.flags = state ? (f | bit) : (f & ~bit);
return this;
* Indicates that operator evaluation should be skipped on the next pulse.
* This operator will still propagate incoming pulses, but its update function
* will not be invoked. The skip flag is reset after every pulse, so calling
* this method will affect processing of the next pulse only.
prototype$1.skip = flag(SKIP);
* Indicates that this operator's value has been modified on its most recent
* pulse. Normally modification is checked via strict equality; however, in
* some cases it is more efficient to update the internal state of an object.
* In those cases, the modified flag can be used to trigger propagation. Once
* set, the modification flag persists across pulses until unset. The flag can
* be used with the last timestamp to test if a modification is recent.
prototype$1.modified = flag(MODIFIED);
* Sets the parameters for this operator. The parameter values are analyzed for
* operator instances. If found, this operator will be added as a dependency
* of the parameterizing operator. Operator values are dynamically marshalled
* from each operator parameter prior to evaluation. If a parameter value is
* an array, the array will also be searched for Operator instances. However,
* the search does not recurse into sub-arrays or object properties.
* @param {object} params - A hash of operator parameters.
* @param {boolean} [react=true] - A flag indicating if this operator should
* automatically update (react) when parameter values change. In other words,
* this flag determines if the operator registers itself as a listener on
* any upstream operators included in the parameters.
* @param {boolean} [initonly=false] - A flag indicating if this operator
* should calculate an update only upon its initiatal evaluation, then
* deregister dependencies and suppress all future update invocations.
* @return {Operator[]} - An array of upstream dependencies.
prototype$1.parameters = function(params, react, initonly) {
react = react !== false;
var self = this,
argval = (self._argval = self._argval || new Parameters()),
argops = (self._argops = self._argops || []),
deps = [],
name, value, n, i;
function add(name, index, value) {
if (value instanceof Operator) {
if (value !== self) {
if (react) value.targets().add(self);
argops.push({op:value, name:name, index:index});
} else {
argval.set(name, index, value);
for (name in params) {
value = params[name];
if (name === PULSE) {
vegaUtil.array(value).forEach(function(op) {
if (!(op instanceof Operator)) {
vegaUtil.error('Pulse parameters must be operator instances.');
} else if (op !== self) {
self.source = value;
} else if (vegaUtil.isArray(value)) {
argval.set(name, -1, Array(n = value.length));
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) add(name, i, value[i]);
} else {
add(name, -1, value);
this.marshall().clear(); // initialize values
if (initonly) argops.initonly = true;
return deps;
* Internal method for marshalling parameter values.
* Visits each operator dependency to pull the latest value.
* @return {Parameters} A Parameters object to pass to the update function.
prototype$1.marshall = function(stamp) {
var argval = this._argval || NO_PARAMS,
argops = this._argops, item, i, n, op, mod;
if (argops) {
for (i=0, n=argops.length; i<n; ++i) {
item = argops[i];
op = item.op;
mod = op.modified() && op.stamp === stamp;
argval.set(, item.index, op.value, mod);
if (argops.initonly) {
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
item = argops[i];
this._argops = null;
this._update = null;
return argval;
* Delegate method to perform operator processing.
* Subclasses can override this method to perform custom processing.
* By default, it marshalls parameters and calls the update function
* if that function is defined. If the update function does not
* change the operator value then StopPropagation is returned.
* If no update function is defined, this method does nothing.
* @param {Pulse} pulse - the current dataflow pulse.
* @return The output pulse or StopPropagation. A falsy return value
* (including undefined) will let the input pulse pass through.
prototype$1.evaluate = function(pulse) {
var update = this._update;
if (update) {
var params = this.marshall(pulse.stamp),
v =, params, pulse);
if (v !== this.value) {
this.value = v;
} else if (!this.modified()) {
return pulse.StopPropagation;
* Run this operator for the current pulse. If this operator has already
* been run at (or after) the pulse timestamp, returns StopPropagation.
* Internally, this method calls {@link evaluate} to perform processing.
* If {@link evaluate} returns a falsy value, the input pulse is returned.
* This method should NOT be overridden, instead overrride {@link evaluate}.
* @param {Pulse} pulse - the current dataflow pulse.
* @return the output pulse for this operator (or StopPropagation)
prototype$ = function(pulse) {
if (pulse.stamp < this.stamp) return pulse.StopPropagation;
var rv;
if (this.skip()) {
rv = 0;
} else {
rv = this.evaluate(pulse);
return (this.pulse = rv || pulse);
* Add an operator to the dataflow graph. This function accepts a
* variety of input argument types. The basic signature supports an
* initial value, update function and parameters. If the first parameter
* is an Operator instance, it will be added directly. If it is a
* constructor for an Operator subclass, a new instance will be instantiated.
* Otherwise, if the first parameter is a function instance, it will be used
* as the update function and a null initial value is assumed.
* @param {*} init - One of: the operator to add, the initial value of
* the operator, an operator class to instantiate, or an update function.
* @param {function} [update] - The operator update function.
* @param {object} [params] - The operator parameters.
* @param {boolean} [react=true] - Flag indicating if this operator should
* listen for changes to upstream operators included as parameters.
* @return {Operator} - The added operator.
function add(init, update, params, react) {
var shift = 1,
if (init instanceof Operator) {
op = init;
} else if (init && init.prototype instanceof Operator) {
op = new init();
} else if (vegaUtil.isFunction(init)) {
op = new Operator(null, init);
} else {
shift = 0;
op = new Operator(init, update);
if (shift) {
react = params;
params = update;
if (params) this.connect(op, op.parameters(params, react));
return op;
* Connect a target operator as a dependent of source operators.
* If necessary, this method will rerank the target operator and its
* dependents to ensure propagation proceeds in a topologically sorted order.
* @param {Operator} target - The target operator.
