StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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730 lines
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4 years ago
'use strict';
// use Polyfill for util.promisify in node versions < v8
const promisify = require('util.promisify');
const vm = require('vm');
const fs = require('fs');
const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const childCompiler = require('./lib/compiler.js');
const prettyError = require('./lib/errors.js');
const chunkSorter = require('./lib/chunksorter.js');
const fsStatAsync = promisify(fs.stat);
const fsReadFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile);
class HtmlWebpackPlugin {
constructor (options) {
// Default options
this.options = _.extend({
template: path.join(__dirname, 'default_index.ejs'),
templateParameters: templateParametersGenerator,
filename: 'index.html',
hash: false,
inject: true,
compile: true,
favicon: false,
minify: false,
cache: true,
showErrors: true,
chunks: 'all',
excludeChunks: [],
chunksSortMode: 'auto',
meta: {},
title: 'Webpack App',
xhtml: false
}, options);
apply (compiler) {
const self = this;
let isCompilationCached = false;
let compilationPromise;
this.options.template = this.getFullTemplatePath(this.options.template, compiler.context);
// convert absolute filename into relative so that webpack can
// generate it at correct location
const filename = this.options.filename;
if (path.resolve(filename) === path.normalize(filename)) {
this.options.filename = path.relative(compiler.options.output.path, filename);
// setup hooks for webpack 4
if (compiler.hooks) {
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('HtmlWebpackPluginHooks', compilation => {
const SyncWaterfallHook = require('tapable').SyncWaterfallHook;
const AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook = require('tapable').AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook;
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginAlterChunks = new SyncWaterfallHook(['chunks', 'objectWithPluginRef']);
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlGeneration = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['pluginArgs']);
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginBeforeHtmlProcessing = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['pluginArgs']);
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginAlterAssetTags = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['pluginArgs']);
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginAfterHtmlProcessing = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['pluginArgs']);
compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginAfterEmit = new AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook(['pluginArgs']);
// Backwards compatible version of: compiler.hooks.make.tapAsync()
(compiler.hooks ? compiler.hooks.make.tapAsync.bind(compiler.hooks.make, 'HtmlWebpackPlugin') : compiler.plugin.bind(compiler, 'make'))((compilation, callback) => {
// Compile the template (queued)
compilationPromise = childCompiler.compileTemplate(self.options.template, compiler.context, self.options.filename, compilation)
.catch(err => {
compilation.errors.push(prettyError(err, compiler.context).toString());
return {
content: self.options.showErrors ? prettyError(err, compiler.context).toJsonHtml() : 'ERROR',
outputName: self.options.filename
.then(compilationResult => {
// If the compilation change didnt change the cache is valid
isCompilationCached = compilationResult.hash && self.childCompilerHash === compilationResult.hash;
self.childCompilerHash = compilationResult.hash;
self.childCompilationOutputName = compilationResult.outputName;
return compilationResult.content;
// Backwards compatible version of: compiler.plugin.emit.tapAsync()
(compiler.hooks ? compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync.bind(compiler.hooks.emit, 'HtmlWebpackPlugin') : compiler.plugin.bind(compiler, 'emit'))((compilation, callback) => {
const applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall = self.applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall(compilation);
// Get chunks info as json
// Note: we're excluding stuff that we don't need to improve toJson serialization speed.
const chunkOnlyConfig = {
assets: false,
cached: false,
children: false,
chunks: true,
chunkModules: false,
chunkOrigins: false,
errorDetails: false,
hash: false,
modules: false,
reasons: false,
source: false,
timings: false,
version: false
const allChunks = compilation.getStats().toJson(chunkOnlyConfig).chunks;
// Filter chunks (options.chunks and options.excludeCHunks)
let chunks = self.filterChunks(allChunks, self.options.chunks, self.options.excludeChunks);
// Sort chunks
chunks = self.sortChunks(chunks, self.options.chunksSortMode, compilation);
// Let plugins alter the chunks and the chunk sorting
if (compilation.hooks) {
chunks =, { plugin: self });
} else {
// Before Webpack 4
chunks = compilation.applyPluginsWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-alter-chunks', chunks, { plugin: self });
// Get assets
const assets = self.htmlWebpackPluginAssets(compilation, chunks);
// If this is a hot update compilation, move on!
