StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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786 lines
18 KiB
786 lines
18 KiB
4 years ago
/// <reference lib="es2015" />
import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map';
/** @deprecated since this versions basically do not exist */
type ECMA_UNOFFICIAL = 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
export type ECMA = 5 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | ECMA_UNOFFICIAL;
export interface ParseOptions {
bare_returns?: boolean;
ecma?: ECMA;
html5_comments?: boolean;
shebang?: boolean;
export interface CompressOptions {
arguments?: boolean;
arrows?: boolean;
booleans_as_integers?: boolean;
booleans?: boolean;
collapse_vars?: boolean;
comparisons?: boolean;
computed_props?: boolean;
conditionals?: boolean;
dead_code?: boolean;
defaults?: boolean;
directives?: boolean;
drop_console?: boolean;
drop_debugger?: boolean;
ecma?: ECMA;
evaluate?: boolean;
expression?: boolean;
global_defs?: object;
hoist_funs?: boolean;
hoist_props?: boolean;
hoist_vars?: boolean;
ie8?: boolean;
if_return?: boolean;
inline?: boolean | InlineFunctions;
join_vars?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fargs?: boolean;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_infinity?: boolean;
loops?: boolean;
module?: boolean;
negate_iife?: boolean;
passes?: number;
properties?: boolean;
pure_funcs?: string[];
pure_getters?: boolean | 'strict';
reduce_funcs?: boolean;
reduce_vars?: boolean;
sequences?: boolean | number;
side_effects?: boolean;
switches?: boolean;
toplevel?: boolean;
top_retain?: null | string | string[] | RegExp;
typeofs?: boolean;
unsafe_arrows?: boolean;
unsafe?: boolean;
unsafe_comps?: boolean;
unsafe_Function?: boolean;
unsafe_math?: boolean;
unsafe_methods?: boolean;
unsafe_proto?: boolean;
unsafe_regexp?: boolean;
unsafe_undefined?: boolean;
unused?: boolean;
warnings?: boolean;
export enum InlineFunctions {
Disabled = 0,
SimpleFunctions = 1,
WithArguments = 2,
WithArgumentsAndVariables = 3
export interface MangleOptions {
eval?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
module?: boolean;
properties?: boolean | ManglePropertiesOptions;
reserved?: string[];
safari10?: boolean;
toplevel?: boolean;
export interface ManglePropertiesOptions {
builtins?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
keep_quoted?: boolean | 'strict';
regex?: RegExp | string;
reserved?: string[];
export interface OutputOptions {
ascii_only?: boolean;
beautify?: boolean;
braces?: boolean;
comments?: boolean | 'all' | 'some' | RegExp | Function;
ecma?: ECMA;
ie8?: boolean;
indent_level?: number;
indent_start?: number;
inline_script?: boolean;
keep_quoted_props?: boolean;
max_line_len?: number | false;
preamble?: string;
preserve_annotations?: boolean;
quote_keys?: boolean;
quote_style?: OutputQuoteStyle;
safari10?: boolean;
semicolons?: boolean;
shebang?: boolean;
shorthand?: boolean;
source_map?: SourceMapOptions;
webkit?: boolean;
width?: number;
wrap_iife?: boolean;
export enum OutputQuoteStyle {
PreferDouble = 0,
AlwaysSingle = 1,
AlwaysDouble = 2,
AlwaysOriginal = 3
export interface MinifyOptions {
compress?: boolean | CompressOptions;
ecma?: ECMA;
ie8?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
mangle?: boolean | MangleOptions;
module?: boolean;
nameCache?: object;
output?: OutputOptions;
parse?: ParseOptions;
safari10?: boolean;
sourceMap?: boolean | SourceMapOptions;
toplevel?: boolean;
warnings?: boolean | 'verbose';
export interface MinifyOutput {
ast?: AST_Node;
code?: string;
error?: Error;
map?: RawSourceMap | string;
warnings?: string[];
export interface SourceMapOptions {
content?: RawSourceMap;
includeSources?: boolean;
filename?: string;
root?: string;
url?: string | 'inline';
declare function parse(text: string, options?: ParseOptions): AST_Node;
export class TreeWalker {
constructor(callback: (node: AST_Node, descend?: (node: AST_Node) => void) => boolean | undefined);
directives: object;
find_parent(type: AST_Node): AST_Node | undefined;
has_directive(type: string): boolean;
loopcontrol_target(node: AST_Node): AST_Node | undefined;
parent(n: number): AST_Node | undefined;
pop(): void;
push(node: AST_Node): void;
self(): AST_Node | undefined;
stack: AST_Node[];
visit: (node: AST_Node, descend: boolean) => any;
export class TreeTransformer extends TreeWalker {
before: (node: AST_Node, descend?: (node: AST_Node, tw: TreeWalker) => void, in_list?: boolean) => AST_Node | undefined,
after?: (node: AST_Node, in_list?: boolean) => AST_Node | undefined
before: (node: AST_Node) => AST_Node;
after?: (node: AST_Node) => AST_Node;
export function push_uniq<T>(array: T[], el: T): void;
export function minify(files: string | string[] | { [file: string]: string } | AST_Node, options?: MinifyOptions): MinifyOutput;
export class AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
static BASE?: AST_Node;
static PROPS: string[];
static SELF_PROPS: string[];
static SUBCLASSES: AST_Node[];
static documentation: string;
static propdoc?: Record<string, string>;
static expressions?: AST_Node[];
static warn?: (text: string, props: any) => void;
static from_mozilla_ast?: (node: AST_Node) => any;
walk: (visitor: TreeWalker) => void;
print_to_string: (options?: OutputOptions) => string;
transform: (tt: TreeTransformer, in_list?: boolean) => AST_Node;
TYPE: string;
CTOR: typeof AST_Node;
declare class SymbolDef {
constructor(scope?: AST_Scope, orig?: object, init?: object);
name: string;
orig: AST_SymbolRef[];
init: AST_SymbolRef;
eliminated: number;
scope: AST_Scope;
references: AST_SymbolRef[];
replaced: number;
global: boolean;
export: boolean;
mangled_name: null | string;
undeclared: boolean;
id: number;
