StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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83 lines
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83 lines
6.8 KiB
4 years ago
* Copyright 2012-2020, Plotly, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
module.exports = {
moduleType: 'locale',
name: 'zh-CN',
dictionary: {
'Autoscale': '自动缩放', // components/modebar/buttons.js:139
'Box Select': '矩形框选',
'Click to enter Colorscale title': '点击输入色阶的标题', // plots/plots.js:437
'Click to enter Component A title': '点击输入组件A的标题', // plots/ternary/ternary.js:386
'Click to enter Component B title': '点击输入组件B的标题', // plots/ternary/ternary.js:400
'Click to enter Component C title': '点击输入组件C的标题', // plots/ternary/ternary.js:411
'Click to enter Plot title': '点击输入图表的标题', // plot_api/plot_api.js:579
'Click to enter X axis title': '点击输入X轴的标题', // plots/plots.js:435
'Click to enter Y axis title': '点击输入Y轴的标题', // plots/plots.js:436
'Compare data on hover': '悬停时比较数据', // components/modebar/buttons.js:167
'Double-click on legend to isolate one trace': '双击图例来突显对应轨迹',
'Double-click to zoom back out': '双击返回缩小显示', // plots/cartesian/dragbox.js:299
'Download plot as a png': '下载图表为PNG格式',
'Download plot': '下载图表', // components/modebar/buttons.js:53
'Edit in Chart Studio': '在Chart Studio中编辑', // components/modebar/buttons.js:76
'IE only supports svg. Changing format to svg.': 'IE只支持SVG。转换格式为SVG。', // components/modebar/buttons.js:60
'Lasso Select': '套索选择', // components/modebar/buttons.js:112
'Orbital rotation': '轨道旋转', // components/modebar/buttons.js:279
'Pan': '平移',
'Produced with Plotly': '由Plotly生成', // components/modebar/modebar.js:256
'Reset': '重置', // components/modebar/buttons.js:432
'Reset axes': '重置轴', // components/modebar/buttons.js:148
'Reset camera to default': '重置镜头视角为默认状态',
'Reset camera to last save': '重置镜头视角为上次保存状态',
'Reset view': '重置视图', // components/modebar/buttons.js:583
'Reset views': '重置视图', // components/modebar/buttons.js:529
'Show closest data on hover': '悬停时显示最近的数据', // components/modebar/buttons.js:157
'Snapshot succeeded': '生成快照成功', // components/modebar/buttons.js:66
'Sorry, there was a problem downloading your snapshot!': '抱歉,下载快照出现问题!', // components/modebar/buttons.js:69
'Taking snapshot - this may take a few seconds': '正在生成快照 - 可能需要几秒钟', // components/modebar/buttons.js:57
'Zoom': '缩放', // components/modebar/buttons.js:85
'Zoom in': '放大', // components/modebar/buttons.js:121
'Zoom out': '缩小', // components/modebar/buttons.js:130
'close:': '关闭:',
'trace': '踪迹:', // plots/plots.js:439
'lat:': '纬度:', // traces/scattergeo/calc.js:48
'lon:': '经度:', // traces/scattergeo/calc.js:49
'q1:': '第一四分位数:', // traces/box/calc.js:130
'q3:': '第三四分位数:', // traces/box/calc.js:131
'source:': '源:', // traces/sankey/plot.js:140
'target:': '目标:', // traces/sankey/plot.js:141
'lower fence:': '内侧栏(lower fence):',
'upper fence:': '外侧栏(upper fence):',
'max:': '最大值:',
'mean ± σ:': '平均数 ± 标准差σ:',
'mean:': '平均数:',
'median:': '中位数:',
'min:': '最小值:',
'Turntable rotation': '旋转转盘:',
'Toggle Spike Lines': '切换显示数据点辅助线(Spike Lines)',
'open:': '打开:',
'high:': '高:', // traces/ohlc/transform.js:137
'low:': '低:', // traces/ohlc/transform.js:138
'Toggle show closest data on hover': '切换悬停时显示最近的数据点',
'incoming flow count:': '流入数量:', // traces/sankey/plot.js:142
'outgoing flow count:': '流出数量:', // traces/sankey/plot.js:143
'kde:': 'kde:', // traces/violin/calc.js:73
'Click to enter radial axis title': '点击输入径向轴标题',
'new text': '新建文本'
format: {
days: ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'],
shortDays: ['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六'],
months: ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'],
shortMonths: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'],
date: '%Y-%m-%d'