* @param {Array<Operator>} - The source operators that should propagate
* to the target operator.
function connect(target, sources) {
var targetRank = target.rank, i, n;
for (i=0, n=sources.length; i<n; ++i) {
if (targetRank < sources[i].rank) {
var STREAM_ID = 0;
* Models an event stream.
* @constructor
* @param {function(Object, number): boolean} [filter] - Filter predicate.
* Events pass through when truthy, events are suppressed when falsy.
* @param {function(Object): *} [apply] - Applied to input events to produce
* new event values.
* @param {function(Object)} [receive] - Event callback function to invoke
* upon receipt of a new event. Use to override standard event processing.
function EventStream(filter, apply, receive) { = ++STREAM_ID;
this.value = null;
if (receive) this.receive = receive;
if (filter) this._filter = filter;
if (apply) this._apply = apply;
* Creates a new event stream instance with the provided
* (optional) filter, apply and receive functions.
* @param {function(Object, number): boolean} [filter] - Filter predicate.
* Events pass through when truthy, events are suppressed when falsy.
* @param {function(Object): *} [apply] - Applied to input events to produce
* new event values.
* @see EventStream
function stream(filter, apply, receive) {
return new EventStream(filter, apply, receive);
var prototype$2 = EventStream.prototype;
prototype$2._filter = vegaUtil.truthy;
prototype$2._apply = vegaUtil.identity;
prototype$2.targets = function() {
return this._targets || (this._targets = UniqueList(;
prototype$2.consume = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return !!this._consume;
this._consume = !!_;
return this;
prototype$2.receive = function(evt) {
if (this._filter(evt)) {
var val = (this.value = this._apply(evt)),
trg = this._targets,
n = trg ? trg.length : 0,
i = 0;
for (; i<n; ++i) trg[i].receive(val);
if (this._consume) {
prototype$2.filter = function(filter) {
var s = stream(filter);
return s;
prototype$2.apply = function(apply) {
var s = stream(null, apply);
return s;
prototype$2.merge = function() {
var s = stream();
for (var i=0, n=arguments.length; i<n; ++i) {
return s;
prototype$2.throttle = function(pause) {
var t = -1;
return this.filter(function() {
var now =;
if ((now - t) > pause) {
t = now;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
prototype$2.debounce = function(delay) {
var s = stream();
this.targets().add(stream(null, null,
vegaUtil.debounce(delay, function(e) {
var df = e.dataflow;
if (df &&;
return s;
prototype$2.between = function(a, b) {
var active = false;
a.targets().add(stream(null, null, function() { active = true; }));
b.targets().add(stream(null, null, function() { active = false; }));
return this.filter(function() { return active; });
* Create a new event stream from an event source.
* @param {object} source - The event source to monitor. The input must
* support the addEventListener method.
* @param {string} type - The event type.
* @param {function(object): boolean} [filter] - Event filter function.
* @param {function(object): *} [apply] - Event application function.
* If provided, this function will be invoked and the result will be
* used as the downstream event value.
* @return {EventStream}
function events(source, type, filter, apply) {
var df = this,
s = stream(filter, apply),
send = function(e) {
e.dataflow = df;
try {
} catch (error) {
} finally {;
if (typeof source === 'string' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
sources = document.querySelectorAll(source);
} else {
sources = vegaUtil.array(source);
for (var i=0, n=sources.length; i<n; ++i) {
sources[i].addEventListener(type, send);
return s;
const parse =;
* Ingests new data into the dataflow. First parses the data using the
* vega-loader read method, then pulses a changeset to the target operator.
* @param {Operator} target - The Operator to target with ingested data,
* typically a Collect transform instance.
* @param {*} data - The input data, prior to parsing. For JSON this may
* be a string or an object. For CSV, TSV, etc should be a string.
* @param {object} format - The data format description for parsing
* loaded data. This object is passed to the vega-loader read method.
* @returns {Dataflow}
function ingest$1(target, data, format) {
return this.pulse(target, this.changeset().insert(parse(data, format)));
* Request data from an external source, parse it, and return a Promise.
* @param {string} url - The URL from which to load the data. This string
* is passed to the vega-loader load method.
* @param {object} [format] - The data format description for parsing
* loaded data. This object is passed to the vega-loader read method.
* @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves upon completion of the request.
* The resolved object contains the following properties:
* - data: an array of parsed data (or null upon error)
* - status: a code for success (0), load fail (-1), or parse fail (-2)
async function request(url, format) {
const df = this;
let status = 0, data;
try {
data = await df.loader().load(url, {
context: 'dataflow',
response: vegaLoader.responseType(format && format.type)
try {
data = parse(data, format);
} catch (err) {
status = -2;
df.warn('Data ingestion failed', url, err);
} catch (err) {
status = -1;
df.warn('Loading failed', url, err);
return {data, status};
async function preload(target, url, format) {
const df = this,
pending = df._pending || loadPending(df);
pending.requests += 1;
const res = await df.request(url, format);
df.pulse(target, df.changeset().remove(vegaUtil.truthy).insert( || []));
return res;
function loadPending(df) {
var pending = new Promise(function(a) { accept = a; }),
pending.requests = 0;
pending.done = function() {
if (--pending.requests === 0) {
df._pending = null;
return (df._pending = pending);
var SKIP$1 = {skip: true};
* Perform operator updates in response to events. Applies an
* update function to compute a new operator value. If the update function
* returns a {@link ChangeSet}, the operator will be pulsed with those tuple
* changes. Otherwise, the operator value will be updated to the return value.
* @param {EventStream|Operator} source - The event source to react to.
* This argument can be either an EventStream or an Operator.
* @param {Operator|function(object):Operator} target - The operator to update.
* This argument can either be an Operator instance or (if the source
* argument is an EventStream), a function that accepts an event object as
* input and returns an Operator to target.
* @param {function(Parameters,Event): *} [update] - Optional update function
* to compute the new operator value, or a literal value to set. Update
* functions expect to receive a parameter object and event as arguments.
