* World Calendars
* https://github.com/alexcjohnson/world-calendars
* Batch-converted from kbwood/calendars
* Many thanks to Keith Wood and all of the contributors to the original project!
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/* http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html
Nepali localisation for Nepali calendar for jQuery v2.0.2.
Written by Artur Neumann (ict.projects{at}nepal.inf.org) April 2013. */
var main = require('../main');
main.calendars.nepali.prototype.regionalOptions['ne'] = {
name: 'Nepali',
epochs: ['BBS', 'ABS'],
monthNames: ['बैशाख', 'जेष्ठ', 'आषाढ', 'श्रावण', 'भाद्र', 'आश्विन', 'कार्तिक', 'मंसिर', 'पौष', 'माघ', 'फाल्गुन', 'चैत्र'],
monthNamesShort: ['बै', 'जे', 'आषा', 'श्रा', 'भा', 'आश', 'का', 'मं', 'पौ', 'मा', 'फा', 'चै'],
dayNames: ['आइतवार', 'सोमवार', 'मगलवार', 'बुधवार', 'बिहिवार', 'शुक्रवार', 'शनिवार'],
dayNamesShort: ['आइत', 'सोम', 'मगल', 'बुध', 'बिहि', 'शुक्र', 'शनि'],
dayNamesMin: ['आ', 'सो', 'म', 'बु', 'बि', 'शु', 'श'],
digits: null,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false