// This solves a problem where an `index.html` file is generated for hot-update js files
// It only happens in Webpack 2, where hot updates are emitted separately before the full bundle
if (self.isHotUpdateCompilation(assets)) {
return callback();
// If the template and the assets did not change we don't have to emit the html
const assetJson = JSON.stringify(self.getAssetFiles(assets));
if (isCompilationCached && self.options.cache && assetJson === self.assetJson) {
return callback();
} else {
self.assetJson = assetJson;
// Favicon
.then(() => {
if (self.options.favicon) {
return self.addFileToAssets(self.options.favicon, compilation)
.then(faviconBasename => {
let publicPath = compilation.mainTemplate.getPublicPath({hash: compilation.hash}) || '';
if (publicPath && publicPath.substr(-1) !== '/') {
publicPath += '/';
assets.favicon = publicPath + faviconBasename;
// Wait for the compilation to finish
.then(() => compilationPromise)
.then(compiledTemplate => {
// Allow to use a custom function / string instead
if (self.options.templateContent !== undefined) {
return self.options.templateContent;
// Once everything is compiled evaluate the html factory
// and replace it with its content
return self.evaluateCompilationResult(compilation, compiledTemplate);
// Allow plugins to make changes to the assets before invoking the template
// This only makes sense to use if `inject` is `false`
.then(compilationResult => applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-before-html-generation', false, {
assets: assets,
outputName: self.childCompilationOutputName,
plugin: self
.then(() => compilationResult))
// Execute the template
.then(compilationResult => typeof compilationResult !== 'function'
? compilationResult
: self.executeTemplate(compilationResult, chunks, assets, compilation))
// Allow plugins to change the html before assets are injected
.then(html => {
const pluginArgs = {html: html, assets: assets, plugin: self, outputName: self.childCompilationOutputName};
return applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-before-html-processing', true, pluginArgs);
.then(result => {
const html = result.html;
const assets = result.assets;
// Prepare script and link tags
const assetTags = self.generateHtmlTags(assets);
const pluginArgs = {head: assetTags.head, body: assetTags.body, plugin: self, chunks: chunks, outputName: self.childCompilationOutputName};
// Allow plugins to change the assetTag definitions
return applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-alter-asset-tags', true, pluginArgs)
.then(result => self.postProcessHtml(html, assets, { body: result.body, head: result.head })
.then(html => _.extend(result, {html: html, assets: assets})));
// Allow plugins to change the html after assets are injected
.then(result => {
const html = result.html;
const assets = result.assets;
const pluginArgs = {html: html, assets: assets, plugin: self, outputName: self.childCompilationOutputName};
return applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-after-html-processing', true, pluginArgs)
.then(result => result.html);
.catch(err => {
// In case anything went wrong the promise is resolved
// with the error message and an error is logged
compilation.errors.push(prettyError(err, compiler.context).toString());
// Prevent caching
self.hash = null;
return self.options.showErrors ? prettyError(err, compiler.context).toHtml() : 'ERROR';
.then(html => {
// Replace the compilation result with the evaluated html code
compilation.assets[self.childCompilationOutputName] = {
source: () => html,
size: () => html.length
.then(() => applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall('html-webpack-plugin-after-emit', false, {
html: compilation.assets[self.childCompilationOutputName],
outputName: self.childCompilationOutputName,
plugin: self
}).catch(err => {
return null;
}).then(() => null))
// Let webpack continue with it
.then(() => {
* Evaluates the child compilation result
* Returns a promise
evaluateCompilationResult (compilation, source) {
if (!source) {
return Promise.reject('The child compilation didn\'t provide a result');
// The LibraryTemplatePlugin stores the template result in a local variable.
