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4 years ago
import { WebSocketSubject, WebSocketSubjectConfig } from './WebSocketSubject';
* Wrapper around the w3c-compatible WebSocket object provided by the browser.
* <span class="informal">{@link Subject} that communicates with a server via WebSocket</span>
* `webSocket` is a factory function that produces a `WebSocketSubject`,
* which can be used to make WebSocket connection with an arbitrary endpoint.
* `webSocket` accepts as an argument either a string with url of WebSocket endpoint, or an
* {@link WebSocketSubjectConfig} object for providing additional configuration, as
* well as Observers for tracking lifecycle of WebSocket connection.
* When `WebSocketSubject` is subscribed, it attempts to make a socket connection,
* unless there is one made already. This means that many subscribers will always listen
* on the same socket, thus saving resources. If however, two instances are made of `WebSocketSubject`,
* even if these two were provided with the same url, they will attempt to make separate
* connections. When consumer of a `WebSocketSubject` unsubscribes, socket connection is closed,
* only if there are no more subscribers still listening. If after some time a consumer starts
* subscribing again, connection is reestablished.
* Once connection is made, whenever a new message comes from the server, `WebSocketSubject` will emit that
* message as a value in the stream. By default, a message from the socket is parsed via `JSON.parse`. If you
* want to customize how deserialization is handled (if at all), you can provide custom `resultSelector`
* function in {@link WebSocketSubject}. When connection closes, stream will complete, provided it happened without
* any errors. If at any point (starting, maintaining or closing a connection) there is an error,
* stream will also error with whatever WebSocket API has thrown.
* By virtue of being a {@link Subject}, `WebSocketSubject` allows for receiving and sending messages from the server. In order
* to communicate with a connected endpoint, use `next`, `error` and `complete` methods. `next` sends a value to the server, so bear in mind
* that this value will not be serialized beforehand. Because of This, `JSON.stringify` will have to be called on a value by hand,
* before calling `next` with a result. Note also that if at the moment of nexting value
* there is no socket connection (for example no one is subscribing), those values will be buffered, and sent when connection
* is finally established. `complete` method closes socket connection. `error` does the same,
* as well as notifying the server that something went wrong via status code and string with details of what happened.
* Since status code is required in WebSocket API, `WebSocketSubject` does not allow, like regular `Subject`,
* arbitrary values being passed to the `error` method. It needs to be called with an object that has `code`
* property with status code number and optional `reason` property with string describing details
* of an error.
* Calling `next` does not affect subscribers of `WebSocketSubject` - they have no
* information that something was sent to the server (unless of course the server
* responds somehow to a message). On the other hand, since calling `complete` triggers
* an attempt to close socket connection. If that connection is closed without any errors, stream will
* complete, thus notifying all subscribers. And since calling `error` closes
* socket connection as well, just with a different status code for the server, if closing itself proceeds
* without errors, subscribed Observable will not error, as one might expect, but complete as usual. In both cases
* (calling `complete` or `error`), if process of closing socket connection results in some errors, *then* stream
* will error.
* **Multiplexing**
* `WebSocketSubject` has an additional operator, not found in other Subjects. It is called `multiplex` and it is
* used to simulate opening several socket connections, while in reality maintaining only one.
* For example, an application has both chat panel and real-time notifications about sport news. Since these are two distinct functions,
* it would make sense to have two separate connections for each. Perhaps there could even be two separate services with WebSocket
* endpoints, running on separate machines with only GUI combining them together. Having a socket connection
* for each functionality could become too resource expensive. It is a common pattern to have single
* WebSocket endpoint that acts as a gateway for the other services (in this case chat and sport news services).
* Even though there is a single connection in a client app, having the ability to manipulate streams as if it
* were two separate sockets is desirable. This eliminates manually registering and unregistering in a gateway for
* given service and filter out messages of interest. This is exactly what `multiplex` method is for.
* Method accepts three parameters. First two are functions returning subscription and unsubscription messages
* respectively. These are messages that will be sent to the server, whenever consumer of resulting Observable
* subscribes and unsubscribes. Server can use them to verify that some kind of messages should start or stop
* being forwarded to the client. In case of the above example application, after getting subscription message with proper identifier,
* gateway server can decide that it should connect to real sport news service and start forwarding messages from it.
