StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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286 lines
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4 years ago
'use strict'
module.exports = createCamera
var now = require('right-now')
var createView = require('3d-view')
var mouseChange = require('mouse-change')
var mouseWheel = require('mouse-wheel')
var mouseOffset = require('mouse-event-offset')
var hasPassive = require('has-passive-events')
function createCamera(element, options) {
element = element || document.body
options = options || {}
var limits = [ 0.01, Infinity ]
if('distanceLimits' in options) {
limits[0] = options.distanceLimits[0]
limits[1] = options.distanceLimits[1]
if('zoomMin' in options) {
limits[0] = options.zoomMin
if('zoomMax' in options) {
limits[1] = options.zoomMax
var view = createView({
center: || [0,0,0],
up: options.up || [0,1,0],
eye: options.eye || [0,0,10],
mode: options.mode || 'orbit',
distanceLimits: limits
var pmatrix = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
var distance = 0.0
var width = element.clientWidth
var height = element.clientHeight
var camera = {
keyBindingMode: 'rotate',
enableWheel: true,
view: view,
element: element,
delay: options.delay || 16,
rotateSpeed: options.rotateSpeed || 1,
zoomSpeed: options.zoomSpeed || 1,
translateSpeed: options.translateSpeed || 1,
flipX: !!options.flipX,
flipY: !!options.flipY,
modes: view.modes,
_ortho: options._ortho || (options.projection && options.projection.type === 'orthographic') || false,
tick: function() {
var t = now()
var delay = this.delay
var ctime = t - 2 * delay
var allEqual = true
var matrix = view.computedMatrix
for(var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
allEqual = allEqual && (pmatrix[i] === matrix[i])
pmatrix[i] = matrix[i]
var sizeChanged =
element.clientWidth === width &&
element.clientHeight === height
width = element.clientWidth
height = element.clientHeight
if(allEqual) {
return !sizeChanged
distance = Math.exp(view.computedRadius[0])
return true
lookAt: function(eye, center, up) {
view.lookAt(view.lastT(), eye, center, up)
rotate: function(pitch, yaw, roll) {
view.rotate(view.lastT(), pitch, yaw, roll)
pan: function(dx, dy, dz) {
view.pan(view.lastT(), dx, dy, dz)
translate: function(dx, dy, dz) {
view.translate(view.lastT(), dx, dy, dz)
Object.defineProperties(camera, {
matrix: {
get: function() {
return view.computedMatrix
set: function(mat) {
view.setMatrix(view.lastT(), mat)
return view.computedMatrix
enumerable: true
mode: {
get: function() {
return view.getMode()
set: function(mode) {
var curUp = view.computedUp.slice()
var curEye = view.computedEye.slice()
var curCenter = view.computedCenter.slice()
if(mode === 'turntable') {
// Hacky time warping stuff to generate smooth animation
var t0 = now()
view._active.lookAt(t0, curEye, curCenter, curUp)
view._active.lookAt(t0 + 500, curEye, curCenter, [0, 0, 1])
return view.getMode()
enumerable: true
center: {
get: function() {
return view.computedCenter
set: function(ncenter) {
view.lookAt(view.lastT(), null, ncenter)
return view.computedCenter
enumerable: true
eye: {
get: function() {
return view.computedEye
set: function(neye) {
view.lookAt(view.lastT(), neye)
return view.computedEye
enumerable: true
up: {
get: function() {
return view.computedUp
set: function(nup) {
view.lookAt(view.lastT(), null, null, nup)
return view.computedUp
enumerable: true
distance: {
get: function() {
return distance
set: function(d) {
view.setDistance(view.lastT(), d)
return d
enumerable: true
distanceLimits: {
get: function() {
return view.getDistanceLimits(limits)
set: function(v) {
return v
enumerable: true
element.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(ev) {
return false
camera._lastX = -1
camera._lastY = -1
camera._lastMods = {shift: false, control: false, alt: false, meta: false}
camera.enableMouseListeners = function() {
camera.mouseListener = mouseChange(element, handleInteraction)
//enable simple touch interactions
element.addEventListener('touchstart', function (ev) {
var xy = mouseOffset(ev.changedTouches[0], element)
handleInteraction(0, xy[0], xy[1], camera._lastMods)
handleInteraction(1, xy[0], xy[1], camera._lastMods)
}, hasPassive ? {passive: false} : false)
element.addEventListener('touchmove', function (ev) {
var xy = mouseOffset(ev.changedTouches[0], element)
handleInteraction(1, xy[0], xy[1], camera._lastMods)
}, hasPassive ? {passive: false} : false)
element.addEventListener('touchend', function (ev) {
handleInteraction(0, camera._lastX, camera._lastY, camera._lastMods)
}, hasPassive ? {passive: false} : false)
function handleInteraction (buttons, x, y, mods) {
var keyBindingMode = camera.keyBindingMode
if(keyBindingMode === false) return
var rotate = keyBindingMode === 'rotate'
var pan = keyBindingMode === 'pan'
var zoom = keyBindingMode === 'zoom'
var ctrl = !!mods.control
var alt = !!mods.alt
var shift = !!mods.shift
var left = !!(buttons & 1)
var right = !!(buttons & 2)
var middle = !!(buttons & 4)
var scale = 1.0 / element.clientHeight
var dx = scale * (x - camera._lastX)
var dy = scale * (y - camera._lastY)
var flipX = camera.flipX ? 1 : -1
var flipY = camera.flipY ? 1 : -1
var drot = Math.PI * camera.rotateSpeed
var t = now()
if(camera._lastX !== -1 && camera._lastY !== -1) {
if((rotate && left && !ctrl && !alt && !shift) || (left && !ctrl && !alt && shift)) {
// Rotate
view.rotate(t, flipX * drot * dx, -flipY * drot * dy, 0)
if((pan && left && !ctrl && !alt && !shift) || right || (left && ctrl && !alt && !shift)) {
// Pan
view.pan(t, -camera.translateSpeed * dx * distance, camera.translateSpeed * dy * distance, 0)
if((zoom && left && !ctrl && !alt && !shift) || middle || (left && !ctrl && alt && !shift)) {
// Zoom
var kzoom = -camera.zoomSpeed * dy / window.innerHeight * (t - view.lastT()) * 100
view.pan(t, 0, 0, distance * (Math.exp(kzoom) - 1))
camera._lastX = x
camera._lastY = y
camera._lastMods = mods
return true
camera.wheelListener = mouseWheel(element, function(dx, dy) {
// TODO remove now that we can disable scroll via scrollZoom?
if(camera.keyBindingMode === false) return
if(!camera.enableWheel) return
var flipX = camera.flipX ? 1 : -1
var flipY = camera.flipY ? 1 : -1
var t = now()
if(Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {
view.rotate(t, 0, 0, -dx * flipX * Math.PI * camera.rotateSpeed / window.innerWidth)
} else {
if(!camera._ortho) {
var kzoom = -camera.zoomSpeed * flipY * dy / window.innerHeight * (t - view.lastT()) / 20.0
view.pan(t, 0, 0, distance * (Math.exp(kzoom) - 1))
}, true)
return camera