// To extract the result during the evaluation this part has to be removed.
source = source.replace('var HTML_WEBPACK_PLUGIN_RESULT =', '');
const template = this.options.template.replace(/^.+!/, '').replace(/\?.+$/, '');
const vmContext = vm.createContext(_.extend({HTML_WEBPACK_PLUGIN: true, require: require}, global));
const vmScript = new vm.Script(source, {filename: template});
// Evaluate code and cast to string
let newSource;
try {
newSource = vmScript.runInContext(vmContext);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
if (typeof newSource === 'object' && newSource.__esModule && newSource.default) {
newSource = newSource.default;
return typeof newSource === 'string' || typeof newSource === 'function'
? Promise.resolve(newSource)
: Promise.reject('The loader "' + this.options.template + '" didn\'t return html.');
* Generate the template parameters for the template function
getTemplateParameters (compilation, assets) {
if (typeof this.options.templateParameters === 'function') {
return this.options.templateParameters(compilation, assets, this.options);
if (typeof this.options.templateParameters === 'object') {
return this.options.templateParameters;
return {};
* Html post processing
* Returns a promise
executeTemplate (templateFunction, chunks, assets, compilation) {
return Promise.resolve()
// Template processing
.then(() => {
const templateParams = this.getTemplateParameters(compilation, assets);
let html = '';
try {
html = templateFunction(templateParams);
} catch (e) {
compilation.errors.push(new Error('Template execution failed: ' + e));
return Promise.reject(e);
return html;
* Html post processing
* Returns a promise
postProcessHtml (html, assets, assetTags) {
const self = this;
if (typeof html !== 'string') {
return Promise.reject('Expected html to be a string but got ' + JSON.stringify(html));
return Promise.resolve()
// Inject
.then(() => {
if (self.options.inject) {
return self.injectAssetsIntoHtml(html, assets, assetTags);
} else {
return html;
// Minify
.then(html => {
if (self.options.minify) {
const minify = require('html-minifier').minify;
return minify(html, self.options.minify);
return html;
* Pushes the content of the given filename to the compilation assets
addFileToAssets (filename, compilation) {
filename = path.resolve(compilation.compiler.context, filename);
return Promise.all([
.then(([size, source]) => {
return {
.catch(() => Promise.reject(new Error('HtmlWebpackPlugin: could not load file ' + filename)))
.then(results => {
const basename = path.basename(filename);
if (compilation.fileDependencies.add) {
} else {
// Before Webpack 4 - fileDepenencies was an array
compilation.assets[basename] = {
source: () => results.source,
size: () => results.size.size
return basename;
* Helper to sort chunks
sortChunks (chunks, sortMode, compilation) {
// Custom function
if (typeof sortMode === 'function') {
return chunks.sort(sortMode);
// Check if the given sort mode is a valid chunkSorter sort mode
if (typeof chunkSorter[sortMode] !== 'undefined') {
return chunkSorter[sortMode](chunks, this.options, compilation);
throw new Error('"' + sortMode + '" is not a valid chunk sort mode');
* Return all chunks from the compilation result which match the exclude and include filters
filterChunks (chunks, includedChunks, excludedChunks) {
return chunks.filter(chunk => {
const chunkName = chunk.names[0];
// This chunk doesn't have a name. This script can't handled it.