type ArgType = AST_SymbolFunarg | AST_DefaultAssign | AST_Destructuring | AST_Expansion;
declare class AST_Statement extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Debugger extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Directive extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
value: string;
quote: string;
declare class AST_SimpleStatement extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
body: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_Block extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
body: AST_Node[];
block_scope: AST_Scope | null;
declare class AST_BlockStatement extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Scope extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
variables: any;
functions: any;
uses_with: boolean;
uses_eval: boolean;
parent_scope: AST_Scope | null;
enclosed: any;
cname: any;
declare class AST_Toplevel extends AST_Scope {
constructor(props?: object);
globals: any;
declare class AST_Lambda extends AST_Scope {
constructor(props?: object);
name: AST_SymbolDeclaration | null;
argnames: ArgType[];
uses_arguments: boolean;
is_generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
declare class AST_Accessor extends AST_Lambda {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Function extends AST_Lambda {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Arrow extends AST_Lambda {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Defun extends AST_Lambda {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Class extends AST_Scope {
constructor(props?: object);
name: AST_SymbolClass | AST_SymbolDefClass | null;
extends: AST_Node | null;
properties: AST_ObjectProperty[];
declare class AST_DefClass extends AST_Class {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_ClassExpression extends AST_Class {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Switch extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_SwitchBranch extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Default extends AST_SwitchBranch {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Case extends AST_SwitchBranch {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Try extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
bcatch: AST_Catch;
bfinally: null | AST_Finally;
declare class AST_Catch extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
argname: ArgType;
declare class AST_Finally extends AST_Block {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_EmptyStatement extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_StatementWithBody extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
body: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_LabeledStatement extends AST_StatementWithBody {
constructor(props?: object);
label: AST_Label;
declare class AST_IterationStatement extends AST_StatementWithBody {
constructor(props?: object);
block_scope: AST_Scope | null;
declare class AST_DWLoop extends AST_IterationStatement {
constructor(props?: object);
condition: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Do extends AST_DWLoop {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_While extends AST_DWLoop {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_For extends AST_IterationStatement {
constructor(props?: object);
init: AST_Node | null;
condition: AST_Node | null;
step: AST_Node | null;
declare class AST_ForIn extends AST_IterationStatement {
constructor(props?: object);
init: AST_Node | null;
object: AST_Node;
declare class AST_ForOf extends AST_ForIn {
constructor(props?: object);
await: boolean;
declare class AST_With extends AST_StatementWithBody {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_If extends AST_StatementWithBody {
constructor(props?: object);
condition: AST_Node;
alternative: AST_Node | null;
declare class AST_Jump extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Exit extends AST_Jump {
constructor(props?: object);
value: AST_Node | null;
declare class AST_Return extends AST_Exit {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Throw extends AST_Exit {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_LoopControl extends AST_Jump {
constructor(props?: object);
label: null | AST_LabelRef;
declare class AST_Break extends AST_LoopControl {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Continue extends AST_LoopControl {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Definitions extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
definitions: AST_VarDef[];
declare class AST_Var extends AST_Definitions {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Let extends AST_Definitions {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Const extends AST_Definitions {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Export extends AST_Statement {
constructor(props?: object);
exported_definition: AST_Definitions | AST_Lambda | AST_DefClass | null;
exported_value: AST_Node | null;
is_default: boolean;
exported_names: AST_NameMapping[];
module_name: AST_String;
declare class AST_Expansion extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Destructuring extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
names: AST_Node[];
is_array: boolean;
declare class AST_PrefixedTemplateString extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
template_string: AST_TemplateString;
prefix: AST_Node;
declare class AST_TemplateString extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
segments: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_TemplateSegment extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
value: string;
raw: string;
declare class AST_NameMapping extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
foreign_name: AST_Symbol;
name: AST_SymbolExport | AST_SymbolImport;