* This function can either return a new operator value or (if the source
* argument is an EventStream) a {@link ChangeSet} instance to pulse
* the target operator with tuple changes.
* @param {object} [params] - The update function parameters.
* @param {object} [options] - Additional options hash. If not overridden,
* updated operators will be skipped by default.
* @param {boolean} [options.skip] - If true, the operator will
* be skipped: it will not be evaluated, but its dependents will be.
* @param {boolean} [options.force] - If true, the operator will
* be re-evaluated even if its value has not changed.
* @return {Dataflow}
function on(source, target, update, params, options) {
var fn = source instanceof Operator ? onOperator : onStream;
fn(this, source, target, update, params, options);
return this;
function onStream(df, stream, target, update, params, options) {
var opt = vegaUtil.extend({}, options, SKIP$1), func, op;
if (!vegaUtil.isFunction(target)) target = vegaUtil.constant(target);
if (update === undefined) {
func = e => df.touch(target(e));
} else if (vegaUtil.isFunction(update)) {
op = new Operator(null, update, params, false);
func = e => {
const t = target(e), v = op.value;
isChangeSet(v) ? df.pulse(t, v, options) : df.update(t, v, opt);
} else {
func = e => df.update(target(e), update, opt);
function onOperator(df, source, target, update, params, options) {
if (update === undefined) {
} else {
const opt = options || {},
op = new Operator(null, updater(target, update), params, false);
op.rank = source.rank; // immediately follow source
source.targets().add(op); // add dependency
if (target) {
op.skip(true); // skip first invocation
op.value = target.value; // initialize value
op.targets().add(target); // chain dependencies
df.connect(target, [op]); // rerank as needed, #1672
function updater(target, update) {
update = vegaUtil.isFunction(update) ? update : vegaUtil.constant(update);
return target
? function(_, pulse) {
const value = update(_, pulse);
if (!target.skip()) {
target.skip(value !== this.value).value = value;
return value;
: update;
* Assigns a rank to an operator. Ranks are assigned in increasing order
* by incrementing an internal rank counter.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to assign a rank.
function rank(op) {
op.rank = ++this._rank;
* Re-ranks an operator and all downstream target dependencies. This
* is necessary when upstream dependencies of higher rank are added to
* a target operator.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to re-rank.
function rerank(op) {
var queue = [op],
cur, list, i;
while (queue.length) {
this.rank(cur = queue.pop());
if (list = cur._targets) {
for (i=list.length; --i >= 0;) {
queue.push(cur = list[i]);
if (cur === op) vegaUtil.error('Cycle detected in dataflow graph.');
* Sentinel value indicating pulse propagation should stop.
var StopPropagation = {};
// Pulse visit type flags
var ADD = (1 << 0),
REM = (1 << 1),
MOD = (1 << 2),
REFLOW = (1 << 3),
SOURCE = (1 << 4),
NO_SOURCE = (1 << 5),
NO_FIELDS = (1 << 6);
* A Pulse enables inter-operator communication during a run of the
* dataflow graph. In addition to the current timestamp, a pulse may also
* contain a change-set of added, removed or modified data tuples, as well as
* a pointer to a full backing data source. Tuple change sets may not
* be fully materialized; for example, to prevent needless array creation
* a change set may include larger arrays and corresponding filter functions.
* The pulse provides a {@link visit} method to enable proper and efficient
* iteration over requested data tuples.
* In addition, each pulse can track modification flags for data tuple fields.
* Responsible transform operators should call the {@link modifies} method to
* indicate changes to data fields. The {@link modified} method enables
* querying of this modification state.
* @constructor
* @param {Dataflow} dataflow - The backing dataflow instance.
* @param {number} stamp - The current propagation timestamp.
* @param {string} [encode] - An optional encoding set name, which is then
* accessible as Pulse.encode. Operators can respond to (or ignore) this
* setting as appropriate. This parameter can be used in conjunction with
* the Encode transform in the vega-encode module.
function Pulse(dataflow, stamp, encode) {
this.dataflow = dataflow;
this.stamp = stamp == null ? -1 : stamp;
this.add = [];
this.rem = [];
this.mod = [];
this.fields = null;
this.encode = encode || null;
var prototype$3 = Pulse.prototype;
* Sentinel value indicating pulse propagation should stop.
prototype$3.StopPropagation = StopPropagation;
* Boolean flag indicating ADD (added) tuples.
prototype$3.ADD = ADD;
* Boolean flag indicating REM (removed) tuples.
prototype$3.REM = REM;
* Boolean flag indicating MOD (modified) tuples.
prototype$3.MOD = MOD;
* Boolean flag indicating ADD (added) and REM (removed) tuples.
prototype$3.ADD_REM = ADD_REM;
* Boolean flag indicating ADD (added) and MOD (modified) tuples.
prototype$3.ADD_MOD = ADD_MOD;
* Boolean flag indicating ADD, REM and MOD tuples.
prototype$3.ALL = ALL;
* Boolean flag indicating all tuples in a data source
* except for the ADD, REM and MOD tuples.
prototype$3.REFLOW = REFLOW;
* Boolean flag indicating a 'pass-through' to a
* backing data source, ignoring ADD, REM and MOD tuples.
prototype$3.SOURCE = SOURCE;
* Boolean flag indicating that source data should be
* suppressed when creating a forked pulse.
prototype$3.NO_SOURCE = NO_SOURCE;
* Boolean flag indicating that field modifications should be
* suppressed when creating a forked pulse.
prototype$3.NO_FIELDS = NO_FIELDS;
* Creates a new pulse based on the values of this pulse.
* The dataflow, time stamp and field modification values are copied over.
* By default, new empty ADD, REM and MOD arrays are created.
* @param {number} flags - Integer of boolean flags indicating which (if any)
* tuple arrays should be copied to the new pulse. The supported flag values
* are ADD, REM and MOD. Array references are copied directly: new array
* instances are not created.