if (chunkName === undefined) {
return false;
// Skip if the chunk should be lazy loaded
if (typeof chunk.isInitial === 'function') {
if (!chunk.isInitial()) {
return false;
} else if (!chunk.initial) {
return false;
// Skip if the chunks should be filtered and the given chunk was not added explicity
if (Array.isArray(includedChunks) && includedChunks.indexOf(chunkName) === -1) {
return false;
// Skip if the chunks should be filtered and the given chunk was excluded explicity
if (Array.isArray(excludedChunks) && excludedChunks.indexOf(chunkName) !== -1) {
return false;
// Add otherwise
return true;
isHotUpdateCompilation (assets) {
return assets.js.length && assets.js.every(name => /\.hot-update\.js$/.test(name));
htmlWebpackPluginAssets (compilation, chunks) {
const self = this;
const compilationHash = compilation.hash;
// Use the configured public path or build a relative path
let publicPath = typeof compilation.options.output.publicPath !== 'undefined'
// If a hard coded public path exists use it
? compilation.mainTemplate.getPublicPath({hash: compilationHash})
// If no public path was set get a relative url path
: path.relative(path.resolve(compilation.options.output.path, path.dirname(self.childCompilationOutputName)), compilation.options.output.path)
if (publicPath.length && publicPath.substr(-1, 1) !== '/') {
publicPath += '/';
const assets = {
// The public path
publicPath: publicPath,
// Will contain all js & css files by chunk
chunks: {},
// Will contain all js files
js: [],
// Will contain all css files
css: [],
// Will contain the html5 appcache manifest files if it exists
manifest: Object.keys(compilation.assets).filter(assetFile => path.extname(assetFile) === '.appcache')[0]
// Append a hash for cache busting
if (this.options.hash) {
assets.manifest = self.appendHash(assets.manifest, compilationHash);
assets.favicon = self.appendHash(assets.favicon, compilationHash);
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
const chunk = chunks[i];
const chunkName = chunk.names[0];
assets.chunks[chunkName] = {};
// Prepend the public path to all chunk files
let chunkFiles = [].concat(chunk.files).map(chunkFile => publicPath + chunkFile);
// Append a hash for cache busting
if (this.options.hash) {
chunkFiles = => self.appendHash(chunkFile, compilationHash));
// Webpack outputs an array for each chunk when using sourcemaps
// or when one chunk hosts js and css simultaneously
const js = chunkFiles.find(chunkFile => /.js($|\?)/.test(chunkFile));
if (js) {
assets.chunks[chunkName].size = chunk.size;
assets.chunks[chunkName].entry = js;
assets.chunks[chunkName].hash = chunk.hash;
// Gather all css files
const css = chunkFiles.filter(chunkFile => /.css($|\?)/.test(chunkFile));
assets.chunks[chunkName].css = css;
assets.css = assets.css.concat(css);
// Duplicate css assets can occur on occasion if more than one chunk
// requires the same css.
assets.css = _.uniq(assets.css);
return assets;
* Generate meta tags
getMetaTags () {
if (this.options.meta === false) {
return [];
// Make tags self-closing in case of xhtml
// Turn { "viewport" : "width=500, initial-scale=1" } into
// [{ name:"viewport" content:"width=500, initial-scale=1" }]
const selfClosingTag = !!this.options.xhtml;
const metaTagAttributeObjects = Object.keys(this.options.meta).map((metaName) => {
const metaTagContent = this.options.meta[metaName];
return (typeof metaTagContent === 'object') ? metaTagContent : {
name: metaName,
content: metaTagContent
// Turn [{ name:"viewport" content:"width=500, initial-scale=1" }] into
// the html-webpack-plugin tag structure
return => {
return {
tagName: 'meta',
voidTag: true,
selfClosingTag: selfClosingTag,
attributes: metaTagAttributes
* Injects the assets into the given html string
generateHtmlTags (assets) {
// Turn script files into script tags
const scripts = => ({
tagName: 'script',
closeTag: true,
attributes: {
type: 'text/javascript',
src: scriptPath
// Make tags self-closing in case of xhtml
const selfClosingTag = !!this.options.xhtml;
// Turn css files into link tags
const styles = => ({
tagName: 'link',
selfClosingTag: selfClosingTag,
voidTag: true,
attributes: {
href: stylePath,
rel: 'stylesheet'
// Injection targets
let head = this.getMetaTags();
let body = [];
// If there is a favicon present, add it to the head
if (assets.favicon) {
tagName: 'link',
selfClosingTag: selfClosingTag,
voidTag: true,
attributes: {
rel: 'shortcut icon',
href: assets.favicon
// Add styles to the head
head = head.concat(styles);
// Add scripts to body or head
if (this.options.inject === 'head') {