* Note that both messages will be sent as returned by the functions, they are by default serialized using JSON.stringify, just
* as messages pushed via `next`. Also bear in mind that these messages will be sent on *every* subscription and
* unsubscription. This is potentially dangerous, because one consumer of an Observable may unsubscribe and the server
* might stop sending messages, since it got unsubscription message. This needs to be handled
* on the server or using {@link publish} on a Observable returned from 'multiplex'.
* Last argument to `multiplex` is a `messageFilter` function which should return a boolean. It is used to filter out messages
* sent by the server to only those that belong to simulated WebSocket stream. For example, server might mark these
* messages with some kind of string identifier on a message object and `messageFilter` would return `true`
* if there is such identifier on an object emitted by the socket. Messages which returns `false` in `messageFilter` are simply skipped,
* and are not passed down the stream.
* Return value of `multiplex` is an Observable with messages incoming from emulated socket connection. Note that this
* is not a `WebSocketSubject`, so calling `next` or `multiplex` again will fail. For pushing values to the
* server, use root `WebSocketSubject`.
* ### Examples
* #### Listening for messages from the server
* ```ts
* import { webSocket } from "rxjs/webSocket";
* const subject = webSocket("ws://localhost:8081");
* subject.subscribe(
* msg => console.log('message received: ' + msg), // Called whenever there is a message from the server.
* err => console.log(err), // Called if at any point WebSocket API signals some kind of error.
* () => console.log('complete') // Called when connection is closed (for whatever reason).
* );
* ```
* #### Pushing messages to the server
* ```ts
* import { webSocket } from "rxjs/webSocket";
* const subject = webSocket('ws://localhost:8081');
* subject.subscribe();
* // Note that at least one consumer has to subscribe to the created subject - otherwise "nexted" values will be just buffered and not sent,
* // since no connection was established!
*{message: 'some message'});
* // This will send a message to the server once a connection is made. Remember value is serialized with JSON.stringify by default!
* subject.complete(); // Closes the connection.
* subject.error({code: 4000, reason: 'I think our app just broke!'});
* // Also closes the connection, but let's the server know that this closing is caused by some error.
* ```
* #### Multiplexing WebSocket
* ```ts
* import { webSocket } from "rxjs/webSocket";
* const subject = webSocket('ws://localhost:8081');
* const observableA = subject.multiplex(
* () => ({subscribe: 'A'}), // When server gets this message, it will start sending messages for 'A'...
* () => ({unsubscribe: 'A'}), // ...and when gets this one, it will stop.
* message => message.type === 'A' // If the function returns `true` message is passed down the stream. Skipped if the function returns false.
* );
* const observableB = subject.multiplex( // And the same goes for 'B'.
* () => ({subscribe: 'B'}),
* () => ({unsubscribe: 'B'}),
* message => message.type === 'B'
* );
* const subA = observableA.subscribe(messageForA => console.log(messageForA));
* // At this moment WebSocket connection is established. Server gets '{"subscribe": "A"}' message and starts sending messages for 'A',
* // which we log here.
* const subB = observableB.subscribe(messageForB => console.log(messageForB));
* // Since we already have a connection, we just send '{"subscribe": "B"}' message to the server. It starts sending messages for 'B',
* // which we log here.
* subB.unsubscribe();
* // Message '{"unsubscribe": "B"}' is sent to the server, which stops sending 'B' messages.
* subA.unsubscribe();
* // Message '{"unsubscribe": "A"}' makes the server stop sending messages for 'A'. Since there is no more subscribers to root Subject,
* // socket connection closes.
* ```
* @param {string|WebSocketSubjectConfig} urlConfigOrSource The WebSocket endpoint as an url or an object with
* configuration and additional Observers.
* @return {WebSocketSubject} Subject which allows to both send and receive messages via WebSocket connection.
export declare function webSocket<T>(urlConfigOrSource: string | WebSocketSubjectConfig<T>): WebSocketSubject<T>;