* @return {Pulse} - The forked pulse instance.
* @see init
prototype$3.fork = function(flags) {
return new Pulse(this.dataflow).init(this, flags);
* Creates a copy of this pulse with new materialized array
* instances for the ADD, REM, MOD, and SOURCE arrays.
* The dataflow, time stamp and field modification values are copied over.
* @return {Pulse} - The cloned pulse instance.
* @see init
prototype$3.clone = function() {
var p = this.fork(ALL);
p.add = p.add.slice();
p.rem = p.rem.slice();
p.mod = p.mod.slice();
if (p.source) p.source = p.source.slice();
return p.materialize(ALL | SOURCE);
* Returns a pulse that adds all tuples from a backing source. This is
* useful for cases where operators are added to a dataflow after an
* upstream data pipeline has already been processed, ensuring that
* new operators can observe all tuples within a stream.
* @return {Pulse} - A pulse instance with all source tuples included
* in the add array. If the current pulse already has all source
* tuples in its add array, it is returned directly. If the current
* pulse does not have a backing source, it is returned directly.
prototype$3.addAll = function() {
var p = this;
if (!this.source || this.source.length === this.add.length) {
return p;
} else {
p = new Pulse(this.dataflow).init(this);
p.add = p.source;
return p;
* Initialize this pulse based on the values of another pulse. This method
* is used internally by {@link fork} to initialize a new forked tuple.
* The dataflow, time stamp and field modification values are copied over.
* By default, new empty ADD, REM and MOD arrays are created.
* @param {Pulse} src - The source pulse to copy from.
* @param {number} flags - Integer of boolean flags indicating which (if any)
* tuple arrays should be copied to the new pulse. The supported flag values
* are ADD, REM and MOD. Array references are copied directly: new array
* instances are not created. By default, source data arrays are copied
* to the new pulse. Use the NO_SOURCE flag to enforce a null source.
* @return {Pulse} - Returns this Pulse instance.
prototype$3.init = function(src, flags) {
var p = this;
p.stamp = src.stamp;
p.encode = src.encode;
if (src.fields && !(flags & NO_FIELDS)) {
p.fields = src.fields;
if (flags & ADD) {
p.addF = src.addF;
p.add = src.add;
} else {
p.addF = null;
p.add = [];
if (flags & REM) {
p.remF = src.remF;
p.rem = src.rem;
} else {
p.remF = null;
p.rem = [];
if (flags & MOD) {
p.modF = src.modF;
p.mod = src.mod;
} else {
p.modF = null;
p.mod = [];
if (flags & NO_SOURCE) {
p.srcF = null;
p.source = null;
} else {
p.srcF = src.srcF;
p.source = src.source;
return p;
* Schedules a function to run after pulse propagation completes.
* @param {function} func - The function to run.
prototype$3.runAfter = function(func) {
* Indicates if tuples have been added, removed or modified.
* @param {number} [flags] - The tuple types (ADD, REM or MOD) to query.
* Defaults to ALL, returning true if any tuple type has changed.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if one or more queried tuple types have
* changed, false otherwise.
prototype$3.changed = function(flags) {
var f = flags || ALL;
return ((f & ADD) && this.add.length)
|| ((f & REM) && this.rem.length)
|| ((f & MOD) && this.mod.length);
* Forces a "reflow" of tuple values, such that all tuples in the backing
* source are added to the MOD set, unless already present in the ADD set.
* @param {boolean} [fork=false] - If true, returns a forked copy of this
* pulse, and invokes reflow on that derived pulse.
* @return {Pulse} - The reflowed pulse instance.
prototype$3.reflow = function(fork) {
if (fork) return this.fork(ALL).reflow();
var len = this.add.length,
src = this.source && this.source.length;
if (src && src !== len) {
this.mod = this.source;
if (len) this.filter(MOD, filter(this, ADD));
return this;
* Marks one or more data field names as modified to assist dependency
* tracking and incremental processing by transform operators.
* @param {string|Array<string>} _ - The field(s) to mark as modified.
* @return {Pulse} - This pulse instance.
prototype$3.modifies = function(_) {
var hash = this.fields || (this.fields = {});
if (vegaUtil.isArray(_)) {
_.forEach(f => hash[f] = true);
} else {
hash[_] = true;
return this;
* Checks if one or more data fields have been modified during this pulse
* propagation timestamp.
* @param {string|Array<string>} _ - The field(s) to check for modified.
* @param {boolean} nomod - If true, will check the modified flag even if
* no mod tuples exist. If false (default), mod tuples must be present.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if any of the provided fields has been
* marked as modified, false otherwise.
prototype$3.modified = function(_, nomod) {
var fields = this.fields;
return !((nomod || this.mod.length) && fields) ? false
: !arguments.length ? !!fields
: vegaUtil.isArray(_) ? _.some(function(f) { return fields[f]; })
: fields[_];
* Adds a filter function to one more tuple sets. Filters are applied to
* backing tuple arrays, to determine the actual set of tuples considered
* added, removed or modified. They can be used to delay materialization of
* a tuple set in order to avoid expensive array copies. In addition, the
* filter functions can serve as value transformers: unlike standard predicate
* function (which return boolean values), Pulse filters should return the
* actual tuple value to process. If a tuple set is already filtered, the
* new filter function will be appended into a conjuntive ('and') query.
* @param {number} flags - Flags indicating the tuple set(s) to filter.
* @param {function(*):object} filter - Filter function that will be applied
* to the tuple set array, and should return a data tuple if the value
* should be included in the tuple set, and falsy (or null) otherwise.