head = head.concat(scripts);
} else {
body = body.concat(scripts);
return {head: head, body: body};
* Injects the assets into the given html string
injectAssetsIntoHtml (html, assets, assetTags) {
const htmlRegExp = /(<html[^>]*>)/i;
const headRegExp = /(<\/head\s*>)/i;
const bodyRegExp = /(<\/body\s*>)/i;
const body =;
const head =;
if (body.length) {
if (bodyRegExp.test(html)) {
// Append assets to body element
html = html.replace(bodyRegExp, match => body.join('') + match);
} else {
// Append scripts to the end of the file if no <body> element exists:
html += body.join('');
if (head.length) {
// Create a head tag if none exists
if (!headRegExp.test(html)) {
if (!htmlRegExp.test(html)) {
html = '<head></head>' + html;
} else {
html = html.replace(htmlRegExp, match => match + '<head></head>');
// Append assets to head element
html = html.replace(headRegExp, match => head.join('') + match);
// Inject manifest into the opening html tag
if (assets.manifest) {
html = html.replace(/(<html[^>]*)(>)/i, (match, start, end) => {
// Append the manifest only if no manifest was specified
if (/\smanifest\s*=/.test(match)) {
return match;
return start + ' manifest="' + assets.manifest + '"' + end;
return html;
* Appends a cache busting hash
appendHash (url, hash) {
if (!url) {
return url;
return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + hash;
* Turn a tag definition into a html string
createHtmlTag (tagDefinition) {
const attributes = Object.keys(tagDefinition.attributes || {})
.filter(attributeName => tagDefinition.attributes[attributeName] !== false)
.map(attributeName => {
if (tagDefinition.attributes[attributeName] === true) {
return attributeName;
return attributeName + '="' + tagDefinition.attributes[attributeName] + '"';
// Backport of 3.x void tag definition
const voidTag = tagDefinition.voidTag !== undefined ? tagDefinition.voidTag : !tagDefinition.closeTag;
const selfClosingTag = tagDefinition.voidTag !== undefined ? tagDefinition.voidTag && this.options.xhtml : tagDefinition.selfClosingTag;
return '<' + [tagDefinition.tagName].concat(attributes).join(' ') + (selfClosingTag ? '/' : '') + '>' +
(tagDefinition.innerHTML || '') +
(voidTag ? '' : '</' + tagDefinition.tagName + '>');
* Helper to return the absolute template path with a fallback loader
getFullTemplatePath (template, context) {
// If the template doesn't use a loader use the lodash template loader
if (template.indexOf('!') === -1) {
template = require.resolve('./lib/loader.js') + '!' + path.resolve(context, template);
// Resolve template path
return template.replace(
(match, prefix, filepath, postfix) => prefix + path.resolve(filepath) + postfix);
* Helper to return a sorted unique array of all asset files out of the
* asset object
getAssetFiles (assets) {
const files = _.uniq(Object.keys(assets).filter(assetType => assetType !== 'chunks' && assets[assetType]).reduce((files, assetType) => files.concat(assets[assetType]), []));
return files;
* Helper to promisify compilation.applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall that returns
* a function that helps to merge given plugin arguments with processed ones
applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall (compilation) {
if (compilation.hooks) {
return (eventName, requiresResult, pluginArgs) => {
const ccEventName = trainCaseToCamelCase(eventName);
if (!compilation.hooks[ccEventName]) {
new Error('No hook found for ' + eventName)
return compilation.hooks[ccEventName].promise(pluginArgs);
// Before Webpack 4
const promisedApplyPluginsAsyncWaterfall = function (name, init) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
compilation.applyPluginsAsyncWaterfall(name, init, callback);
return (eventName, requiresResult, pluginArgs) => promisedApplyPluginsAsyncWaterfall(eventName, pluginArgs)
.then(result => {
if (requiresResult && !result) {
new Error('Using ' + eventName + ' without returning a result is deprecated.')
return _.extend(pluginArgs, result);
* Takes a string in train case and transforms it to camel case
* Example: 'hello-my-world' to 'helloMyWorld'
* @param {string} word
function trainCaseToCamelCase (word) {
return word.replace(/-([\w])/g, (match, p1) => p1.toUpperCase());
* The default for options.templateParameter
* Generate the template parameters
function templateParametersGenerator (compilation, assets, options) {
return {
compilation: compilation,
webpack: compilation.getStats().toJson(),
webpackConfig: compilation.options,
htmlWebpackPlugin: {
files: assets,
options: options
module.exports = HtmlWebpackPlugin;