declare class AST_Import extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
imported_name: null | AST_SymbolImport;
imported_names: AST_NameMapping[];
module_name: AST_String;
declare class AST_VarDef extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
name: AST_Destructuring | AST_SymbolConst | AST_SymbolLet | AST_SymbolVar;
value: AST_Node | null;
declare class AST_Call extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
args: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_New extends AST_Call {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Sequence extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expressions: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_PropAccess extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
property: AST_Node | string;
declare class AST_Dot extends AST_PropAccess {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Sub extends AST_PropAccess {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Unary extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
operator: string;
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_UnaryPrefix extends AST_Unary {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_UnaryPostfix extends AST_Unary {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Binary extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
operator: string;
left: AST_Node;
right: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Assign extends AST_Binary {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_DefaultAssign extends AST_Binary {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Conditional extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
condition: AST_Node;
consequent: AST_Node;
alternative: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Array extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
elements: AST_Node[];
declare class AST_Object extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
properties: AST_ObjectProperty[];
declare class AST_ObjectProperty extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
key: string | number | AST_Node;
value: AST_Node;
declare class AST_ObjectKeyVal extends AST_ObjectProperty {
constructor(props?: object);
quote: string;
declare class AST_ObjectSetter extends AST_ObjectProperty {
constructor(props?: object);
quote: string;
static: boolean;
declare class AST_ObjectGetter extends AST_ObjectProperty {
constructor(props?: object);
quote: string;
static: boolean;
declare class AST_ConciseMethod extends AST_ObjectProperty {
constructor(props?: object);
quote: string;
static: boolean;
is_generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
declare class AST_Symbol extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
scope: AST_Scope;
name: string;
thedef: SymbolDef;
declare class AST_SymbolDeclaration extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
init: AST_Node | null;
declare class AST_SymbolVar extends AST_SymbolDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolFunarg extends AST_SymbolVar {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration extends AST_SymbolDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolConst extends AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolLet extends AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolDefClass extends AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolCatch extends AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolImport extends AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolDefun extends AST_SymbolDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolLambda extends AST_SymbolDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolClass extends AST_SymbolDeclaration {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolMethod extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolImportForeign extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Label extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
references: AST_LoopControl | null;
declare class AST_SymbolRef extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolExport extends AST_SymbolRef {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_SymbolExportForeign extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_LabelRef extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_This extends AST_Symbol {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Super extends AST_This {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_NewTarget extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Constant extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_String extends AST_Constant {
constructor(props?: object);
value: string;
quote: string;
declare class AST_Number extends AST_Constant {
constructor(props?: object);
value: number;
literal: string;
declare class AST_RegExp extends AST_Constant {
constructor(props?: object);
value: {
source: string,
flags: string
declare class AST_Atom extends AST_Constant {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Null extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_NaN extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Undefined extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Hole extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Infinity extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Boolean extends AST_Atom {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_False extends AST_Boolean {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_True extends AST_Boolean {
constructor(props?: object);
declare class AST_Await extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
declare class AST_Yield extends AST_Node {
constructor(props?: object);
expression: AST_Node;
is_star: boolean;