* @return {Pulse} - Returns this pulse instance.
prototype$3.filter = function(flags, filter) {
var p = this;
if (flags & ADD) p.addF = addFilter(p.addF, filter);
if (flags & REM) p.remF = addFilter(p.remF, filter);
if (flags & MOD) p.modF = addFilter(p.modF, filter);
if (flags & SOURCE) p.srcF = addFilter(p.srcF, filter);
return p;
function addFilter(a, b) {
return a ? function(t,i) { return a(t,i) && b(t,i); } : b;
* Materialize one or more tuple sets in this pulse. If the tuple set(s) have
* a registered filter function, it will be applied and the tuple set(s) will
* be replaced with materialized tuple arrays.
* @param {number} flags - Flags indicating the tuple set(s) to materialize.
* @return {Pulse} - Returns this pulse instance.
prototype$3.materialize = function(flags) {
flags = flags || ALL;
var p = this;
if ((flags & ADD) && p.addF) {
p.add = materialize(p.add, p.addF);
p.addF = null;
if ((flags & REM) && p.remF) {
p.rem = materialize(p.rem, p.remF);
p.remF = null;
if ((flags & MOD) && p.modF) {
p.mod = materialize(p.mod, p.modF);
p.modF = null;
if ((flags & SOURCE) && p.srcF) {
p.source = p.source.filter(p.srcF);
p.srcF = null;
return p;
function materialize(data, filter) {
var out = [];
vegaUtil.visitArray(data, filter, function(_) { out.push(_); });
return out;
function filter(pulse, flags) {
var map = {};
pulse.visit(flags, function(t) { map[tupleid(t)] = 1; });
return function(t) { return map[tupleid(t)] ? null : t; };
* Visit one or more tuple sets in this pulse.
* @param {number} flags - Flags indicating the tuple set(s) to visit.
* Legal values are ADD, REM, MOD and SOURCE (if a backing data source
* has been set).
* @param {function(object):*} - Visitor function invoked per-tuple.
* @return {Pulse} - Returns this pulse instance.
prototype$3.visit = function(flags, visitor) {
var p = this, v = visitor, src, sum;
if (flags & SOURCE) {
vegaUtil.visitArray(p.source, p.srcF, v);
return p;
if (flags & ADD) vegaUtil.visitArray(p.add, p.addF, v);
if (flags & REM) vegaUtil.visitArray(p.rem, p.remF, v);
if (flags & MOD) vegaUtil.visitArray(p.mod, p.modF, v);
if ((flags & REFLOW) && (src = p.source)) {
sum = p.add.length + p.mod.length;
if (sum === src.length) ; else if (sum) {
vegaUtil.visitArray(src, filter(p, ADD_MOD), v);
} else {
// if no add/rem/mod tuples, visit source
vegaUtil.visitArray(src, p.srcF, v);
return p;
* Represents a set of multiple pulses. Used as input for operators
* that accept multiple pulses at a time. Contained pulses are
* accessible via the public "pulses" array property. This pulse doe
* not carry added, removed or modified tuples directly. However,
* the visit method can be used to traverse all such tuples contained
* in sub-pulses with a timestamp matching this parent multi-pulse.
* @constructor
* @param {Dataflow} dataflow - The backing dataflow instance.
* @param {number} stamp - The timestamp.
* @param {Array<Pulse>} pulses - The sub-pulses for this multi-pulse.
function MultiPulse(dataflow, stamp, pulses, encode) {
var p = this,
c = 0,
pulse, hash, i, n, f;
this.dataflow = dataflow;
this.stamp = stamp;
this.fields = null;
this.encode = encode || null;
this.pulses = pulses;
for (i=0, n=pulses.length; i<n; ++i) {
pulse = pulses[i];
if (pulse.stamp !== stamp) continue;
if (pulse.fields) {
hash = p.fields || (p.fields = {});
for (f in pulse.fields) { hash[f] = 1; }
if (pulse.changed(p.ADD)) c |= p.ADD;
if (pulse.changed(p.REM)) c |= p.REM;
if (pulse.changed(p.MOD)) c |= p.MOD;
this.changes = c;
var prototype$4 = vegaUtil.inherits(MultiPulse, Pulse);
* Creates a new pulse based on the values of this pulse.
* The dataflow, time stamp and field modification values are copied over.
* @return {Pulse}
prototype$4.fork = function(flags) {
var p = new Pulse(this.dataflow).init(this, flags & this.NO_FIELDS);
if (flags !== undefined) {
if (flags & p.ADD) {
this.visit(p.ADD, function(t) { return p.add.push(t); });
if (flags & p.REM) {
this.visit(p.REM, function(t) { return p.rem.push(t); });
if (flags & p.MOD) {
this.visit(p.MOD, function(t) { return p.mod.push(t); });
return p;
prototype$4.changed = function(flags) {
return this.changes & flags;
prototype$4.modified = function(_) {
var p = this, fields = p.fields;
return !(fields && (p.changes & p.MOD)) ? 0
: vegaUtil.isArray(_) ? _.some(function(f) { return fields[f]; })
: fields[_];
prototype$4.filter = function() {
vegaUtil.error('MultiPulse does not support filtering.');
prototype$4.materialize = function() {
vegaUtil.error('MultiPulse does not support materialization.');
prototype$4.visit = function(flags, visitor) {
var p = this,
pulses = p.pulses,
n = pulses.length,
i = 0;
if (flags & p.SOURCE) {
for (; i<n; ++i) {
pulses[i].visit(flags, visitor);
} else {
for (; i<n; ++i) {
if (pulses[i].stamp === p.stamp) {
pulses[i].visit(flags, visitor);
return p;
/* eslint-disable require-atomic-updates */
* Evaluates the dataflow and returns a Promise that resolves when pulse
* propagation completes. This method will increment the current timestamp
* and process all updated, pulsed and touched operators. When invoked for
* the first time, all registered operators will be processed. This method
* should not be invoked by third-party clients, use {@link runAsync} or
* {@link run} instead.
* @param {string} [encode] - The name of an encoding set to invoke during
* propagation. This value is added to generated Pulse instances;
* operators can then respond to (or ignore) this setting as appropriate.
* This parameter can be used in conjunction with the Encode transform in
* the vega-encode package.
* @param {function} [prerun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* immediately before dataflow evaluation commences.
* @param {function} [postrun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* after dataflow evaluation completes. The callback will be invoked
* after those registered via {@link runAfter}.
* @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves to this dataflow after
* evaluation completes.
async function evaluate(encode, prerun, postrun) {
const df = this,
level = df.logLevel(),
async = [];
// if the pulse value is set, this is a re-entrant call
if (df._pulse) return reentrant(df);
// wait for pending datasets to load
if (df._pending) {
await df._pending;
// invoke prerun function, if provided
if (prerun) await asyncCallback(df, prerun);
// exit early if there are no updates
if (!df._touched.length) {'Dataflow invoked, but nothing to do.');
return df;
// increment timestamp clock
let stamp = ++df._clock,
count = 0, op, next, dt, error;
// set the current pulse
df._pulse = new Pulse(df, stamp, encode);
if (level >= vegaUtil.Info) {
dt =;
df.debug('-- START PROPAGATION (' + stamp + ') -----');
// initialize priority queue, reset touched operators
df._touched.forEach(op => df._enqueue(op, true));
df._touched = UniqueList(;
try {
while (df._heap.size() > 0) {
// dequeue operator with highest priority
op = df._heap.pop();
// re-queue if rank changed
if (op.rank !== op.qrank) { df._enqueue(op, true); continue; }
// otherwise, evaluate the operator
next =, encode));
if (next.then) {
// await if operator returns a promise directly
next = await next;
} else if (next.async) {
// queue parallel asynchronous execution
next = StopPropagation;
if (level >= vegaUtil.Debug) {
df.debug(, next === StopPropagation ? 'STOP' : next, op);
// propagate evaluation, enqueue dependent operators
if (next !== StopPropagation) {
if (op._targets) op._targets.forEach(op => df._enqueue(op));
// increment visit counter
} catch (err) {
error = err;
// reset pulse map
df._input = {};
df._pulse = null;
if (level >= vegaUtil.Info) {
dt = - dt;'> Pulse ' + stamp + ': ' + count + ' operators; ' + dt + 'ms');
if (error) {
df._postrun = [];
// invoke callbacks queued via runAfter
if (df._postrun.length) {
const pr = df._postrun.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);
df._postrun = [];
for (let i=0; i<pr.length; ++i) {
await asyncCallback(df, pr[i].callback);
// invoke postrun function, if provided
if (postrun) await asyncCallback(df, postrun);
// handle non-blocking asynchronous callbacks
if (async.length) {
Promise.all(async).then(cb => df.runAsync(null, () => {
cb.forEach(f => { try { f(df); } catch (err) { df.error(err); } });
return df;
* Queues dataflow evaluation to run once any other queued evaluations have
* completed and returns a Promise that resolves when the queued pulse
* propagation completes. If provided, a callback function will be invoked
* immediately before evaluation commences. This method will ensure a
* separate evaluation is invoked for each time it is called.
* @param {string} [encode] - The name of an encoding set to invoke during
* propagation. This value is added to generated Pulse instances;
* operators can then respond to (or ignore) this setting as appropriate.
* This parameter can be used in conjunction with the Encode transform in
* the vega-encode package.
* @param {function} [prerun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* immediately before dataflow evaluation commences.
* @param {function} [postrun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* after dataflow evaluation completes. The callback will be invoked
* after those registered via {@link runAfter}.
* @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves to this dataflow after
* evaluation completes.
async function runAsync(encode, prerun, postrun) {
// await previously queued functions
while (this._running) await this._running;
// run dataflow, manage running promise
const clear = () => this._running = null;
(this._running = this.evaluate(encode, prerun, postrun))
.then(clear, clear);
return this._running;
* Requests dataflow evaluation and the immediately returns this dataflow
* instance. If there are pending data loading or other asynchronous
* operations, the dataflow will evaluate asynchronously after this method
* has been invoked. To track when dataflow evaluation completes, use the
* {@link runAsync} method instead. This method will raise an error if
* invoked while the dataflow is already in the midst of evaluation.
* @param {string} [encode] - The name of an encoding set to invoke during
* propagation. This value is added to generated Pulse instances;
* operators can then respond to (or ignore) this setting as appropriate.
* This parameter can be used in conjunction with the Encode transform in
* the vega-encode module.
* @param {function} [prerun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* immediately before dataflow evaluation commences.
* @param {function} [postrun] - An optional callback function to invoke
* after dataflow evaluation completes. The callback will be invoked
* after those registered via {@link runAfter}.
* @return {Dataflow} - This dataflow instance.
function run(encode, prerun, postrun) {
return this._pulse ? reentrant(this)
: (this.evaluate(encode, prerun, postrun), this);
* Schedules a callback function to be invoked after the current pulse
* propagation completes. If no propagation is currently occurring,
* the function is invoked immediately. Callbacks scheduled via runAfter
* are invoked immediately upon completion of the current cycle, before
* any request queued via runAsync. This method is primarily intended for
* internal use. Third-party callers using runAfter to schedule a callback
* that invokes {@link run} or {@link runAsync} should not use this method,
* but instead use {@link runAsync} with prerun or postrun arguments.
* @param {function(Dataflow)} callback - The callback function to run.
* The callback will be invoked with this Dataflow instance as its
* sole argument.
* @param {boolean} enqueue - A boolean flag indicating that the
* callback should be queued up to run after the next propagation
* cycle, suppressing immediate invocation when propagation is not
* currently occurring.
* @param {number} [priority] - A priority value used to sort registered
* callbacks to determine execution order. This argument is intended
* for internal Vega use only.
function runAfter(callback, enqueue, priority) {
if (this._pulse || enqueue) {
// pulse propagation is currently running, queue to run after
priority: priority || 0,
callback: callback
} else {
// pulse propagation already complete, invoke immediately
try { callback(this); } catch (err) { this.error(err); }
* Raise an error for re-entrant dataflow evaluation.
function reentrant(df) {
df.error('Dataflow already running. Use runAsync() to chain invocations.');
return df;
* Enqueue an operator into the priority queue for evaluation. The operator
* will be enqueued if it has no registered pulse for the current cycle, or if
* the force argument is true. Upon enqueue, this method also sets the
* operator's qrank to the current rank value.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to enqueue.
* @param {boolean} [force] - A flag indicating if the operator should be
* forceably added to the queue, even if it has already been previously
* enqueued during the current pulse propagation. This is useful when the
* dataflow graph is dynamically modified and the operator rank changes.
function enqueue(op, force) {
var q = op.stamp < this._clock;
if (q) op.stamp = this._clock;
if (q || force) {
op.qrank = op.rank;
* Provide a correct pulse for evaluating an operator. If the operator has an
* explicit source operator, we will try to pull the pulse(s) from it.
* If there is an array of source operators, we build a multi-pulse.
* Otherwise, we return a current pulse with correct source data.
* If the pulse is the pulse map has an explicit target set, we use that.
* Else if the pulse on the upstream source operator is current, we use that.
* Else we use the pulse from the pulse map, but copy the source tuple array.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator for which to get an input pulse.
* @param {string} [encode] - An (optional) encoding set name with which to
* annotate the returned pulse. See {@link run} for more information.
function getPulse(op, encode) {
var s = op.source,
stamp = this._clock;
return s && vegaUtil.isArray(s)
? new MultiPulse(this, stamp, => _.pulse), encode)
: this._input[] || singlePulse(this._pulse, s && s.pulse);
function singlePulse(p, s) {
if (s && s.stamp === p.stamp) {
return s;
p = p.fork();
if (s && s !== StopPropagation) {
p.source = s.source;
return p;
var NO_OPT = {skip: false, force: false};
* Touches an operator, scheduling it to be evaluated. If invoked outside of
* a pulse propagation, the operator will be evaluated the next time this
* dataflow is run. If invoked in the midst of pulse propagation, the operator
* will be queued for evaluation if and only if the operator has not yet been
* evaluated on the current propagation timestamp.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to touch.
* @param {object} [options] - Additional options hash.
* @param {boolean} [options.skip] - If true, the operator will
* be skipped: it will not be evaluated, but its dependents will be.
* @return {Dataflow}
function touch(op, options) {
var opt = options || NO_OPT;
if (this._pulse) {
// if in midst of propagation, add to priority queue
} else {
// otherwise, queue for next propagation
if (opt.skip) op.skip(true);
return this;
* Updates the value of the given operator.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to update.
* @param {*} value - The value to set.
* @param {object} [options] - Additional options hash.
* @param {boolean} [options.force] - If true, the operator will
* be re-evaluated even if its value has not changed.
* @param {boolean} [options.skip] - If true, the operator will
* be skipped: it will not be evaluated, but its dependents will be.
* @return {Dataflow}
function update(op, value, options) {
var opt = options || NO_OPT;
if (op.set(value) || opt.force) {
this.touch(op, opt);
return this;
* Pulses an operator with a changeset of tuples. If invoked outside of
* a pulse propagation, the pulse will be applied the next time this
* dataflow is run. If invoked in the midst of pulse propagation, the pulse
* will be added to the set of active pulses and will be applied if and
* only if the target operator has not yet been evaluated on the current
* propagation timestamp.
* @param {Operator} op - The operator to pulse.
* @param {ChangeSet} value - The tuple changeset to apply.
* @param {object} [options] - Additional options hash.
* @param {boolean} [options.skip] - If true, the operator will
* be skipped: it will not be evaluated, but its dependents will be.
* @return {Dataflow}
function pulse(op, changeset, options) {
this.touch(op, options || NO_OPT);
var p = new Pulse(this, this._clock + (this._pulse ? 0 : 1)),
t = op.pulse && op.pulse.source || []; = op;
this._input[] = changeset.pulse(p, t);
return this;
function Heap(cmp) {
var nodes = [];
return {
clear: () => nodes = [],
size: () => nodes.length,
peek: () => nodes[0],
push: x => {
return siftdown(nodes, 0, nodes.length - 1, cmp);
pop: () => {
var last = nodes.pop(), item;
if (nodes.length) {
item = nodes[0];
nodes[0] = last;
siftup(nodes, 0, cmp);
} else {
item = last;
return item;
function siftdown(array, start, idx, cmp) {
var item, parent, pidx;
item = array[idx];
while (idx > start) {
pidx = (idx - 1) >> 1;
parent = array[pidx];
if (cmp(item, parent) < 0) {
array[idx] = parent;
idx = pidx;
return (array[idx] = item);
function siftup(array, idx, cmp) {
var start = idx,
end = array.length,
item = array[idx],
cidx = (idx << 1) + 1, ridx;
while (cidx < end) {
ridx = cidx + 1;
if (ridx < end && cmp(array[cidx], array[ridx]) >= 0) {
cidx = ridx;
array[idx] = array[cidx];
idx = cidx;
cidx = (idx << 1) + 1;
array[idx] = item;
return siftdown(array, start, idx, cmp);
* A dataflow graph for reactive processing of data streams.
* @constructor
function Dataflow() {
this._clock = 0;
this._rank = 0;
try {
this._loader = vegaLoader.loader();
} catch (e) {
// do nothing if loader module is unavailable
this._touched = UniqueList(;
this._input = {};
this._pulse = null;
this._heap = Heap((a, b) => a.qrank - b.qrank);
this._postrun = [];
var prototype$5 = Dataflow.prototype;
* The current timestamp of this dataflow. This value reflects the
* timestamp of the previous dataflow run. The dataflow is initialized
* with a stamp value of 0. The initial run of the dataflow will have
* a timestap of 1, and so on. This value will match the
* {@link Pulse.stamp} property.
* @return {number} - The current timestamp value.
prototype$5.stamp = function() {
return this._clock;
* Gets or sets the loader instance to use for data file loading. A
* loader object must provide a "load" method for loading files and a
* "sanitize" method for checking URL/filename validity. Both methods
* should accept a URI and options hash as arguments, and return a Promise
* that resolves to the loaded file contents (load) or a hash containing
* sanitized URI data with the sanitized url assigned to the "href" property
* (sanitize).
* @param {object} _ - The loader instance to use.
* @return {object|Dataflow} - If no arguments are provided, returns
* the current loader instance. Otherwise returns this Dataflow instance.
prototype$5.loader = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
this._loader = _;
return this;
} else {
return this._loader;
* Empty entry threshold for garbage cleaning. Map data structures will
* perform cleaning once the number of empty entries exceeds this value.
prototype$5.cleanThreshold = 1e4;
prototype$5.add = add;
prototype$5.connect = connect;
prototype$5.rank = rank;
prototype$5.rerank = rerank;
prototype$5.pulse = pulse;
prototype$5.touch = touch;
prototype$5.update = update;
prototype$5.changeset = changeset;
prototype$5.ingest = ingest$1;
prototype$5.parse = parse;
prototype$5.preload = preload;
prototype$5.request = request;
prototype$ = events;
prototype$5.on = on;
prototype$5.evaluate = evaluate;
prototype$ = run;
prototype$5.runAsync = runAsync;
prototype$5.runAfter = runAfter;
prototype$5._enqueue = enqueue;
prototype$5._getPulse = getPulse;
function logMethod(method) {
return function() {
return this._log[method].apply(this, arguments);
* Get or set the logger instance used to log messages. If no arguments are
* provided, returns the current logger instance. Otherwise, sets the logger
* and return this Dataflow instance. Provided loggers must support the full
* API of logger objects generated by the vega-util logger method. Note that
* by default the log level of the new logger will be used; use the logLevel
* method to adjust the log level as needed.
prototype$5.logger = function(logger) {
if (arguments.length) {
this._log = logger;
return this;
} else {
return this._log;
* Logs an error message. By default, logged messages are written to console
* output. The message will only be logged if the current log level is high
* enough to permit error messages.
prototype$5.error = logMethod('error');
* Logs a warning message. By default, logged messages are written to console
* output. The message will only be logged if the current log level is high
* enough to permit warning messages.
prototype$5.warn = logMethod('warn');
* Logs a information message. By default, logged messages are written to
* console output. The message will only be logged if the current log level is
* high enough to permit information messages.
prototype$ = logMethod('info');
* Logs a debug message. By default, logged messages are written to console
* output. The message will only be logged if the current log level is high
* enough to permit debug messages.
prototype$5.debug = logMethod('debug');
* Get or set the current log level. If an argument is provided, it
* will be used as the new log level.
* @param {number} [level] - Should be one of None, Warn, Info
* @return {number} - The current log level.
prototype$5.logLevel = logMethod('level');
* Abstract class for operators that process data tuples.
* Subclasses must provide a {@link transform} method for operator processing.
* @constructor
* @param {*} [init] - The initial value for this operator.
* @param {object} [params] - The parameters for this operator.
* @param {Operator} [source] - The operator from which to receive pulses.
function Transform(init, params) {, init, null, params);
var prototype$6 = vegaUtil.inherits(Transform, Operator);
* Overrides {@link Operator.evaluate} for transform operators.
* Internally, this method calls {@link evaluate} to perform processing.
* If {@link evaluate} returns a falsy value, the input pulse is returned.
* This method should NOT be overridden, instead overrride {@link evaluate}.
* @param {Pulse} pulse - the current dataflow pulse.
* @return the output pulse for this operator (or StopPropagation)
prototype$ = function(pulse) {
if (pulse.stamp < this.stamp) return pulse.StopPropagation;
var rv;
if (this.skip()) {
} else {
rv = this.evaluate(pulse);
rv = rv || pulse;
if (rv.then) {
rv = rv.then(_ => this.pulse =_);
} else if (rv !== pulse.StopPropagation) {
this.pulse = rv;
return rv;
* Overrides {@link Operator.evaluate} for transform operators.
* Marshalls parameter values and then invokes {@link transform}.
* @param {Pulse} pulse - the current dataflow pulse.
* @return {Pulse} The output pulse (or StopPropagation). A falsy return
value (including undefined) will let the input pulse pass through.
prototype$6.evaluate = function(pulse) {
var params = this.marshall(pulse.stamp),
out = this.transform(params, pulse);
return out;
* Process incoming pulses.
* Subclasses should override this method to implement transforms.
* @param {Parameters} _ - The operator parameter values.
* @param {Pulse} pulse - The current dataflow pulse.
* @return {Pulse} The output pulse (or StopPropagation). A falsy return
* value (including undefined) will let the input pulse pass through.
prototype$6.transform = function() {};
var transforms = {};
function definition(type) {
var t = transform(type);
return t && t.Definition || null;
function transform(type) {
type = type && type.toLowerCase();
return vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(transforms, type) ? transforms[type] : null;
exports.Dataflow = Dataflow;
exports.EventStream = EventStream;
exports.MultiPulse = MultiPulse;
exports.Operator = Operator;
exports.Parameters = Parameters;
exports.Pulse = Pulse;
exports.Transform = Transform;
exports.UniqueList = UniqueList;
exports.asyncCallback = asyncCallback;
exports.changeset = changeset;
exports.definition = definition;
exports.derive = derive;
exports.ingest = ingest;
exports.isChangeSet = isChangeSet;
exports.isTuple = isTuple;
exports.rederive = rederive;
exports.replace = replace;
exports.stableCompare = stableCompare;
exports.transform = transform;
exports.transforms = transforms;
exports.tupleid = tupleid;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });